Bug in survival game

Chapter 640 Nightmare Labyrinth 35

Chapter 640 Nightmare Labyrinth 35
"What do you want to do? Nightmare lackeys!"

Qi Xuexuan felt the deadly threat from behind, although she still had other means, she didn't dare to act rashly now, she could only curse and vent her anger.

But being scolded inexplicably, Su Tingyu expressed that he was confused and wronged.

She, she... How did she become a lackey?Why doesn't she know how to pinch?

"Miss sister, did you misunderstand something?" Su Tingyu tried to explain clearly: "Don't get excited, don't get excited, I don't mean anything malicious, I'm a very good person~ I'm just curious to ask you~"

This little sister's mentality is not very stable, and she draws her dagger if she disagrees.

Qi Xuexuan looked indifferent.

no offence?

Then what is the sword behind her?branch?
"Miss, please calm down~"

"Didn't you do it first?"

"I obviously didn't do anything and didn't ask anything? Right?"


Originally, Qi Xuexuan was still full of anger, but somehow, she gradually felt that there was nothing wrong with Su Tingyu's words? !What the hell? !

"Ahem, little sister, I believe you must not be an ordinary person oppressed by a patriarchal family, right? You know the maze so well, you came here for a purpose, right?" Seeing that Qi Xuexuan had calmed down a lot, Su Tingyu said Only then did I ask the question.

When he first met, Su Tingyu realized that Qi Xuexuan might not be as harmless and ordinary as he appeared on the surface.

Because, which ordinary person can know so much?It feels like a lot of it involves some secrets of the maze.

No, in another way of thinking and saying, it should be - who can know so much, will he be an ordinary person?

Originally, when Su Tingyu noticed Qi Xuexuan's strangeness, he could choose to establish a good relationship first, and then slowly figure it out, which would be more secure.

But Qin Qi's situation is unknown now, and now he has become a 12-year-old child. If he continues to get smaller next time, or has other problems, it will be difficult to deal with.

Therefore, Su Tingyu didn't intend to continue to play around and show his cards directly.

As for whether Qi Xuexuan will cooperate obediently... well, this is completely out of Su Tingyu's consideration.

The little fairy is cute, how could anyone not be willing to help her!

"And what kind of nightmare god... Bah, bah, nightmarish lackeys, we really are not, we don't know any nightmare gods." Sensing that Qi Xuexuan seemed to have a lot of opinions on the nightmare god, Su Tingyu quickly turned away Clear the relationship.

Qi Xuexuan frowned: "Aren't you really Nightmare's lackeys?"

"That's right, that's right, if you don't believe me, look at my brother... Bah, he's my friend, he's about the same age as me, but because he entered the illusion, he turned into a 12-year-old child after he came out." Su listened The fish looked aggrieved, and clenched its little claws:

"Then what about Nightmare God Nightmare? He bullied my friend, and I still want to settle accounts with him!"

"You..." Qi Xuexuan was a little dubious.

However, before she came in, she did know that if a person who entered the illusion was targeted by the Nightmare Demon, his body would appear abnormal. Could it be that... these two people really have nothing to do with Nightmare?She misunderstood?
"If you want to know something, let me make some arrangements first. After all, you are in the maze now. If you say it directly..."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu and Qin Qi looked at each other, and after seeing the former nodded slightly, Qin Qi withdrew the ancient bronze sword and took two steps back, but his eyes were still fixed on Qi Xuexuan.

(End of this chapter)

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