Bug in survival game

Chapter 643 Nightmare Labyrinth 38

Chapter 643 Nightmare Labyrinth 38
After Qi Xuexuan taught the two of them all the ways to develop their spiritual power, he said that he would go to a nearby place to check.

Su Tingyu knew that she probably wanted to find her companion. After all, she knew everything and was much more trustworthy than the two of them.

"Okay then, young lady, you can go~" Su Tingyu waved his little paw, watching Qi Xuexuan leave.

When the people left completely, Su Tingyu turned to Qin Qi and said, "Qi Qi, let's try to develop our mental power first~"

"Big fish, mental power... is very similar to the literal meaning of the personal attribute [spirit] on the panel." Qin Qi said suddenly.

"Huh? Personal attributes?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes in confusion.

What are personal attributes?Does she have it?
Su Tingyu tried hard to recall, and finally remembered.

Oh...is that a lot of question marks?

With a thought, Su Tingyu suddenly became curious about other people's attribute data, and asked, "Qiqi, what is your personal attribute data?"

"My...Spirit 80, and others..."

"Wait a minute!" Su Tingyu interrupted Qin Qi's words, his eyes were surprised: "Your number?"

This directly confused Qin Qi, what else could it be if it wasn't a number?
"Qiqi, your spiritual attribute is 80, is that considered high?" Su Tingyu was curious about the criteria for judging personal attributes.

"...The attribute data of ordinary people is below 50, and some individuals will exceed it. At present, no one has a single attribute of more than 100, except for those who add points."

Su Tingyu bit her lower lip lightly, and rolled her eyes slightly.

"Then spiritual power and spiritual attributes are the same thing?"

Qin Qi shook his head: "I don't know yet, but first develop it according to the method. If there is a connection, the spiritual attribute may change."

"Oh..." Su Tingyu's small eyes glanced guiltily.

...How does she feel, even if she is lucky enough to have spiritual power, the string of "???" will not change.

"Let's develop mental power first." Qin Qi said.



Developing mental power requires a relatively quiet environment, so Su Tingyu and the two separated.

Recalling the development steps that Qi Xuexuan said:
Step one, meditate.

"What do you think?" Su Tingyu scratched her head, thinking about it, she slowly closed her eyes.

Step [-]: Inspire a strong obsession.

What obsessions can she have?
Su Tingyu couldn't think of it for a while... Yes!
Shoot that nightmare!It turned Qin Qi into a child!Unforgivable!

Although, Qiqi is quite cute now, ahem~
And there's also... What kind of nightmare, who can see his past, makes Su Tingyu feel that his privacy has been taken care of, is he angry?Absolutely angry!

Su Tingyu still kept his eyes closed, but the expression on his face became a little more exciting.

Gradually, before Su Tingyu realized the problem, faint ripples appeared in the space around her, like a stone being thrown into a calm lake.



At this time, Su Tingyu's panel jumped out.

【caution!The mental attribute of the player 'Angel Su' is abnormal! ! ! 】

【Player 'Angel Su' please stop all activities immediately! ! ! 】

Even through the shield, you can see that the panel system has jumped between the lines. Unfortunately, Su Tingyu has not seen it now, and the panel system has no voice broadcast, so it can't disturb Su Tingyu.

And this time.

Su Tingyu felt that she was put into a glass bottle, and there were glass restricting her actions in all directions.

"What the hell?" Su Tingyu felt an inexplicable desire to destroy, she wanted to break the glass!
Thinking like this, Su Tingyu did it.

So, it broke.

(End of this chapter)

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