Bug in survival game

Chapter 659 Nightmare Labyrinth 54

Chapter 659 Nightmare Labyrinth 54
"Teacher, have I done this paper?" the boy asked.

Upon hearing this, the male teacher approached and looked at the questions of the paper: "No, I personally wrote the questions. Maybe the Seventh Young Master is familiar with the knowledge points in it. This is a good thing. Let's do the papers first."

"Okay, teacher."

two hours later.

The male teacher held the corrected test paper and smiled with satisfaction: "Master Seventh, this is the last test result. Congratulations, you have mastered the knowledge of this course proficiently."

"Okay." The boy sitting at the table responded lightly.

"It's almost time, Seventh Young Master, then I'll go first." The man raised his wrist, glanced at the time on the watch, then turned around to pack up the documents, and said.

The boy stood up, and suddenly, he frowned slightly.

Now... as if he was going to ask something?
"Seventh Young Master, do you have any questions?" At this moment, the male teacher suddenly asked.

The boy froze for a moment, then shook his head silently: "No... Teacher, I'll see you off."

"Then trouble the Seventh Young Master."

"No trouble."


The boy sent the teacher away, and on the way back, he heard some gossip, he paused, then ignored everything as usual, and left without changing his face.

... The scene after scene was repeated over and over again.

In the pitch-black space, there is a touch of bright color as if the clouds and mist have been pushed away. The people and things that appear in it are exactly the past events that the young man has experienced over and over again.

And in the space outside the picture, the mass is even darker, and the humanoid figure whose whole body is like a mass of clouds and mist is secretly watching everything in the picture.

Ta scolded without concealment: "Damn it, why can't it work?"

This is already the tenth time of 'reincarnation', and this human race's mental power has not even been able to wear off half?
Suddenly, something tapped Ta's shoulder from behind.

"Who is it!"

When he turned around impatiently and saw the figure in front of him, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression suddenly looked like he had seen a ghost, which was inconceivable.

"you you you you……"

In front of Ta, there stood a petite and cute girl who greeted Ta with a small hand: "Hello, how are you~"

"Hehe, hello, little sister." Ta was about to pretend he didn't know the girl and run away, but suddenly a long knife appeared in the girl's hand.

"Where do you want to go? This uncle whose surname is unknown, or should he be called—Yan." Su Tingyu's eyes were determined.

"You, you, you...you get out!" Ta's face changed in just a few seconds, and finally turned into a shattered panic: "You are looking for death!!! I will help you!!!"

After the words fell, a little bit of distortion appeared in the whole space, and the bright light of the picture was hidden by Ta's wave of his hand.

And Ta's figure suddenly moved away, away from Su Tingyu directly.

Immediately afterwards, sticky tentacles appeared in the dark and dense space, trying to pull Su Tingyu into it.

Su Tingyu held the death blade with one hand, and with a wave of the blade, a blood-colored blade flashed, and the tentacles broke into several pieces.

Seeing this scene, the air mass around him froze for a few seconds, and his heart went crazy——

Where did this human race come from!

Not to mention the 'nightmare world' I set up so easily, how could you still see through my hiding place without making a sound? !
Even those hypocritical gods in the past were not so difficult to deal with!

This is not human at all...

(End of this chapter)

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