Bug in survival game

Chapter 666 Day Time

Chapter 666 Ten Days
[Dear Angel Su player, hello!Congratulations, you have successfully completed the main task and successfully cleared the Nightmare Labyrinth dungeon, settlement is in progress]

[Acquired Occupation: None]

[Obtain occupational binding items: none]

[Get game items: None]

【Settlement completed】

Back in the settlement space, Su Tingyu looked at the settlement interface that was cleaner than his own face, and three question marks popped out of his head.

"What the hell? Cooperating with me for nothing?" Su Tingyu only felt that a mouthful of old blood was stuffed in his throat, and he couldn't get up and down, which was very uncomfortable.

Thanks to her foresight, she got the introductory cheats of the cultivation system of the Nightmare Labyrinth dungeon world, otherwise, this trip to the dungeon really didn't even get a hair!

"Breaking the game! It's too bullying..."

[Nightmare God Invitation] The token has become an ordinary item. After Su Tingyu poked it down, he threw it into the item recycling furnace.

After two seconds.

The item recovery furnace spit out [game currency * 1]

Good guy!
Worse than the last soap!
After Su Tingyu looked at the "Cheats for Beginners" newly put into the storage ring, she confirmed that the little book was brought back intact by her, and left the settlement space with a dejected expression.

As soon as he came out, Su Tingyu was still in his original position, so he naturally saw Qin Qi at a glance.

Su Tingyu's small mouth narrowed, and he rushed over: "Woo~Qiqi, I got in this round of dungeons for nothing! I didn't get anything!"

Qin Qi raised his hand and touched the furry head in front of him: "It's okay, I'll earn it back next time."

When Su Tingyu heard this, he suddenly raised his head:

"I didn't get everything, just in the dungeon, Miss Qi gave me the practice introduction cheats, hehehe, I brought it back~ I will make a copy for you later... Well, there is also a part of Fatty's. A copy... Gu Jiu also give me a copy by the way!"

"Well, thank you, Big Fish."

"Hehehe~ Fortunately, I'm smart enough!" Su Tingyu put his hands on his hips, triumphantly.

Qin Qi reminded: "Da Yu, let's see what date it is now."

This time they entered a professional dungeon, and the proportion of time elapsed was different. Moreover, staying in the nightmare maze full of illusions, it was difficult to perceive the sunrise and sunset, and it was even more impossible to judge how long the real world had passed.

"Oh, yes, I'll take a look!" Su Tingyu looked around, found his mobile phone, and found that it had been connected to a charger for charging.

Su Tingyu gave a 'thump' in his heart.

……I go.

It won't be a few days, will it?
Su Tingyu unplugged the charger and turned on the screen. The date and time displayed stunned her for a moment.

"Damn it! June 6th!"

"We entered the dungeon on the night of the 20th...almost ten days have passed?!"

Su Tingyu counted the dates, then looked at Qin Qi in surprise.

Qin Qi pursed his lower lip: "Fortunately, it's not too long."

"Let me find Fatty!" Su Tingyu unlocked the phone screen, and dialed Fatty's mobile number directly, "It's the 30th today, and I don't know if Fatty has entered the copy..."

After a few seconds, the phone was dialed, and Fatty's surprised voice came from the other side: "Boss! You are finally out!"

"Yes, fat man, you..."

Just as Su Tingyu was about to say something, at this moment, the door of the room was opened from the outside, followed by the fat man's figure appearing in front of the two of them:
"Boss! Brother Qin! You've finally come out! I've been waiting for you for five days, but in the end I couldn't wait anymore. I entered the dungeon on the 24th, and I'll have another dungeon later."

(End of this chapter)

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