Bug in survival game

Chapter 670 Title Jun ran away from home

Chapter 670 Title Jun ran away from home
Du Zhiwei calmed down and said, "With your current financial resources, it should be easy to find a suitable heart again. You can't waste any more time..."

"Forget it, it's too troublesome." Shan Yu refused: "Didn't you also say... Even if you can change your heart, it may not be cured?"


Shan Yu raised his hand to interrupt: "Okay, I didn't come to listen to your nagging, my medicine is almost used up, give me a new one."

"Shan Yu, are you sure you want to live?" Du Zhiwei said in a deep voice, "As a patient, you need to cooperate with my treatment."

This is the first time Du Zhiwei has seen a patient like Shan Yu after practicing medicine for many years.

If it is said that she wants to be cured and survived, but has been refusing to be treated, she has an attitude of not wanting to live and letting God take her life quickly.

If it is said that she commits suicide and wants to die, but she also loves beauty and extravagance, is intoxicated with money, and lives more recklessly and boldly than anyone else.

"Live? Want to live..." Shan Yu still had a smile on his face: "As long as you live these few years... that's enough."

"I'm talking about the kind that live to be five or sixty years old!"

Hearing this, Shan Yu wrinkled her delicate face, feeling very disgusted: "I've lived so long, I'm old and ugly."

Seeing that Du Zhiwei couldn't persuade him again this time, he could only temporarily change the subject: "Come with me, as usual, do an inspection."

after an hour.

The inspection is over.

Du Zhiwei held a palm-sized medicine bag in his hand, and threw it directly to Shan Yu: "It's all inside."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Shan Yu got the medicine and was about to leave.

Du Zhiwei: "Hey, you should think about it. With a heart transplant, you may still live past the age of 30. If you don't accept it... In short, it's better to be alive than to die stinking."

"Oh." Shan Yu replied indifferently, and left the backyard directly.

Seeing that Shan Yu's figure gradually disappeared, Du Zhiwei raised his hand and stroked his left cheek... Under the veil, there was an ugly and terrifying scar that almost extended from behind the ear to the corner of his mouth.

"Du Zhiwei, you really...have nothing to do..."

My own life is in a mess, and I still have the mind to take care of a popular star.


After a half-day trip, Su Tingyu arrived in Kunming.

Although it is a modern society, tall buildings and roads can be seen everywhere, but the heaven and earth are vast and vast, and some areas still retain the culture and customs handed down from the ancestors.

In the case of not endangering national security, they are allowed to preserve and pass on the things of their ancestors.

Among them, Kunming Province is one of the provinces in the Celestial Dynasty that retains the ancient clan system to the greatest extent.

On the bright side, Kunming Province has an official organization for unified management, but in some details, the power of the clan can be seen from time to time.

In Queensland, there are five major clans that jointly assist official agencies and manage local social order.

The five clans are: Li, Zhang, Yang, Wang, and Zhao.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, although there have been minor frictions and troubles among the five major clans and hundreds of small clans, overall, they have lived in peace and harmony.

After Su Tingyu came to the agreed meeting point, he met and understood Puyu in a homestay.

"I'm here, Xiao Yuyu, can you tell me now what happened?"

Su Tingyu let go of the suitcase, found a sofa and sat down.

This homestay is the foothold of a hidden organization. In normal circumstances, there is an ordinary and shy couple living here. They work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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