Bug in survival game

Chapter 679: Young Master Wang 2 who decisively 'sold' my brother

Chapter 679

Under the banner of the Wang family, Shenghui Hotel.

Wang Yonghua reached out, opened the door of a private room, and walked in.

In the private room, Wang Yongbin was sitting on a chair with nothing to do. When he saw someone coming, he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Brother, sit down."

But the two brothers once had a fight because of Tian Man, and now, Wang Yonghua will naturally not show a good face: "Tell me, what can you do with me?"

"If it's about Man'er, I'll still say the same thing. I can't give up half a step. Give up, brother." Wang Yonghua preemptively preemptively blocked Wang Yongbin's next words.

But what about Wang Yongbin? Unexpectedly, when Wang Yongbin heard Tian Man this time, he was not excited at all. Instead, he said mysteriously: "Brother, in fact, I didn't come to you this time."

"It's not you looking for me, who is it?" Wang Yonghua looked puzzled.

Afterwards, Wang Yongbin stretched out his hand silently, and pointed to the... door behind Wang Yonghua.

Just as Wang Yonghua closed the door casually and was pushed away again, three people walked in all at once.

Xie Puyu bowed his hands politely, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Master Wang, it's my first time meeting, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Wang Yonghua slapped his big hand, and the table in front of him trembled: "What? Are you promising? Why are you looking for someone? I'm your big brother!"

Wang Yongbin earnestly said: "Brother, I am doing this for your own good, you will know in a while."

"Benefactor, please, I'm going out first."

Su Tingyu waved his paw: "Yeah, let's go."

"Wang Yongbin! Wang Yongbin! Come back to me!" Seeing that Wang Yongbin was about to slip out of the private room, and he was stopped by Ling Jue, Wang Yonghua, who fully realized that something was wrong, began to call Wang Yongbin, trying to stop him for questioning.

But Wang Yongbin was reminded beforehand, so he went out without looking back.

"Master Wang, don't worry." Xie Puyu squinted his face with a smile, looking like a gentle scum but very graceful.

Su Tingyu: "Xiaojue, lock the door."

Ling Jue nodded towards Su Tingyu, then walked towards the door, closed the door of the private room, and then stood there like a door god, with piercing eyes, staring straight at Wang Yonghua.

"You... you are called by Wang Yongbin, you want to mess with me, right?"

Su Tingyu: "Master Wang, we just want to ask about Tian Man."

According to the plan, it is still necessary to determine whether Wang Yonghua has been "bewitched", so Su Tingyu deliberately mentioned Tian Man to stimulate Wang Yonghua.

On the other side, Xie Puyu and Ling Jue had silently taken out their earmuffs.

"Sure enough! That kid called me here with bad intentions! Tell that kid for me that Tian Man can only belong to my young master! Tell him to get out of here and stay!!"

Wang Yonghua spoke angrily, and in the end, he even roared like a beast, and in the depths of his eyes, traces of flickering pink light flashed.

Su Tingyu's eyes narrowed slightly.

Sure enough, Wang Yonghua was also tricked.

Now that it was confirmed that Wang Yonghua was bewitched to be beautiful, Su Tingyu stopped wasting words and started hypnosis.


10 minute later.

After Su Tingyu asked some questions, there was still 10 minutes of hypnosis time, and he left it to understand Puyu for 'reasoning'.

Xie Puyu walked up to Wang Yonghua who was paralyzed on the chair, stretched out the index finger of his right hand, and pressed it on the center of the latter's brow, while the index finger of his left hand was placed on his temple.

Then, Xie Puyu slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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