Bug in survival game

Chapter 701 Calling Out 4

Chapter 701 Calling Out 4
Ling Jue blinked, and suddenly realized: {It turned out to be like this, I thought I was hungry, and wanted to go back quickly to make dinner (=^▽^=)}
Xie Puyu: ... Boss, I'm cheap, I was wrong.

"Yes, yes, hurry up and drive back! Xiao Juejue is hungry." Su Tingyu slipped into the back seat of the car excitedly.

"Okay, go back to eat."


After the matter was settled, Xie Puyu also relaxed a little.

When the three of them returned to the B&B, the first thing they did was of course... not to have dinner.

Su Tingyu hypnotized all six foreign players, and then asked them to honestly take out all the game items in their inventory.

Then, all of them were put into the item column by Xie Puyu, and then transferred to the people above.

After the end, Su Tingyu looked slightly regretful: "Fortunately, none of them have bound game items on them, but the game currency cannot be transferred out, which is a pity."

These six foreign players are still in the "Dungeon World", and the game items in the inventory can naturally be taken out, but the game coins cannot.

"So, that Yin Ran just lied to you." Xie Puyu was typing on the computer, reporting the specific situation and gains of this mission.

Su Tingyu puffed his face: "Yes, it's too cunning!"

Fortunately, the clever little fairy saw through her plot.

Su Tingyu: "By the way, are these six alien players really going to be imprisoned? Don't let them go?"

Xie Puyu shook his head: "I don't know yet, it all depends on the decisions made by the higher authorities."

"Then what do you think?" Su Tingyu sat next to Xie Puyu, reaching for the fruit on the coffee table.

Xie Puyu was silent for a while, and said, "I prefer to be imprisoned."

"There is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different."

"In this situation, if you stand on both sides, there is nothing wrong. Players from other worlds want to complete tasks and obtain jobs, and we must curb some of the adverse effects that players from other worlds have on our society and people."

Su Tingyu nodded and gnawed a piece of apple: "It makes sense, continue."

Just after Ling Jue got off the car, he had already gone to the kitchen. Su Tingyu, who had no food for the time being, could only eat fruit first.

"There is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty, cutting off people's wealth is tantamount to killing their parents."

"For players, the importance of a profession is self-evident. We have ruined a chance for these foreign players to obtain a profession this time, and they are likely to harbor hatred towards us. When the time comes, letting them go is tantamount to Let go of six hidden dangers."

Xie Puyu paused for a moment, then lowered his voice: "Don't forget, the public beta time."

Hearing this, Su Tingyu was stunned: "Do you think..."

"Yeah." Xie Puyu nodded: "When I learned that professional dungeons are likely to be real worlds, and the NPCs inside are actually living beings just like us, I was thinking, why only our world, There is a group of players, could it be that in the real world, there are also groups of players hiding in the dark."

"Before the appearance of foreign players, my guess for the public beta has always been on a global scale, but this time with the appearance of foreign players, they still regard our world as a professional dungeon... No, it should be our world It has also become a professional copy."

"So, when the public beta comes, is it possible for local players in every world to meet each other?"

Su Tingyu blinked her big eyes slowly. Her brain was a little dazed, and she subconsciously took another bite of the apple: "Well...it's really sweet, not bad."

(End of this chapter)

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