Bug in survival game

Chapter 704 The Boss Is Here

Chapter 704 The Boss Is Here
In the end, Zhao Wenbo and others signed the confidentiality agreement.

It's easy for a few people to hide it. After all, three of them are the heirs of their respective families. During this period, it just so happens that their direct elders have organized a group to travel abroad. As long as they can handle family affairs, They will not bother with the elders of the direct line.

So, everyone happily finished the meal.

After eating, everyone dispersed one after another.

That night.

Su Tingyu began to pack his luggage.

During the period, those players from other worlds woke up and tried to escape with the help of game items in the inventory, but found that the inside was empty, as if they had been robbed by robbers, and there was nothing left.

Su Tingyu hypnotized these people again.

Su Tingyu's singing was played on a loop in the small black room, but the hypnotic effect became more and more reduced if the number of times was too high.

So, Su Tingyu recorded some songs overnight to "entertain" players from other worlds.

Day [-].

Early in the morning, Su Tingyu couldn't wait to leave.

In the homestay, Ling Jue, who had nothing to do, went to watch TV again.

until two in the afternoon.

Outside the hotel.

Two cars came from a distance, and finally parked slowly beside the door of the hotel.

One is a green pickup truck and the other is a black RV.

Inside the door, Xie Puyu, who heard the movement, yelled at Ling Jue: "The car is here, we should go too."

In front of the TV, Ling Jue nodded, but he was slow to react... Xiao Yuyu couldn't see him nodding now.

So Ling Jue got up and turned off the TV, and walked out the door with Xie Puyu.


The green leather pickup truck opened the back compartment, and the interior was set up as an iron cage with iron bars, as well as iron doors and locks.

The guards have successively sent those players from other worlds into the carriage.

The rear door of the RV opened, a long straight leg stretched out, and then, tan boots stepped on the ground.

The person who got out of the car was a tall woman with short hair.

The facial features of short-haired women are not as weak and beautiful as those of ordinary women. Instead, they tend to be neutral, handsome and cold. Coupled with a head of black short hair that reaches the ears, they look very heroic.

The first time Xie Puyu saw the short-haired woman, she was a little surprised: "Boss, why did you go back to China?"

"The foreign mission was interrupted. I was recalled urgently, and I stopped by to pick you up." The short-haired woman slightly hooked her mouth and explained.

{Boss! }
Ling Jue's eyes lighted up several times, and the joy in his eyes was about to overflow.

"Xiao Jue, are you eating obediently?" The short-haired woman stepped forward a few steps, reached out and gently pinched Ling Jue's right cheek, which was still a little fleshy.

Xie Puyu smiled and said: "The dead fish are here these few days, grab food from him and eat more."

"That's good, but what about that guy?"

"Slip away."

"Then leave her alone."

The short-haired woman glanced slightly out of the corner of her eye, saw that the players from other worlds had thrown them into the car and locked them, and said, "Let's go, get in the car."

"Okay, boss, then I'll be the co-pilot of the truck." Xie Puyu voluntarily exited.

Ling Jue blinked, and looked at the back of Xie Puyu leaving.

"Get in the car, there is a TV in the car."

{it is good! }
As soon as he heard the word 'television', Ling Jue immediately got into the car, regardless of why Xie Puyu didn't ride with him.

Seeing this, the short-haired woman shook her head helplessly, and then got into the car.

Ten seconds later, the two cars started slowly.

Inside the RV.

Ling Jue took out the remote control and turned on the TV.

"Xiaojue, I will drop by home later, my parents miss you very much." The short-haired woman was sitting in the car, browsing electronic documents with a laptop.

At the bottom of each approved electronic document, the short-haired woman typed out three words:
——Lin Wuxia
Ling Jue turned his head in doubt, and gestured: {Uncles and aunts are back from their trip?Well, I'll go see them. }
(End of this chapter)

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