Bug in survival game

Chapter 732 Yin Yang City 14

Chapter 732 Yin Yang City 14
Shan Yu took out a collar that she got not long ago from the inventory. It is a collar specially worn by men in this extremely cloudy area. She tried to store it in the inventory and found that it was OK.

"You put it on first, and then take it off when you are safe. A man who appears in the extreme shade area without a collar to declare his master will easily cause trouble, especially... the good-looking ones."

Gu Qi: "..."

Seeing Gu Qi's face of resistance, Shan Yu continued to persuade: "I didn't lie to you, I have learned about the situation in the extremely cloudy area, if you go out like this now, it is easy to attract attention."

"Put it on first, okay?" Shan Yu was about to approach, but Gu Qi retreated several steps like a conditioned reflex.

Shan Yu was slightly stunned, and then she said again: "There is a double switch on the collar, the first layer is simply locked, and the wearer can open it by himself."

Gu Qi struggled for a few seconds, and finally reached out, trying to take the collar.

"Don't move, you don't know how to use it yet, so don't wear it wrong." Shan Yu approached while explaining.

This time, Gu Qi didn't dodge any more, and let Shan Yu put it on for him.

After putting it on, Gu Qi stretched out his hand to touch the collar without worry.

While wearing a collar, Gu Qi's inventory is also unavailable.

Shan Yu reminded: "There is a small button at the back, you click it to open it, and don't touch the red button on the front, it is the switch of the second floor."

Gu Qi tried to open it according to Shan Yu's words...it could be opened, and the item bar was restored to use, and then he locked it again by himself.

Immediately, Gu Qi stared at Shan Yu again.

"Then, shall we go?" Shan Yu held the doorknob with one hand, and waved at Gu Qi twice with the other hand.

Seeing this, Gu nodded.


the other side.

"Jiawen, what can I do for you?" After Qu Xinyue entered the door, she found that there was someone else besides Xu Jiawen.

Mei Lanxiang and her two little boys are here.

Qu Xinyue looked at Xu Jiawen: "Who is this?"

"This is Mei Ju from the Finance Bureau, Xinyue, Mei Ju is here to find you." As she said that, Xu Jiawen's face was a little complicated, and she looked at Qu Xinyue with a hint of apology in her eyes.

When Qu Xinyue heard the word "Finance Bureau", her eyes immediately changed.

Mei Lanxiang's plump body was sitting on the single sofa, her tone was casual but unusually strong: "I'll get straight to the point. I've taken a fancy to the goods you just bid for, so let's talk about it."

Mei Lanxiang still had her two little male favorites by her side, and the latter two also completely ignored others, serving their master wholeheartedly.

Qu Xinyue looked into Mei Lanxiang's eyes and asked, "Mei Ju really likes the goods we just auctioned?"

"Naturally." Mei Lanxiang couldn't help but think of Gu Qi's face and figure.

However, Mei Lanxiang knew better that it was a 'gift' for the master, and she couldn't get her hands on it.

As for pets, she can have them anytime, anywhere, and that one is not bad.

"Since Mei Ju really likes her, I can only be an adult." Qu Xinyue smiled, showing a very considerate and friendly attitude.

Qu Xinyue felt a little regretful.

It's a pity that I can't catch up with the children this time.

However, if a child falls into the hands of such a fat-headed and big-eared pig woman, he still doesn't know what kind of torture he will be in... Really looking forward to it.

Thinking of this, the smile on Qu Xinyue's face became more real.

(End of this chapter)

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