Bug in survival game

Chapter 734 Yin Yang City 16

Chapter 734 Yin Yang City 16
When Gu Qi subconsciously thought about how Shan Yu would get angry——

Shan Yu turned around, stretched out his hand, and hugged Gu Qi's waist.

Gu Qi's body froze for a moment.

"Baby, let me love you tonight, okay?"

An extremely ambiguous voice rang in my ears, because I was so close all of a sudden, Gu Qi could still smell a trace of sweet and sweet perfume.

Gu Qi subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but at this moment, Shan Yu's secret voice came again:

["Don't want to be angry with her anymore? Huh?"]

These words reminded Gu Qi at the right time, he glanced at Qu Xinyue opposite from the corner of his eye... It seemed that he was really angry.

For a while, Gu Qi hesitated again. After a short choice, he chose to continue to cooperate.

But Gu Qi couldn't be as calm as Shan Yu, he could only stand stiffly in place like a piece of wood.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it seems that Shan Yu is letting Shan Yu do whatever he wants without any resistance.

Without resistance, it is obviously a kind of obedience and acquiescence.

Qu Xinyue stared at Shan Yu touching Gu Qi's arm, although she didn't show much on her face, she was a little puzzled in her heart.

...It shouldn't be, with a child's temperament, how could a woman be allowed to touch him so recklessly?

Qu Xinyue previously thought that Mei Lanxiang wanted someone, so she went along with the flow and gave Gu Qi away, which was what she was happy to see.

But now, Shan Yu not only put her on the sidelines in advance, but deliberately used this method to provoke her, Qu Xinyue felt a little bit upset.

Qu Xinyue regretted it a little bit. When Lan Xing kidnapped Shan Yu, she should have dealt with Shan Yu completely... But at the time, she thought she was just an insignificant character, so she didn't take it to heart.

"Since the deal is concluded, we will stay soon, right?"

Xiao Xiao got angry with Qu Xinyue, and Shan Yu accepted it as soon as she saw it.

The most important thing is to take Gu Qi away first, so as to avoid another accident.

"Yes, yes, yes." Mei Lanxiang laughed, holding a little boy in one hand, and threw a look of "you understand me" at Shan Yu.

"My humble congratulations on your upcoming promotion, we will meet again by fate."

Mei Lanxiang left the scene and walked out of the room first.

Shan Yu let go, and whispered to Gu Qi: "Let's go too."

Gu Qi nodded slightly, and then left the room.

After the people left, when only Xu Jiawen and Qu Xinyue were left in the room, the former asked in doubt: "Mei Lanxiang has an arrogant personality, it's hard to like anyone, why would she grab a chick for another person this time?"

Qu Xinyue folded her hands on her chest, and there was a trace of coldness in her eyes: "She is from another world."

"You mean...that strange woman just now is an aborigine from another world that you accidentally went to?" Xu Jiawen's eyes flashed with surprise.

"Not only her, but also that man. Because of something, they were able to come to Yinyang Star for a short time." Qu Xinyue explained briefly.

Xu Jiawen is not a player, and Qu Xinyue can't reveal too much information about Parallel Paradise now.

When Qu Xinyue first came to this dungeon world, she immediately recognized it as her original world.

Qu Xinyue felt incredible, and became even more curious about the intention and mastermind behind Parallel Paradise.

During this period, Qu Xinyue discovered that more than 150 years had passed since she first left Yinyang.

And I have only lived in Blue Star for more than 30 years.

The ratio of time between the two is——

(End of this chapter)

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