Bug in survival game

Chapter 742 Yin Yang City 24

Chapter 742 Yin Yang City 24
Who are they?

Why do they want to spy on the little fairy?


While Su Tingyu was thinking wildly, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the three women who seemed to have made up their minds. They got up together and walked towards Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu: Surprised Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

There is a bad silver who wants to abduct the little fairy, hey! !

Su Tingyu secretly poked his left hand into his pocket, ready to reveal the "big treasure stick" (name: Liuyun stick) in the inventory at any time

Among the three, someone asked Su Tingyu, "Excuse me, is your name Yu Susu?"

"Ah?" Su Tingyu was stunned for a moment.

What fish susu?

Who is Yu Susu? ?

Laughing to death~ Which idiot would call such a rustic name?
Seeing Su Tingyu's wary face, the woman explained: "It's like this. There is a Miss Shan who is looking for Yu Susu. According to the information she provided, you fit Yu Susu's characteristics in all aspects."

Miss Shan?
Su Tingyu blinked her big eyes, could it be Miss Shan Yu?

Fish Susu... Susu...

Shan Yu often calls her "Susu", so this Miss Shan is probably Miss Shan Yu.

"My name is Yu...Susu, I am indeed looking for someone. Where is that Miss Shan now? Can I go and see her?" Su Tingyu stood up excitedly.

"Of course." The woman didn't think there was anything wrong, it was normal for Su Tingyu to be wary.



When Su Tingyu really saw Shan Yu himself, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

Before actually seeing the person, Su Tingyu had some doubts in his heart after all.

Well now, I really found someone.

"Huh? Gu Jiu, are you here?" Su Tingyu was pleasantly surprised for the second time. It turned out that Gu Qi and Shan Yu had met a long time ago.

Gu Qi glanced at her, then looked away.

This guy knew at a glance that Qin Lin was not found.

"Thank you very much." Shan Yu thanked the three women who brought Su Tingyu over.

"It should be, master, if there is nothing else, we will leave first."

When Su Tingyu heard this, he blinked his big eyes curiously.

What is a master?
How did Sister Shan Yu become a master?
Shan Yu: "Yes."


After the people left, there were no outsiders present, Su Tingyu couldn't wait to ask: "Sister, how did you become a master?"

"It's a long story, but in short, it's all luck." Shan Yu blinked her beautiful eyes lightly.

["Susu, you now have an extra identity. We are the apprentices of a certain hidden master, and we have some unique methods. You are my junior sister, Yu Susu, and I am Shan Shuangxi."]

Su Tingyu opened his eyes slightly.


How did Sister Shan Yu's voice get into her head?

Besides, didn't Miss Shan Yu not speak?How can there be a sound wow?
"Sister~ this is..." As a curious baby, Su Tingyu looked at Shan Yu with a face full of curiosity.

Shan Yu whispered two words: "Talent."

Su Tingyu understood.

Sister Shan Yu's talent is quite interesting, voice transmission through the air?

"By the way, Sister Shan Yu, have you seen Qin Qi?"

Shan Yu shook his head: "No, I just came here yesterday, and I only met Gu Qi."

"But having said that, it seems that the extremely cloudy area is not very friendly to Gu Jiu."

"So, we need to quickly find out the main mission and clear this round of dungeons."

Neither Shan Yu nor Gu Qi met Qin Qi, so Su Tingyu could only continue to pray... praying that Qin Qi was on the Jiyang Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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