Bug in survival game

Chapter 758 Yin Yang City 40

Chapter 758 Yin Yang City 40
In a room somewhere in the winery.

In the large and spacious cloakroom, some men's soft and flattering voices were constantly heard.

"Second Highness, what you are wearing today is really majestic and charming."

"Second Highness, this dress is just right for you, no one is more handsome than you..."

"Haha, that is."

A woman in a fine attire was admiring her own face in a mirror, while the two male servants at the side spread out all kinds of good words as if they didn't want money, licking the woman so well.

The female subordinate who was waiting alone at the door of the cloakroom looked at the time on the watch on her wrist, and reminded: "Second Highness, it's almost time, it's time to go."

"Okay, let's enjoy the beauty of the palace when we come back." The second princess stretched out her hand to lift the little braids that were hanging down her side face, her tone was extremely narcissistic.

The female subordinate began to report some of the latest news about the banquet that she had just received: "Second Highness, for today's guests, there are a few that have not been able to spare time, and the rest are basically here."

The second queen's face turned cold: "Is there anyone here?"

Ha ha.

Who is so ignorant of good and evil, dare to refute the face of this hall?

Female subordinate: "It's the ones that have been closer to the eldest princess."

"Then it's no wonder..." Upon hearing that it was the reason, the second princess slightly concealed her impulsive anger.

"As long as the few houses that the hall had taken a fancy to before don't run away..."

"It's all here."

"That's good."


at the same time.

outside the door.

Su Tingyu's figure appeared on the edge of the door, and she was holding an ordinary-looking hat in her hand.

"It should... be here." Su Tingyu looked at the door in front of him, muttering to himself.

The current second princess of the extremely yin royal family is an extremely narcissistic and smug woman, and before each grand attendance, she will dress up for several hours, and finally she is barely satisfied before leaving.

Because of the hobby of the second princess, the hotel under her name also has a huge cloakroom with everything in it.

Su Tingyu put on his hat again, and his figure became invisible again.

Then, the door of the room opened 'by itself'.

Su Tingyu sneaked into the 'room' which was bigger than a football field, and started looking for the second princess.

"The cloakroom...it should be inside the cloakroom..." Su Tingyu tiptoed towards the 'suspected' cloakroom.

However, Su Tingyu bumped into the second princess who had just come out of the cloakroom head-on.

The sudden incident made Su Tingyu freeze in place for a moment, but the second princess and the others didn't notice her... In hindsight, Su Tingyu had already spoiled a bit.

"For a while, stay by my side. I need to know the information of the person in front of me at any time, do you understand?" The second princess, who is as proud as a swan, has no habit of remembering people.

"Yes, Second Highness."

Su Tingyu counted the number of people, including the second princess, there were four people in total.

The two male servants should be useless, but the second princess and female subordinates might have some strange abilities.

If he didn't subdue the two of them immediately, he might have alarmed the guards outside.

Just as Su Tingyu was wondering which one to attack first.

"Hiss~ I'm going to have a little rest first." People have three urgencies, and the honorable second princess is no exception.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu's eyes brightened slightly, and he quietly followed.

"Uh huh huh~ huh huh~"

Entering the bathroom, the second princess was still in a leisurely mood, and even sang an unknown song.

"Okay, the Lord Zheng of the palace... the palace is here!" When the second princess was imagining what a peerless handsome man Zhengjun would be in the future, the toilet suddenly seemed to be blown away by the wind.

The second princess didn't pay much attention, she just thought it was because she didn't close the door properly just now.

Without the second queen's knowledge, the invisible Su Tingyu had already stood behind the second queen, and slowly raised the meteor stick in her hand.

With a stick down, Su Tingyu was sure of his sense of proportion, which could not only make the second princess faint without reacting at all, but also avoid attracting the attention of the remaining three people outside.

After the second princess was knocked unconscious, Su Tingyu stretched out one hand to support the former, causing the former to fall to the ground without making a sound.

Immediately afterwards, Su Tingyu took out the few remaining disguise potions, and after taking a bottle, she quickly changed into the appearance of the second princess.

So, Su Tingyu stepped out with a normal expression on his face, and before the three of them could react, he hooked his fingers at the two male servants: "You two, come here." After finishing speaking, Su Tingyu turned back directly into the bathroom.

The two male servants were slightly taken aback for a moment, and then they all came to their senses... Is the Second Highness going to mess around again?
The male servant did not have the right to refuse or hesitate, and had already received the order from "Second Highness", so he could only walk over obediently.

"Second Highness, you are really annoying~"

"The family has just finished..."


Su Tingyu, who was hiding behind the bathroom door, had goosebumps all over the floor when he heard these voices, and couldn't hold back even after checking.

Waiting for the two of them to push the door and come in, Su Tingyu knocked each of them with a stick neatly, knocking both of them unconscious.

The rest of the female subordinates saw that the male servant was found in, and shook their heads slightly: "Second Highness, then I will go to the banquet first, please hurry up."

"……"no respond.

The female subordinate didn't think there was anything wrong. The Second Highness probably had too much fun and was too involved.

In the bathroom, Su Tingyu leaned against the wall, listening to the sound of footsteps fading away outside, and then slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

When she turned her head to look at the three people on the bathroom floor again, her eyes rolled slightly, and then she took out a recording pen from the storage ring.

Considering that there are times in the dungeon where you can't sing anytime, anywhere, Su Tingyu's hypnotic singing has been pre-recorded in the recorder.

After Su Tingyu turned it on, he adjusted the volume, which could only be heard in this bathroom, and then began to play in an infinite loop until the battery ran out.

After finishing all this, Su Tingyu walked out of the bathroom.


at this time.

In a certain heterogeneous space.

The two managers are always watching the "duplicate" operation of the Yin-Yang star.

On hundreds of transparent screens, the situation and status of some Blue Star players on Yin Yang Star are broadcast in real time.

"Hahaha, it's really a bunch of idiots..." From time to time, some pictures on the screen would become interesting, and the manager of Yinyang Star would ridicule again and again.

"Is it funny?"

Suddenly, a peaceful voice of inquiry sounded.

"That's not..." The manager of Yin Yang star subconsciously replied in a moment of quick talk.

But as soon as he finished answering, he felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, a vortex door opened above, and three figures flew out of it.

(End of this chapter)

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