Bug in survival game

Chapter 773 Happy Birthday, 77~

Chapter 773 Happy Birthday, Seven Seven~
Evening, 06:30.

Capital, Gu's Manor.

"Yes, yes, it should be placed higher here."

"And here, put it a little to the right."


The servants of the Gu family are arranged in the living room on the first floor of the main villa, and Fatty and Wei Chu are among them.

The fat man went to pour a glass of water by himself, and while drinking the water, he looked at the layout in the living room.

"Is it ready?"

Just as the fat man was about to leave, a questioning voice came from behind him.

The fat man turned his head to look, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Boss, Miss Shan, you are back, everything is almost done, no problem."

"En." Gu Qi glanced at the living room, then sat on the sofa.

Seeing this, Shan Yu also found a place to sit down. Looking at the warm arrangement present, she found it hard to imagine: "It's your idea to celebrate Qin Qi's birthday?"

Gu Qi: "Not really, Su Tingyu reminded me."

Shan Yu asked curiously: "By the way, what is your relationship with Qin Qi? It's not the same surname, and you have no relatives or reasons."

Although Gu Qi didn't show any obvious words verbally, he can still see that he cares about Qin Qi through some casual little details on weekdays.

"The younger brother I met more than ten years ago, I just found it." Gu Qi looked at the big cake on the dining table with the words 'Happy Birthday' on it.

"That's it..." Shan Yu sighed slightly, and didn't continue to ask.


at this time.


In the room, Su Tingyu accompanied Qin Qi to watch TV.

Qin Qi's hands are healed, and some trivial things, such as: holding the remote control, can also be done, and he doesn't need too many people around to take care of him.

Su Tingyu looked down at the phone screen from time to time, but there was nothing, and then continued to watch TV.

Seeing that it was almost seven o'clock in the evening, the screen of Su Tingyu's phone lit up.

After a few seconds, Su Tingyu reached out and poked Qin Qi's arm:

"Qiqi, do you want to go for a drive? It's not good to stay in the room all the time, is it?"

"Huh? Go for a drive?" Qin Qi was a little confused. Suddenly, why did he talk about going for a drive?
Su Tingyu continued: "That's right, just stroll around the manor, don't you want to go out?"

"No, it's just...too troublesome." Qin Qi glanced at his legs and replied calmly.

"No trouble no trouble, let's go~"


Qin Qi turned his head and glanced at the window of the room. At this time, the sky was already slightly hazy.

... He did, hadn't been out for a while.

"Okay, I'll push the wheelchair!" Su Tingyu quickly pushed the wheelchair, then picked up Qin Qi on the bed, and put him on the wheelchair.

"Qiqi, sit down." Su Tingyu opened the door and pushed Qin Qi out of the room.

The two took the elevator all the way down to the first floor.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, it was pitch black outside.

After the two got out of the elevator, the dark living room lit up with various small lights.

In front of a special dining table, various exquisite delicacies are placed, and a double-layer cake is placed in the middle.

Qin Qi looked over in a daze... Gu Qi, Fatty, Shan Yu, and Qi Bubai were all at the edge of the dining table.

"Qiqi, happy birthday!"

At this time, Qin Qi heard Su Tingyu's soft blessing behind him.

"Brother Qin, happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday, Qin Qi."

"Seventh Young Master, happy birthday."


Qin Qichi blinked his eyes suddenly: "These...my birthday?"

"Qiqi, today is your birthday~ remember it!" Su Tingyu excitedly pushed people to the dining table.

This dining table was specially made, and its height was just right for Qin Qi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, to have a normal meal.

"Thank you..." Qin Qi looked at the most conspicuous big cake on the dining table. On the top, there were seven little pandas of different sizes drawn with cream. They fell asleep on the rocks, and some sat on the ground and gnawed on bamboo.

"Come here, light the candles, Qiqi, make a wish." Su Tingyu pointed at the cake, and the fat man beside him immediately picked up the prepared candles, lit them on the cake, and finally lit the fire.

"Make, make a wish?" Qin Qi hesitated as he looked at the slowly burning candle.

He has grown up a long time ago, and he no longer believes that in this world, a wish can be easily fulfilled with just one wish.

Su Tingyu urged: "Let's make one~ You have to have a sense of ceremony!"

"Okay." Qin Qi didn't want to brush off everyone's kindness, so he nodded in agreement.

The fat man clicked on the birthday song on his phone, and then adjusted the volume to the maximum.

In the birthday song and everyone's friendly eyes, Qin Qi glanced at the candle and closed his eyes.

After more than ten seconds, Qin Qi opened his eyes and blew out the candle in front of him.

With one hand behind his back, Su Tingyu quietly took out the dream repair potion from the inventory, and then said, "Qiqi, I don't know all your wishes, but well, I have a wish, and I'm sure of it."

"Huh?" Qin Qi turned to look at Su Tingyu with puzzled eyes.

Su Tingyu took out the dream repair agent and handed it to Qin Qi: "This is the dream repair agent that Gu Jiu and I prepared together. It will make you stand up again."

"Fantasy...healing potion?" Qin Qi stared blankly at the potion-like item that the girl handed over, and couldn't react for a while.

"How do you..."

Su Tingyu took it for granted: "A birthday present!"

"The previous ointment?"

"Oh, that's the 'appetizer', hehehe, don't worry about it, let's try this dream repair agent first, isn't it awesome! Qiqi, don't you want to stand up again?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes and waved I waved the dream repair agent in my hand.

"That's right, Brother Qin, let's try it first." After being surprised, the fat man couldn't wait to see Qin Qi stand up.

"Thank you." Qin Qi pursed his lower lip. He wanted to say something, but it seemed that at this moment, other than these two words, other words seemed very pale.

"Let me see how to use it... You can designate people, designate defects..." The dream repair agent in Su Tingyu's hand was automatically taken back to the inventory.

In the next second, the panel opens.

[Hello, dear player, please confirm whether to use the dream repair agent]

Su Tingyu poked with his little hand: [Yes]

[Please confirm the user of the dream restoration agent]

Su Tingyu fiddled for a while, and found that he could find someone in the friend list, so he clicked to confirm Qin Qi.

【Please confirm the defect to be fixed】

[Defects of the pre-user:

1. Unknown neurotoxin (can be queried)
2. Moderate brain dementia

3. Severely disabled legs

4. Moderate affective disorder]

Qin Qi's trauma has basically recovered, the main thing is that the unknown neurotoxin has affected the brain and legs.

...However, what's the matter with this lack of emotion?
Su Tingyu was a little confused.

And it seems that only one of them can be selected for repair.

(End of this chapter)

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