Bug in survival game

Chapter 778 Cool Summer Holiday 1

Chapter 778 Cool Summer Holiday 1
"Beep beep..."

The sound of the ship resounded over the port. On the deck, there were already densely packed passengers. The moment the ship docked and opened the door, they lined up in a long line, ready to leave the ship.

Su Tingyu was squeezed out of the ship little by little by the passengers in front and behind her. When she stepped on the ground with both feet, the panel popped out:

[Dungeon: Cool Summer Holiday]

[Background: Whenever the hot summer comes, the "Swan Gate", known as the water city and water park, is the first choice for people to escape the summer. ', spend a wonderful summer vacation here】

【Number of players: 60000】

[Main line rules:
1. All players must strictly follow the local travel strategy guide of 'Swan Gate', visit all the attractions in order, and play all the games and games

2. Please maintain respect and love for all the natural scenery and artificial facilities in the 'Swan Gate'

3. Players are invited to actively participate in various competitions and games, and those who perform well will have the opportunity to obtain "treasures"

4. Players are allowed to snatch treasures from each other, but it must be done in the way of "challenge", or in the form of entertainment competitions in the "Siwan Gate". The winner can take the treasure from the loser. any treasure

5. Players who have not participated in the "challenge" for more than an hour are not allowed to refuse the "challenge" of other players

6. After the "challenge" is over, the winner cannot take the initiative to initiate a "challenge" within one hour, and has the right to refuse the "challenge" of other players; the loser can initiate a "challenge" with any player within 10 minutes The latter cannot refuse, and within one hour, has the right to initiate a "challenge" or reject other players' "challenges"

7. More game hidden rules, players are welcome to dig out by themselves]

[Main task: Get as many treasures as possible and survive for fifteen days]

[Difficulty: Nine Stars]

【Duration: [-] days】

[Rewards for customs clearance: After clearing the customs, you can get a certain amount of game coins, with a probability of obtaining game props and lucky draw opportunities, and with a probability of obtaining free attribute points]

[Death penalty: Randomly drop five to eight non-binding game items at the point of death, and lose some game coins and experience points]

[Failure penalty: 10000 game currency deducted, 20000 experience points]


Su Tingyu checked the content of this round of event dungeons while walking, and something that made her feel rather novel was the 'treasure' mentioned in the main line rules. Combined with the known dungeon process, this looked like a "treasure hunt".

Su Tingyu turned off the panel, reached into the only shoulder bag he was carrying now, and fumbled in it, finding his mobile phone, cosmetics, ID cards, etc.

The existence of mobile phones proves that this round of dungeon world is at least a modern technological society.

The number of players participating in this round of event dungeons is also unprecedented. However, these 6 people are scattered in the Siwanmen city with a population of tens of millions, and there will be no splash.

Su Tingyu found a restaurant to settle down, and used his mobile phone to check the world view of the dungeon world of this round and the situation of the entire Siwan Gate.

Siwanmen is a beautiful city built on an island in the sea. At the same time, because of the unique island scenery and rich products on the island, it has become a very famous summer resort city.

(End of this chapter)

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