Bug in survival game

Chapter 781 Cool Summer Holiday 4

Chapter 781 Cool Summer Holiday 4
When Su Tingyu stepped into the center of Siwanmen, he found that something was wrong with the city.

The one who dropped a vase upstairs and was bitten by a dog and splashed with water. I saw it no less than twenty times along the way. For the more serious ones, I performed a scene of a serial rear-end car accident every minute.

All kinds of accidents that can be seen everywhere made Su Tingyu fall into deep thought.

...Could it be that my "lucky" physique also started to shine in the dungeon?
It shouldn't be... none of the previous dungeons.

"Did you go to hell today? Why did the accidents happen one after another?" The new driver, who was in charge of taking Su Tingyu's order this time, regretted why he didn't stay at home now, but came out to take the order.

"Damn it?" Su Tingyu froze for a moment, then turned his gaze to the panel in front of him.

Wait... With the urgency of the dungeon, it's impossible for players to simply "click a card" to leave, right?This is a nine-star dungeon!
Could it be... the accident at the Golden Gate Bridge was caused by a dungeon?Just because I just checked in there?
"Master, do all kinds of accidents often happen in Siwanmen?" Su Tingyu suppressed the doubts in his heart, and asked the driver in a family-like tone.

The driver replied half-complainingly and half-doubtfully: "No, Siwanmen is a resort city with a high safety factor. If all kinds of accidents happen every day, there will be no tourists coming... However, today is really evil. gone."

Hearing such an answer, Su Tingyu strengthened his mind even more.

Accidentally, it was made out of a copy.

There are 6 players in this round of dungeons, although Biswan Gate's population base of tens of millions is not worth mentioning.

But if there are 6 people, they can move around freely without restriction, go to various occasions, or go to various famous and crowded places to "check in", and once the check in is successful, it will be accompanied by various accidents and disasters. That was a fatal blow to Swanmen.

6 players are now like a "plague", wherever they go, it may bring disaster and panic.

But as a player, you must abide by the rules of the main line and go to "check in" from place to place.

After thinking about this, Su Tingyu let go of the driver who was about to be implicated soon after he arrived at the Century Central Plaza.

"What's the accident this time?" Su Tingyu looked around vigilantly.

The Century Central Plaza was overcrowded, surrounded by shops, it was hard to imagine how all these people would escape if something unexpected happened later.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two sudden gunshots interrupted the din of people in the square.

"Robbery! Get down on the ground! No one is allowed to run!" The gunman jumped out inexplicably, covered his face, and shouted fiercely.


"I have a gun... run away..."

The panicked people wanted to escape at the first moment, but now the gangsters were not happy.

Two more "bang bang" shots, but this time, they randomly hit two innocent people who were relatively close.

"Who dares to run! I will feed him bullets!" The gangster continued to threaten.

The people who were hit kept screaming, constantly pulling the already tense nerves of the rest.

Some people knelt down knowingly, while others wanted to try their luck to escape... Then, there were two more "bang bang".

Because there were too many people, it was inevitable that some would run away. However, the gangsters also controlled a considerable part of the people. Some held guns to deter them, and some pulled out sacks to extort money from the people. The division of labor was clear.

Su Tingyu counted the number of thieves, there were almost a hundred of them, and he didn't know how they hid them in advance, and they didn't show any signs of cheating.

There are too many gangsters to confront head-on, and with so many eyes watching, you can't directly take out the game items in the inventory.

Su Tingyu is squatting in the corner now, planning to find a chance to escape again.

"This group of gangsters, could it be the 'reward' for checking in? Isn't it too much?" Su Tingyu complained silently.

As everyone knows, among the crowd, there are also those few people who, like her, complained about the same thing.

There is no way for Su Tingyu to escape yet, and the panel can't wait to wave a small leather whip to spur her:
[Congratulations to player 'Angel Su' for completing the check-in achievement of 'Visit Here' in Century Central Plaza]

[The third journey point is - Fragrant Flower City]

[Please arrive at the target site within one hour, thank you for your cooperation]

The check-in point has been refreshed.

And the time is shortened?

"Damn it, more than 100 gangsters, how do we get rid of them?"

Su Tingyu can choose to do it directly, but this also means that he will be exposed. In addition, there are too many ordinary people here. If the gangsters are angered, they will attack ordinary people...

"Let's wait, the local NPC police station should have received the news."

After a while, Su Tingyu waited until the arrival of the NPC government personnel, who were trying to negotiate with the gangsters.

Taking advantage of the gangster's attention on the policeman, Su Tingyu quietly moved away from the spot step by step.

"Bang bang!" This time, it was another gunshot.

But this time, it was no longer the gangsters who fired, but the snipers who were on standby in the dark.

Su Tingyu carefully avoided all eyes, and smoothly moved to the edge of Century Central Square.

Police officers and gangsters have started exchanging fire.

Although Su Tingyu wondered why these NPC police officers started a fight without confirming the safety of the people, they could still run as fast as they could.

After leaving the Century Central Square, Su Tingyu didn't stop for a moment, and used his mobile phone to navigate to the Fragrant Flower City.

"It's pretty close this time... I should be able to catch up!" Su Tingyu ran away while looking at the phone's navigation.

On the way, Su Tingyu also encountered various accidents, and some accidents also implicated Su Tingyu himself, resulting in wasting a lot of time.


Fragrant Flower City, the entrance.

In the last minute, Su Tingyu stepped into the boundary of Fragrant Flower City, and he was relieved.

"It's too late..."

At this time, Su Tingyu saw a woman running over in a hurry, but she came later than him.

Su Tingyu had a thought, and quietly went to check that person's information.

After checking, the nickname of the game jumped out of the latter's head.

It really is a player.

At this time, the panel of the female player was opened. When the female player saw the contents of her panel, her face suddenly changed and she shook her head again and again: "No...no..."

Suddenly, a large bucket of blue paint fell from the sky, all poured on the female player's head, face, and clothes... The paint suddenly touched the skin...


Hearing the woman's screams, Su Tingyu couldn't bear it, and then walked away silently for several meters.

(End of this chapter)

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