Bug in survival game

Chapter 784 Cool Summer Holiday 7

Chapter 784 Cool Summer Holiday 7

Su Tingyu's eyes suddenly glanced at a certain tall building.

"This sign... is the sign of Xing. The members of Xing are here to gather their companions."

Among the tall buildings, a seemingly insignificant flag is fluttering in the wind.

Su Tingyu secretly wrote down this location, and will gather again when he returns, maybe it was Gu Jiu who initiated the call.

Su Tingyu continued on his way without any change in expression, still followed by some small tails.

Su Tingyu started to speed up on his bicycle. Seeing this, some little tails gave up after chasing for more than ten meters unwillingly.

Su Tingyu came to a nearby port and found a shop designated by the competition. This shop specializes in selling ships and various related supplies and repairs.

Through the prize coupon in his hand, the person in charge of the store confirmed the authenticity and took Su Tingyu to claim the prize.

"Miss Su, you can choose any of the fast boats here as your prize." The person in charge waved his hand and pointed to the fast boat parked in a pool.

The so-called fast boat is another name for the small boats used by local people for daily travel in the city. Its volume is smaller than normal boats. According to the number of passengers, there are single boats, double boats, five-person boats, etc. .

If he only chooses normal prizes, Su Tingyu doesn't consider the too small one-person boat or the too big five-person boat, and only chooses from the two-person boat.

"Can I touch it?" Su Tingyu asked.

If there is really a treasure, the panel will definitely respond after touching it directly.

"Of course." The person in charge agreed straightforwardly.

In the pool, all the fast boats were divided into several rows and arranged neatly.

Su Tingyu found a spot, jumped onto a fast boat, squatted down and touched the edge of the fast boat.

The panel is unresponsive.

Su Tingyu turned and left without hesitation, heading for the next fast boat.

... But when Su Tingyu finished 'touching' all the fast boats, the panel still didn't respond at all.

"Tsk, there are really no treasures... That's right, the main line rules didn't say that you must have treasures if you participate in the competition." Su Tingyu was beeping in his heart, and with a glance on his face, he casually pointed to a double boat, Looking at the person in charge: "That's it."

"Okay, Ms. Su can leave an address, and our shop will pack it and deliver it."


Su Tingyu left the address of the courier collection point near his rental house.

After leaving the shop, Su Tingyu rushed towards the meeting place he had just noted down.

Unexpectedly, the panel popped up at this time:

[Dear 'Angel Su' player, hello, your fourth journey point in Siwanmen is - Siwanmen History Museum]

[Please arrive at the target site within two hours, thank you for your cooperation]

"Fuck! Don't come sooner or later, why come at this time..." Su Tingyu was forced to stop, took out his mobile phone on the side of the road, and checked the route.

"It's a bit far..."

Su Tingyu turned on the voice navigation, put on half of the Bluetooth headset, and set off to the fourth check-in point.

At the same time, those players who were following Su Tingyu's little tail also received notifications, and the check-in points were refreshed at will, and they were not the same.

"Look at that woman, I don't think I got the treasure, so let's check in first..."

"I wasted my energy, I didn't get anything..."


Su Tingyu rushed to the check-in point while paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Along the way, Su Tingyu also saw many small competitions held by local people.

Swan Gate is a tourist city, in order to increase the interest of tourists, some entertainment competitions are necessary.

"There are so many competitions and games, among them, how do you judge which one has the treasure? And you can't participate at the same time. If you are unlucky, you will just miss it..."

The previous event dungeons were all festival-type dungeons. This cool summer holiday, as the name suggests, corresponds to summer vacation.

"What's so special about summer vacation... the heat? Is it on vacation? And then they all ran to play? So there will be a game to win the treasure in the main line rules? It always feels easier..." Su Tingyu kept pedaling with both feet, I thought to myself.

Every round of event dungeons will have a big reversal at the end... Then what is it this time?


Swangate Historical Museum.

Su Tingyu stopped the car, panted slightly, and looked up at the retro building in front of him.

The panel hasn't been refreshed yet, so Su Tingyu needs to enter the museum.

"After the meeting is refreshed, leave immediately..." After Su Tingyu didn't forget to check in, accidents would happen.

Su Tingyu walked up the steps, swiped a QR code at the ticket booth, paid the entrance fee, and stepped into the museum in a few steps.

[Congratulations to the player 'Angel Su' for completing the check-in achievement of 'Visit Here' at the Swan Gate History Museum]

[The fifth journey point is - Sasen Style Street]

[Please arrive at the target site within two hours, thank you for your cooperation]

"Okay!" Su Tingyu's eyes lighted up slightly, and he was about to turn around and leave when suddenly, a group of museum security guards rushed out of the door and blocked the door.

"This... what happened?"

"Why don't you let us in, I bought a ticket!"


At the gate, there was a conflict between the security guards of the museum and the tourists visiting the museum.

"Okay, it's still a step too late." Seeing this situation, Su Tingyu sighed.

Unexpectedly, here it comes.

I didn't expect it to come so fast, there was no possibility for her to exploit a loophole at all.

"Dear tourists, I'm sorry. Just now, the treasure of the museum was lost. All the entrances and exits of the museum are urgently blocked, and the police have been notified. Please keep calm and don't walk around casually."

The person in charge of the museum came late and explained the reason to the puzzled tourists.

Su Tingyu looked at the next check-in point refreshed on the panel, and the countdown had already begun.

Su Tingyu searched for the route time to the Sasen Style Street——


In other words, she can only stay for an hour at most.

"No, you have to leave as soon as possible. If the police arrive at the scene, it will be even more difficult to slip away without mentioning it. I don't know how much time will be wasted if we continue to investigate..."

There are many security guards at the gate of the museum, and there are still many tourists at a standstill. It is a bit unrealistic to sneak out from here, unless it is forced to break in, but it is not necessary.

Su Tingyu continued to walk into the museum, trying to find another exit.

"The museum has just been blocked, and the blockade of the remaining entrances and exits may be a little weak." Su Tingyu took a picture of the museum's internal map posted on the board, and followed the route to each exit.

"Here, someone is guarding..."

"And here, too..."


Su Tingyu found several exits in a row, but they were all blocked by the security guards of the museum.

Time passed by little by little, and half an hour was almost gone...

(End of this chapter)

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