Bug in survival game

Chapter 786 Cool Summer Holiday 9

Chapter 786 Cool Summer Holiday 9
"Forget it...it's not necessary."

Forcibly taking away the fragments of the Canon of Mountains and Seas, the risk outweighs the benefit.

Su Tingyu put the fragments on the ground next to the two of them, looked up at the automatic fire extinguisher, grasped it with his right hand, and the Meteor Stick appeared.

The tip of the stick straightened, piercing the automatic fire extinguisher and triggering the alarm switch.

Su Tingyu quickly retracted the meteor stick and left the toilet quickly.

"Quick... call the police over there..."

"Come on..."


Taking advantage of the reduced guard at the door and the invisibility effect still in effect, Su Tingyu slipped out smoothly.

"Hurry up...the next check-in point!" As soon as she came out, Su Tingyu was thinking about her next check-in card, and she had to hurry there. She didn't want to experience such a powerless feeling.

"The museum is full of historical relics, and the panel has responded to historical relics... This is also a direction. You can look for historical relics, but historical relics... generally there are very few private ones, right?"

I don't know if there is an antique street in Siwanmen. If historical relics are treasures, then it would be good to go to the antique street to pick up leaks.


after an hour.

Sassen Style Street.

"That's it here... Fortunately, I caught up with it." Su Tingyu stepped into the street, looked around, and found that no matter the pedestrian's attire or the architectural style, it was very different from the outside.

"Siwanmen is a city on water. It is extremely difficult to see natural scenery such as desert forests. Here... I want to restore it. However, it seems that there are relatively few tourists, and they are all locals?"

Su Tingyu's panel hadn't been refreshed yet, so she just waited for it to refresh while wandering around.

"I don't know what accident will happen this time."

After finally being free, Su Tingyu hurriedly searched the Internet for places like Antique Street, and if there really were such places, he wrote down the location and route.

[Congratulations to the player 'Angel Su' for completing the check-in achievement of 'Visit Here' in Shasen Style Street]

[The sixth journey point is - Century Building]

[Please arrive at the target site within one hour, thank you for your cooperation]

"Here we come." Su Tingyu searched for the location of the Next Century Building, but was slightly stunned: "...This location seems to be the place where you saw the sign. It's just right, you can go to gather."

When the check-in point was refreshed, Su Tingyu was about to leave when suddenly, the ground trembled, making many pedestrians unable to stand still.

"Huh? Could it be an earthquake?" Su Tingyu steadied himself, and hurried towards the intersection of Shasen Style Street.

The earthquake felt on the ground became more and more intense, and the people nearby looked panic-stricken and dazed, and they were all out of their state.

While Su Tingyu was running, he suddenly looked down at the ground under his feet.

Under the ground, the man-made land is ravaged and destroyed by the storm formed by the sea below...and it is still going up!
Su Tingyu turned her direction, and the moment she left the original ground, the crazily surging sea water burst out of the ground like a giant beast out of its cage!

Su Tingyu turned his head and looked around. Seawater spewed out from many surfaces, and the seawater spread, gradually raising the water level...

"The intersection is here!"

Su Tingyu knew that there was an accident, so he didn't go too far.

After Su Tingyu stepped out of the street, when he turned around and looked at the Shasen Style Street, his pupils shrank...

Tens of meters of turbulent waves surrounded most of the sandy beach of Sha Sen Style Street near the sea, like a pair of terrifying giant hands, closing and covering... Finally, they crushed them to death.

Su Tingyu stared at it for two seconds, then turned and left. After finding his bicycle parked outside, he rushed towards the sixth check-in point without stopping at all...

Half an hour later, the former Shasen Style Street sank into the sea and was completely swallowed by the huge waves...


Century Building.

"According to the previous rule of refreshing the check-in points, after the completion of the check-in points this time, you should be free for a while." Su Tingyu rushed to the front of the building, first looking for a place to park the bicycle, and then walked in in three or two steps.

Just now, you can still see the sign flag outside, there should be someone there.

[Congratulations to player 'Angel Su' for completing the check-in achievement of 'Visit Here' in Century Building]

"There is no more text, sure enough..." Su Tingyu turned off the panel, and then took the elevator up to the ninth floor.

The Century Building has dozens of floors and is hundreds of meters high. It is also the tallest building in Siwan Gate.

After successfully reaching the ninth floor, Su Tingyu felt worried.

I just caught a glimpse of the sign outside, but the spatial structure inside the building was very strange. For a while, Su Tingyu didn't know which direction to go.

"It's easy to get around here..." Su Tingyu walked straight along the wall with windows, checking places one by one.

"All players have to check in to refresh, so now I may not meet someone... Unless I just happened to check in here or nearby, I can come here as soon as possible..." Su Tingyu murmured in his heart, his eyes casual Glance, hoping to find a familiar face.

In front of a men's shoe store, several men just came out, one of them seemed to have seen something, and quickly reported to the person in front:

"Boss, I seem to see a member of Xing!"



The man pointed in one direction, which happened to be Su Tingyu who was looking around.

"Boss, I remember this girl appeared beside Gu Qi in both the Children's Day dungeon and the Dragon Boat Festival dungeon!"

There was more surprise in Xiao Si's eyes, he withdrew his hand that wanted to smoke, and looked at Su Tingyu over there with interest: "It seems that this is the first time that Gu has been around such a long time, such a close woman ..."

"Boss, this girl might be Gu Qi's best friend."

"Good friend..." Xiao Si's eyes were even more interested. Since the end of the Children's Day copy, Xiao Si wanted to check Su Tingyu's identity, but he couldn't find anything...Obviously, it was protected by someone. stand up.

Is it taken care of?Then the Gu family really has the ability to make themselves unable to find out anything.

Xiao Si: "Bring people here."

Looking at the situation now, Su Tingyu did not find a companion and was left alone.

"Yes, boss."

Except for Xiao Si, the other three men rushed towards Su Tingyu at the same time.

"Huh? Someone is watching the little fairy?"

The gazes of Xiao Si and the others were a little intense, and soon Su Tingyu noticed it.

"Huh? These three people... are weird." Su Tingyu noticed that someone was approaching him, and it seemed that the person who came was not friendly.

"Huh? That's...Brother Xiao Si." Su Tingyu scratched his head, and finally pulled out this character.

"Hey, our boss is looking for you, come with us." The three of them blocked all possible escape routes for Su Tingyu, with a tone of discussion and threat.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, his face was very puzzled: "Looking for me? Are you looking for the wrong person? I don't know you."

(End of this chapter)

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