Bug in survival game

Chapter 788 Cool Summer Holiday 11

Chapter 788 Cool Summer Holiday 11
"Huh? You just know, isn't he always like this? Don't pretend to be a hit and touch Ci~" Su Tingyu said in a strange tone.

Gu Qi was a little impatient: "Leave him alone, it's a waste of time."

"Oh..." Su Tingyu was thinking about Qiqi and Fatty, and wanted to find them as soon as possible.

In this round of dungeons, there is competition among the players, but it has not reached the point of life and death. Gu Qi and Xiao Si have the same number of people, and no one can take advantage of it if they want to do it.

Therefore, even if Gu Qi insisted on leaving, Xiao Si couldn't stop him.

"Gu Qi, you are praying that one day you won't fall into my hands." Xiao Si was really not reconciled, and finally met Gu Qi without Qi Bubai by his side, but he still couldn't please him, so he could only say a harsh sentence. talk.

Gu paused for a moment, then snorted coldly: "I've daydreamed too much."

After speaking, Gu Qi led the people away from the place.

"Boss...we..." Xiao Si's subordinates hesitantly asked.

Xiao Si stared closely at Gu Qi's back, the original anger on his face dissipated all of a sudden, as if it had never happened before.

"Let's go too."



the other side.

Su Tingyu turned his head and looked for a few times, until he didn't see Xiao Si's figure anymore, then turned his head and asked Gu Qi:

"Gu Jiu, why is that Xiao Si staring at you all the time? Why doesn't he have other things to do? So free?"

Gu Qi looked cold: "Who knows, I haven't dealt with him much. Usually, it's that trash who comes to find a sense of existence on his own initiative."

"Ah? Didn't you pick someone's hamstrings? Haven't you dealt with them before?" Su Tingyu scratched her head. At this moment, seeing the elevator door in front of her, she blinked her big eyes: "Hey, we Is this going downstairs?"

Gu Qi walked into the elevator first: "Yes."

Su Tingyu: "Don't wait for anyone? Isn't there a flag hanging outside the window?"

"It's not like you've been waiting, there are people on it, do you have a place to live?" Gu Qi asked with his head tilted.

Su Tingyu replied truthfully: "There is a rented house for three days."

"Take the luggage you put in the rental house and go to the assembly point of the punishment."

"Oh oh."


After the two met, they exchanged the copy information they had.

Su Tingyu learned that someone from Gu Qi had obtained the so-called "treasure".

"Wow, is it so efficient?!" Su Tingyu opened his small mouth slightly in surprise.

"The historical relics you mentioned are treasures, and they are also a direction, because the treasure you just got is a small antique vase." Gu Qi said.

Su Tingyu: "Well, now that you know the general types of treasures, you can exclude some insignificant competitions and games based on the prizes of the competitions and games. However, this kind of exclusion requires members to complete the large-scale exclusion project."



After coming out of the door of Century Building, Su Tingyu and Gu Qi separated.

Su Tingyu went back to the rental house to get some luggage, and besides, she also wanted to check if her prize courier had arrived.

As soon as he came to the security booth at the gate of the community where the rental house was located, Su Tingyu saw the courier packed in a super-large cardboard box at a glance.


After Su Tingyu went in to claim it, he returned to his rental house with the cardboard box in his hand. After locking the door, he put the cardboard box into the storage ring, and put the other luggage in the house in the same way.

After finishing it, Su Tingyu left the rental house and went to the address of the meeting point that Gu Qi gave her.

The address of the gathering point is also a residential area, a high-end residential area, the environment is good, but it is not a very famous one, and there are no places of interest or natural scenic spots nearby.

In the community, all the remaining houses were rented out by Xing Ge as a temporary gathering point.

After entering, Su Tingyu was brought in front of Gu Qi by a member of Xing.

"You are in the spare room, find one as a residence." After seeing Su Tingyu coming, Gu Qi said something, and then his eyes fell on the city map placed on the coffee table.

Su Tingyu sat opposite Gu Qi: "I know, Qiqi and Fatty, have you found them?"

"No." Gu Qi pointed to a few points on the map: "Go to these places tonight and get ready."

"Huh? These places... are fine." Su Tingyu glanced at them for a few moments, and the places she pointed to were all places like the antique street that she had checked out before.

"However, if you still have to check in tonight, it will be troublesome."

"Fix it first, then adapt to the situation when the time comes."

"Oh oh."

After clocking in for a long time, Su Tingyu's stomach began to growl.
Gu Qi heard it, so he asked someone to go to a nearby restaurant to pack food and come back.

"Let's eat first."

After packing the meals, Gu Qi put away the map.

"Okay!" Su Tingyu rubbed his hands happily.

During the meal, Su Tingyu suddenly remembered something, looked at Gu Qi: "By the way, I'm also idle now, Gu Jiu, tell me a story~"

Gu Qi frowned: "What story?"

Su Ting's fish eyes rolled slightly twice: "Just why did you pick on Xiao Si's hamstring back then?"

Gu Qi glanced at Su Tingyu, who looked at him helplessly, as if if he refused, he would have done something heinous.

There is really nothing wrong now, Gu Qi thought about it, and said: "At the beginning... I was going to carry out the family mission. At that time, Xiao Si was still under someone else, because my mission had a conflict of interest with Xiao Si's boss. After the fight, Xiao Si was caught by me, so, to make an example to others, I picked his hamstring and sent him back..."

"Later, I saw him. I didn't remember this person until a few years ago when the Xiao family changed dramatically and he became the head of the Xiao family."

Su Tingyu tilted his head: "Then when you picked his hamstring, his hand wasn't chopped off, right?"

Gu Qi: "Should... no, if it was a disabled person, Xiao Si would not be able to be someone else's thug at that time."

Su Tingyu sighed: "Oh, then he is very unlucky. After you picked up his hamstring, his organization must have abandoned him, and then his hand was chopped off... Who on earth chopped him? Gu Jiu , you really don’t know?”

Gu Qi asked back: "I don't know, a piece of garbage, I need to pay so much attention?"

"Or, I would like to have a chance to ask the person involved~" Su Tingyu chuckled, and told Gu Qi his idea that just popped out of his head.

Hearing this, Gu Qi rolled his eyes slightly: "You can try, if you are not afraid of Xiao Si killing you."

Xiao Si's physical disability has always been an indelible heart disease of his, and most of those who dared to mention it in front of him were killed by him.

"Hey hey~ You're here~ We're friends! If Xiao Si wants to mess with me, you can't stand by and watch~"

"Oh, it's not impossible." Gu Qi sneered.

Su Tingyu immediately covered her little heart with her hand, pretending to be hurt: "I'm not in love anymore~"


(End of this chapter)

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