Bug in survival game

Chapter 791 Cool Summer Holiday 14

Chapter 791 Cool Summer Holiday 14
"Qi Shao, is your check-in point the city government building?"


"Then let's go there together!"



It's been almost a day since Qin Qi entered the dungeon, and finally met someone he knew a little bit.

He is an old member of Xing, the same before, also participated in the Children's Day copy and the Dragon Boat Festival copy, Qin Qi has a little impression of him.

After learning that Su Tingyu and Gu Qi also met, he felt a little relieved.

However, I still need to check in now, otherwise I will go back and find someone immediately.

Qin Qi's eighth check-in point is the city hall in Siwanmen.

The municipal government will close the area where ordinary citizens enter and exit the municipal government after 22:[-]. Therefore, in addition to arriving at the check-in point within the time specified by the panel system, you also need to arrive before the municipal government closes.


[Dungeon time: 22:15]

City hall, first floor, lobby.

After Qin Qi and Xing's members came to the city hall, they waited for the check-in point to be refreshed.

"Seventh Young Master, I'll make it easier for you." At this moment, the man coughed lightly and pointed to the toilet sign pasted on the corner of the wall.

"En." Qin Qi nodded slightly.

Qin Qi leaned against the pillar alone, his eyes glanced casually into the hall.

This is the first floor of the city hall, it's just a hall, and it will be closed in ten minutes.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of someone in the direction of the toilet. Qin Qi thought it was a member of Xing who had come out, but when he looked over, he found that it was not, it was a strange middle-aged man.

Instinctively, Qin Qi avoided, not letting the man see him.

"Is this going to work... Sigh..." The potbellied Mediterranean man frowned. Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang. He raised his hand and tapped the earphone on his left ear to answer the call.

Qin Qi didn't care much, and just about to look away, he saw the face of the Mediterranean man suddenly changed: "Why is this..."

Then, in the intermittent voice, Qin Qi probably guessed who this person seemed to be arguing with.

In the end, the Mediterranean man seemed to be persuaded, "...the matter has come to this point, and there is no turning back."

After the call was over, Qin Qi saw that the man seemed to be looking around nervously, so he silently shrank his body and completely hid his figure behind the pillar.

After no one was surprised, the Mediterranean man regained his composure, tidied up his appearance, and took the elevator upstairs.

Qin Qi turned his head and stared fixedly at the elevator floors:

"4, 6, 18..." Qin Qi searched on the Internet for the floor authority of the lower city government building. Below the 10th floor, there are office areas for ordinary people, while the 18th floor has the office area for the mayor's secretary.

Afterwards, Qin Qi wanted to check the mayor's secretary's information, and the man who had just gone to the bathroom trotted over: "Qi Shao, the punch card has been refreshed."

"Well, let's go." Qin Qi looked at the panel that popped up in front of him, and responded softly.

But when he finally left, Qin Qi couldn't help but look back at the elevator entrance


"It's strange, we all came out, why haven't there been any accidents?"

After the car gradually moved away from the city hall, the man in charge of driving the car muttered in doubt.

Qin Qi sat on the co-pilot, turned his head to look at the city hall building outside the car window, his eyes were flickering with flickering light.

"It's not a natural disaster, it's a man-made disaster."

"Ah? Seventh Young Master, what did you say?"


at this time.

City Hall Building, No.20 Second Floor, Mayor's Office.

"Don't, don't blame me...it's all from above..." The Mediterranean man's hands were covered with blood, he looked at the limp man's body in front of him, and muttered to himself: "It's all your fault, who told you not to refuse?" Agree, who told you..."

As he spoke, the Mediterranean man seemed to be in a daze, and red light flashed in his eyes.

The ground was a mess, all kinds of soil and fallen leaves were scattered on the floor that should have been clean.


Suddenly, there was a creeping sound.

The Mediterranean man turned his head in a daze. He looked at the French windows not far away. The balcony was full of greenery. In a potted plant, a drop of blood-red water dripped on the dark green branches and leaves, crystal clear.


Fascinated by mountains and lakes.

"Wow, this is Zuixin Mountain Lake. It seems that you can really see the shadow of the mountain in the water on the opposite side~" Su Tingyu lowered the car window, opened his big eyes and looked outside, full of amazement.

The night is dark, reflected in the calm lake.

On the lake in the distance, there are dark shadows imprinted on it, like the shadows of mountains, but the problem is that although there are some raised hills around the lake, they are all far away from the lake. No matter what angle it is reflected on, it will not be printed on the lake.

This spectacle usually only appears at night.

Su Tingyu took out his mobile phone and found information about Zuixin Qunshan Lake: "...Eh, this lake didn't form naturally? And it didn't exist for a long time, it was only two or three hundred years ago."

For natural landscapes, it usually evolves for hundreds of thousands of years, but those who are fascinated by mountains and lakes are so "young".

"This should be regarded as the range of Zuxin Qunshan Lake. Let's wait for the check-in point to be refreshed, and then go to the nearest antique street."

"Okay!" Su Tingyu had no objection: "By the way, Gu Jiu, how many treasures have you got?"

Su Tingyu also gained a lot from looking for treasures separately before, but he didn't have time to ask Gu Qi.

Gu Qi lowered the car window and looked at the lake: "The shadow there, is there any boulder at the bottom of the lake?"

"Ah, I don't know. It's said on the Internet that some people have guessed this way, and some even suggested pumping up the lake water to find out." Su Tingyu looked down at the phone screen a few times: "It's just that it's strange...it's the lake water No matter how hard it is pumped, some people have dived down, but they only found that the plants in the water at the bottom of the lake are more lush, and there is no other discovery."

"That shadow is the reflection of the plants in the water?" Gu Qi asked.

"Well, this is the common saying on the Internet." Su Tingyu raised his head and looked at the scenery outside the car: "Not to mention, the plants by this lake are growing well, and there is even a botanical garden nearby. "

"Plant Paradise..." Gu raised his eyes slightly.

"Ham, don't worry, leave after refreshing, and then go back to find Qiqi~" Su Tingyu rubbed his hands, and took out a new pack of snacks while Gu Qi was not paying attention.

Gu glanced at it from the corner of his eye, but there was nothing he could do about it.

This guy was reincarnated from a starving ghost... Forget it, anyway, even if it was given to Qin Lin, most of it might end up in this guy's stomach.

[Congratulations to the player 'Angel Su' for completing the check-in achievement of 'Visit Here' in Zuixin Mountain Lake]

[The ninth journey point is - the city government building]

[Please arrive at the target site within four to 10 minutes, thank you for your cooperation]

"Hey, it's refreshed?" Su Tingyu looked at the location and time, and quickly turned on the phone's navigation: "This time it's only four or ten minutes..."

(End of this chapter)

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