Bug in survival game

Chapter 801 Cool Summer Holiday 24

Chapter 801 Cool Summer Holiday 24
Su Tingyu turned around and found that there was no patient with the same illness as last night.

The long-haired man last night seemed to have gone mad and lost his mind, but now, the patients that can be seen in the hospital are still in a normal state of mind.

"Qiqi, why don't we make an appointment?" Su Tingyu turned to Qin Qi beside him.

There are some places in the hospital that are not accessible to ordinary people. It is much easier to get in if you register and become a "patient" to see a doctor.

"Yes, yes." Qin Qi nodded.

After registering and paying the fee, Su Tingyu randomly thought of an invisible disease for the two of them, that is, the kind that required surgery.

After spending scattered medical expenses, Su Tingyu and the others finally got access to some "no-entry" areas of the hospital.

"Go to the inpatient department and have a look..." Su Tingyu suggested.

It's been a long time since the long-haired man was sent here last night. If it was an emergency or something, he should have been sent to the inpatient department by now.

Some corridors in the hospital are blocked. If you want to go in and out, you can only take a detour or take the elevator, but there are hospital security guards in front of the elevator at the bottom, and after entering the elevator, you can't go to any floor. Some floors have buttons that are even disabled, making it impossible to get there.

When he first came to the hospital, although Su Tingyu wanted to go to the "prohibited" area, he still had to check the other areas that could be entered first.

"Ding dong~"

The elevator door opened, and Su Tingyu and the two walked out.

Entering the patient's ward area on this floor, the two began to look for the same long-haired man as last night.

"Cough cough..."

"Is the family of patient 303 here..."


The faint smell of disinfectant water radiated in the air. Although it was not pungent, Su Tingyu could smell it wherever he went.

There is no noisy place in the ward area for registration and payment. Except for the occasional conversation between patients and nurses, there are only some noises of equipment moving or medicine unpacking, and there is almost no sound of footsteps.

After searching this floor, nothing unusual was found, so Su Tingyu and the others went to another floor to continue searching...


City Hall.

Gu Qi stopped the car, unfastened his seat belt, and said softly to the fat man and Wei Chu in the back seat: "Here we are, get out of the car."

After the three of them got out of the car one after another, the fat man looked up at the tall building in front of him, feeling a little sore in his neck: "The city hall is so big, do we want to see it floor by floor?"

"No, go to two places first, the information center and the mayor's office. You go to the first one, and I go to the second one." Gu Qi arranged.

The two agreed: "Good boss."

Gu Qi stared at the building in front of him for two seconds, then slowly retracted his gaze,
This morning, Gu Qi went to ask the Xing members if they had punched in the city hall, and the result was that more than [-] people, including Qin Qi, had punched in.

Last night, he and Su Tingyu also checked in.

According to the usual practice, there will always be some accidents in the places that have been checked in.

But looking at it now, just looking at the surface of the building, it seems to be calm and there is nothing wrong with it.

But the calmer he was, the more suspicious Gu Qi felt.

Gu Qi: "The information center is on the 22th floor, and the mayor's office is on the [-]nd floor. Pay attention to keep in touch. Call if you need anything."

After finishing the last sentence, the three of them entered the lobby on the first floor of the city government building together.

In the lobby, there are only one or two sporadic staff members who are responsible for reception, consultation and other affairs.

The three of them walked up the elevator without stopping.

On the No.17 floor, Fatty and Wei Chu got out of the elevator, while Gu Qi continued to take the elevator to the second floor of No.20.

But just as the elevator reached the No.20 floor, it stopped and opened the door.

Seeing this, Gu Qi started to close the door, and continued to click "22".

But within a few seconds, the elevator door closed and opened again.

After two attempts, Gu Qi confirmed one thing, the elevator was tampered with, and No.20 could not go up to the second floor.

No.20 The second floor is the floor where the mayor's office is located, but the elevator is "broken"?

Gu Qi had no choice but to walk out on the No.20 floor.

There is no elevator, so there are corridors to walk.

The first floor of No.20 is the mayor's secretary's office and part of the document area.

After coming up, Gu Qi couldn't see even a few people. Occasionally, a person passed by with a document, and he didn't take a look at it. He walked in a hurry, as if he was busy with something important.

When Gu Qi found the corridor, he found that the corridor had been blocked by a pile of sundries, and there was even a yellow line and a warning sign of "No Passing".

Gu Qi's expression moved slightly, he stepped over the yellow line, bypassed all kinds of sundries, and walked into the corridor.

All the way up, to the second floor of No.20...

at the same time.

Wei Chu and Fatty, who entered the No.17 floor, found that there was no one in sight, it was a mess, only the machine was operating autonomously.

"Where... where did this person go?" Fatty looked at these machines that were operating normally, and the monitoring screens of various unexpected events were switched on several screens.

"Brother Feng, do you know how to use these machines?" Wei Chu looked at these expensive and well-made machines, and felt a little troubled, but he had never touched these things before.

The fat man didn't dare to promise: "I'll try..."


Central hospital.

"Qiqi, I can't find anything if I search in the open like this. I'm going to look for it incognito." After wandering through several floors, but found nothing, Su Tingyu thought of some forbidden areas in the hospital, so he discussed with Qin Qi .

Su Tingyu has an invisible hat, which allows him to go in stealthily to investigate the situation.

Qin Qi thought for a few seconds, nodded and agreed: "Be careful."


Su Tingyu got into the nearby women's toilet, avoided the surveillance and the crowd, put on the invisible hat, and walked out of the toilet when he found a suitable opportunity.

"Qiqi, I'm leaving..."

A very small voice came from Qin Qi's ear, he looked over subconsciously, but he didn't see Su Tingyu's figure, but only faintly sensed that she was gone.

After reading this, Qin Qi also left the place.

During the day, there were still many people in the hospital. Su Tingyu carefully avoided the dense crowd and walked towards the areas where it was written that no passing was allowed.

"The hospital... neither the basement nor the top floor can enter... well, let's go to the basement first."

Su Tingyu can't take the elevator. There are security handles at the entrance of normal elevators, and when entering the elevator, if there are too many people pushing around, his invisibility will be exposed.

"Hmm... the smell of disinfectant is so strong..." Su Tingyu walked down the stairs and came to the basement floor, he smelled a very pungent smell of disinfectant.

At this time, Su Tingyu saw a man coming in pushing a small cart at the entrance and exit. He was not wearing a white coat, so he should not be a doctor.

Su Tingyu hesitated for a while, since he was not familiar with this place, he decided to follow this person secretly first.

(End of this chapter)

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