Bug in survival game

Chapter 804 Cool Summer Holiday 27

Chapter 804 Cool Summer Holiday 27
Su Tingyu and the others are currently in a room, and all the unnecessary debris in this room has been emptied, leaving only tables and chairs as a temporary meeting place.

"Let's all take a look." Gu Qi distributed the printed paper of the summary information to Su Tingyu and the others.

Su Tingyu looked at ten lines at a glance, and after flipping through a few pages, he put the printing paper back on the desktop: "Gu Jiu, when you went to the city hall building during the day, did you check in at the same time? We both checked in there last night. Can it be repeated?"

"When the city hall met that Deng Chengwen, and the clock-in panel also appeared, I had a guess..." Gu Jiu glanced down at the printing paper on the desktop, recalling his experience in the city hall during the day:

"Just yesterday, we all thought that it was the player's check-in that caused the accident. It sounds the same thing. After all, every time the player checks in, an accident happens, but if we reverse our thinking..."

"Could it be that some kind of unexpected event is about to happen at those check-in points, and the panel system just guides the player there."

Su Tingyu was startled, and then began to ponder, "According to what you said, when I was in the basement of the hospital during the day, it was an inevitable event that the long-haired man "resurrected" to bite someone? Even if I wasn't there, It will also be triggered, and at that time the panel just showed a punch card, because it detected an 'accident' of biting people in the basement of the hospital closest to me, so it went along with the flow and released the punch card to me?"

At first, Su Tingyu thought that the occurrence of this check-in point was due to the player's check-in, which caused the accident.

But now, another possibility has emerged, that is, the panel system detects in advance where an unexpected event is about to occur, and then guides the player there.

"One more thing." Gu Qi glanced deeply:
"The panel system stipulates the check-in time, urging the players to rush to the location of the incident, wait until the time period before and after the accident, and then notify the player that the check-in is successful, and the next check-in point will be refreshed.

At this time, staying in place to explore the truth of the unexpected event, or going to the next check-in point in order to complete the panel task, the average player will conservatively choose the second one when they first arrive, so, to a large extent, ignore First. "

The fat man scratched his head: "The truth? Is there any conspiracy behind these accidents?"

Qin Qi shook his head slightly: "There are too many check-in points, and it is impossible to judge for the time being. The only thing that can be confirmed is that this tourist floating city is secretly not peaceful. The time for this round of dungeons is 15 days, which means that players need to survive for 15 days. Some kind of disaster that endangers the player's life must be brewing."

"The reason why there are too many check-in points does not rule out the existence of interference items." Gu Qi said.

Su Tingyu patted the printing paper on the table: "Then can we collect the check-in points of the past two days, and infer from them what kind of disasters will occur in Siwanmen? Then prevent them in advance, or kill them in the cradle?"

"I can think about it." Gu took his hands off the table and leaned back against the chair. "Through the two incidents of the resurrection of the living corpse in the hospital and the unknown method of the secretary of the city government, my judgment is that the worldview of this round of dungeons is not very ordinary."

"That's right... like our real world, it's normal, and there's no one who dies and comes back to life." The fat man rubbed his arms, feeling a little chilly.

"Ahem...well, yes."

The ordinary Su Tingyu agrees on the surface, but he mutters in his heart: Ordinary people don't know, they think the world is normal, maybe it's deliberately concealed?
and many more?

……hide? !

Su was not calm when he heard the fish's face.

"Is it possible that some ulterior secrets of the dungeon world have been deliberately concealed?" Su Tingyu said to several people after considering his words.

The more he talked, the more guilty Su Tingyu became.

However, Su Tingyu hid it well, and few people saw anything strange.

"It's possible." Gu Qi took out his mobile phone in the dungeon, and threw it on the table casually: "In the past two days, all the means for us to obtain information about the dungeon world have come from the Internet. Some things have been concealed by people, and it is impossible for the Internet used by ordinary people to leak these things."

"By the way, speaking of this..." When the fat man heard this, he quickly took out a USB flash drive from his pocket and put it on the table: "This is the information resource that Xiaozhu and I downloaded in the information center of the city government. Does knowing this help?"

Su Tingyu patted the table, his eyes brightened: "There's this one? Why don't you take a look?"

Gu Qi stood up, turned around and went out to find a member of Xing, and within a short while, he brought a brand new laptop.

Seeing this, the fat man quickly handed the USB flash drive to Gu Qi.

Gu Qi turned on the computer, inserted the USB flash drive, and while keeping his eyes on the computer screen, said quietly: "There should be a 'challenge' mode tonight, and the rest of Xing also found some treasures, Su Tingyu, I'll take it for you later."

Su Tingyu responded in one gulp: "Okay~"

Anyway, it's a matter of little effort, but...

"This matter must be kept secret!" Although Su Tingyu knew that Gu Qi was rigorous in his work, but for the sake of his own life, he said something more.

A prop that can evade the detection of the panel system... If this secret is revealed to outsiders, it will be Barbie Q~ "Angel Su" will be completely famous!
Even the previous arrest warrants are nothing, all players who have a little bit of interest entanglement have been wanted more or less, for example: Gu Qi, but no one dares to move Gu Qi openly.

"I know." Gu Qi revealed what he had thought up: "I will reveal that it is to verify and trigger a hidden plot, and the treasure is in my hands."

"Okay." Su Tingyu was completely relieved.

Gu Qi looked at Wei Chu on the side, and said, "You are responsible for collecting all the treasures first, and then hand them over to Su Tingyu. Be careful not to be seen."

"Ah? Me? Now?" Wei Chu, who was suddenly assigned a task, hesitated for a moment.

He is a new player who joined the alliance. Logically speaking, at the beginning, he had no access to such confidential meetings, let alone perform such important tasks.

"Yes, now." Gu Qi frowned slightly, staring at the computer screen with a serious face.

Qi Bubai is not here, Gu Qi is really not used to it.

As for why it was left to Wei Chu to do it, firstly, it was for the purpose of testing, if he had no bad intentions, then he would be better able to integrate into the punishment; secondly, Gu Qi wanted to send people away.

"Okay, boss, I'll do it now."

Hearing this, Wei Chu had no choice but to follow suit.

Gu Qi nodded slightly: "Well, go ahead, I have already informed the other members of Xing."

After Wei Chu left, Gu Qi signaled to the fat man to guard the gate, and then turned the computer screen to the eyes of Su Tingyu and Qin Qi——

(End of this chapter)

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