Bug in survival game

Chapter 928 Prelude to Public Beta 1

Chapter 928 Prelude to Public Beta 1
Gu's Manor.

When they arrived at the place, Su Tingyu asked Lucifer to go back to the panel, got out of the car by himself, and entered the manor.

main villa.


"I'm back!"

Su Tingyu originally thought that everyone would be there, so he deliberately didn't call in advance, just thinking of a surprise.

But in the end, except for the servants, Qin Qi and the others disappeared.

"Huh? Where's the person?" Su Tingyu went to the places and rooms that several people frequented, but couldn't find anyone.

At a corner, Qi Bubai's figure appeared, accompanied by his unhurried voice:
"Miss Su, you are back."

"Qi Bubai!" Su Tingyu finally saw someone, so he hurried over and asked, "Where are Qiqi and the others?"

"Seventh Young Master seems to be contacting him from the original army. Xiaozhu went back to his hometown, Mr. Feng went to collect rent, Miss Shan went back to visit friends." Qi Bubai knew everyone's itinerary well.

Su Tingyu puffed up his face slightly: "Well, everyone has things to do..."

"Now that the closed beta is over, there is no need to enter the dungeon for the time being, so it's a holiday for everyone." Qi Bubai said.

"What about Gu Jiu? Where did he go?"

Qi Bubai talked about everyone, but only Gu Qi was missing.

Qi Bubai restrained his expression slightly: "Master, he went out to do some errands, for the public test."


Su Tingyu recalled Xie Puyu's previous words, hesitated for a while, and said, "I accidentally got a piece of news that the public beta will start, probably in September this year, and the Xing side has to make preparations. "

The commotion above is so big that even in the real world, various matters have been arranged, just to prevent something.

Even if the original closed beta had an impact, it would only spread in the dungeon, but now all the above actions have to make Su Tingyu suspicious. Could it be possible that the opening of the public beta will directly affect the real world?
"Don't worry, Miss Su, we will make preparations. You just came back, if you need anything, just call the servant at home."

"Mmm Good."

Su Tingyu looked at Qi Bubai's far away back, and the expression on his face gradually became playful.

Not right.

Just now she mentioned that the public beta test might be in September, Qi Bubai didn't seem surprised at all.

Thinking that Qi Bubai is a member of the Gu family... Perhaps, the above has already hinted at a wealthy and powerful family such as the Gu family?
Su Tingyu went to the kitchen to order some meals, especially various drinks, and ordered the servants to deliver them directly to her room in a while.

Back in the room, Su Tingyu closed the doors and windows, drew the curtains, and then let Lucifer out.

Lucifer who came out flapped his little wings, looked around Su Tingyu's room, and then landed on the table.

Since Su Tingyu can't see Qin Qi and the others now, he can only use the panel to send a message to ask about their situation.

1 minute later.

The fat man was the first to reply: [Boss, I still have more than a dozen places to go, up to three days, I'll be back after the rent is collected! ]
Su Tingyu looked at Fatty's unpretentious language, and showed the most arrogant gesture, almost shed tears of envy.

5 minutes.

Gu Qi: [oh]
10 minutes.

Shan Yu: [Just come back]
Wei Chu: [Sister Su!In a few days, I will bring you homemade products! ]
Su Tingyu waited for another 10 minutes, but there was still no reply from Qin Qi.

"Is Qiqi busy now?"

At this time, the door was knocked, so Su Tingyu had no choice but to turn off the panel, grabbed Lucifer casually, stuffed it under the quilt on the bed, and then went to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Su Tingyu smelled a fragrance.

It was three servants who came to deliver food.

"come in."

Su Tingyu turned sideways, let the servants come in, and placed the food and drinks on the table.

After the servants left, Su Tingyu closed the door again.

Hearing the movement, Lucifer poked his head out of the bed, glanced at Su Tingyu, and was immediately attracted by the various drinks on the table, then flapped his little wings and flew over.

Su Tingyu turned his head, saw this scene, and smiled: "I ordered it for you, eat it."

Lucifer sniffed the freshly cooked food, not very interested, then he took a fancy to a glass of drink, flew to the top of the lid, just right enough to stand on it.

Lucifer slightly opened his small mouth, facing the inserted straw, and swallowed it.

Su Tingyu came over and sat down.

After driving for so long, Su Tingyu was hungry.


In a small village surrounded by mountains and rivers, due to the difficulty of transportation, the people in the village live a self-sufficient life. Most of the villagers, the farthest place they have been to is the nearest small county.

And one day, the quiet village became lively.

"Grandpa, I'm going back!"

"Second aunt, I brought back specialties from big cities, come and taste them!"

"Big cousin, you look beautiful again!

Wei Chu entered the village entrance with a large bag of storage bags in each hand, and when he saw an acquaintance, he smiled and greeted him honestly.

Everyone in the village was overjoyed when they saw Wei Chu's return, and they surrounded him one after another, booing and inquiring.

"The little pig is back!"

"Hey! Little Pig seems to have gained a lot of weight. It seems that the food in big cities is pretty good."

"Little pig, why are you back when you are free? Aren't you going to work?"


Faced with the villagers' questions one after another, Wei Chu stopped and answered them patiently.

"Okay, okay! Baby Pig just came back, let him go back to rest, tomorrow, tomorrow you can come and drop by!" A white-haired old man squeezed through the crowd and grabbed Wei Chu's arm.

"That's fine, Xiao Zhu will go back to rest first, and then Auntie will come to see you tomorrow."



Wei Chu helped the old man back to his original home.

There is no one at home now, and everyone who can work has gone out, leaving only the old man at home.

"Grandpa, sit down." Wei Chu opened his two big bags, which contained all kinds of food.

"Grandpa, I bought this for you with my salary in the city... and this..."

"Okay, okay! Baby pig, how long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?" Grandpa felt very relieved when he saw these strange things.

"I'm on vacation now, so I can stay in the village for more than half a month without any problem."

"Good good!"



After coming back for more than ten days, Wei Chu helped take care of all aspects of the house as before.

Wei Chu was feeding the chickens when he received a panel message from Su Tingyu. After replying, he closed the panel.

After feeding the chickens at home, he went to do other housework.

When he was free, Wei Chu went to chat with his grandpa: "Grandpa, the hens at home are not energetic."

"Hey." Grandpa took a puff of the old cigarette, disapproving: "I don't know what's wrong with the recent weather, it's cold and hot for a while, let alone poultry, even people can't stand it!"

"Grandpa, you have to pay attention to your body." Wei Chu's expression became a little nervous.

"Haha, I know, I know." Grandpa stretched out his hand and patted the bench beside him: "Come on, baby pig, tell grandpa again, where did you talk about the big city last time?"

Wei Chu sat on the bench, "Last time I talked about..."



A special forces area.

main entrance.

Qin Qi took out a retirement certificate and showed it to the soldiers guarding the gate.

"You are Qin Qi, right?"


After the soldier inspected the retirement certificate, he returned it to Qin Qi, and saluted the latter: "Please come in."

Qin Qi put away his retirement certificate, and stepped into the door after more than a year's absence.

Before Qin Qi could go far, a small group of soldiers ran over with a very clear goal. When they saw the former, their faces showed joy.

"Qin Qi!"

"You boy! Think of it and contact us!"

"Brat, ran away without saying a word, and didn't even leave us a contact information!"


Qin Qi silently endured the complaints from his colleagues in the past, and finally said: "Sorry, before..."

"Damn! What are you apologizing for!" One person raised his fist, with a lot of force, and hammered Qin Qi's shoulder: "We are all brothers! Everyone is very happy that you can come back!"

"Qin Qi, the boss is waiting for you in the office!"

Qin Qi nodded slightly: "Then I'll go there now."

"Okay! Let's go!"

"When you finish discussing things with the boss, don't run away again!"

"that is……"


Qin Qi came to an office alone, the door was open, and inside was a middle-aged man in uniform, looking down at the documents in hand.

"Come in." The middle-aged man said without raising his head.

Hearing this, Qin Qi stepped in, stood not far from the desk, and saluted the army with a solemn expression.

The middle-aged man put down the documents in his hand, raised his head, and placed his fingers on the table with his hands crossed, showing a bit of dignity and coldness.

"came back."

Qin Qi was stunned, and responded in a low voice: "Yes."

The middle-aged man examined Qin Qi for a few seconds, reached out and took out a pistol from the side drawer, and threw it to Qin Qi.

Qin Qi took it quickly, holding the pistol in his hand, as if he was born with it.

The middle-aged man stared at Qin Qi closely, seeing that the latter didn't have the slightest expression on his face, he immediately relaxed: "Okay?"

"Hmm..." Qin Qi took two steps forward and returned the pistol to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at the gun on the table and sighed slightly: "I don't blame you for what happened back then..."

"Now that you have come out of the shadows, are you willing to join the army again? It is an eventful time, and rumors have been leaked from above. Some kind of major event is likely to happen in the near future. At that time, we need to be a shield for the people. "

The middle-aged man trusted Qin Qi very much, and revealed important information before the latter made it clear that he would return to the team.

As for this information, Qin Qi thought about it for a while, and he could probably deduce that it was related to the public beta of Parallel Paradise.

The country's sense of smell has always been more sensitive than that of any single person, and it considers all aspects and is the most comprehensive.

Qin Qi looked at the middle-aged man calmly: "You taught me before that if there is a war, you must call back. The students will keep it in mind."


At this moment, the middle-aged man couldn't hold back at all. He stood up, crossed the desk, approached Qin Qi, stretched out one hand, and patted Qin Qi's shoulder in relief: "Okay! It's worthy of being brought out by me!" people!"

"I'm very happy that you can come back, and those monkeys are equally happy."

Qin Qi pursed his lower lip slightly.

It is undeniable that Qin Qi felt a little joy in his heart.

But he...couldn't express it.

"What do I need to do?" Qin Qi asked.

"You do a few rounds of rehabilitation training and testing first, and then officially return to the team after passing the test!"

The middle-aged man did not ask Qin Qi where he had been for more than a year.

When he first accepted Qin Qi, he knew that Qin Qi's name was a pseudonym, and only he knew his real identity. Because of his love for talents, he and a few old friends tried their best to protect Qin Qi's entry into the army.

Later, Qin Qi left the army.

The middle-aged man also respected Qin Qi's choice, and did not check the latter's life situation casually.

"Okay." Qin Qi had no objection.

After an hour, Qin Qi left the office.

After coming out, Qin Qi found an empty corner and opened the panel.

When he saw the new news on the panel, he clicked in and took a look, and his cold brows and eyes softened immediately.

He thought for a while, entered a line of content, and then sent it.

After finishing this, Qin Qi turned off the panel and rushed towards the training ground.


Gu's Manor.

In the room, Su Tingyu touched his round belly and burped in satisfaction.

Of the drinks on the table, Su Tingyu only drank one cup, and Lucifer drank all the others.

Su Tingyu reached out and poked Lucifer's little head: "You really only drink drinks and don't eat other delicacies?"

Holding the last glass of orange juice in his arms, Lucifer shook his head: "No, human food, for me, can't replenish much energy, it's just a taste."

taste it...

Su Tingyu's eyes drifted suspiciously towards several empty drink glasses on the table.

Are you sure it's just a taste?

I'm afraid it's not a picky eater, right?

However, what Lucifer said was also reasonable, and Su Tingyu didn't force him to eat any food.

After eating, Su Tingyu asked the servants to clean up, and ordered some drinks for Lucifer by the way.

After nothing happened, Su Tingyu subconsciously opened the panel and saw a red dot.

There is new news.

Su Tingyu clicked in to take a look.

It's Qiqi!
[I have something to do, wait for me to come back]
Su Tingyu looked at these short words and smirked, making Lucifer beside him curious.

What is this human laughing at?
At this time, a voice floated in Lucifer's mind: [What else can you laugh at, human girls, besides eating, drinking and dressing up, don't they just fall in love~]
fall in love?
what is that?
Lucifer was even more confused, and subconsciously bit the straw in his mouth.

[Ahem, good boy, you will naturally know when you become an adult]
The voice in Lucifer's mind seemed to be coaxing a child.

Upon hearing this tone, Lucifer was very dissatisfied.

I need to know now!
Hmm... this human must know, why don't you ask?

As if hearing Lucifer's heartfelt voice, the voice in my head was very helpless:

[You are still young, really, not suitable for dating]
(End of this chapter)

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