Bug in survival game

Chapter 930 Prelude to Public Beta 3

Chapter 930 Prelude to Public Beta 3
As soon as Su Tingyu and Fatty walked out of the study, they saw Qi Bubai coming with some food.

Qi Bubai smiled slightly: "Miss Su, Mr. Feng."

Su Tingyu glanced at the food, and understood in his heart: "Let's go first, see you tomorrow."


Entering the study, Qi Bubai put all the food on the table: "You just came back, let's rest for a while."

Gu Qi glanced at the food and put down the signature pen in his hand, but he didn't pick up the chopsticks Qi Bubai handed over.

Gu Qi suddenly said: "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

Qi Bubai paused slightly: "Why do you ask that?"

Gu Qi lowered his eyes slightly, and faintly spit out two words: "feeling."

"Also, apart from the details of the public beta, why do you know so clearly?"

"You..." Qi Bubai opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but hesitated for a few seconds, and finally didn't say anything.

Gu Qi asked again: "Don't want to say?"

Qi Bubai put down his chopsticks, took two steps back, and avoided talking: "You should eat something first."

Gu Qi said coldly: "Forget it, get out."

Qi Bubai struggled for a moment, and finally he could only say helplessly: "When the right time comes, I will explain clearly to you."




After Su Tingyu separated from Fatty, he returned to the room.

Seeing Lucifer obediently following the show, Su Tingyu walked over and poked the former's little head lightly.

Lucifer hooked Su Tingyu's little finger with his backhand, his golden eyes still stared at the computer screen, and asked, "Why do these two humans want to be together, and other humans don't agree?"

Su Tingyu turned his head and looked at the name of the TV series that was being played——

"Master High and Cold"

Su Tingyu recalled the plot of this web drama for a while, and then replied:

"That's because they are masters and apprentices. According to the etiquette in the play, the master is equivalent to the existence of a father. Naturally, father and daughter cannot be together, otherwise, they will be cast aside by the people of the world."

Lucifer was still puzzled: "Human beings really meddle in their own business."

"Well, why do you say that?" Su Tingyu asked with interest as there was nothing wrong now.

Lucifer took a sip of his drink and said unhurriedly, "It's their business that those two humans want to be together, but other humans interfere. Isn't that meddling?"

"That's right!" Su Tingyu looked at Lucifer's wrinkled face, a little amused: "Otherwise, watch another drama?"

Hearing this, Lucifer shook his head: "No, I want to finish watching."

"Okay then, Lucifer, some of my friends are back, pay attention, don't be found out." Su Tingyu warned.

Now that the public beta is approaching, Su Tingyu doesn't want to cause any trouble.

"Friend?" Lucifer tilted his head: "You don't believe them?"

Su Tingyu shook his head: "No, it's just that there are some things. If more people know about it, the risk of leaking the secret will naturally increase, especially if you are such a small one now, and your strength is limited, so you can't be too ostentatious."

It's not that Su Tingyu doesn't believe Fatty and the others, but that he doesn't want Lucifer to walk around casually. Apart from Fatty and the others, there are many servants in the villa.

On the one hand, it is afraid of causing trouble.

On the other hand, it is also for the safety of Lucifer.

"Oh, I see." Lucifer seemed to understand, turned his head, and continued to watch the TV series.

[She is right, you are not suitable to appear in front of outsiders now]
The guy in his head spoke again, and Lucifer felt a little annoyed: [Shut up!Don't disturb me to follow the drama]
The word "chasing drama" was learned by Lucifer and Su Tingyu in the past few days.

That voice suddenly became a little more helpless:
[Okay, okay, I won't bother you, but if you don't understand anything about watching dramas, you can ask me, how convenient isn't it]
If there is no comparison, there is no harm.

The little guy is too resistant to himself, that human Su Tingyu, who just met but never saw the sky, trusts and relies on him so much, he is somewhat appetizing.

Hey... children can only be coaxed and held.

Lucifer couldn't believe it: [Do you understand these human brain circuits? ]
[certainly! ]
The voice instantly became confident:

[I am a little older than you anyway, and I have come into contact with many human beings, and I am naturally very aware of the twists and turns of those human beings]
Lucifer frowned: [Clear?Then how did you end up with only a remnant soul left? ]
[Ahem...that was an accident, just an accident]
[cut! ]
Lucifer pouted, ignoring the guy in his mind.

Although this guy has been around as long as he can remember, Lucifer somehow feels very displeased with this mysterious guy who meddles with him.

On the other side, Su Tingyu turned on a certain treasure on his mobile phone, changed the delivery address of his purchase order, and replaced it with his address in Shanghai.

After finishing the order, Su Tingyu started to pack his luggage.

The next day.

Su Tingyu and others left Gu's Manor together and headed for the capital.

After arriving in Shanghai, considering that there were other things to deal with, he asked Su Tingyu and Fatty to act freely, but they had to keep in touch at all times.

Su Tingyu and Fatty talked together, the former proposed to go home, and the latter readily agreed.

An hour passed.

Su Tingyu pointed to the small seaside villa not far away: "The front is my home."

"Boss, the environment here is very good." Fatty admired it all over his face.

"That's right! I've been picking one for a long time!"


And this time.

Near the entrance of Su Tingyu's house, a van was parked, and in the driver's seat sat a man wearing a hat, with a camera hanging in front of him.

"It should be here..." The man picked up the phone, searched for a number in the address book, and called.

After waiting for several seconds, the call was connected.


"It's me." The man said.

"Yo! Brother Duoqian, what's the matter?"

"I've already arrived at the address you gave me last time. Are you sure it's here?"

"Of course! I can't lie to you! I have noticed before that the manager of Yaoyu Angel Kiss, Miss Fei, often haunts the villa area in this area. She doesn't live here, and her subordinates As for Angel Kiss, an entertainer, think about it, who is she looking for?"

When Jin Duoqian heard this, he immediately felt confident again: "That's good! I'll trust you again!"

"Okay, okay..."


After the call was hung up, Jin Duoqian's eyes fell on the small villa in front of him again.

Jin Duoqian has checked almost all the villas in this area, and now, only the small villa in front of him is left.

This place... is probably where the rumored Angel Kiss resides! !

Exclusive news...here I come! ! !


When Su Tingyu and the others came to the door of the small villa, they found a sneaky figure swaying.

The fat man looked puzzled: "Boss, why is there someone there, is your friend?"

"Huh? Who... I don't know?" Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes, also confused.

This face is very strange... Could it be Sister Fei's newly hired assistant?
But this appearance... is really a bit ordinary. Sister Fei is a serious face control person, so she probably wouldn't find such an assistant, would she?

It can't be a thief, can it?

Su Tingyu: "Go! Go and have a look!"

Su heard Yu Fang's light footsteps, walked over, and patted Jin Duoqian on the shoulder:

"What are you doing here?"

The sudden sound really startled Jin Duoqian.

He looked back and saw a little girl and a fat man, a strange combination.

"Who are you two? Don't interfere with my work, let's go..." Jin Duoqian felt that Su Tingyu looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

"Are you... a paparazzi?" Su Tingyu noticed the camera in Jin Duoqian's hand at this time, and then looked at the outfit, and accurately guessed the latter's occupation.

"What are you shooting here? Are there any big stars?"

Hearing this, Jin Duoqian began to look at Su Tingyu carefully, such a big little girl, she can't be a fan of some celebrity, right?Chasing the idol's doorstep?

"Would you like to tell me? I know this area very well!" Su Tingyu expressed his excitement of wanting to 'collaborate in big things'.

"You?" Jin Duoqian didn't believe it. He searched here for nearly two months, but he never met Su Tingyu.

"That's right! It's me! My cousin's family lives here, and I come here to play occasionally during vacations. I don't say I'm familiar with it, at least I know something about it." Su Tingyu opened his mouth and started making things up.

Although the fat man didn't know why Su Tingyu said that, but he silently turned his face away so that he wouldn't get caught in a smothered smile.

"Then you...then do you know who the owner of this villa is? What does it look like? Where is it now?" Jin Duoqian asked doubtfully.

"Oh! You are looking for the owner of this villa! I know him!" Su Tingyu looked innocent and sweet.

Jin Duoqian's face brightened: "Really?! Then is he a man or a woman!"


When Jin Duoqian heard it, he immediately felt that it was a good show.

Although Angel Kiss did not show up, it can be judged from the released song that it is a girl.

Jin Duoqian asked eagerly, "Then what does she look like?"

Su Tingyu thought about it, and then said with fascination: "It looks like a...Shen Yuluoyan, Guanyue, Shame, Flowers, Country, City, Ice Muscle and Jade Bones are rare in the world, like a fairy descending to earth!"

"Is it really that exaggerated?" Jin Duoqian couldn't believe it. How could there be such a perfect person? Couldn't this little girl be talking nonsense?
"Of course there is!" Su Tingyu said righteously.

"I don't believe it, unless...unless you take me to see her!" Jin Duoqian rolled his eyes and said.

Su Tingyu seemed to be excited, and said loudly: "Okay!"

"Then you take it!"

"I bring!"

"Take it! Where is it!"

"Here it is!"

For a moment, the two stared at each other.

"No, are you kidding me?" Jin Duoqian frowned.

Su Tingyu shook his head and denied: "No, you saw it."

"What did you see, what did you say...it's really..." Jin Duoqian cursed, feeling that he had been cheated, just turned around and left a few steps away, suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and he turned his head instantly, his eyes stared in amazement Xiang Su Tingyu: "You you you..."

"Me, me, me? What are you looking at me for?" Su Tingyu raised his chin slightly.

"It's not...you...I..." Jin Duoqian finally remembered that he had really met Su Tingyu!
In May, at the gate of Yaoyu, he saw Su Tingyu leaving on a bicycle.

She is from Yaoyu! !

Yaoyu employees?

But Jin Duoqian has not seen Su Tingyu many times... If it is a normal employee, it is certain that he will work from nine to five, except...except...

Su Tingyu took out his mobile phone, typed a text message, sent it, then turned his head to look at Jin Duoqian with a dull face, and tilted his head: "You are so strange, the person is right in front of you, and you are still leaving?"

This sentence is an admission in disguise,

"You you you you..." Jin Duoqian widened his eyes.

At this time, two men appeared out of nowhere and went straight to Jin Duoqian.

"Hello, we are checking the water meter, please come with us."

One of the men showed a certificate, and then "pleased" Jin Duoqian semi-strongly to leave.

The other person nodded to Su Tingyu, and then stared at Jin Duoqian so that no one would escape.


In the end, Jin Duoqian was taken away with a confused face.

After watching the play, Fatty couldn't understand the last scene.

"Boss, this is..."

Su Tingyu looked innocent: "I don't know, maybe that person parked indiscriminately and was arrested?"

Not only was Jin Duoqian taken away, but his car was also taken away.

"Is that so?" Fatty always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"Damn! Leave it alone! Fatty, come in!" Su Tingyu opened the door of the house and invited the fatty to visit.

"Oh, good."


The fat man stayed at Su Tingyu's house for a few hours before leaving.

Fatty also has real estate in Shanghai, and he also has a place to live.

After the fat man left, Su Tingyu released Lucifer, let the latter go to familiarize himself with the new environment, and then dialed a number on his mobile phone.

"How's it going?" Su Tingyu asked.

"Grandma, don't worry, we will educate this guy."

"Well, I'm not worried about that, but what is this guy's background?"

"Oh, this is a paparazzi, who wants to dig you for information. He has been following you for a long time, and he is persistent enough. We found out about it more than a month ago, and we made some tricks to make him get into the game and suffer. Who knows After this guy came out, he came to die."

"So that's the case... that's fine, you guys take care of it."

After Su Tingyu understood the situation, he hung up the phone.

In the evening, Gu Qi called and said that he would leave Shanghai tomorrow and continue to go south. Su Tingyu thought about Xie Puyu's words before, and told Gu Qi that he had to wait for someone.

In the end, Su Tingyu stayed in the magic capital alone.

8 month 29 number.

Gu Qi and Fatty also left Modu.

That night.

"Lucifer, go to bed, don't look at it." Su Tingyu forcibly turned off the computer screen, and then put Lucifer back in the closet.

"Sleep, see you tomorrow."

Lucifer let out an "oh", grabbed the quilt and covered himself.

Su Tingyu closed the closet without closing it completely, leaving a gap, and then went to take a shower and sleep by himself.


Time passed bit by bit, and soon, zero came.

Su Tingyu was soundly asleep when he was suddenly awakened by the sound of an alarm.

She opened her eyes, and found that the alarm sound came from the panel, and the panel popped out, and a large announcement popped up on it.

(End of this chapter)

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