Bug in survival game

Chapter 932 Prelude to Public Beta 5

Chapter 932 Prelude to Public Beta 5
"When did you find out? Last night? Or..."

Su Tingyu interrupted Pu Yu's conjecture with a guilty conscience: "I found out that the panel was not turned off last night, so I tried it out of curiosity, and it turned out... just fine."

Whoa whoa whoa!
Don't guess, don't guess!

Guess any more, the little fairy's underwear is gone!

"What's your situation? Why are you the only one doing something special?" Xie Puyu said playfully.

Su Ting's fish eyes rolled slightly: "Maybe... it has something to do with my copy of the token last time!"

Xie Puyu raised his eyebrows slightly: "A copy of the keepsake?"

"Yes!" Su Tingyu said firmly:

"You also know that the world of the copy of the token is the real world. I met the gods in that world and gained the favor of the gods. Perhaps, the gods have changed something in the dark?"

Xie Puyu stared at Su Tingyu closely, and he always felt that the latter was talking nonsense: "God? This is unscientific!"

"Is Parallel Paradise itself very scientific? Are people with supernatural abilities very scientific?" Su Tingyu quickly replied.

Xie Puyu was suddenly speechless.


Seeing Shunli fooling around, Su Tingyu changed the subject: "Don't worry about why I can take out the game items. Didn't you just say that there are many game items in the mall to keep out the cold? I can take them out now!"

"That's right!" Xie Puyu looked happy, but in the next second, he hesitated again: "The game items in the exchangeable mall need game currency. How much game currency can you exchange for by yourself?"

"Ah? Then..."

Su Tingyu took a look at the game currency he now owns.

In addition to the existing game coins at the end of the original internal test, the game items picked up in the dungeon during the summer vacation were entrusted to Qi Bubai to help her deal with them. During the time when Su Tingyu went to Yinyang Star, Qi Bubai I traded the exchanged game currency to her.

In the end, plus a little bit of reward for the copy of the keepsake...

Su Tingyu said a number: "I now have 120 million game coins."

"Too little...wait! Isn't it 12 game coins??" Xie Puyu's always smart head was stuck for a rare moment.

Su Tingyu's expression was very innocent, she nodded: "It's 120 million, but well, to be more precise, it's 1250550 game coins, I just wiped the zero."

Erasing... directly erased more than 5 game coins?
"Are you sure you're not kidding me?"

Su Tingyu shook his head: "No, but 120 million is indeed a little less, and it doesn't feel like it's enough to exchange for something good."


Is this what people say?
Xie Puyu was immediately speechless.

"Dead fish, tell the truth, have you gone to rob the copy?"

"No!" Su Tingyu said righteously: "I am so kind and cute, and I am also a good player who abides by the rules. How could I do something like robbery that violates the rules and does not respect martial ethics?"

Xie Puyu: "...All right, all right."

Xie Puyu calmed down, and asked solemnly: "Although the amount of game coins you have is a bit exaggerated, it is true that... you can't change much, but it is a kind of game item to be able to change! Dead fish, are you serious? Willing to contribute your game currency for free?"

"I don't want to." Su Tingyu's tone was very decisive.

Xie Puyu: ...

Su Tingyu snapped his fingers and made a small calculation: "I didn't say all contributions, I donated at most half of the game currency for free, which is 60, and the remaining 60, I just loaned it out temporarily! When the time comes, you Give it back to me!"

"Okay!" Xie Puyu heaved a sigh of relief, this is the Su Tingyu he knew, if the latter really donated for free, he would doubt whether the person in front of him was a fake.

"I'll go to negotiate with the higher-ups first. In the past few months, the higher-ups have set up a game finance bureau in private, accumulating a lot of game coins turned in by players in the system for free, and collecting some things that violate social order. The game coins of the players are about tens of millions, but unfortunately they cannot be cashed out, so they are all used up."

"When the public beta starts and the panel can be opened, your 60 game coins will be returned to you immediately."

Su Tingyu clicked his tongue when he heard that there were tens of millions of game coins.

Be nice!

This is just the game currency reserves of Huaxia, one of the five Blue Star countries, and other countries must have similar reserves, so if they add up... Tsk tsk!
But now that the public beta is imminent, the player panel is closed, and the game currency inside cannot be used, which is equivalent to freezing bank funds in the real world, guarding the gold and silver mountains and cannot be used.

After the two had a quick discussion, Xie Puyu immediately contacted relevant people and reported Su Tingyu's matter.

When the people above heard it, they were very excited.

Good thing!
Approved immediately!

In less than two hours, a special person sent an agreement, clearly written in black and white.

After Su Tingyu finished reading it and made sure there was nothing wrong with it, he signed his name.

Afterwards, Su Tingyu selected game items in the mall system according to the list sent by a special person.

In the end, all the 120 million game coins were spent, leaving only 50550 game coins.

Su Tingyu went to the local branch of the Mystery Bureau in Shanghai. After arriving at a suitable area, he took out the newly exchanged game items from the inventory.

Game items appeared out of thin air one by one, and the staff who came to the scene to see them with their own eyes were all excited.

With these game items, when the Great Ice Age comes, there will be an extra security guarantee.

"Miss Su, thank you for your generosity to help the country." Luo Min, the director of the Supernatural Research Institute, was also qualified to appear on the scene, and expressed his gratitude to Su Tingyu repeatedly.

"This is what I should do." Su Tingyu smiled on his face, but he still felt a little guilty in his heart.

After all, it was only now that I was willing to confess.

If it could be said earlier, the tens of millions of game coins in the Finance Bureau can be exchanged for game items and taken to the real world.

"Don't worry, we all see your contribution. In the near future, you will also receive a high degree of protection and attention." Luo Min has rich experience and can somewhat see Su Tingyu's concerns Therefore, in front of everyone, he gave Su Tingyu a guarantee.

"Ahem, director Luo, you have high morals, so you should just call me by my name."

Su Tingyu felt that he couldn't afford to let a national treasure-level person call himself by honorific titles.

"Hahaha, that's good." Luo Min responded heartily: "Xiaoyu, do you want to stay in the mystery bureau?"

Su Tingyu shook his head slightly: "No, I still like to stay at home."

Furthermore, there is a Lucifer in her family.

"That's good." Luo Min didn't force her, but secretly planned in her heart that she had to make it clear to her superiors and send some capable people to protect Su Tingyu personally.

After saying goodbye to Luo Min and Xie Puyu and the others, Su Tingyu came out from the mystery bureau and was escorted home.

Once back home, Su Tingyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After explaining everything, now, Su Tingyu doesn't feel guilty anymore.

As soon as Su Tingyu went upstairs, he heard rustling sounds from the refrigerator.

Su Tingyu walked over and saw that Lucifer's whole body was stuck into the refrigerator.

"What are you looking for?" Su Tingyu asked.

Lucifer turned his head to look, and retracted his two little hands, overlapping in front of him: "There's no more drink."

Su Tingyu was slightly surprised: "Isn't it? Are you finished drinking again?"

Lucifer raised his head: "More."

"Save some drinks." Su Tingyu waved his hand, and the two boxes of drinks stored in the storage ring appeared on the ground.

Seeing this, Lucifer flew down and landed on the drink.

Lucifer looked left and right, and finally looked at his little hand, feeling a little tangled.

I seem to be unable to move the two boxes of drinks now...

Therefore, Lucifer called Su Tingyu as a matter of course: "Drink, move back."

"All right, all right, you're a cutie, what you said is right!" Su Tingyu picked up Lucifer with one hand, waved his hand, and put away the two boxes of drinks.

After entering the room, Su Tingyu took out two boxes of drinks and unpacked them so that Lucifer could come to pick up new drinks at any time.


Su Tingyu took advantage of drinks and TV shows, and whenever he got the chance, he would lick Lucifer, just like stroking a kitten.

But Su Tingyu didn't know at all that a high-level meeting was going on against her, and the bigwigs from all sides gathered together with their computer videos on.

At this time, the arrangement for Su Tingyu was being discussed intensely.

"How can you put such a special talent back casually from the Mystery Bureau?" The director of the Science Bureau had a slightly sullen face, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

The director of the Mystery Bureau asked back: "If you don't put it back, what else do you want to do?"

"Everyone, don't forget that she is a member of the Non-Order Institute. According to the rules of the Non-Order Institute, on the premise of not endangering the society and the people, she gives the members of the Non-Order the maximum authority and freedom."

Lin Wuxia also attended this meeting as the new director of the Disorder Research Institute who has only been in office for a few years.

The director of the Science Bureau sighed: "I didn't want to do anything, but, if that little girl can cooperate, maybe I can withdraw the 'funds' from the Finance Bureau in advance?"

Everyone here is very clear about what the funds here represent.

"Oh! Is it purely just this kind of plan, or you have other thoughts, you know it in your heart!" Luo Min suddenly snorted coldly, and replied unceremoniously:
"What we are facing now is far beyond the comprehension of human civilization, and it cannot be clearly analyzed after a short period of research."

"How will you know if you don't try?" Another gray-haired old man said unhurriedly.

Luo Min suppressed anger on his face: "Using a high-sounding excuse, using a research that is destined to have no effect, trying to illegally imprison and hurt our compatriots, Liu Zetong, you are tired of living!"

"Luo Min, don't spout blood!"

"Then do you dare to swear by the sky? Do you swear by the luck and inheritance of your descendants of the Liu family?"


At this time, from the beginning to the end, a middle-aged elegant man who had been silent all this time stopped the argument: "Okay, stop arguing."

"First of all, Su Tingyu is willing to sacrifice personal interests in exchange for social and collective interests. This is a deed worthy of praise and affirmation."

"Secondly, Su Tingyu is a citizen of the Celestial Dynasty. Under the premise of not violating the laws of the Celestial Dynasty, her own safety and freedom are protected by the laws of the Celestial Dynasty. No one can do anything that damages the safety and freedom of the citizens of the Celestial Dynasty for any reason. matter."

"Everyone, do you have any objections to this?"

Lin Wuxia was the first to answer the question: "The Non-Order Institute has no objections."

Luo Min: "The Supernatural Research Institute has no objection."

"The Mystery Bureau has no objection."

"The Finance Bureau has no objection."

"The Political and Legal Bureau has no objection."

"The Security Bureau has no objection."


The middle-aged man with elegant temperament continued to preach:
"However, we must pay attention to Su Tingyu's own safety. In addition, all information about her must be strictly guarded, and there must be no leakage."

"Well, let's send people to provide 24-hour close protection. As for the candidates, they will be selected by the special forces area."

The head of the special forces area responded immediately: "Yes, we guarantee to complete the task!"

"In the face of the catastrophe, the people of the Celestial Dynasty should unite as one, unite as one, and overcome this unprecedented crisis together. All internal strife and internal friction are undesirable, stupid, and irrational."

The words of the middle-aged man seemed to be vigilant, like a warning, and the hearts of all the people present were unanimously shivering.

Then, the middle-aged man specifically named the Science Bureau and the Biology Bureau:

"Director Wu, Director Liu, both of you have exhausted your mind and energy, and forgot to sleep and eat, trying to figure out the source of this catastrophe. The society and the people will remember your contribution."

"But we are so desperate, the original intention is to better protect our compatriots."

The two people who had been carrying Luo Min before were shocked, and a trace of embarrassment appeared on their faces.

"As for that little girl, the blood flowing in her body is the same as ours. The Chinese blood has never been cut off for thousands of years. We should give it a high degree of trust and respect." The middle-aged man finally sighed.

"Yes, I was thinking about it for a while."

Some words of rebuke and persuasion made the two of them blush.

"Then let's do this first, everyone has important things to deal with at hand, so the meeting is over."



Magic City.


Su Tingyu opened his eyes slightly.

Xie Puyu's voice came from the phone that was talking: "Yes, you heard that right, the higher authorities have made a decision and will send someone to protect you."

"Ah? Protect me? Is this unnecessary?" Su Tingyu's first reaction was to refuse, and then tried to discuss: "Besides, there are people around me!"

Xie Puyu explained: "It's different from Deputy Wang and the others, they want close protection."

Su Tingyu glanced at Lucifer, who was watching the show, and felt embarrassed: "No need?"

"You must agree to this matter." Xie Puyu's attitude was very firm: "Because of your sudden exposure, the higher authorities attach great importance to it, and even some people want to use you as a guinea pig for research. "

(End of this chapter)

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