Bug in survival game

Chapter 934 Global school opening 1

Chapter 934 Global school opening 1
"What happened to this world...?"

In a word, it has become the biggest doubt of most human beings at this moment.

The world is cooling down rapidly, and overnight, the hot summer is replaced by the cold winter.

A layer of ice formed on the endless sea level, and it was frozen for thousands of miles.

In the equatorial area, there was a heavy snowfall that had not happened in a thousand years, covering the gray-brown land, and no grass grew.

With the advent of the Great Ice Age, the first test for all blue star humans: extreme low temperature.

The sudden drop in temperature killed most of the animals and plants on Blue Star in an instant, and even some unsuspecting human beings, walking and falling asleep, closed their eyes completely and never woke up again. Come……

With the advent of the Great Ice Age, the second test for all blue star humans: extremely fast freezing.

Facing the low temperature, the human beings who reacted shrank in the house, took out their winter clothes, put them on, and then turned on the heater.

But in just a few hours, the formerly bustling city and the quiet village were covered by layers of ice and snow. Soon, the humans hiding in the house discovered that something was wrong, and the doors and windows were frozen... They were locked up inside.

"What the hell happened here?"

"I'm trapped at home, who will help me!"

"Help! The signal is getting worse..."


On the major social platforms, everyone frantically left messages on them, hoping to draw a little bit of comfort from them.

But slowly, the overwhelming wind and snow crushed signal towers one after another, and tore apart wires exposed in mid-air. On a global scale, large-scale power outages and network interruptions began to occur.

The human beings surrounded by the wind and snow, either alone or in a family, were all isolated in the "fortresses" in the wind and snow. Darkness and coldness came, and everyone seemed to be abandoned by the world, lost. all the echoes...


at this time.

In an underground refuge base.

Su Tingyu turned off the panel, turned to look at Qin Qi: "The public beta has started."

"Yeah." Qin Qi found some girls' winter clothes and put them on Su Tingyu: "The first dungeon after the public beta starts, there is still two hours of preparation time, this round of dungeons, it is estimated that all human beings have to participate of."

"After entering the copy, it may be difficult for me to find you, so be careful."

"Yeah, I know." Su Tingyu stretched out his hands and let Qin Qi put her clothes on.

All the heating equipment in the base has been turned on, and all the staff who were originally on standby at the base began to get busy.

"Qiqi, I want to contact someone first." Su Tingyu looked at the mobile phone with no signal, and was about to go out of the room to find someone.

"Well, I'll go with you." Qin Qi had no objection, as long as he protected Su Tingyu well, he would not interfere with any of the latter's actions.

When Su Tingyu was about to open the door to go out, suddenly, as if thinking of something, he turned his head and looked at a corner——

I saw that Lucifer stared at the computer screen that suddenly went black, and his face was slightly puffed up, as if he was angry.

"Cough." Seeing this, Su Tingyu coughed lightly: "Lucifer, you can't watch TV series now, why don't you come with me?"

There are many people in the base, and Lucifer is an unrestrainable master. Su Tingyu is worried that Lucifer is not under his nose.

After all, there have been lessons learned before.

At present, only Qin Qi knows the existence of Lucifer.

However, Su Tingyu trusted Qin Qi very much, and the latter also promised to keep the secret.

"Oh." Lucifer heard Su Tingyu's words, and replied sullenly, then flew to Su Tingyu's side, and burrowed into the panel.

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing Lucifer go back obediently, Su Tingyu smiled slightly, and beckoned to Qin Qi.

After the two came out of the room, Su Tingyu led the way. According to the location information given to her by Xie Puyu before coming, they walked for about ten minutes and came to another area of ​​the base.

Su Tingyu looked around, and not far from his right, he saw the figure of understanding Puyu.

Xie Puyu is instructing two staff members to move things: "You move things over there...just put them there."

Su Tingyu walked over: "Xiao Yuyu."

"Just put it there... that's fine, you guys go to other things first." Xie Puyu noticed that Su Tingyu was coming, so she dismissed the two staff members and turned to look at Su Tingyu and Qin Qi who were coming .

Xie Puyu glanced at Su Tingyu, then at Qin Qi: "Is this the person sent by the superior?"

"Yeah!" Su Tingyu nodded with a smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Xie Puyu." Xie Puyu stretched out his right hand to Qin Qi: "This guy is a bit noisy, please bear with me."

Qin Qi stretched out his right hand, and when they shook hands, he responded calmly: "She is fine, I will take good care of her."

Hearing this, Xie Puyu raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Su Tingyu who was smiling like a fool again, and instinctively told him... something tricky.

Curiosity drove Xie Puyu to ask more questions, but rationally, he restrained himself and asked Su Tingyu, "What are you doing here?"

Su Tingyu: "I just came to ask about the situation outside?"

"Outside..." Speaking of business, Xie Puyu's expression became a little more serious: "The Great Ice Age has officially arrived. Although we have reminded the uninformed people and built a large number of refuge bases, we can't Be foolproof, our country is like this, and those regions in foreign countries..."

"That is to say, there have been casualties?" Su Tingyu frowned.

Xie Puyu shook his head: "It is still impossible to count the casualties. The normal civilian power grid and signal network around the world have been blocked. Only the state-owned lines buried underground can still be used normally for the time being. But if the global temperature continues to drop, exceeding the line The tolerance range of the material, maybe..."

"After the public beta came out, the higher-ups have dispatched troops to carry out rescue operations as soon as possible. I hope there will be fewer casualties."

The Celestial Dynasty is the world's No. 1 most populous country, and it is also a big problem to arrange all citizens into refuge bases in a short period of time.

What's more, the advent of the Great Ice Age was unexpected, and many refuge bases on the surface that were originally built had to be abandoned. All of a sudden, the number of refuge bases that could actually be used was reduced.

At the same time, with such a large population, daily consumption is also a problem. Even if we have prepared in advance, we are now in a situation where every second counts.

"Don't run around. The first copy of the public beta will start soon. This is a special mobile phone connected to the state-owned network. It can be used in the base. Soon, it will also be installed in the refuge base. In the traditional telephone booth, please contact if you have any situation." Xie Puyu took out a mobile phone and handed it to Su Tingyu.

"it is good."

Xie Puyu waved his hand: "Okay, okay, you go back, next, you may also be busy, so cherish the leisure time now."

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
Su Tingyu didn't understand, but seeing that Xie Puyu had gone to work again, she had no choice but to go back with Qin Qi.


Su Tingyu returned to his room and opened the panel.

Now that there is no way to contact the outside world with actual communication, Su Tingyu can only use the friend system on the panel to send messages to Fatty and the others.

After a while, Su Tingyu received the message from Fatty and the others that they were safe, so he was temporarily relieved and went to the player forum instead.

After the global network and power cuts, those humans who had just become public beta players, having survived the initial horror period of low temperature and freezing, began to study the panel in front of them with trepidation and panic.

The various functions on the panel are not difficult to understand, and soon, more and more new players have found the only channel to communicate with the outside world - the player forum.

As a result, the posts that the internal beta players who wanted to know about each other were suddenly washed away by a large number of novice players.

[anyone there?anyone there?Can anyone explain? ]
[My God, the end of the world? ?Are aliens invading Bluestar? ? ]
[What is this parallel paradise?What else is a beta player? ]
[This damn weather!Why did it get cold all of a sudden!Could it be the legendary Great Ice Age? ]
[Tsk tsk, so many new players here? ]
[What new player?Upstairs, do you know something? ]
[Who has extra clothes, I'm so cold, I was notified to prepare things, but I was too lazy to prepare...]
[Wow!The official deserves to be the official, so I knew it early in the morning and prepared it in advance]
[New players, if you want to know all the reasons, you can read the post of the Alliance Miracle Red member 'Guoshi Wushuang', there are the answers you want]
The new players were panicked and confused, the old players watched the drama and laughed, and the forum became extremely chaotic for a while.

Fortunately, soon, there were well-meaning old players introducing the current situation to all new players. In addition, in the forum, hidden personnel from various countries also appeared one after another.

[Dear new players from the Celestial Dynasty, I am a member of the Alliance Miracle Red 'Guo Shi Wu Shuang', and at the same time, I also hold an important position in the official army. First of all, you need to keep calm, and second, in reality, you must do a good job of keeping warm and safe Work, waiting for the rescue of the official army personnel, in the game, please do not leak personal real information at will, please do not trust others at will, except for relatives and trusted friends... Finally, all Blue Star public beta players will be in two Hours later, enter a dungeon, you can understand it as the dungeon in traditional online games, the difference is that if you fail to clear the level in the dungeon of Parallel Paradise, your lives will be in danger!If you are in danger, don't give up!Remember, behind you, there is a powerful country!Please also firmly believe that the country will not abandon any citizen of the Celestial Dynasty! ]
[Wow!Is Miracle Red an official organization? ? ]
[Awesome!My great heaven!I started planning so early]
[Then what kind of virus, no-fly policies and other policies in the past few months, and made everyone less leave the house and stock up on supplies, are they all official handwriting? ? ]
[Is the official here?My home is in ×××××××, please come quickly!I don't have many warm items at home!The family can't hold it anymore! ]
[And my home!I'm in ××××××, hurry up! ! ]
Unknowingly, Su Tingyu read the forum posts for almost two hours, and the official response and operation were also very timely, which quickly stabilized the mentality of most new players in Tianchao District.

As Su Tingyu expected, Miracle Red really has something to do with the official. During the Dragon Boat Festival dungeon, Su Tingyu met 'Guoshi Wushuang', and it was her boss——Lin Wuxia.

Since Lin Wuxia held important positions in Miracle Red, the backing behind Miracle Red is also obvious.

After the start of the public beta, the start time of the first dungeon is getting closer and closer, with only the last 10 minutes left.

10 minute later.

The panels of all players in the world are opened at the same time, and a paragraph of content appears on it:
[The game copy is starting...]

Underneath, the progress bar gradually filled up, and then a [Enter Dungeon] button popped up. Amidst the bewildered eyes of all the beta players who participated in the game for the first time, they intelligently clicked on it.

Su Tingyu looked at this very familiar scene, and closed his eyes calmly.




[Duplicate: Global Opening]

[Background: The beginning of school is a new beginning, a new starting point, a new semester, carrying new dreams, and at the same time, it will also face new challenges. I hope that all Blue Star students can be well prepared psychologically and materially. Let's fight together for a better tomorrow! 】

[Number of players: 4]

[Main line rules:
1. Candidates are not allowed to leave the examination room if they fail the entrance examination. Violators will be responsible for the consequences

2. After the exam starts, candidates are not allowed to communicate with each other or cheat. Violators will bear the consequences at their own risk

3. Candidates are not allowed to attack the invigilator without reason, and offenders will bear the consequences

4. All personnel in the examination room must abide by the rules of the examination room, and those who violate the rules will bear the consequences at their own risk

5. More game hidden rules, players are welcome to dig out by themselves]

[Main task: Pass the entrance exam]

[Difficulty: Seven Stars]

[Duration: three days]

[Rewards for customs clearance: After clearing the customs, you can get a certain amount of game coins, with a probability of obtaining game props and lucky draw opportunities, and with a probability of obtaining free attribute points]

[Death penalty: Randomly drop two to five non-binding game items at the point of death, and lose some game coins and experience points]

[Failure penalty: 10000 game coins or enter the penalty copy]

Su Tingyu opened his eyes and found that he was sitting in an ordinary high school classroom.

There are fifty seats in a classroom, and all of them are occupied now. Su Tingyu glanced around, and from the expressions of those people, he could tell at a glance that they were all players.

"Where is this place..."

"Why did I come here suddenly?"

"Is this the so-called copy?"


Su Tingyu heard so many exclamations in his ears, and a thought came to his mind: Most of the classrooms in this classroom are newcomers?
However, when Su Tingyu saw the number of players, his heart trembled slightly.

More than 40 billion players? ?
If I remember correctly, the latest global statistic is clearly around 70 billion... Where did the remaining 30 billion people go?

Was it none of the... or all of the...

(End of this chapter)

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