Bug in survival game

Chapter 941 Global school opening 8

Chapter 941 Global school opening 8
Su Tingyu pointed in the direction of the dining hall, "There is food in there, go quickly, there might be no food if you go late."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those players who wanted food became ugly.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you? We all know there's something wrong with this canteen. Do you still want us to die? (You did it on purpose, didn't you? We all know there's something wrong with this canteen. Do you still want us to die? To die?)”

Su Tingyu seemed shocked: "You actually heard it? Doesn't it look stupid?"

One kill.

"Why doesn't this man make any sense? (Why doesn't this man make any sense?)"

"It's not easy. These days, pigs know that people have to be reasonable." Su Tingyu took another sip of mineral water calmly, and didn't know how to drip it. The tasteless mineral water suddenly became sweet and delicious.

Two kills.

"There's food. What's the big deal if we share some?"

Su Tingyu continued to reply: "It's obviously just a little food, so what's the big deal if I don't share it with you?"

Three kills.


Those players were blushed and thick-necked, but they still refused to give up easily, and continued to yell loudly on purpose, trying to make things worse.

You must know that here, there are many new players who have nothing to eat.

Soon, other players nearby heard that there was something to eat, and their attention was also attracted.

"Is there something to eat? Who has it?"

"It's those old players who have some food stored in their inventory."

"Yes, yes, I just saw a player weave a piece of bread out of thin air."

"I also saw..."

"Since there is food, can you share some with us?"


It wasn't just Su Tingyu who was found to have food by other newcomers, but also some old players who had strong self-sufficiency and didn't have to hide. When they were hungry, they took out food from the inventory and ate it.

Because of the advent of the Great Ice Age, food in the real world has become scarce.

In the two hours before entering the instance, the new players were like headless chickens, panicking everywhere, or asking about parallel paradise on the forum.

As for the old players, after the panel was restored to use, relying on their keen sense of smell honed in the game dungeon, they used the game currency in the first time to exchange enough food for a while in the mall.

Therefore, there is currently no shortage of supplies for the old players who have entered this dungeon.

The new players complained more and more, which soon aroused the dissatisfaction of the old players.

"This is the food that I have worked so hard to get. Why should I distribute it to you people?"

"You have no relatives and no reason, and you still want me to share food with you? A joke!"

"Am I your father? Just reach out and ask your father for food? You unfilial son!"

"Want food? No way!"


The old players in the previous closed beta period were all people with certain physical defects. In the real world, more or less, they would suffer some sympathy, white eyes, ridicule, cold reception and so on.

Various factors have led to more indifference and resistance to strangers in terms of personality.

Not to mention now, people still want food when they open their mouths.

You must know that food has become a very important commodity, whether it is in the real world or in the dungeon, how can it be distributed to some irrelevant people casually?

Some old players who were annoyed directly took out various game props in a bad temper to deter the new players.



The most intuitive ones are some destructive game props, such as a hole being blown out of the ground, half of a tree on the side of the road cut directly, and some setting fire and discharging. It's bluffing.

Those rookie players who are very dissatisfied on the surface, now, if there is nothing wrong with their heads, they can only shut up obediently.

On Su Tingyu's side, he directly sacrificed the Meteorite Stick, made it the longest, then easily picked it up with one hand, and "inserted" it into the ground. Immediately, the ground touched had an obvious depression.


"What's coming..."

The novice players who had never been exposed to various magical game props were stunned.

The rookie players who were frightened by force did not dare to force them loudly, and could only complain and cast aside bitterly in their hearts.

"Hey, let's go. What else can I do here. (Hey, let's go. What else can I do here.)"

“It's torture to stay outside the canteen and smell the fragrance but can't eat it. (It's torture to stay outside the canteen and smell the fragrance but can't eat it.)”


At this moment, Su Tingyu suddenly took out a set of tables and chairs from the storage ring, and then took out a lot of bread and mineral water from the inventory, and placed them on the table.

After finishing it, Su Tingyu took out a big speaker and started shouting:
"Brothers and sisters who are entering the dungeon for the first time, come and have a look! Freshly baked bread and sweet and delicious mineral water are sold online at a high price!"

Most of Su Tingyu's original game currency was temporarily lent to the official and has not been returned to her. However, she still has more than [-] game currency.

Among the food in the shopping mall system, bread and mineral water are very cost-effective foods. Before entering the instance, Su Tingyu had already spent 2.5 game coins in exchange for 5000 yuan of bread and 1850 bottles of mineral water.

With so much bread and mineral water, Su Tingyu wouldn't be so stupid as to divide it up, and it wasn't enough, maybe it would cause trouble.

So, Su Tingyu thought of a way.

"...A piece of bread only costs 100 game coins, a bottle of mineral water only costs 50 game coins, each person is limited to three pieces of bread and two bottles of water, the stock is limited, first come first served!"

After Su Tingyu yelled, the nearby players were a little confused.

But Su listened to the meaning in Yuyu's words, which aroused the interest of new players.

"What... what's going on?"

"Didn't you just say, don't you give us food? Why are you doing this again?"

Hearing the discussions around, Su Tingyu waved the little index finger of his right hand and explained aloud: "NoNoNo~ I didn't give it to you directly, I sold it to you, understand?"

A new player questioned: "What is game currency? Is it a reward for copy? But we don't have it now (What is game currency? Is it a reward for copy? But we don't have it now.)"

"Bad! This is easy to say, you can owe it first." Su Tingyu made a calculation: "With the panel system for notarization, if you want to buy bread and mineral water, come and make a contract with me first, and then wait for you to clear the customs If you do it, you can get a dungeon reward, and then the game currency will be returned to me."

"This Can it still be like this? (This... can still be like this?)"

"Will this work? (Will this work?)"

Some novice players have already begun to move their hearts, but they still have a little difficulty accepting Su Tingyu's sudden change of face, and they are dubious.

"Come on, come on, don't miss it when you pass by! Bread only costs 100 game coins, and mineral water only costs 50 game coins. This is a big sale! Moreover, this bread is not ordinary bread. Eat a piece of bread , can withstand hunger for half a day at most."

"If you buy three pieces of bread, you will definitely be able to survive the remaining two and a half days of this dungeon."

"Don't miss this opportunity! Time never comes again!"

Su Tingyu continued to yell, if it wasn't for the meteor stick beside her, she would really look like a roadside peddler.

Finally, a yellow-skinned male player stepped forward and talked boldly: "Is it credible for you to sell this bread and mineral water? Can you really eat one for half a day?"

Su Tingyu nodded: "Of course! The bread and mineral water are exchanged by me in the mall system. If you want to buy them, then we can add a clause of 'fake one pays three' when we sign the contract. If I cheat, the panel The system will strictly enforce it. In addition, after the food arrives, you can also use your panel to check it. Is this true?"

"It can still be like this." The male player suddenly realized: "Then...then I want three pieces of bread and two bottles of mineral water."

"Me too. Me too. (I want me too.)"

"And me, and me (And me and me.)"


Su Tingyu spoke very convincingly, and the new players were relieved of their last worries, and stepped forward one after another, wanting to make a deal with Su Tingyu.

"Wait, wait, wait! I'll say one more thing now."

After successfully mobilizing the enthusiasm of the newcomers, Su Tingyu sat firmly on the Diaoyutai instead, continuing to say calmly:
"Because, the amount of food in my inventory is limited, and with so many of you, it's impossible for everyone to have it."

"As for me, I am a person from the Celestial Dynasty, so I will give priority to selling to people from the Celestial Dynasty. Now there are 40 minutes left before the lunch break. Then, for the first 20 minutes, I will give priority to selling to people from the Celestial Dynasty, and in the next 20 minutes, I will Let's see who comes first."

Among the crowd, some yellow-skinned faces were suddenly overjoyed:
"I am me! I am from the Celestial Dynasty! Sell it to me first! Sell it to me first!"

"Me too! Sell me first."


"Come on, come on, tell me a tongue twister first, in Chinese language." Although he has yellow skin, Su Tingyu still needs to confirm it first, because in the real world, not only Chinese people have yellow skin.

As a sunny little flower who has been influenced by the socialist core values ​​since childhood, Su Tingyu naturally has no national racial discrimination.

But, people are biased.

As a person from the Celestial Dynasty, Su Tingyu naturally hopes that more players from the Celestial Dynasty can pass the level smoothly.

But if players from other countries are completely rejected, it doesn't feel very kind.

Therefore, Su Tingyu figured out that for the first 20 minutes, food was only sold to Celestial players, and for the next 20 minutes, there was no such restriction.

"Why sell Chinese players first? (Why sell Chinese players first?)"

"Yeah, can't we treat each other equally? (That's right, can't we treat each other equally?)"

Su Tingyu's approach naturally aroused dissatisfaction among players from other countries.

Hearing these voices, Su Tingyu raised his hand, made a silent gesture, and then said very confidently: "Is it enough just because I am from the Celestial Dynasty?"

Su Tingyu paused, and then reminded: "I'm not the only old player here, you can go to other players, or players from your country, there are always old players who are willing to trade."

Being reminded by Su Tingyu, the players from other countries lose their temper all of a sudden.

This female player from the Celestial Dynasty was right.

With so many old players, there is no need to buy food from her.

As a result, players from other countries around began to look for other old players who were willing to buy and sell food.

This sudden operation also confused the old players.

Can it still be like this? ?
The old players who heard the news all thought of this sentence in their minds.

good guy...

In the mall system, a piece of bread with 5 game coins and a bottle of mineral water with 3 game coins were directly increased to 100 game coins and 50 game coins.

Profiteer! !

The rest of the old players spurned a certain instigator in their hearts, and then began to welcome the newcomers with smiles.

This is wow!

It's not a free donation, you can sell as much as you have, and then use the huge profits to exchange for more bread and mineral water in the mall system!It is simply a profit!

at this time.

Su Tingyu has completed several business orders one after another.

However, in addition to the limit on the total number of purchases, Su Tingyu also added a new restriction, that is: each person can only buy one piece of bread and one bottle of mineral water per day.

Why add this restriction?

Because, there are still two and a half days of dungeon time in the follow-up. If these players who bought are eliminated and directly enter the penalty dungeon, they will be close to death. Wouldn't Su Tingyu lose a lot of money?
Of course, when Su Tingyu decided to let newcomers pay on credit, he also took this loss issue into consideration, so he asked for 100 game coins for a piece of bread and 50 game coins for a bottle of mineral water.

For example, as long as one out of every 10 players who bought bread successfully passed the level and received the reward of the seven-star dungeon, not only will they get back their money, but they will also earn money!

However, there is one more thing to deal with...

Su Tingyu once again made a contract with a Celestial Dynasty player, and after handing the latter a piece of bread and a bottle of mineral water, Su Tingyu suddenly waved to a male player in the team who was queuing up to buy food: "You, come here a bit."

"Ah? Me?" The male player was stunned for a moment, and pointed at himself.

"Yes, it's you, come here." Su Tingyu nodded.

The male player Su listened to the fish call was the male player who asked her how the food appeared in the first place.

When Su Tingyu didn't show his strength, when some players around him were trying to kidnap Su Tingyu morally, the male player silently shrank aside and didn't join in to kidnap her morally.

"I'll make a deal with you. You run errands for me. Afterwards, I'll provide you with free food for these three days. If you don't believe me, you can make a contract first." Su Tingyu nodded.

"Boss, tell me, I will definitely do it!" Seeing that there was such a good thing, the male player immediately agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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