Bug in survival game

Chapter 947 Global school opening 14

Chapter 947 Global school opening 14
Su Tingyu had just received the chip, and when he was about to take a closer look, Da Hui said again:

"Master, there seems to be something inside."

Su Tingyu turned his head to look, and saw Da Hui stretching out his claws to dig inside, and took out a notepad.

Dahui handed the notepad to Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu used the panel to identify the two items.

[Prop: The result of the underground research institute - chip]

[Grade: Rare]

[Function: There may be a little secret hidden in it, who knows? 】

[Can I bring out a copy: No]

[Durability: 70%, irreparable]

[Remarks: It looks like a chip, but it is actually a chip]
[Prop: Xiao Sheng's diary]

[Grade: Ordinary]

[Function: A somewhat worn-out notebook, if you can find a pen, it will become a notebook that can take notes]

[Can I bring out a copy: No]

[Durability: 65%, irreparable]

[Remarks: My God, how could someone in the world do such a boring thing as writing a diary? 】
"The chip is correct, but this diary..." Su Tingyu glanced at the somewhat worn cover of the diary, handed the chip to Da Hui to hold it first, and flipped through the diary by himself.

[March 3, sunny

Today is my first day at the Institute, my supervisor managed to help me get this spot, so I must cherish it]
[March 3th, overcast

I was so happy to see Dr. Li Li, as expected, he is respected, knowledgeable, and very kind and approachable]
[April 4th, light rain
I don’t like gloomy and rainy days, I feel wet and uncomfortable, and it’s hard to even breathe]
[April 4, heavy rain
I was sick and had a fever, very suddenly, and when I realized it, I was already lying on the bed, and now I almost lost the strength to lift a pen, if it wasn’t for the usual habits to support me, this damn illness... ]
[March 4th, overcast

The fever has finally subsided, but I have been restless in sleep for the past two days. When I wake up in the morning, I can find itchy body, a bit like mosquito bites, but I can’t find a mosquito bag. I can’t take it anymore. I need to buy mosquito coils or toilet water]
In the diary, most of them are trivial details of life, a little boring, and there is no useful information, so Su Tingyu simply turned to the back to look.

[June 6, cloudy
New progress has been made in the research. I am just an intern student and cannot get in touch with deeper things. However, I vaguely heard that it is related to medical treatment. This is very good. At least I have also participated in a work that benefits mankind. ]
[April 7th, light rain
My supervisor had a quarrel with Dr. Li Li, and everyone in the institute knew that the supervisor suddenly wanted to give up research, but Dr. Li Li disagreed. As one of the initiators, why did my supervisor suddenly give up research? I don’t understand, I don’t understand either]
[March 7th, overcast

Teacher... something happened?How is this possible?Or died of sudden heart failure, it's impossible... Obviously, the teacher's body has always been strong, and he went for a physical examination half a year ago, how could it be...]
[July 7, foggy
After I went to attend the tutor’s funeral and came back to the institute, I suddenly didn’t want to stay here any longer. The tutor didn’t want to study anymore, so as his student, he should leave here, but before that, I told Dr. Li Li Say goodbye, after all I have been here for so long, he takes good care of me]
[March 8, sunny

It’s really too careless. I just moved out of the research institute, and I left something in it. Fortunately, I lived for a while, and I am familiar with everyone, so I can go back to pick up things]
[March 8th, overcast

I went to the research institute again, but I accidentally overheard the conversations of many former colleagues, the research seems to have entered a bottleneck, the deduction has failed thousands of times, and there is no progress, alas, I can only silently wish that everything goes well]
Su Tingyu turned to the end and saw a small piece of paper with a line of suspected address written on it - Room 303, Teacher's Apartment, Building A, Maofeng University
"Where is this address?" Su Tingyu was curious, and the panel popped out.

[Congratulations to player Angel Su for discovering the mission information: Li Li's home - Room 303, Teacher's Apartment, Building A, Maofeng University]

"This is where Dr. Li Li lives? It's in the school." Su Tingyu closed his diary.

After finding the data chip, Su Tingyu remembered the fragments of the artifact, and asked Lucifer, "Where can the fragments of the artifact be found?"

Lucifer frowned: "It moved."

"Hmm? What's moving?" Su Tingyu blinked her big eyes in confusion.

"That energy fluctuation is no longer here," Lucifer said.

Su Tingyu was slightly surprised: "Ah? You mean the fragments of the gods? Can this thing escape?"

"It may be controlled by others, it may be the birth of wisdom, or it may be other reasons."

"Forget it for now, let's finish answering the questions first."

Su Tingyu put the chip and diary into the inventory, then took the elevator and left the underground research institute.

According to the address on the piece of paper, Su Tingyu turned half a circle and came to the teacher's dormitory area.

In this area, Su Tingyu couldn't see a single person, which made her wonder if the address was wrong.

Su Tingyu knocked on the door of Room 303.

After waiting for a few minutes, there was finally movement inside.

With a "click", the door opened.

Inside the door, there was a pale middle-aged man's face, the eye sockets of both eyes were sunken heavily, and the eyeballs protruded, as if they would fall out at any time.

"Student, who are you looking for?" The man looked at Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu: "I'm here to see Dr. Li Li, is Dr. Li there?"

"I'm just...ahem..." As he spoke, the man coughed.

[Congratulations to player Angel Su for discovering the quest object: Li Li]

Hearing this, Su Tingyu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Hello, Doctor, I was entrusted by someone to deliver something to you."

As he said that, Su Tingyu put one hand into his pocket, seemingly holding something, but actually took out the data chip from the inventory.

When Li Li saw the data chip, Wushen's eyes fluctuated a few times, and he took the data chip with trembling hands: "This is... the data of the research institute..."

Su Tingyu made a random nonsense reason, but Dr. Li Li didn't delve into it, and believed the former's rhetoric.

"Thank you, classmate." Dr. Li Li's face was agitated, but when he thought of something, he sighed: "An accident happened in the research institute, the research was forced to stop, and all the members of the research institute were disbanded because of this." , Originally, I thought this information had been lost, but unexpectedly, it was still there.”

"Thank you so much for helping me find it."

Su Tingyu said modestly: "You're welcome, it's all a matter of little effort."

Su Tingyu chatted with Dr. Li Li for a while, and the latter gradually became tired.

Li Li seemed to be in poor health.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu bid farewell tactfully.


After coming out of the teacher's apartment, Su Tingyu was a little absent-minded.

Lucifer sensed Su Tingyu's emotions, so he asked, "What are you thinking?"

Su Tingyu shook his head slightly: "It's nothing, it's just a little strange."

Then, Su Tingyu shared his thoughts with Lucifer.

It stands to reason that Dr. Li Li is a member of the underground research institute, and he can retrieve the information himself at any time. Why did he set up such a plot task for the player?
Also, why is the data chip hidden in the same place as Xiao Sheng's diary, because according to the information in the diary, the owner of the diary, Xiao Sheng, is only here to study, not the main member in charge of the research, and has no access to the secrets.

Su Tingyu glanced at the last question on the test paper again, and it was already ticked, indicating that it was completed.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu shook off the little doubts in his heart.

who cares.

Anyway, the answer is complete.

Go to hand in the test papers first, and then walk around to see which dormitory building is suitable.

Hmm... Two buildings, one for men and one for women, how nice.

"Hmm...maybe, he's too lazy to go?" Lucifer said after thinking carefully.

Su Tingyu smiled helplessly: "Do you think everyone is like you? Are you too lazy to move?"

"What is a house?"

Since coming into contact with human culture, Lucifer has become a curious baby whenever he meets someone he doesn’t understand. The only two guardians, one is used to it in the open, and the other is used to it in the dark. Lucifer is unrestrained. He will not hide it, and ask directly if he does not understand.

"Hmm..." Su Tingyu thought about it for a while, and thought of an explanation: "It's probably the same as you are in Blue Star. You spend your whole day chasing dramas or eating and drinking, and you don't go out of the gate."

"Oh, so this is a house? That's pretty good." Lucifer affirmed.

"Tsk tsk... a crime..." Hearing this, Su Tingyu sighed.

"What is the crime?" Lucifer asked again.

So, Su Tingyu began to explain again...


When Su Tingyu returned to the examination room again, this time, he did not encounter any moths and came back smoothly.

However, there was no one in the classroom, let alone the proctor.

So, Su Tingyu looked through the rules of the examination room printed on one side of the test paper, to see if there was anything on it to hand in the test in advance or ask the invigilator...

It was really found by Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu approached the podium, flexed his fingers, and knocked on the podium a few times.

dong dong dong~
After knocking, Su Tingyu stood aside and waited.

Ten seconds later, the figure of Mr. Rabbit appeared on the podium.

"What do you want from me?" Gentleman Rabbit has an outstanding temperament, like an upper-class aristocrat walking out of a medieval oil painting.

Su Tingyu gestured to the test paper in his hand: "Mr. Examiner, can I hand in the paper in advance?"

"You want to hand in the papers in advance?" There was a bit of surprise in Gentleman Rabbit's voice.

Wait... this player...

With so many players, each of them wished for a little more time for the exam, so that they could answer as many questions as possible.

And what happened to this player?

Could it be that she has answered all the questions?
Gentleman Rabbit took Su Tingyu's test paper and called out a red pen to correct the test paper.

But after a while, the red pen stopped.

Seeing this, Gentleman Rabbit remembered what the clown said earlier, so he picked up the test paper and read it carefully.

For some questions, the red pen did not write to correct, but stayed there.

Take out a pair of answers and find that the original answer has changed.

All the questions that can be corrected are correct... Is this something that humans can do?

Gentleman Rabbit fell silent.


This happened again.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes and asked: "Mr. Invigilator, should I pass my test paper? Did I pass it? Can I proceed to the next test?"

Su Tingyu's eager and anticipating little eyes seemed to be a normal student, expecting her to get a good grade in the exam.

But Rabbit knew that this was not a normal exam at all.

And this player is a little too calm!
Gentleman Rabbit adjusted his emotions, and then said: "Yes, you passed, and you can proceed to the next exam."

All the answers are correct, and all the tasks are completed.

Although the completion process and results are somewhat different from what was expected, the reference answer is right in front of you, and there is no room for doubt.

This is the rule.

"Wow, that's great!" Su Tingyu clapped his hands excitedly, then, as if thinking of something, his smile narrowed, and he asked again: "Mr. Examiner, isn't there another exam tonight? The exam time and What is the subject? This should be easy to disclose."

This does not involve violating the rules. As the invigilator, Mr. Rabbit is also obliged to answer the candidates' questions other than the test questions.

"Tonight's exam is art, and the time is from 8 to 10 in the evening. I hope you can still have such good luck." In the last sentence, Gentleman Rabbit's tone was a bit strange.

Su Tingyu thinks...it's like a group of aunts and six wives get together during the New Year's festival. They may have little contact with each other, but now they are asking each other about their health and talking about something. Duplicity of the official word...

Well, probably, that's what it feels like.

"Mr. Invigilator, since I finished the exam early, I should be able to rest early, right? I will continue to visit the campus, okay?"

Gentleman Rabbit: "Yes, as long as you don't leave the campus."

"Okay! I will never leave! The campus is my home, how could I leave? I just fell in love with this place!" Su Tingyu expressed his true feelings in these words.

But the rabbit gentleman would believe it?
Therefore, Su Tingyu was speechless.

This player has a brain problem, right?
Could it be that there are too many defects in the brain, and even Parallel Paradise cannot be completely repaired?
"Hehe, I hope so." Gentleman Rabbit left this sentence and disappeared in place.

Su Tingyu looked at the place where Gentleman Rabbit disappeared, a trace of curiosity arose in his heart.

After these invigilators disappeared, where would they appear again?Are you still on campus?
If it was on campus, with so many players, you should be able to meet them, right?
If you can't touch it, it may be true what Zuo Mu said, there are multiple spaces in this round of dungeons, and the proctor is in another space without players, always supervising the players who are candidates Every move.

(End of this chapter)

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