Bug in survival game

Chapter 962 Didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all

Chapter 962 Didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all

[Congratulations to all players who successfully cleared the 'Global School Start', all players will send a copy in ten seconds...]

When the players saw the panel pop up and saw the content on it, they were all relieved.

at last!

I'm leaving this round of dungeons!
O(≧▽≦)O Good!
Ten seconds later, after all the surviving players were sent out of the dungeon, the whole dungeon suddenly fell silent.

Those fragmented corpses, as well as the blood sprayed everywhere...all prove what happened here.

After a while, figures appeared in the midair.

Those figures were of different shapes, but the one thing that was unified was that they were all human bodies with irregular heads.

When they appeared, the entire dungeon seemed to be paused.

"Finally, those players are gone."

"Come on, come on, now that the results have come out, you can guess how many players in this round of dungeons successfully cleared the level in the end."

"It's nothing to guess, let's make statistics quickly."

The invigilators were very relaxed and happy, chatting casually with each other.

"Let me see... Huh? There are quite a lot of people who have cleared the level. With so many new players, it is the first time to participate in the seven-star dungeon. Is it possible that everyone is so lucky?" The invigilator in charge of checking the number of people was surprised.

"Originally there were more than 40 billion players, but now, the number of players who have successfully passed the level is still more than half, but according to the results predicted by the invigilator, at most only one-tenth of them remains."

When this result came out, the other invigilators were also surprised.

"Which world player is this? I really want to know."

"There's still half of it... Boring!"

"Okay, let's start repairing the copy, there is another exam site to go."

Just when the invigilators were concentrating on processing the data, suddenly——

"I rely on!"

An invigilator let out a high-pitched sound of shock.

"What happened?"

"What a blah, how decent!"

The invigilator came back to his senses, and quickly explained: "No... the key props of this sub-examination site are missing!"

"What?! The key item is missing!!"

When the other invigilators heard this, their faces changed slightly.

A dungeon like this theatrical version, no matter how many times it has been destroyed, as long as it is still within the repair range of the dungeon, it can be restored quickly and perfectly.

However, there is a premise that the key props in the copy cannot be destroyed or lost.

Once an accident occurs, it is very difficult for this copy to be repaired normally.

"Wait a minute, I have a small dungeon scene here, and it shows that it's lost?!"

"I'm here too... what's going on here?"

Slowly, new problems emerged.

"By the way, during the dungeon assessment earlier, there were two weird players who wanted to directly subdue the dungeon NPC."

"Such a big thing, are you talking about it now?"

"How much did they charge?"

"About three digits?"

Three digits, placed in the entire dungeon examination room, feel insignificant.

Now, first eliminate those problematic sub-examination rooms, and then integrate other examination rooms. In the next dungeon assessment, there will be no accidents.

At this moment, although the proctors were depressed or confused, they didn't take all the "accidents" of this dungeon assessment to heart.

Do what to do.




[The main task is completed, the dungeon has been cleared, and the rewards are being settled]

[Gain experience value 16000, game currency 32000, free attribute points +4, lottery chance * 40 (double × 2)]

[Acquired props: two school dormitory buildings (already merged), lead by one line]

[Unlock the hidden plot: 1, complete the hidden plot: 1, gain experience points*24000, game coins*80000, lottery chance*8, special items*4 (doubled x 2)】

[The proficiency of the primary title 'Ghost Seeing Sorrow' is full, and now it has been upgraded to the intermediate level 'Ghost Lives Nightmare']

【Settlement completed】

"Huh? I'm back."

Su Tingyu felt a burst of heartache when he thought that there were still 90 mutated animals in the dungeon.

Wow wow wow, those are wasteful energy, just gone...


There is a sincere hundreds of thousands of mutant animals in front of my eyes~
I couldn't grasp it well, let it slip away from my fingertips~
But now, I have regretted it too much, cried bitterly, and can't do anything~

"What are you thinking?" Lucifer's voice interrupted Su Tingyu's inner drama like a dramatist.

"It's nothing, nothing..." Su Tingyu came back to his senses, and quickly denied it.

"The reward this time is not bad."

It was also thanks to the hidden plot that the reward was doubled, and with the double reward given by the invigilator, it was doubled again.

Originally, Su Tingyu had few game coins left, but suddenly he made a lot of money.

When the official returns her game currency, and the transactions made in the dungeon will also be withdrawn, the little fairy's "wallet" will become swollen again!

The account of the transaction has been recorded on the panel system in advance, and the panel system has now automatically helped Su Tingyu "collect debts".

In the message column, from time to time, small red dots would appear, indicating that Su Tingyu's accounts had been successfully recovered one after another.

Another title halo upgrade, Su Tingyu poked it, and took a look.

【Title: Ghost Born Nightmare】

【Level: Intermediate】

[Function: Monster fear value +40%, range halo * 6 meters, evil spirits are not easy to enter the body]

[Remarks: Everything that is not human is afraid of you, please be a human being! 】
"This round of copy is still very good."

Su Tingyu summed up the gains in this round of dungeons:
First, it must be the "energy" needed by the death blade.

The second is the integration and upgrading of the angelic stele, and the legion of his younger brother has already begun to take shape, and he even bought a [one-line lead] prop for nothing.

The third is naturally the dungeon rewards, the upgrade of the title halo, and a lot of extra accounts.

However, in this round of dungeons, a new "role" appeared - the proctor.

In the dungeon, Su Tingyu could feel that the proctor seemed to be independent from the dungeon, not an NPC in the dungeon.

Although, the invigilator didn't express it directly, but from the beginning to the end, he didn't hide his incompatibility with the dungeon.

Su Tingyu looked at his quadruple dungeon reward, and fell into a moment of contemplation.

The invigilator actually has such great authority, he can give players props and rewards.

Su Tingyu had never encountered this before.

No... The group of mysterious people I met at the end in the light-dark cycle dungeon were also weird.

Could it be that they are the behind-the-scenes controllers of the usual paradise?

With great effort, he played such a big game of chess, involving so many worlds and so many people.

As soon as Su Tingyu left the settlement space, his feet hadn't even stabilized. Suddenly, he felt a wave of shaking.

All the objects in the room shook, and even Su Tingyu, who hadn't reacted, almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Su Tingyu hurriedly supported the wall beside him, only to stabilize his figure a little.

But the walls seem to be shaking too...

What exactly is going on?

Is there an earthquake?

Su Tingyu was a little confused.

However, the Great Ice Age is here, maybe other natural disasters will erupt in the entire Blue Star?
The tremor, which was suspected of being an earthquake, lasted less than a minute before it stopped.

After the "vibration" was over, Qin Qi came over immediately.

Su Tingyu quickly asked, "Qiqi, is there an earthquake outside?"

Qin Qi shook his head: "No, it's the triangular pyramid that fell from the sky."

Su Tingyu: Hmm? ? ?
"No, it's so good, why did the triangular pyramid fall down?" Su Tingyu recalled the triangular pyramid, such a big one, if it fell down, it would indeed cause a wave of tremors.

Qin Qi: "We can only find out after the operatives sent out by the base find out."

Su Tingyu stretched out his little finger and pointed out the door: "Then let's go out and wait for the news, we can't sit still in the room."


Su Tingyu went directly to find out about Puyu.

At this time, Xie Puyu was in charge of counting the number of personnel in the base, and his expression did not become relaxed just because he just came out of the dungeon.

Base personnel are reduced.

Excluding those who were sent out to do missions, where did the missing personnel go... The answer is obvious.

Their dungeon failed to clear the customs, and they were thrown into the punishment dungeon, and their life and death are still unknown.

Chances are it will be back.

It's also possible...it won't come back.

"You came just in time, you have nothing to do now. Do a small thing." Seeing someone, Xie Puyu waved immediately.

Su Tingyu blinked his eyes: "What is it?"

Xie Puyu: "In the reply message from the personnel who went out, it is said that a group of citizens have been brought back, and they are expected to come in an hour. You represent the base to meet them."

"What needs to be done then?"

"You don't need to do anything, just show your face. If there is any problem, you can deal with it directly." Xie Puyu said it very simply, and it was really just a small favor.

The specific reception work is handled by other relevant personnel.

However, the leader who was originally responsible for the reception has now disappeared.

Because of manpower shortage, Xie Puyu could only let Su Tingyu temporarily support the scene.

"Oh, by the way, the batch of game coins you lent to the above should be returned to you within today, please pay attention to check and collect them."

"Okay, then pass me a copy of the reception information."

Xie Puyu reminded: "Pay attention to the time, and also, you will be greeted at Gate No. [-] of the base."

Leaving Xie Puyu's job, Su Tingyu and the others rushed to Gate No. [-].

On the way, Su Tingyu remembered the props "gifted" by the proctor.

"Qiqi, have you received any props?"

Qin Qi nodded: "Well, I received it, but the prop needs to be bound by two people before it can be used."

"Then when it's all right, let's bind in a while."



In about an hour, Su Tingyu came near Gate No. [-] and waited quietly.

However, it's boring to just wait like this.

So, Su Tingyu opened the panel, and first used the one-line lead tool to bind with Qin Qi's one-line lead tool.

Then, when Su Tingyu was about to go to the forum to take a look, an announcement popped up on the panel.

[Congratulations to all players who have passed the initial assessment of the public beta and become an official and honorable public beta player. 】

[Attention all beta players, in order to support the normal development of the beta work, Parallel Paradise will make the following minor adjustments]

[Every 7-10 days, public beta players must enter a round of dungeons. If the time limit is exceeded, they will be forced to 'participate' by the panel system. If the dungeon is successfully cleared, the reward will be halved. If the dungeon fails to clear the level, the punishment will be doubled]

[During the rest period, every other day, beta players must enter the Black Tower for "practice". The duration is not limited. Friendly reminder, please use the Black Tower reasonably, there will be unexpected gains]

[Humans who do not have independent thinking and judgment ability will not be included in the ranks of public beta players for the time being, such as children under 8 years old]


After Su Tingyu took a few careful glances, he opened the forum.

As soon as the announcement came out, Su Tingyu didn't even have to think about it. The forum must be blowing up again now.

[Black Tower?Practice?Is this telling us to go out and find the Dark Tower? ]
[In this situation, who would dare to go out...]
[I rely on... an assessment dungeon, half of the players will be lost... now there will be only more than 20 billion human beings left in Blue Star, right? ]
[This... This is too scary... Billions of human beings have been 'evaporated' directly...]
[Game props and abilities can be used directly in the real world!super cool! ]
[Me too, I tried it too, the power went out and there was no fire at home, but fortunately I can use props to start a fire myself...]
[My home is in ××××××, dear brothers and sisters, please do me a favor. ]

after an hour.

The closed door number three was opened.

Su Tingyu lifted his spirits, stretched his neck, and looked in the direction of the door.

When the door opened, the staff in charge of the reception also took a few steps closer.

After the door was fully opened, I saw many people outside, all wearing bloated winter clothes.And the clothes were covered with a layer of snow.

"Welcome all compatriots to the base, please line up first, abide by the order of the base, and obey the arrangements..."

The staff blah blah blah blah blah.

The people who came in quietly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the iron walls around the base.

Some people even started to take off their winter clothes, because there is heating in the base and it is not very cold.

"Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."

"I'm so hungry too, I can eat anything."


These people basically participated in the previous copy of the global school opening.

After going through a round of dungeon washing (poisoning) rituals (beating), the frizz on her body that was originally an ordinary person is almost smoothed out.

(End of this chapter)

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