Bug in survival game

Chapter 964 Wandering in the Dark Night

Chapter 964 Wandering in the Dark Night
Su Tingyu came to the black tower again.

Along with her, there were Qin Qi, Xie Puyu and his group, probably dozens of people.

When everyone entered within 10 meters of the black tower, everyone's panels popped up:

【caution!You have entered the scanning range of the number LX-0868 black tower, do you need to pay 5 game coins to get permission to enter the black tower within 24 hours]


After everyone paid the game coins, a door slowly opened on the surface of the black tower.

There is a layer of opaque swirling water ripples at the door, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

However, the door is now open, and everyone has paid the entrance fee, so they must go in.

Xie Puyu: "Everyone cheer up and check whether the rope around the waist is intact?"

When they came out of the base, everyone was tied with a thick rope to prevent anyone from getting lost in the wind and snow.

After the inspection, everyone began to walk into the black tower one by one.

【Welcome the player 'Angel Su' to enter the Black Tower. According to the authority level of the world you are in, we now open the access to the first floor to the 1th floor of the Black Tower for you】

[The first floor to the 1th floor of the Black Tower is a simulation room, which can simulate a round of dungeons experienced by the player. The difficulty level of the simulation dungeon can be adjusted by the player. Each player can get a simulation room for free within 25 hours. Training opportunities, from the second time you open, you need to pay the corresponding game currency]

[The 26th to 50th floors of the Black Tower are augmentation rooms. Players entering it can truly convert the personal attributes obtained in the Parallel Paradise into the strength of the player itself, so as to improve the overall quality of the player's body in all aspects. Each player, Within 24 hours, the booster room can be used up to 3 times]

[The subsequent floors of the Black Tower are not open to the public due to insufficient authority]

Su Tingyu poked at the last paragraph, and then a small box popped up.

[The method of unlocking the follow-up permissions of the Black Tower: Blue Star's local players have reached level ten, the number of people: 1]

grade ten?

so tall.

Because of Su Tingyu's reward for clearing the copy of the global school opening, her level has now been raised to level eight.

Even though the difference between level eight and level ten is only two levels, the experience value required between these two levels is higher each time.

Su Tingyu is still a long way from the tenth level, and if he wants to rise to the tenth level, at least he has to enter a lot of dungeons, or encounter some special dungeon rewards, so that he can get a lot of experience points at once.

"Everyone, form a group of two, each responsible for a floor, and spread out to check if there is any danger in the black tower."



After everyone walked through the first 50 floors of the black tower, they found that there was no danger.

Everyone also deliberately tried the conditions of the simulation room and the amplification room.

The simulation room simulates the dungeons that players have already experienced, whether they have successfully cleared the level or failed to clear the level.

In the simulation room, there is an advantage that the pain in the body can be adjusted by the player at will, even if it is all adjusted to zero, it will be fine.

However, the simulation room will automatically determine the physical condition of the players. Once the body is overloaded, they will be kicked out forcibly.

When the player has used up one free opportunity per day and wants to conduct the next simulation training, he needs to pay the corresponding game currency.

The game coins that need to be paid are collected according to the difficulty level of the simulation. The easier the difficulty, the less game coins will be charged for the simulation training. The minimum charge is 20 game coins, and the maximum charge is 1000 game coins.

If you can successfully pass the simulation training, half of the game coins will be returned. If you fail, all the game coins will not be returned.

This is the general situation of the simulation room.

For more detailed and specific situations, we have to wait for players to develop and use it in the future before we can see the outcome.

The other booster room revolves around the player's personal attribute points.

For a long time, personal attribute points have been invisible, affecting the success rate of players passing the dungeon. Players with high personal attributes will relatively speaking, pass the dungeon more easily.

However, in the past, personal attribute values ​​can only be reflected in dungeons. Those attribute values ​​enhanced by the game cannot be used in the real world. In the real world, they are still at the original level.

But now the appearance of the booster room is bound to change this situation.

The augmentation room can truly transform the attribute points obtained by the player into their own strength, so that the player can also display the strength of the corresponding attribute value in the real world.

What does this mean?
This means that as long as the player's attribute value is high enough, then, in the real world, everyone has the possibility to become an extraordinary person whose quality surpasses the level of ordinary people in the past in all aspects.

But this is not absolute good news.

Now, with the advent of the Great Ice Age, the social order is about to collapse. If extraordinary people with greatly increased strength appear now, the world will probably fall into even greater chaos.

When the society and the law are facing collapse, they suddenly master a powerful ability that cannot match the heart, and the desire and dark side of human nature will be infinitely magnified...

Su Tingyu looked at Xie Puyu and asked, "Xiao Yuyu, how many black pagodas are there in the world?"

"Before the start of the public beta, the calculated number of black towers was 10, but now, only some of the black towers have fallen, and the number is probably less than 1. The number of black towers in our country alone should be less than 1000. Some small countries , there may not even be a black tower." Xie Puyu recalled the data he had seen before, and replied.

The fat man on the side sighed: "The black tower fell, and I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse."

At this time, two people came down from the stairs and came to report: "We have reached the end of the 50th floor. The passage to the 51st floor is closed, and there is no new movement on the panel. Maybe you want to open the upper one. Floor, what else do you need?"

"This black tower, can we use it later? After all, this simulation room and amplification room are very useful."

The simulation room can help players sum up experience and lessons, and improve actual combat capabilities.

In the amplification room, if the physical attribute alone can be improved, then it can better withstand the cold of the Great Ice Age and various harsh environmental weathers.

"After thoroughly investigating the black tower and confirming that there is no danger, it should be opened, don't worry." Xie Puyu reassured everyone.



Everyone who came back was more or less happy, after all, they had made a big discovery.

But when everyone returned to the base, they found that everything was in order in the base, but there was a very noisy quarrel and faint crying.

"You are all a group of murderers...you are all murderers!"

"Madam, please calm down, we can have a good talk."

"There is nothing to talk about! You are the minions of that Parallel Paradise! What kind of guidebook promotion do you do, you just want us to accept that game, and then enter the game to die! Let me tell you, your wishful thinking is wrong! I It's impossible to get in even if you die!!"


Su Tingyu listened for a while, and understood the basic situation of Diudiu.

The few people who are making trouble now seem to be a family, and the main force of the verbal attacks is an aunt in her decades.

Among the staff present, there were two younger staff members who were trying to persuade the aunt's family, and the onlookers, even if the security personnel at the base came, could not stop their enthusiasm for watching the show and eating melons .

Seeing Xie Puyu, Su Tingyu went to ask a staff member: "The situation now..."

Therefore, Su Tingyu also randomly selected a crowd of onlookers at the scene to ask about the situation.

"Big brother, what are they doing now?"

"Ham, that woman's husband, two sons, and a daughter all failed to get out of the dungeon, and now the next round of dungeons will start soon, and everyone has to go in, so it just exploded. "

"There's no way to yell at that game, so I can only vent my anger on the staff at the base. In the past few days, this kind of situation is quite common, but this is the first time that it has become so big."

The passer-by who was drawn explained with a look of surprise.

"They are all poor people, just let them vent their grievances." Passerby A sighed.

Su Tingyu was surprised; "This big brother, you see it so clearly, you are quite optimistic."

Passerby A shrugged: "Everyone is mortal, so if you die early or late, you are dead."

At this moment, Su Tingyu suddenly felt that the nameless brother in front of him had risen directly from a passerby to the height of a mountain in an instant.

Passerby A said again: "I can understand their feelings, after all, my whole family is dead."

Ah, this... Su Tingyu silently withdrew her thumbs up, and then, she sighed softly, and patted the big brother on the shoulder: "My condolences."

"Damn, I'm done mourning a long time ago. In my family, the father cheated, and the new mother was the mistress. Then, they gave birth to three older brothers, a younger brother and a younger sister. In the end, it was so complete. A happy family, all died."

Ah, this... Su Tingyu suddenly wanted to take back the word mourning. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that this big brother didn't really need mourning. Even, it seemed that happiness was a little bit more than sadness.

Su Tingyu murmured in his mouth for a while, and then he said: "Big brother, your good days are yet to come! As a human being, you have to look forward."

"Hahaha, heroes see the same thing!" The big brother laughed heartily.

Just as the two were arguing, the family was finally appeased by the staff.

Faced with the sudden game and the Great Ice Age, countless families became fragmented in an instant. In many people's hearts, pain, resentment, and fear were suppressed... and once they couldn't suppress it, they would explode. Therefore, everyone present can understand.

After the matter was resolved, the crowd of onlookers also dispersed, including the nameless big brother.

And situations like this are happening one after another in different bases and around the world.

After experiencing the panic of the Great Ice Age, and suddenly entered into a strange and dangerous dungeon, narrowly escaped death, finally successfully cleared the level, but had to face the world that has changed drastically. Right now, there is another round of dungeons, and time is ticking. Approaching...

Many people's psychological defenses are being disintegrated little by little.

Finally, it all exploded.

In the base of a lighthouse.

The free Beacon populace rioted:

"Let's not get into any labor-management games!"

"This must be a trick made by black-hearted capitalists! What parallel paradise? You must have made it!"

"The advance of the Great Ice Age and the harsh environment of the world! It's all caused by your destruction of the environment! Don't try to blame it on any game!"


In the base that never sets.

"Parallel Paradise is evidence that aliens have invaded Blue Star, they just want to enslave us Blue Star humans!"

"All Blue Stars should unite and resist Parallel Paradise! Don't go into the so-called instance again!"

"The Black Tower is the evil product of Parallel Paradise! Let's unite! Destroy it!!"


In the base of a pickle.

"Those who use game items are traitors!"

"Yes! They are all traitors of Blue Star! They don't deserve to live in this world! They should die! They should pay for our dead family members, friends, lovers, and countless compatriots!"


This kind of phenomenon of inciting people's anger to cause riots and demonstrations has happened all over the world.

Especially the so-called beacon of freedom and democracy, and even many free people directly opened wooden warehouses and killed many officials in the official system, creating a commotion.

The official system personnel had to send special forces to arrest the rioters, and directly killed the leader, but there was still no way to completely contain it.

Similarly, the situation in the Celestial Dynasty is not very clear.

They are all just ordinary people, and they all have a limit to bear the pressure. On the penultimate day before the opening of the second round of public beta dungeons, that is, on the night of the [-]th, the official urgently issued an order——

We must use the fastest speed and the fastest efficiency to appease the emotions of the people!And protect the safety of every public!

As soon as this order came out, the bases all over the country activated the response plan that had already been deployed, and began to implement it step by step.


In a certain base of the Celestial Dynasty.

A little girl, leaning on her father, turned her head to look outside the tent from time to time: "Dad, where is mom? Where did mom go?"

"Be good, baby. Mom just went to a place to play. When she gets tired of playing... she will come back." The man suppressed his inner emotions and comforted his still young three-year-old daughter.

"Then why didn't mom take me and dad to play? Didn't mom like me and dad the most?" The little girl spoke innocently, and the man finally couldn't help but hugged his ignorant daughter and burst into tears.

"It's dad who's useless... it's dad who's useless... failing to protect mom..."

(End of this chapter)

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