Chapter 967
"Fatty." Qin Qi frowned.

Being interrupted by Qin Qi, Fatty also realized that his description was unlucky, so he slapped his mouth twice and changed his words: "The boss sent so many props and game coins to let us clear the dungeon better, and With so many props, they must have been prepared a long time ago."

"Qiqi, you have it too." Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi.

Qin Qi: "Well."

"Since Gu Jiu has something to do, forget it. The time for the next round of dungeons is coming, and I wanted to find him to carpool." Although Su Tingyu wondered what Gu Qi was going to do, for now, he should deal with tonight first. A copy after midnight.

After zero o'clock, the next round of dungeon channels will open, and players from all over the world will enter the dungeon world at that time.

"Yes, yes, carpool." Hearing these two words, the fat man immediately became more energetic.

What does this mean?
This means that he - Fatty Feng, can hug his thigh again!

Without Gu Jiu, Su Tingyu thought of others again, "By the way, let me ask Sister Shan Yu and Xiaozhu if they want to form a team together?"

"Yes yes yes, just ask, more people are more powerful." Fatty nodded in agreement.

Su Tingyu: "Fatty, you ask Little Pig, I'll ask Sister Shan Yu."

Su Tingyu switched the interface, and clicked on the chat interface with Shan Yu.

[Sister Shan Yu, the dungeon at midnight tonight, should we share a car? ]
After a few minutes, Shan Yu replied.

While Su Tingyu was waiting for the news, he went to wash up, and when he was done, he clicked on Shan Yu's reply:
[Susu, it's not convenient for me here, so I won't be with you]
Su Tingyu blinked, another inconvenience?
Su Tingyu didn't force him when he couldn't make an appointment: [Well, we'll make an appointment when it's convenient]
[ok susu]
Su Tingyu turned off his panel and walked out of the bathroom.

"Fatty, did Little Pig reply?"

Both Qin Qi and Fatty came over, and by the way, they had breakfast here together.

"There is."

The fat man looked at his panel, and suddenly, the flesh on his face was squeezed together.

"Boss, Xiao Zhu said that he is going to form a team with people from his village this time so that he can take them along, so he won't be with us."

"That's it... That's right, most of the people in his village are probably newcomers." Su Tingyu came and found a place to sit down: "It's not convenient for Sister Shan Yu... This time, it's just the three of us." indivual."

It's also strange that they can't even get an appointment.

"That's not bad! I haven't been three rows with you for a long time!" The fat man was cheerful.

Qin Qi, who had been silent all this time, peeled off an egg, put it in Su Tingyu's bowl, and said, "After breakfast, let's go to the Black Tower."

"The simulation room and amplification room in the black tower look very powerful." Fatty sighed.

"Fatty, you can try the single-player mode in the simulation room and practice for a while. The booster room is the booster room. You can improve a little bit, so don't worry." Qin Qi said.

"Okay, I know, Brother Qin."


After the three of them finished their breakfast, they headed to the Black Tower with the reserved number plate.

That's right.

The Black Tower requires an appointment.

Although the Black Tower has [-] floors that can be used, and each floor has hundreds of simulation rooms or augmentation rooms, the number is still too small to face the huge player group.

The role and benefits of the Black Tower can be seen by anyone who is not a fool. Therefore, the current Black Tower has become a sweet bun in the eyes of everyone.

If it wasn't for the official's timely voice and quick control of the management of the Black Tower, maybe bloody incidents caused by the Black Tower have already begun to occur in the country.

When Su Tingyu and the others came to the Black Tower, there were already many people here.

Ten meters away from the periphery of the black tower, the official staff made a temporary fence, and only those with an appointment card in their hands could enter.

Su Tingyu and the three of them were checked for the reservation card, and the staff let them in.

In the Black Tower, the simulation room is the most popular right now.

Because there is a large base of new players, and they have only participated in the dungeon once, they don't have many personal attribute points from the dungeon, so the role of the booster room has not yet been reflected.

The simulation room is different.

Even if the novice player has only experienced the global start-of-school dungeon, it is a seven-star dungeon. For the new player, it is tantamount to starting in hell.

Being able to enter the global start-of-school dungeon again and sum up experience and lessons is the biggest help for newcomers.

Because there were too many people in the simulation room, the three of Su Tingyu chose to go to the amplification room first.

Only one person can enter each booster room, and the three will be separated first.

Su Tingyu entered the amplification room, and the panel popped up:
【Dear 'Angel Su' players, welcome to the augmentation room numbered LX-0868-L44-444, please choose the augmentation service you need】







Su Tingyu inevitably thought of his touching question marks, and a doubt arose in his heart.

Her personal attributes cannot be seen, and even the panel system cannot see the specific values, so can the conversion be completed?
Real knowledge comes from practice, Su Tingyu decided to give it a try!
Su Tingyu randomly clicked on a 【Power】

A weak little fairy has no deterrent power, so it makes sense to add some [power], right?
[Please select how much value you need to increase]

[Existing strength can be increased by value:? ? ? 】

It's coming, it's coming!

It comes with a familiar taste!
These don't show the value, how can Su Tingyu choose the value that needs to be increased?
After hesitating for a moment, Su Tingyu randomly entered a value【10】

However, when he clicked OK, Su Tingyu suddenly realized——

It seems that since I got my personal attribute points, I have piled them all on [Luck], and I have not favored other attributes... Then this should not be able to increase, right?Didn't they all say, is it the value obtained from the augmentation game?

It's just that it's too late.

The panel system is up and running.

[Checking the value owned by the player]

【Analyzing the player's original value and game value】


Su Tingyu stared closely at it for more than ten seconds, and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there is nothing abnormal.


1 minutes passed.


5 minutes passed.


10 minutes passed.


Su Tingyu looked bewildered.


It's just a test, so it takes so long?Is it useful?
The little fairy was shocked for 100 years.jpg
No matter how you look at it... it looks like the system has crashed and stuck!

Finally, after 10 minutes, the panel system finally refreshed.

【The detection has been completed...】

[The value of owning the game is: ? ? ? 】

Seeing this, Su Tingyu raised her eyebrows slightly, her heart was damn calm, and she even had the illusion of "it should be like this".

Since Su Tingyu's [Power] itself is a series of question marks, it is impossible to see whether it is increasing or decreasing, and can only be seen by the degree of completion of the increase.

【Start increasing...】

[Amplification successful! 】

Next, Su Tingyu spent all of his 3 boost opportunities today, and he has almost researched some signs.

Because my attribute point is a question mark, the panel system can't detect the real original value. Naturally, I can't see if there is a game value.

After 'crashing' for 10 minutes, the panel system simply "lays flat", regardless of whether Su Tingyu has game values, he can get an increase.

However, it is not an unlimited increase.

Because the booster room can convert up to 100 attribute points at a time, and they must all be a single attribute point.

However, this BUG is still very serious.

This is equivalent to, Su Tingyu doesn't have to do anything, and can prostitute 300 personal attribute points every day for nothing.

It's just a test now, and Su Tingyu's three chances were used in [Strength], [Physique], and [Luck].

[Power] increased by 10 points.

[Physique] Increased by 1 point.

[Lucky] Increased by 100 points.

Su Tingyu feels... maybe the improvement is too small, and it doesn't seem to have changed much.

When the number of times is used up, Su Tingyu can only leave the booster room.

However, Su Tingyu was still very happy.

Although it may not be possible to make an appointment every day to come to the Black Tower, but with the increase of card bugs, in the end, it will not become a real little fairy, right?
Su Tingyu is not very interested in the simulation room. The copies inside are all virtual, and she cannot obtain props. When she first came to investigate the situation of the black tower, she tried to collect the props of the virtual copy, but there was no response.

Both Qin Qi and Fatty had to go to the simulation room, so Su Tingyu, who was bored, wandered around in the black tower.

Go up layer by layer.

On the upper floor, Su Tingyu hadn't been there yet, but just listened to the general explanation of the situation from the two staff who traveled with him before.

Now's the time... go check it out!
Thinking in this way, Su Tingyu came to the stairs leading to the upper floor, but now it was blocked by a very heavy door.

Inside the Black Tower, fighting and quarreling are not allowed, otherwise, Su Tingyu really wanted to poke him with a meteor stick.

Su Tingyu stretched out his hand and knocked on the door.

[Dear 'Angel Su' players, hello! 】

The panel popped out suddenly, startling Su Tingyu.

What the hell?
How did you jump out?

[It has been detected that you have performed well in the copy of the public beta opening event. The total score of the test is: 800. You already have the ability to open the 'Light of the Dark Tower Watch'. Do you need to open it?]

[Please note that you only have one chance to open it, please choose the black tower carefully to use it]

Su Tingyu:? ? ?

What permission?
Su Tingyu's eyes fell on the "total test score"... Oh!
It turns out that the "points" that remain unchanged for thousands of years in the event dungeon came here?Can you still open some permissions of the black tower?
When the dungeon was settled before, this test score was not settled, Su Tingyu thought about it, and it was a bit awkward.

Su Tingyu glanced at the content of the panel again, hesitated for a while, and did not choose to open it directly.

This situation is no small matter, so go back and ask the people above.

I don't know what this "Light of the Black Tower Watch" is.

Su Tingyu turned and went downstairs, waited until Qin Qi and Fatty were behind, and then explained the situation.

The emergence of new functions in the Black Tower is no small matter.

So, the three rushed back to the base as quickly as possible.

Su Tingyu went directly to find out about Puyu.

Seeing Su Tingyu coming to him, Xie Puyu was slightly surprised: "What's wrong? At this moment, you should be training in the Black Tower, right?"

"Xiao Yuyu, I have a new discovery." Su Tingyu told the story, and finally asked, "Xiao Yuyu, what do you think?"

Xie Puyu's expression became serious: "I can't decide this matter, I'll report to the higher-ups first."

It is unexpected that the Black Tower can develop new functions now.

Xie Puyu reported the incident.

Not surprisingly, it has attracted great attention from above.

After some negotiation, a message came from above——


Find a nearby black tower to open!

However, when it is turned on, it is necessary to ensure that everyone in the black tower is evacuated.

And if Su Tingyu felt something was wrong, he would immediately flee from the black tower, safety first.

Su Tingyu was not surprised to get this answer.

Therefore, the base staff cleared the black tower as quickly as possible.

Su Tingyu re-entered the black tower and went up to the first floor.

This time, when he touched the door, the panel popped up, Su Tingyu didn't hesitate, and chose to open it in this black tower.

[No. LX-0868 The Black Tower is now open "The Light of the Black Tower Watch"]

[The user of the Light of the Watch of the Black Tower: Angel Su]

[The Light of the Black Tower Watch: Watching a Pure Land, Building a Worry-Free Hometown]


at this time.

Outside the Black Tower.

The players who were "invited" out of nowhere were both puzzled and resentful.

If the opportunity to make an appointment was so hard to get, if it was wasted like this...

The staff can only do their best to appease people's emotions.

Just as everyone outside the tower was complaining, a golden beam of light suddenly burst out from the top of the black tower!

The beam of light shot up into the sky, all the way up, as if it wanted to pierce the sky!
Gradually, with the beam of light as the center, dots of golden light fell down, and those golden lights formed a transparent barrier, covering it down.

Any place shrouded in barriers.

Snow melts.

The innermost earth is revealed.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

" the ice melting?"


Since the advent of the Great Ice Age, every inch of land and ocean on Blue Star has turned into ice and snow, and everything is dead.

And now, there is actually a place where the snow has melted?
This shocking news spread quickly!

The Watching Light of the Black Tower has such a usefulness!
For a moment, the depressed players had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Now only one black tower has the Light of Watch, if all the black towers have it... then even in the Great Ice Age, human beings can survive well.


When Su Tingyu returned to the base, he obviously felt that the atmosphere in the base was much more relaxed.

In the evening, a few hours before welcoming a new round of dungeons, various brisk songs were played in a loop in the base to relieve people's tense emotions.

Time passed little by little.

In the last 1 minute from the zero point——

Someone couldn't help shouting.

Someone couldn't help but panic.

Some people hugged their relatives or lovers around them.

Someone said goodbye to friends temporarily with a smile.

There is also an unprecedented calmness in the hearts of people...


5 ...

4 ...

3 ...

2 ...


[Dear public beta players, the ten-day rest period has expired, and now we will randomly match dungeons for you... The match is completed, and the countdown to enter the dungeon begins: 3, 2, 1...]

(End of this chapter)

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