Bug in survival game

Chapter 982 Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion 5

Chapter 982 Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion 5
Su Ting Yuyan quickly took out the hat, put it on his head, and asked Lucifer to return it to the inventory.

【Invisible hat】


The giant ran all the way, and there was no one in sight. The anger accumulated more and more, and it began to destroy some nearby trees and mountains.

Su Tingyu flew into the air, avoiding the giant.

"Is this an enchantment? It seems that there is no moon cake, and you can't get out under normal circumstances." Su Tingyu looked at the invisible enchantment on the edge of the giant island from a distance, muttering to himself.

Because the enchantment was triggered, although it cannot be seen with the naked eye now, but in the senses, its existence can be felt.

But going out for a trip can be regarded as rewarding.

Su Tingyu returned to the giant's garden and continued to look for flowers and plants, especially the key ingredients for making mooncakes.

And the furious giant ran around the entire island for three full laps.

In the middle of the night, the movement died down.


In the bird house.

Here, it has become Su Tingyu's temporary residence.

Su Tingyu gradually recalled what happened during the day.

Regardless of whether the servants delivered the food on time or not, the golden bird would still eat people.

As for this situation, the rest of the NPC servants are very clear, but they pretend that everything is normal and let Su Tingyu come to die.

In the hearts of those NPC servants, Su Tingyu was already dead, so she couldn't show up carelessly to avoid arousing suspicion.

"Master~ we are back~"

Da Hui's slightly angry voice came from outside the door.

Su Tingyu walked over.

In one night, the little residual flowers also collected a lot of flowers and plants.

"Master, we found some of the flowers and plants you mentioned during the day, can you take a look?" Dahui pointed to the flowers and plants tied with vines behind the small residual flowers in the next team.

"Then let me take a look." Su Tingyu rubbed his little hands and touched the flowers and plants.

"Not this one."



"This is it! I found the second one!"


After Su Tingyu checked all the information, he was delighted to find that two more key ingredients for mooncakes were found tonight.

For the rest, low-grade flowers and plants with no points, Su Tingyu let the little residual flowers eat them all, and the remaining flowers and plants that could be exchanged for a little more points were all collected in the inventory.

"It's almost there, I'm so sleepy..." After tossing around for a day, Su Tingyu's eyelids also started to fight up and down.

When Su Tingyu was about to pack up and go to bed, the panel popped out——

[Attention all players, because the enchantment of Giant Island was touched, the giant Davarisu was alarmed. He is in a state of rage and unable to vent, and his vigilance has increased]

Ah this...

Su Tingyu glanced at the content of the panel, and said to himself a little uncertainly: "This shouldn't be about the little fairy, right?"

Obviously it was the heinous angel Su Gan who did it!What's the matter with her little fairy Su Tingyu?
It took Su Tingyu three seconds to reach a settlement with himself.

"Big Hui, keep watch."

"Okay! Master!"


With hundreds of small residual flowers and hundreds of 'soul light', Su Tingyu slept very peacefully this time.


Copy the next day.


After Su Tingyu woke up, he simply ate some bread and milk.

However, Su Tingyu still misses the food in the giant's kitchen because of its freshness.

"The food in the giant's kitchen is quite delicious. Go and get some today for lunch and dinner."

But when Su Tingyu was wearing a hat and hiding himself on the way to the castle, suddenly, there was a wave of shaking.

Su Tingyu was subconsciously stunned for a few seconds, and then she quickly came to her senses.

—It is the return of the giant.

Su Tingyu immediately flew into the air to observe the situation.

The loud noise also alarmed the people in the castle, and they ran out in fear.

"Dear Master Davarisu, welcome back, do you need to eat now?" the head chef said cautiously.

The giant's current expression was very ugly. He bent down and took two puffs of air directly from his nostrils.

Coincidentally, the servants on the ground were all covered by rain and dew.

Some of them were so thin that they were even thrown several meters away in an instant.

"Dear Master Davarisu, may I ask what happened? You seem a little unhappy?" The head chef boldly asked the giant.

In this castle, the head chef is a servant who can be remembered by giants.

Because he is responsible for the giant's daily meals, those delicious foods are also the knowledge and guidance from the chef.

"There is a little thief trying to escape from my territory! He is dreaming!!" The giant roared towards the sky.

Hearing that this was the reason, the head chef's expression became hesitant.

Originally, he was still thinking about concealing the fact that the thief entered the kitchen, but when he thought that the big golden bird also knew about it.

If the giant learns about this from the mouth of the golden bird, the latter will inevitably add fuel to it.

Saying that they are not doing their job well... giving thieves a chance...

Thinking of this, the head chef didn't dare to hide anything anymore, and told the giant truthfully about the thief in the castle.

Sure enough, when the giant learned that he was not there, thieves had entered the house, and he became even more furious.

The giant beat the ground with his fist angrily.

The sound of "bang bang bang" was like an earthquake, causing the servants on the ground to lose their feet.

"Who the hell?! Despicable thief! How dare you act wildly in my territory!!" The giant's eyes turned red, and his whole body fell into a state of rage that was difficult to dispel.

First, there was an unknown thief last night who touched the barrier of the entire Giant Island.

Now, on the day when I learned that I was not in the castle, there was a thief boldly stealing things in the castle, and I simply ignored him!

[Attention all players, due to the appearance of thieves in the giant kitchen, the giant Davarisu was alarmed. He is in a state of rage and unable to vent, and his vigilance has been raised for the second time]

Su Tingyu felt bad when he saw the contents of the pop-up panel.

Three chances, two missed.

Then, next, you can't easily anger the giant.

"Is it you?! Did you steal it?! Was it you!!"

"Are you provoking me?!"

"And you, are you laughing, are you mocking?"


In anger, the giant directly vented his anger on the servants in front of him.

He pointed to a servant.

The servant was trembling, knelt on the ground, kept kowtow, and shouted, "It's not me, it's not me."

But the more the giant thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and the whole person became restless.

So, he went straight to it.

The giant caught an unlucky ghost at random.

Throw it forward fiercely!
That unlucky ghost flew away with a swish, his hands and feet spread out uncontrollably, forming a big character shape, and, in the air, due to the force, he continued to perform a large 360-degree rotation.

When he finally fell, the man had already appeared hundreds of meters away, and was directly thrown to death.

Seeing this scene, the other servants showed a look of fear on their faces.

But only one fell to death, and the giant was still unable to relieve his anger.

So, the giant grabbed another servant directly and threw it into the air.

The servant flew several hundred meters into the air, screamed loudly, and even changed his voice.

When it was descending, although in the middle, it was blocked by a big tree.

But that servant was very unlucky, accidentally, he was directly pierced through the stomach by the sharp trunk of the big tree.

What blood, large intestine, small intestine... all flowed out.

That servant also stared wide-eyed, the kind who would never die.

Seeing that the giant was about to kill, the head chef hurriedly said, "Dear Master Davarisu, we actually found some suspects."

At this time, I can only die as a fellow daoist and not as a poor daoist.

Moreover, after searching for most of the day, the head chef did find some people with strange whereabouts.

Those people happen to be players.

The dungeon is only for three days, and the goal of all players is to get the mooncake recipe and then make mooncakes.

Then, all the players must be staring at the kitchen.

There are some players who have better camouflage techniques and have not been discovered.

But not everyone is so lucky.

There are also some players, after the thief incident was exposed, their tiny abnormalities were infinitely magnified, and then they were dug out by the servants.

"Quickly, bring those people up and hand them over to the master." The chef waved his hand, and immediately, the servants behind him ran into the castle.

Not long after, a hundred or so players, all hands and feet bound by iron chains, came out together in a team, with despondent faces on their faces.

Someone even shouted in panic:

"Let go of me! Let me go! I'm innocent..."

"I really didn't steal the recipe, I'm really not a thief!"

"You have wronged people! You have no evidence, and you arrest people for no reason."

But no matter how those players explained, the servants still did not loosen the chains for those players.

Because, they knew very well that now that the giant was in a rage, someone must bear his rage.

And these suspects are very suitable candidates.

After bringing out all the suspects, the head chef continued to add fuel and vinegar, and tried to clear up his dereliction of duty:

"Dear Master Davarisu, these people have been sneaking around the kitchen yesterday, very weird, and they didn't work well.

When dealing with the work in the castle, there was even a serious phenomenon of missing work. They were probably in the same group as the thief who stole the recipe!They were inquiring about the situation in the kitchen beforehand, and then let the thief take the opportunity to come in and steal the recipe.

Fortunately, we found out in time that the recipe was not stolen, and the thief must still be inside the castle, because after the accident, I have asked all the trustworthy staff to block all the entrances and exits of the castle , not letting anyone in or out, including myself. "

The chef's words transferred all the giant's anger and hatred to these sad players.

Therefore, the giant directly ordered these players to be fried, boiled, grilled... and so on.

Don't you just want to steal the recipe?
Well, just make them a dish.

After overhearing the giant's appalling punishment, those players who were not caught felt trembling in their hearts.

Damn, are you so perverted?

No matter how the hundreds of players howled, cried, cursed, and angered... But in the end, it didn't help, and they were all cooked into various delicacies.

In the end, it was swallowed by the giant mouthful, with some wine by the way.

After the giant had disposed of hundreds of scapegoats, most of the anger accumulated in his heart dissipated.

However, the giant still hated the thief in the dark, and ordered the servants to find him within a day.

After this incident, the giant's vigilance has once again increased. If it happens again, then the difficulty of this round of dungeons is estimated to increase

After the giant enjoyed a great meal prepared by the servants, he set out again.

Seeing that the giant did not go looking for the big golden bird, Su Tingyu, who was observing secretly, breathed a sigh of relief.

It is estimated that the giant was furious for a while and forgot about the golden bird.


After the giant left, Su Tingyu sneaked into the giant's kitchen again, and cut a little scrap from it.

Then, go back to the giant garden to find the key ingredients for mooncakes.

The fact that there is an enchantment on Giant Island may involve some hidden plots.

Su Tingyu reckoned that by tonight, he could sneak into the giant's castle and see if he could find any useful information.

Time passed little by little.

After collecting during the day, the little residual flowers found two more key ingredients for making mooncakes.

There is the same key ingredient, the animals guarding nearby, the little residual flowers can't beat them, so they are called Su Tingyu directly.

And Su Tingyu made a move, and it was solved in two or three strokes, and he got the key ingredients.

During the period, Su Tingyu contacted Zhang San in the castle.

After confirming that both parties are safe, the communication ended.

In addition, Su Tingyu went to communicate with Qin Qi and Fatty.

From their mouths, they learned that the giant island they were on also hated humans very much and enslaved humans.

Barriers also exist on other giant islands, and those giants are also playing with those abandoned stone platforms inexplicably.

The stone platform seems to be very important to the giant.


[Dungeon time: 20:00]

A new round of flower standings has begun again.

However, the ups and downs of points above can no longer attract Su Tingyu's attention.

Su Tingyu is more concerned about what is the hidden plot behind Giant Island?
So, Su Tingyu went to collect flowers and plants as usual, and if there were stubble, wait for her to come over first.

And she herself has already begun to sneak into the castle secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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