Bug in survival game

Chapter 984 Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion 7

Chapter 984 Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion 7
So, the two reached a friendly agreement.consensus.

Both of them took out the key mooncake ingredients they had obtained.

As a result, they were pleasantly surprised to find that although the mooncake ingredients on hand were not complete, they were just right when they were added together. They had already got all the mooncake ingredients together.

So, the two exchanged the key ingredients that the other party lacked.

Looking at the complete collection of key ingredients for mooncakes in the inventory, Brother Bubble's mood improved a lot.


A good thing happened.

"Boss, now that you have collected all the ingredients, when are you going to make mooncakes?" Brother Bubble asked.

"I made an appointment with my friend first, and then he will be in charge of making mooncakes."

"Oh, that's okay, I'll go first."

"Go, go." Su Tingyu waved his little paw: "Don't wander around casually, it's just me you met this time, if you meet any servant in the castle... Do you remember What happened to those players this morning?"

Su Tingyu didn't intend to threaten or intimidate, but just a very kind reminder.

Obviously, Su Tingyu's reminder was very effective.

As soon as Brother Bubble heard it, his face immediately turned pale.

It seems that Bubble brother is also aware of what happened during the day.

Bubble brother replied blankly: "...Okay, I got it, I got it."

Su Tingyu was about to leave.

"...Ah, by the way, boss, after the dungeon is over, I...can I add you as a friend?" Brother Bubble said anxiously.

"Huh? Add friends?"

Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems that she hasn't met her for a long time. A player has taken the initiative to add her as a friend.

"Yes, yes, you see we have met in two copies in a row, what a fate."

Well, there is indeed fate.

Moreover, it seems that every time the two of them meet together, it seems that the big brother's experience is not very good.

Last time, he was hunted down by evil spirits.

This time, A Piao was directly frightened and fainted.

The fate of this big brother is too tortuous.

Su Tingyu mourned for him in his heart for a second, then nodded: "Yes, after the copy is over, add it."

"Good good!"

Bubble brother left contentedly.

Su Tingyu, who had gathered all the key ingredients, felt that he could go to Zhang San now.


Now tonight, go straight to it.

The current dungeon time is just past zero.

In other words, now is the last day of the copy.

No matter how many secrets there are in Giant Island, the moon cakes must be made according to the requirements of the main task.

Su Tingyu also asked to know the location of Zhang San's residence.

Zhang San works in the castle, and he lives in the basement of the castle.

The environment in the basement was a bit dark and airless, and it was even darker at night.

Because it's just a servant's room, it's enough to have a place to live, and there's nothing to fix in terms of environment.

It's just that besides Zhang San, there are other people beside the servant's room, and he doesn't live alone.

This point is a bit troublesome.

But well...

Su Tingyu took out the communication device from the inventory and sent a message, wanting to make sure that Zhang San was asleep.

[Are you there? ]
After a while, Zhang San replied.

[Here, Miss Su, did something happen to you? ]
Su Tingyu: [I have already collected the key ingredients of mooncakes, we can make mooncakes now]
Zhang San: [That's great, I'll find a chance to sneak out now, by the way, where are you now? ]
Su Tingyu: [I'm right here at the basement entrance]
Zhang San: [Okay, wait for me for a few minutes]
After Zhang San sent this message, he didn't send any other messages.

Seeing this, Su Tingyu turned his head and stared at the movement of the basement entrance and exit.

After about a few minutes, there was the sound of very small footsteps.

Su Tingyu heard it.

But to be on the safe side, Su Tingyu put on his hat first and became invisible.

When he saw that the person who appeared was Zhang San, Su Tingyu who was in the corner removed the invisibility effect and walked towards Zhang San: "I'm here."

"Miss Su, can you show me the ingredients for that mooncake?" After seeing Su Tingyu, Zhang San couldn't wait to ask about the business.


Su Tingyu handed over the key ingredients of a mooncake to Zhang San.

Zhang San used the panel to check the information, all of them were correct, and he did not find the wrong ingredients.

Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief, and his expression relaxed a bit: "Miss Su, let's find a safe place first, and then start making mooncakes."

Su Tingyu rolled his eyes and said, "I know there is a place that is absolutely safe. I will take you there."

"That's good." Zhang San nodded.

For the past two days, he could only stay in the castle, and he was not as familiar with the outside world as Su Tingyu.


So, Su Tingyu and the two left the castle and entered the depths of the giant's garden.

And when Zhang San saw the huge bird house, he looked at Su Tingyu in surprise: "Is it safe inside?"

Su Tingyu nodded, with a natural tone: "Yes, the owner of this place has left not long ago, and before leaving, he entrusted this place to me."

After finishing speaking, Su Tingyu let out a soft sigh.

However, Zhang San was dumbfounded.

Where is this?

Isn't this a copy?
Has Miss Su made any friends in such a short period of time?

Is this such a big place for Miss Su?

Su Tingyu led the people into the bird house.

However, when Zhang San saw a lot of golden feathers on the floor inside, his pupils shrank.

and many more!

This hair...why does it look so familiar?Where did you see it?

"I still have barbecue here, why don't we have a late-night snack first to replenish energy." Su Tingyu warmly entertained Zhang San as a guest like a host.

Zhang San came back to his senses and coughed lightly: "No need, let's make mooncakes first."

It's the last day of the dungeon now, get out the mooncakes early, so you can feel at ease sooner.

"Oh, well, do you need me to help you?"

Zhang San shook his head: "No need, Miss Su, it was agreed before, you come to find the key ingredients, and leave the rest to me."

Originally, Su Tingyu wanted to show off her precious friendship as a comrade-in-arms in the dungeon, but after hearing what Zhang San said, she had no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient, and go fishing and paddling.


Zhang San took out various kitchen utensils from the inventory.

Mineral water, flour, rolling pin, seasoning, induction cooker, spatula... and a gas tank, everything is available.

In fact, Su Tingyu also had it in his storage ring.

They were all based on Fatty's previous list, and then bought them all back and put them in.

However, Su Tingyu has never used it.

Zhang San: "Miss Su, give me the key ingredients of your mooncake as well. If everything goes well, it will take about an hour or two."

"Okay, okay, come on." Su Tingyu handed over the key ingredients of the mooncake to Zhang San, and then watched from the side.

Although Zhang San spent the past two days in the castle, acting as a little transparent servant, doing work, but whenever he had spare time, he would also read recipes.

And he has simulated it many times in his heart, and now he doesn't need to look at the recipe once he gets started.

Su Tingyu looked at it for a while, and immediately felt relieved.

This knife skill, and this technique, it looks like someone who cooks frequently.

"Miss Su, our family's ancestors were all cooks. According to the family tradition, every man must learn how to cook, and when he gets old, he will take the test for a chef qualification certificate. Before I entered the game, I was a chef in a three-star hotel. .”

Seeing Su Tingyu's interested look, Zhang San explained his identity a little bit.

After listening to Su Tingyu, he raised his thumb without hesitation: "Awesome!"

"Haha, it's a lot of fun."


Seeing that there really seemed to be no business for him here, Su Tingyu remembered that tonight was the last night of earning points, so he said hello to Zhang San, and then left the bird house.


And this time.

I have been working hard to help Su Tingyu collect flowers, plants, and big grays, but I have encountered a lot of trouble.

Somewhere in Giant's Garden.

There were dozens of small residual flowers all over the body, with some burn marks, and many of them were sluggish, as if they had been squeezed dry, and scattered on the ground.

Dahui and dozens of angel residents all looked solemnly at the three players on the opposite side.

And many angel residents have some trauma.

"I didn't expect you to be able to hold on for so long." One of the players with the pigtails on the back of his head looked arrogant, and his eyes seemed to be full of contempt when he seemed to appreciate it:
"A fairy tale escape dungeon, I thought these flowers and plants had no intelligence and were very boring, but it turned out..."

A mushroom-headed player turned his head to look at the bald brother next to him: "Brother, I have taken a fancy to that big bad wolf. It feels quite strong. I want to subdue it."

The bald brother shook his head: "These ghosts and flower monsters seem to have owners. Hurry up and destroy them all, take these flowers and plants, and leave here."

Although the strength of these ghosts and flower monsters is not very strong, the players behind them are definitely not easy to drive so many ghosts and flower monsters.

Now is the last day of the dungeon, and they didn't want any more twists and turns.

But Da Hui and the others had too many flowers and plants on hand, which made all three of them jealous.

So, he grabbed it.

The three of them are old players, they entered the game a long time ago, and all of them are players with professional titles.

If it is an ordinary player, then Dahui alone can handle it.

But all three are professional players, and they still have props to restrain Da Hui and them.

In addition, Da Hui and the others had to be distracted to pay attention to the collected flowers and plants, so as not to be robbed by these three players.

Combining many factors, Dahui and the others were at a disadvantage.


the other side.

Su Tingyu, who was still walking leisurely, received a call for help from Dahui.

"Master! Come quickly! If you don't come again, you will collect the corpse for us!"

"What's the matter? Tell me clearly." Su Tingyu's smile subsided and he asked.

"There are three people like you who want to rob our flowers and plants, but we can't beat them."

"Okay, I'll rush over now!"

After finishing speaking, Su Tingyu spread the angel's wings behind him.

With a light wave of the wings, the whole person soared into the air and flew out.

Su Tingyu arrived at the scene in just a few minutes at the fastest speed.

Before Su Tingyu had time to observe the situation, he saw a man take out a long gun and aim it at Dahui's head.

With a flick of the man's wrist, the spear was thrown out!

Seeing that the spear was about to approach Dahui's forehead, Su Tingyu grasped his wrist, and the meteor stick appeared.

It became longer and thicker in the blink of an eye, and was thrown directly by Su Tingyu!


The stick body at the bottom of the meteorite stick went directly into the ground tens of centimeters.

The thick meteor stick directly blocked the spear and bounced back directly.

And the meteorite rod surface has no wear and tear.

The big gray behind Liuyun stick breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the scene in front of him.

This series of changes made the three players discover Su Tingyu in the sky.

"Damn, big brother, he can fly!"

"Is this a player? Or an NPC?"

"It should be the player."

The eldest brother among the three players looked in the direction of Da Hui.

Dahui, who was still cowering at first, now has a backer, and suddenly becomes extremely arrogant:
"Master, they are the ones who bullied us. Bullying us is bullying you, master! They still want to steal things from master, hurry up and show them some color!"

Su Tingyu lowered a little, but still looked down at the three players from a high position:

"Are they all players?"

"It seems that Miss is too."

Su Tingyu glanced at some of the little residual flowers that had suffered heavy losses, as well as those angel residents who had been beaten so badly, she snorted coldly:
"You're such a grown-up, but you're still bullying the weak. I really feel ashamed for your old mother."

"What do you mean bullying the weak by the strong? It's because you have a large number!" The second child among the players objected.

"A lot of people? Then look at our side, how many people are there?" Su Tingyu asked back.

"Isn't there..." The second child suddenly got stuck and couldn't speak.

Depend on!
How many people are there?All these fucking people are not human!

Can it still be calculated like this?
"Miss, you let your subordinates collect so many flowers and plants wantonly, you don't blame us for being jealous, right?"

Although Su Tingyu's face was soft and cute, he seemed to have no attack power, but now that he was flying in mid-air, the condescending sense of oppression could be said to be extremely well controlled.

Even if he is a bald boss, he has to work hard to deal with it.

Can the player fly?


There are certain props that can actually fly.

But there is also a time limit, and many of them are consumable items or disposable items.

Even flying for 1 minute is extremely precious, worth tens of thousands of game coins.

It has been almost seven or eight minutes since Su Tingyu came here, but he is still flying.

This made the bald boss vigilant.

The game items and game abilities owned by the player, to a large extent, reflect the real strength of a player from the side.

... They seem to have encountered a hard stubble this time.

 Push a friend's unlimited stream new book.

  Title: "Super Real Detective Reasoning Game"

  If you are interested, you can go and have a look~

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  Quiet Mimi said: This author is so terrifying, there are 20 manuscripts on file!
(End of this chapter)

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