Bug in survival game

Chapter 991 Frightening Fishing Ground 3

Chapter 991 Frightening Fishing Ground 3
Looking at the piles of gifts in the live broadcast room.

When the two brothers Xiong Daxiong saw the gifts flying all over the screen, they were almost speechless from ear to ear.

So, maintaining this enthusiasm, they returned to the fishing boat and drove to the next live broadcast location.

However, they were happy, but the fish in the puddle fell into panic because the water in the puddle was continuously being pumped away.

Players, including those who turned into fish, also felt a sense of powerlessness.

This is the crushing of low-level creatures by humans from the top of the food chain.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Look, what is that? That terrible west mouth seems to have sucked all the sea water away."

"I'm going, the sun didn't even dry the water, but it was sucked away by this inexplicable thing?!"

"It's really impossible for this round of dungeons to allow us to spend these two days so easily."


Su Tingyu woke up the two siblings as well.

Faced with this situation, the two little fish were also a little confused.

Could it be that this is the external cause that the teacher said?
Now there is an unknown force that continuously pumps out the water in the puddle, and at this speed, within four hours, the water in the puddle may not be enough for the fish to survive.

They are just small fishes now, if they leave the water, they will not survive at all.

"Teacher, what should we do?"

The two brothers and sisters couldn't help panicking, and couldn't help pinning their hopes on Su Tingyu, hoping that the latter could come up with a solution.

"You listen to my command first."

"Go and pick up some small stones and the like. Our current hiding place has a sunken stone trough inside. If all the water outside flows away, there should still be some water in it."

"Block those stones and make this sunken hole bigger."

Two siblings: "Okay! Teacher! Let's do it now!"

After receiving Su Tingyu's order, the two brothers and sisters seemed to have found their backbone in an instant, and their hope was rekindled.

With the teacher around, there should be nothing to be afraid of.

As everyone knows, their teacher now... Su Tingyu also has no idea in his heart.

Su Tingyu silently called Lucifer several times in her heart, but she didn't get the slightest response from her Xiaolulu.

This is strange.

It stands to reason that it's just that the item bar is sealed.

Now that he has entered the dungeon world again, the amount of Lucifer should also be restored.

Then, the mere item column should not be able to close him, right?

"Lulu? Lulu?" Su Tingyu tried to call out a few more times.

What went wrong?
Suddenly, Su Tingyu seemed to remember something.

Did Xiao Lulu of his family stay up all night watching TV dramas the night before he entered the dungeon? ? !
It's like... isn't it?
Moreover, he didn't seem to go back to the inventory, and entered the instance with himself, right?

... I rely on rely on rely on!

Will Lucifer still stay in the real world and watch TV dramas? !
Just forget about her as the master? ? !

Su Tingyu felt bad for the whole fish, as if struck by lightning.

lean on lean on lean on...

The more you want to recall a thing, the memory will play tricks on you at this time, and it will become more and more blurred.

It seems that Lulu has come in, right?

Didn't seem to come in?
It seems to be in again... It seems not to be in again...

It's over, it's over, it's over...Su Tingyu never thought of it!

She actually forgot Lucifer in the real world! !

No no no!

Su Tingyu gritted his teeth.

It should be that little bastard was so obsessed with chasing dramas that he forgot about her as the master!
If I had known it earlier, I would have let him continue to hide. With the "outsider" Fatty around, Lucifer wouldn't run out so recklessly every day!

(▼皮▼#) Damn it!
After Su Tingyu spat on a certain little bastard in his heart, he could only pick up small stones bitterly.

Taking advantage of the high water level in the puddle, we can use the current to move some of the largest stones.

The three small fish were humming and humming, trying to carry them non-stop, and had to avoid the attention of other players to prevent the dangerous vortex formed by pumping water.

And this time.

All the fishes panicked as if they had encountered the end of the world.

Small creatures such as small crabs and shrimps hid directly in the wet sand.

Between the crevices of the reef, the conch also began to shrink its exposed flesh and hide in its protective shell.

Some larger fishes also began to seek shelter in various places in the puddle.

There are no more fish, and they will stare at the gentian in the puddle to eat.

You can eat whatever you want, but this is the only life.

"How does this feel, a bit like the pump is pumping water?"

"I have an ominous premonition, who is going to pump all the water out of the puddle?"

Those players who have turned into fish, more sensitive than ordinary fish, have already gone to find a safe hiding place.

Since the dungeon says that players are not allowed to leave the puddle, if the reverse thinking is, as long as the player does not leave the puddle, this round of dungeon still has a chance of survival.

Inside the puddle, this is the end of the world for big fish and small fish, and it doesn't affect the humans above the puddle.

Two bloggers, Xiong Daxiong Er, stayed behind to guard the two staff members of the water pump. They watched the water pumping for a while at first.

Later, I got really bored, so I took out my phone and started watching short videos, reading novels, watching dramas and so on.

Because the sound of the mobile phone was relatively loud, it was also transmitted to the bottom of the puddle.

Ordinary big fish and small fish are still panicking, but the fish that the player turned into can hear this strange sound.

"Damn, there's no real person here, is there?"

"What are they pumping the water for?"

"Pud...pumping...damn! They're not making a nest, are they?"


But despite the various wailings of the fish players under the puddle, the humans on the shore couldn't hear them at all, and they were still watching short videos in their own way to pass the time.

The long three and a half hours passed bit by bit.

Xiong Da Xiong Er, who left the fishing ground, came back again.

"My friends in the live broadcast room, you must be waiting impatiently."

"After three and a half hours of pumping, the water in the chicken head pit has basically been filled. Now let's go down and see if there is any harvest."

Xiong Da is explaining, while Xiong Er, according to the content of the explanation, shifts the camera to the puddle behind Xiong Da from time to time.

A staff member brought a plastic box, which was specially placed for the fish caught from the puddle.

Xiong Da took the plastic box, first put some seawater in it, then Xiong Da carried the box alone, and Xiong Er took the photography equipment by himself, and walked down the puddle separately.

At this time, although there is still a layer of water level tens of centimeters high in the puddle, many fishes have been exposed to the camera of the live broadcast room at this level of water level.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room also began to frantically brush up.

[There!There are fish! ]
[Did the anchor see it!There are fish there! ]
[I saw one too!I saw one too!It's over there on the left hand side...]
[I rely on me, rely on me, I see an octopus!What a big octopus! ]
[Is that a dog shark?Is it a dog shark? ! ]
[Catch the anchor quickly!Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, hurry up...]
Seeing the fierce reaction from the audience in the live broadcast room, Xiong Da said: "My friends, don't worry, don't worry, we will catch one by one. As long as you see it, I, Xiong Da, promise that no fish will be missed." of."

"Come on, tell me, which one to grab first?"

[Dog Shark Dog Shark!catch that dogshark]
[Thousands of blood book, you must first catch that dog shark]
A fireworks tip floated by, with the words "catch the dog shark" attached to it.

Seeing that the dog shark was the most vocal among the audience in the live broadcast room, Xiong Da readily agreed to the request:
"Okay, then let's catch the dog shark first."

I saw that Xiong Da stretched out his hands, squatted down slowly, and approached the dog shark in the water a little bit.

Then, pounce!
The head of the dog shark that was directly held by two hands!
After the dog shark was threatened, his whole body began to struggle violently!

Especially the very powerful fish tail, which directly set off a water splash almost half a meter high.

Xiong Da almost lost his grip several times, he was very surprised and excited:

"Wow, wow, wow! What a lot of strength! It's amazing, this big guy weighs at least ten catties! It's a lot of money! It's a lot of money!"

Xiong Da showed an image of "a simple fisherman who seems to have picked up a lot of money", which is what the audience in the live broadcast room likes to see most.

Because in today's materialistic society, people have become more and more tired of those exquisite and gorgeous masks, and prefer this element of returning to nature.

The two brothers, Xiong Daxiong, grasped this point and achieved good results on the way of live broadcast.

In the end, Xiong Da spent a lot of effort and threw the dog shark into the water tank.

Against the background of the live broadcast effect, the popularity of the live broadcast room has been rising all the way.

Immediately afterwards, Xiong Da aimed at the next prey.

It is a very bright pearl spot, or blue.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a beautiful pearl spot, so I'll grab it and show it to the audience in the live broadcast room."

Xiong Da opened his mouth excitedly, while gearing his fists, his body approached Pearl Spot little by little.

Immediately, the expectations of the audience in the live broadcast room were raised.

At this time, the humans in the live broadcast room didn't know that the fish in their eyes was a mass of blue, like a fish dotted with blue pearls. At this moment, a human man roared in his heart.

"Damn it! What the hell is this? Damn it!"

"What live broadcast? What catch fish? Damn... what kind of dungeon is this? There is no hint at all!"

The man with pearl spots was very desperate, but he was not willing to give up just like that, and started to swim in the water.

It's a pity that the water level here is already very low, and Xiong Da has been fishing professionally for more than ten years, and the sight has not been disturbed by the slightest bit of muddy water.

Suddenly, Xiong Da made his move.

Killed in one shot, Pearl Spot, who wanted to escape, was firmly held down by two hands.

"Don't! Don't! I don't want... Let me go! Let me go! I'm human too!!"

The pearly-spotted man roared angrily.

However, humans couldn't hear his roars at all. They could only see the mouth of this pearly spot opening, as if it was breathing heavily because it suddenly left the water.

In order not to overturn the car, Xiong Da directly grabbed the gills on both sides of the fish and picked up the whole fish.

The fish caught in the gills has already lost most of its fighting power, and can only be reduced to fish on the chopping board, obediently allowed to be slaughtered.

General Xiong caught the pearl spot, excited like a child, and showed it to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Look! Audience friends, isn't this pearl spot beautiful? His body is wider than my slap."

"Pearl spots are hard to see. I haven't caught them for almost a month. This kind of blue pearl spots are even rarer! Today is really lucky!!"

After some demonstrations, Xiong pointed the pearl spot at the water tank, and then threw it high, showing a parabola.

"Go you!"

That pearl spot fell into the water tank without accident.

There is little water in the tank, and the height of the box on all sides makes it difficult for fish of this size to pass.

The fish that are put into the tank are basically hopeless.

[Ouch, that pearly spot still doesn't give up]
[Courage is commendable, but it's a pity, no matter how you jump, you can't jump out~]
[Hurry up!Xiong Da, I saw another eel, very long, even on your left]
[Where?Where are you?Why didn't I see it? ]
In fact, Xiong Da found an eel nearby early in the morning.

However, he purposely didn't say it out, and signaled to Xiong Er at a place that the camera didn't capture, and asked him to turn the camera to that side inadvertently.

Sure enough, the audience in the live broadcast room were very sharp-eyed and spoke out excitedly.

"I saw it, I saw it, I'll grab it right away." At this moment, Xiong Dacai seemed to have been reminded, and then walked over with a face full of surprise, laughing loudly.

"There are octopuses over there!"

"And over there...Wuhu! This is abalone! It was sucked on the reef, and I almost missed it!"

"This is swimming crab! It's not bad! It's alive and well! Take it away!"


As the harvest increased, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more heated.

[I feel that there must be fish under that reef]
[Xiong Da, it's time to show your strength]
[Wow!Devil fish!The first time I saw the real...]
[Looking so closely, this devil fish really looks a bit scary]
[The cousin of the lazy snake in the adventures of the little carp is definitely my biggest misunderstanding of the devil fish]
(End of this chapter)

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