Chapter 995
After dealing with Lucifer's matter, Su Tingyu had time to carefully check the settlement content this time.

The rewards are so-so and can be ignored.

However, what is this [blowing bubbles]?
That's it?

No use at all!
Su Tingyu of the little fairy Benxian said: Little fairies don't like such flashy things!
Su Tingyu now has six halo titles:

Elementary title: [Tricky Hand Pushing Flowers]

Intermediate titles: [Ghosts give birth to nightmares] [The essence of the play] [The basic demolition maniac]

Senior Title: [Kid King]

Master Title: [Shiquan Dahaoren]

The player's six halo titles are all full, and Su Tingyu is currently unable to obtain the rest of the halo titles unless a one-on-one replacement is made.

However, most of Su Tingyu's halo titles are relatively low-level, and the only two halo titles that have been upgraded are only upgraded from elementary to intermediate, which is not enough!
"The title of the halo corresponds to a specific event, that is to say, as long as you do a certain specific event in the dungeon, you can accumulate experience and reach the standard for upgrading!" Su Tingyu pondered.

These halo titles are still somewhat useful, [Destroying Flowers with Hot Hands] and [Ghosts Born Nightmare] both help Su Tingyu better control the angel residents and little residual flowers under his hands.

[Kid King] When Su Tingyu meets a child NPC, it can increase the initial favorability.

[Ten Perfect Good People] It's even more awesome. It's not just like the first three halo titles, which can only be effective for specific groups, but all NPCs you meet can increase your initial favorability.

"The two highest levels may be difficult to improve in a short period of time. Let's find a way to improve the four lower levels first!"

"However, if you get a better halo title in the future, you can choose to change it!"

Su Tingyu turned off the settlement panel, exited, and found that the two students who had been "learned" sent a thank you message after returning to the real world.

For this kind of mutual assistance task, the final submission link is determined by the assisted party. As soon as the two brothers and sisters come out, they will submit and confirm.

After the staff confirmed it, they directly transferred the reward to Su Tingyu.

Su Tingyu can just click accept now.

There are not many rewards, mainly in response to the official mutual aid plan.

This matter ends here.

"Knock knock..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of Su Tingyu's room.

Su Tingyu walked over to open the door, no surprises, it was Qin Qi and Fatty who came over.

"Have you completed your tasks?" Su Tingyu asked casually.


"It's done, boss."

Su Tingyu turned sideways and let the two of them in.

"Huh? Where's Lucifer?"

The fat man was still holding two big bags of drinks in his hands, and was about to go to find Lucifer, but he couldn't see the little guy in the room.

"Oh, I sent him to sleep. He's been watching TV shows for several days and hasn't slept. I'm afraid he will die suddenly." When Lucifer was mentioned, Su Tingyu couldn't help complaining.

"Fatty, please pay attention to your time in the future. He is still a child. The TV show will be turned off at 10 pm. Don't show it to him. Tell him to go to bed right away."

"Oh, that's good, I'll pay attention." The fat man hadn't noticed that Lucifer was watching a TV series for several days and nights in a row.

Generally, at night, the fat man feels sleepy and wants to sleep, so he goes back to his room.

However, seeing that Lucifer was still watching, he couldn't help but let him continue watching.

Every time before the fat man left, he would tell Lucifer to go to bed early.

Originally thought that Lucifer would be obedient with such an obedient appearance, but unexpectedly, he actually watched it for several days and nights.

You really can't tell what you look like!
Sure enough, all the children in the world are the same, they can't refuse the temptation of electronic products.

"These drinks...just put them here first."

Su Tingyu took the two big bags of drinks.

Su Tingyu didn't intend to disturb Lucifer, who was supposed to be asleep now, and give him a surprise after the latter woke up.

After the task of teaching the students was completed, Su Tingyu suddenly felt free.

Fatty himself couldn't stay idle, so he planned to find a volunteer job in the base.

I usually work when I have something to do, and watch dramas with Lucifer when I have nothing to do, make drinks by the way, and feed Lucifer.

Su Tingyu had no objection to Fatty's own arrangement.

And Su Tingyu himself had other plans.

She got so many flowers and plants in the mid-autumn reunion dungeon, and she has already picked out the part that can be used to refine magic potions.

With the materials, Su Tingyu planned to refine the medicine.

"Qiqi, what are your plans and plans?"

Su Tingyu looked at Qin Qi.

Su Tingyu and Fatty both had things they wanted to do, so Qin Qi was the only one left.

"Brother Qin, do you want to do volunteer work with me?" Fatty suggested.

"I'm working right now." Qin Qi stated in a steady voice.

Su Tingyu blinked his big eyes: "Ah, it seems... yes, I forgot."

Qin Qi was originally assigned the task to protect himself, but now that Su Tingyu is in the base, he doesn't need Qin Qi's protection for the time being.

Su Tingyu is going to retreat to improve the level of magician, so he doesn't have to run around at ordinary times.

If Qin Qi was allowed to stay with him, wouldn't the former be too boring?

So, Su Tingyu said: "How about this, Qiqi, if I stay in the room refining magic potions, there is no danger. During this time, you can do what you want, If I'm going out, I'll let you know, okay?"

Qin Qi pondered for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

"Then it's settled."


After the three of them went to have lunch, the fat man went to receive the volunteer task by himself, Su Tingyu went back to the room and prepared to refine the magic potion, and Qin Qi also went to work on his own affairs.

Su Tingyu's current magician level is only intermediate. With the escalation of the difficulty of the dungeon, the potions that he could refine before are basically useless.

Most of the people who can help Su Tingyu pass the dungeon now are high-level potions.

But the problem is that Su Tingyu still doesn't know how to refine high-level potions, and has been consuming the high-level potions given by the teacher, and they are almost used up.

Su Tingyu actually has some master-level magic potions, which were also given by the teacher, and those things are even more precious.

Before the critical moment, Su Tingyu was not willing to use it.

It has been a while since Su Tingyu has been promoted from a junior magician to an intermediate magician. Now, he plans to challenge the senior magician.

If it can be promoted to a high-level magician, then the high-level potion can be self-sufficient.

If the materials collected in the Giant's Garden are not enough, Su Tingyu can also use the game currency to buy the required materials in the mall.

In addition, the materials for upgrading the storage ring are basically complete.

However, there is still one thing missing, and there are purchase restrictions for such materials in the mall, and players who have entered a certain round of dungeons can only purchase them.

Su Tingyu sent so many flowers and plants to the official before, so she should be able to exchange for that thing. If she can exchange it, then her storage ring can be upgraded.

In terms of materials, there is basically no problem.

But if you need to upgrade the storage ring, Su Tingyu's magician level must be at least advanced to be able to upgrade the storage ring.

Therefore, Su Tingyu's short-term goal is to become a senior magician as soon as possible.

Generally, there are two ways to become a senior magician:

One is to work hard on magic, and the other is to work hard on pharmacy.

But Su Tingyu chose the latter.

To become a high-level magician, one must not only increase proficiency and be able to skillfully refine the existing high-level magic potions, but also need to create one's own magic potions, at least two of which can be considered high-level magicians.

However, Su Tingyu's primary goal at present is to improve his proficiency first.

Then learn to refine all the advanced potions given by the teacher, and finally consider the self-made magic potion.


three days later.

Su Tingyu was frantically refining potions to improve his proficiency, when he suddenly received a message about Puyu and asked her to come out to meet.

Su Tingyu thought for a while, and thought that there might be news from the previous flowers and plants.

So, Su Tingyu went out.

Going to the place agreed by Xie Puyu, only Xie Puyu was there.

Su Tingyu asked knowingly, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Dead fish, the materials you submitted to the authorities before have an explanation." Xie Puyu said.

Su Tingyu: "Then what does the official say?"

"The batch of materials you submitted are of high value, so I want to ask you what you want to exchange?"

"The first one, I want to change..."

Su Tingyu didn't forget the promise he made to Lucifer before, that he would switch to TV series, movies, animations and games.

After Xie Puyu listened, she was stunned for a few seconds.

What what what?
Did he hear it right?

A batch of game items with such a high value was actually exchanged for those movies, TV shows, game animations.

"Are you sure you're not joking?" Xie Puyu asked.

Does he feel like he heard it wrong?

However, Su Tingyu nodded resolutely: "I'm not joking, you just say whether there is an official one?"

Xie Puyu glanced at Su Tingyu with complicated eyes: "Yes... there should be. After all, those are also products of human civilization, and some kindling must be preserved."

If... only if.

If human civilization encounters an accident, or like the extinction of dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago, then human beings also hope to preserve some traces of human beings who once existed in this world.

Maybe, after the next billions of years, another intelligent creature will be born, and stand at the top of the biological chain.

Like humans, they may also find traces of dinosaurs in the past, and then dig out dinosaur civilization.

At that time, the entire human civilization can continue to be recorded in history.

Xie Puyu said helplessly: "Okay, okay, since you insist on that, I will report it to the official side."

Su Tingyu added: "I still need some other game items, um... I will make a list and send it to you at that time. There are game items I need on it. If you can exchange them, please exchange them for me. If you can't, forget it. .”

"The rest, just exchange it for game currency for me."

"Okay, then you can send it to me on the panel." Xie Puyu remembered one thing: "By the way, there is one more thing, that is, the official side will apply for a quota for you."

"Quota? What quota?" Su Tingyu asked curiously.

Xie Puyu explained: "The guys above who are doing research have made some progress recently. They have analyzed many times based on the things in the dungeon world and the mall system, and come up with some new things."

"If there is a result, you can get a priority."

Su Tingyu raised his eyebrows: "Is that thing safe? Is it safe?"

Sounds like a lot of fun.

When I was looking at the top-secret files before, I also saw that someone proposed to develop the civilization of Blue Star with the help of a more advanced civilization in another world.

Unexpectedly, not long after the public beta started, some people have already started researching it.

"The ones that have gone through multiple performance tests are said to be the priority, what do you think?" Xie Puyu shrugged and said.

Su Tingyu was speechless.

It's a guinea pig~

As soon as Xie Puyu saw Su Tingyu's expression, she guessed what she was thinking, and could only say a few words of relief: "Don't dislike the things made by the superior, it may not be available to everyone."

"They saw that you could produce so many valuable materials and wanted to cooperate with you for a long time, so they gave you a place."

"Don't worry, those people have weird tempers, but they still have abilities. Maybe you can get some pretty good things then?"

As a member of the Non-Order Institute, Xie Puyu has no self-knowledge at all, and dares to say that others have weird tempers.

In fact, he himself is a weirdo in some respects.

Su Tingyu touched his nose: "Okay, then I'll look forward to it a little bit."

Anyway, it's just a quota, and it's not mandatory.

Xie Puyu thought for a while, and said, "Actually, the people above started researching in such a hurry because of a concern."

"The reason for the emergence of Parallel Paradise has not yet been clarified, and these game items produced by Parallel Paradise have not had any problems yet, but they are prepared for danger in times of peace. In case one day, there is something wrong with all these game items, then, human Will it be affected by this?"

Hearing this, Su Tingyu froze for a moment.

This concern is indeed not without.

Since Parallel Paradise can give players so many game items, they might be able to take them back at any time.

Only one's own true strength is powerful.

After all, those game items in Parallel Paradise are just external forces.

Although with human technology and current environmental conditions, starting to study the game items in Parallel Paradise sounds a bit far-fetched and unbelievable.

However, it is really necessary.

Otherwise, if any problems really arise at that time, human beings will be helpless if they are unprepared.

Su Tingyu was silent for a moment.

She suddenly thought of the Dream Repair Potion. If one day, the effect of the Dream Repair Potion suddenly disappears, then Qi Qi... Will he become the same as before?
(End of this chapter)

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