stand back, let me come

Chapter 1006 Chapter 1006: The dog is encircling the territory of the cat’s nest [asking for monthly

"The surname is Lu, the given name is Jue, the given name is Shousheng, the given name is Shousheng..."

The leader snatched the information from the killer.

The killer's sharp eyes noticed the leader's knuckles that were turning white from clenching so hard, and said bravely: "This person's strength is unknown, but with the ability of my subordinates, I'm afraid it won't be easy to get him over."

It would be fine if the other party was just an ordinary scout. With some secret operations, he could be beaten and crippled while he was alone, but the other party was a general, and a general with many military exploits.

We are short of manpower and may not be able to overcome the enemy's formation.

The leader didn't seem to hear him.

He murmured the word "keep alive" in his mouth.

If they were just similar in appearance, it wouldn't prove that they were the same person. However, when she heard Lu Jue's words, she was basically certain that this person was Li Li back then, and he was also the person she had worried about for many years. She always thought that the other party was dead. After all, he was just an ordinary person. Sibao County changed hands several times and encountered wars, and he was just a little slave. Even if he has some strength and some boxing skills, he is still an ordinary person who cannot practice.

I never thought that he was still alive and well.

She looked at the scroll with a bit of reminiscence in her eyes.

Until the killer brought her back to her senses.

Testing softly: "Chief?"

She suddenly came back to her senses, and was shocked to realize that she had reached out to touch the face of the person in the painting at some point, and quickly retracted her fingertips as if they were being licked by tongues of fire. Suppressing his emotions, he ordered: "It's nothing. Go and investigate this Lu Shousheng carefully. Find as many as he can."

When the killer saw this, he vaguely guessed some of the contents.

He had heard rumors about some leaders before.

I heard that the leader was once married and deeply in love with her husband. However, the relationship between the two families deteriorated to the point of incompatibility, and the couple was forced to separate. The leader became disheartened and gradually indulged in sexual activities. When news of her ex-husband's death came during the war, she was heartbroken and began to abandon her love. When her hometown was captured by a warlord, she followed her elder brother to a foreign country and headed south. There were so many young talents in the royal capital who wanted to rise to the top, but none of them could catch her eye, let alone occupy a position. Could it be that the leader's erratic reaction was caused by this person...

A logical guess appeared in the killer's mind.

The leader's ex-husband is probably not dead, but seriously injured, and his whereabouts are unknown. There may also be episodes of amnesia during this period, and he has missed the leader for more than ten years. Now when we meet again, it's this scene again. The relevant information about Lu Jue can be said to be too much or too little.

The killer was very efficient and found a lot of people quickly.

Ninety-nine percent of them were related to military achievements in the war, and a small number of them related to personal privacy. The killer had read them before sending them: "Chief, my subordinates are incompetent and have not found anything about Lu Shousheng's wife, concubines, and children."

It meant to remind the leader that Lu Jue was still a bachelor.

Maybe, this person is still thinking about the leader.

As a result, the leader had no reaction to this, and just carefully read through the large and small battles that Lu Jue had participated in over the years. Judging from the content of the investigation, the timeline begins when Shen Youli came out of the mountain, and there is no mention of his previous experiences. This is understandable. Before Lu Jue emerged, he was just the most inconspicuous little ant in troubled times. Unless he promoted it himself, no one would know about it.

The leader looked at the whole stick of incense before raising his hand to cover it.

As the leader's confidant, the killer has more privileges than others.

For example, he dared to test the leader's gossip.

"Is there any relationship between the leader and this person?"

"Yes, I know you."

The killer tried again: "Maybe instigating rebellion?"

If you can instigate people to rebel, it will be a real win. It is equivalent to placing a chess piece in the core of Kang State without any effort!

The leader's eyes came over: "Instigating rebellion?"

The killer said: "It always makes people heartbroken to be enemies with old friends."

If you can turn your enemies into friends, you won't have this trouble.

How could the leader not see his cleverness?

Shaking his head: "Others may be able to instigate rebellion, but he won't."

"How will the leader know if he doesn't give it a try?"

The killer recalled the intelligence content he had read, and there was no such thing as "loyalty" in it. This person's current level of strength is unclear, but judging from early records, his strength is not strong and his talent should be mediocre. Being able to hold a high position now is probably due to the fact that he followed the surname Shen early and barely squeezed into the ranks of the founder's confidants. However, the military is the most cruel and naked place in the world.

In the end, strength and military merit will speak for themselves.

Those who take advantage of things like Lu Jue will be squeezed out sooner or later.

It's not a good feeling to be left out and left out.

The leader showed up to persuade them to make peace, moved them with affection and explained them with reason, and then recalled the past loving moments, and then the fingers crossed.

His suggestion was met with a cold warning from the leader.

After a long time, I heard the leader sneer and ridicule: "Because he knows better than anyone else that if an ant wants to avoid being trampled to death, it must control power, status, and strength. To persuade surrender and incite rebellion? Since ancient times, how many surrendering generals can surrender in front of the battle? Being looked down upon?"

It is rare for a surrendered general to be reused without suspicion.

If a general is not reused, his life will come to an end.

The killer didn't know why the leader was so sure, but he also sensed some sensitive content from her emotion. His previous guesses seemed to be in the wrong direction. Lu definitely doesn't look like the leader's ex-husband.

The leader asked the killer to send all the information back.

Only the copied portrait remains.

The killer was trembling with fear.

Looking at this posture, the leader seems to be deeply involved?

Before he could continue to think about it, he heard the leader's sinister and dangerous voice, which scared his heart to the point of stopping: "Don't think about so many miscellaneous things, you think you can't hear it?"

The killer sneered: "... Chief, Chief..."

He is not a professional killer himself.

Rather than being a killer, he is more like a bodyguard to protect the leader. He is one of the personal guards awarded to the leader by the king.

His business ability is definitely worse than that of a professional killer.

For example, in terms of voice management, I am always caught red-handed.

The leader seemed to be talking to him, or to himself: "I look forward to seeing you among the prisoners one day."

Back then, she and Lu Jue were beaten up by their eldest brother.

Both of them learned a bloody lesson from it.

Lu Jue longs for power, status and strength, to be upright and upright, and to no longer be misled or despised by others. His status back then didn't even qualify him to be her male pet, let alone have real feelings for her. And for her, the lessons she learned were even more profound.

Only absolute power can silence Big Brother.

Only absolute status can support people.

She has the final say over her people, her belongings, and even herself! This is the deliciousness of the word power.

Lu Jue, who was lost back then, can now be regained with his own hands. The killer was clever and reminded her that Lu Jue was still alone and was completely unimportant to her. It doesn't matter whether he stays alive and waits for her alone, or whether he enjoys life as a beautiful wife and concubine, becoming a prisoner and her trophy will only lead to the same result.

The killer looked at the cold look on the leader's eyebrows.

Once again rejecting the ex-husband's speculation, this is really not like lovers meeting again after a long absence, but more like a spider sizing up its unconscious prey before feasting. There was more killing intent than love in his eyes.

The leader warned again: "Do you still want your head?"

If you really want to eat, first cut open his brain and put it on the plate.

The killer shrank his neck and retreated hastily.

Doctor Xinglin’s methods are indeed powerful.

The toxins are completely eliminated, and all that is left is to replenish blood and recuperate.

Luotuo scribes can go to the ground on the second night.

Cui Xiao also passed the information he brought back to Qin Li.

This time, he didn't forget to bring the fan of knives.

The former colleague relied on crutches to avoid falling, and he easily recognized the identity of the person in front of him through his fan: "Cui Shanxiao, why did you come out so unexpectedly? You almost gave me a fright."

Cui Xiao rolled her eyes in front of him.

"If I don't come out, you can pass by."

No living person can see it, they are really blind.

Luotuo scribe: "Can we blame late birth?"

Cui Xiaodao: "At least the Lord has never ignored it."

Luotuo scribe: "..."

Haha, come to show off your master to yourself, right?

When the war at Chaoliguan ended that year, Qin Li resigned from Wu Xian at the celebration banquet, threw himself into the arms of Shen Youli, and formed a group to change jobs. Most of those who were close to Qin Li left with him, but there were a few who stayed, and he was one of them. It wasn't for any other reason, he simply felt that Shen had a bad personality.

It is said that during the alliance, this person often turned over tables, kicked stools, punched and kicked his ally Tao Yan, and passionately insulted his enemy Zheng Qiao, which shows that he was impatient. Gong Su could endure this violent temper, but he couldn't bear it. If the master couldn't protect his master, he would get out of control and punch his subordinates... He just wanted to make a steady living, and didn't want to know whether the master's fists were strong or not.

Gong Su guessed that he had a grudge against Wu Zhaode.

I contacted myself repeatedly.

As a marginal figure with no sense of existence, he was left to the equally insignificant eldest son. At that time, the eldest son didn't even have many decent people around him, so he was easily reused.

Five or six years passed in a flash.

There were no more rumors about Shen beating anyone.

I occasionally contact Gongsu, Taoist master Gongsu is very nice.

Okay, okay, even your hair is fine!

The Luotuo scribe looked at the script passed down from Kang State with no expression on his face - the script suggested that a certain country leader had been having a secret affair with a certain young master for many years, and that they had a deep sadomasochistic love affair. , that Mr. Qin and his students were beautiful, handsome, obedient, shy and submissive to the king. Although there was nothing in it that adults could understand, it could not stand up to the bold and novel writing style of the writer.

Every time I see Gong Su’s cold face...

Looking at the sentence "The Lord is so kind", he could imagine the feeling of being lingering and being extremely shy. He never thought that his old friend could be such a good wife and mother, no, a good husband and father! In the words of the writer of the story, it would be a pity for this person not to have children.

There is a series of novels like this!

Unmarried men and women, and even mules, became sperms.

This storybook also pioneered the unprecedented form of serialization in chapter form. Luotuo scribes scolded it while privately asking people to buy it for them at high prices. He said absently: "Ah, yes, yes, your Lord has the brightest eyes. I can recognize your face even without looking at the fan."

Cui Xiao didn't want to argue with him.

"Gongsu replied..."

The Luotuo scribe looked around: "Is Gongsu nearby? I received news earlier that Gongsu has been given the important task of supervising the country."

This is a prison state!

Generally, only heirs and blood relatives can hold the position.

[Five Elements of Bad Virtues]'s novelty talk is not like catching wind and shadow.

Cui Xiao: "Gong Su is still in Fengluo and did not come. However, he replied that the matter has been reported to Qi Yuanliang. What will happen to the people in the Southwest Branch? This matter should be resolved by the Northwest Branch."

What did Qin Li tell Qi Shan?

The first person I saw was not Qishan.

It was Shen Tang who opened the letter for him.

As soon as she finished reading, her eyes became a little weird.

Qi Shan held the pen between his ears and leaned over the table with most of his body, focusing on the huge map below.

"Qin Gongsu cursed something unpleasant again?"

When Qin Li writes to himself, he always includes a few personal sentences.

However, Mr. Qin's vocabulary for cursing is poor, and he keeps repeating those few sentences over and over again, even praying for good deeds by heart. Shen Tang held the letter and said with a smile: "Gongsu didn't curse, he just said that some dogs came from the southwest and urinated in your cat's nest to enclose the territory. The urine smells bad, so you should go back and find someone to deal with it, so that the cat's nest will not become a doghouse." .”

Qi Shan raised his head: "Isn't this unpleasant?"

Then put down the things in your hands.

Wiping his hands with a handkerchief: "People from the Southwest Branch? Haha, this is to be expected. Members of the various societies of the Gods Society like this kind of work the most. Any force will suppress it if it gets big. People from the Southwest Branch, this is preparation Do you want to compete with me?"

Gao Guo's sudden madness is probably related to this.

"It also said that Wu Zhaode and his two sons committed suicide."

Qishan raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean, Lord?"

Shen Tang: "At least send the right wreath. My brother's son is dead. I can't go to the funeral. I can just send someone to watch the fun. By the way, let me tell you, when you send the funeral to your son, don't forget to prepare your own coffin. After the funeral, Beat him in Beimo!"

I have played several games with Bei Mo recently.

But they were all small-scale conflicts.

Shen Tang wanted to take a step forward, but the other party backed away and fell behind. Beimo didn't feel like his courage was broken, but rather like he was planning something.


I suddenly wanted to say something, but somehow I forgot about it. Let me think about it.

Ah, I remembered it.

Tangmei originally wanted to draw illustrations for Gu Chi's storybook, but she was declined.

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