stand back, let me come

Chapter 1017 1017: Island Project [3-in-1, please vote]

Liu Guan didn't know what Kang Guo's soldiers and horses were going to do.

Several guesses came to mind.



Or intimidation?

None of them look alike.

Kang Guo's soldiers and horses are far away from Shooting Star Pass. If Kang Guo really wanted to take action, they would not have alerted the enemy. They would have staged such a large battle all the way from a distance, with a swaggering attitude as if they were afraid that the enemy would not be able to find out: "These people are selling things inside the gourd." What medicine is it?”

Liu Guan condensed his literary energy into his eyes to enhance his vision.

Trying to see what this group's intentions are.


Soon a soldier sent a message.

Liu Guandao: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

There was still a hint of panic in the soldier's expression - the fear of natural disasters was engraved into the souls of people in this world. Even though the messenger soldier was a brave warrior, his legs were still weak.

The soldier said: "Kunzhou soldiers and horses appeared in the rear."

Liu Guan hurried over.

I also saw a line of smoke and dust waves at the end of the horizon. It was only a small section at first, but soon expanded to both sides at a speed visible to the naked eye. She knew that the manpower consumed by such a large battle was not a small amount, and the Kangguo camp must have some purpose in doing this. Taking a deep breath secretly, he sent several scout teams to reconnoiter to see what the plan was.

After a while, several birds fluttered their wings and flew high.

Below, Bai Suruo, who was guarding the construction team, felt something.

He placed his right hand in front of his eyebrows as a sunshade and squinted his eyes carefully.

He smiled and said, "Hey, the scouts from the Northern Desert are here."

She is currently wearing a bandage covering her chest, one sleeve is tucked into her waist, half of her arms are bare, and she is sitting on top of a giant excavator with her legs bent. The bare shoulders are painted with ferocious animal patterns, which extend all the way to the lower part of the collarbone, and a knife hangs on the side of the waist, which is in perfect contrast with her cold temperament. Below is the general ink supervisor who is concentrating on the operation. Bai Su raised his hand and formed a high and heavy bow.

Fingers lightly pluck the bowstring.

A snow-white arrow took shape in response.

It was cloudy today, and the clouds were thick and low. The scout's Martial Totem could use the clouds to cover his tracks without much effort, and cautiously approached the construction team. Gradually approaching the top of the construction team, the scout held his breath and concentrated, trying to use the sight of Wudan Totem to find out what was going on below. However, the smoke and dust here interfered with the sight, so he had to lower his altitude a little.

Suddenly, a little white light quickly magnified in front of his eyes.

Wudan Totem was shot in the eye before he could react.

"Ahhhh-eyes, eyes-my eyes-" the Northern Desert scout covered his eyes and let out a shrill scream.

The Wu Gu Totem, whose eyes were pierced by an arrow, lost control and fell to the ground.

It started to escape when it was still a hundred feet above the ground.

When it landed, only one tail feather was left.

Bai Su tutted: "What a pity, it's not a live bird."

If this ferocious bird was not a totem of martial courage but a real bird, it would be full of treasures. It would be delicious when roasted, and its bright feathers would look good when plucked out to make a hat. It all depends on your luck whether you can come across one when you go hunting in the mountains in autumn. If you are lucky, you almost didn't see it even after three to five days.

Martial Arts Totem is really a scam.

There were waves in the air, and Bai Su's ears twitched slightly.

His eyes flashed fiercely: "Here we go again."

Ordinary scouts are not difficult to cultivate, but the scouts adapted to this kind of valor totem are only one in a million. Perhaps because of the special geographical environment, there are many elite scouts in the Northern Desert. Not only do they fly in the sky, but they also dig holes in the ground. Bai Su took action twice, bent his bow and arrows, and hit every target, seriously injuring two scouts. People here in the Northern Desert are even more vigilant, and even the Martial Dart Totem dare not hover at low altitude.

Bai Su sneered and turned to urge the soldiers below.

"No one has eaten?"

"The bigger the movement, the quicker the work will be."

"You've been working hard for a long time to make such a little noise. Are you afraid that the enemy won't know what you are doing?"

Someone below was coughing and belching from time to time.

Apparently he accidentally ate sand.

The deputy general narrowed his eyes and raised his voice in Bai Su's direction.

"General, no matter how big you are, no one can see you."

Everyone's mouth and nose were covered with cloth masks that filtered sand and dust.

All of them had gray heads and faces, and sweat dripped down their skin, leaving obvious mud marks. Use your fingers to rub it casually to make sure you can squeeze the boss's mud ball. However, the time was fixed by the superiors, and the amount of work was unprecedentedly large.

The original plan was to let Wenxin scribes use their words and spirits to attract wind and sand, such as [clouds, moon, black wind, sand and evil], [desert wind and sand, thousands of miles of darkness], to shield the enemy scouts from the prying eyes as much as possible, delay as much time as possible, and not have to eat too much. bitter. It is best to dig the foundation before the enemy reacts, so that even if the enemy gathers manpower to attack, there will be a buffer.

It's just that the above calculations are not worth it.

With Yanling, you get what you pay for.

The better the effect, the larger the range, and the greater the consumption!

The scope of the isolated island project obviously exceeds the limits of scribes. Rather than embarrass literati, it is better to look inward for self-reliance.

The noise in the dust was all intentional.

Just as Bai Suga was about to say something, his eyes lit up.

His body flashed, turning into a dazzling stream of light that penetrated the thick sand and dust.

There was a loud bang.

The two swords were crossed and submerged into the rock.

Under the sword's edge is a trembling rat whose hair color blends in with the mud. This mouse was extremely slender, with a thick and powerful tail at the end, and muscular limbs. As soon as it emerged from the ground, it was cut off by Bai Su's two swords. His big eyes met Bai Su's eyes looking at dead things, and his thick hair exploded.

He screamed, not daring to turn his head, and ran for his life.


The dusty shadow suddenly jumped out of the distance.

Bai Su looked at the lower half of the rat's body that was cut off by the two swords, and sneered. The upper half of the mouse rushed far away under the impetus of inertia. When I realized something was wrong, I felt a dull pain in my waist. Before the Martial Arts Totem dissipated, he saw blood trailing all over the floor.

"What kind of rat dares to show up?"

Bai Su pulled out the two swords from the mud and stepped on the half-disappearing rat body. The internal organs wrapped in rat skin burst open under the pressure of external forces, overflowing and turning into the energy of heaven and earth.

Zhang Liang's plan is to cross the wall ladder.

No matter how strict the vigilance of Bai Su and others is, it is impossible to completely clear out the scouts in a short period of time. More than a dozen scouts were lost in the Northern Desert. They have learned their lesson and dare not get too close. Even so, they have also detected some information - summary, Kang Guo is digging a trap.

Liu Guan, who was waiting anxiously, fell silent the moment he received the information.

Don't blame her for being silent.

I really can't do it with this hand operation.

She looked again and again at the place beneath her feet.

After confirming that they were defending the city rather than attacking the city, they continued to think about Kang Guo's purpose - traps were generally used to interfere with the advancement of chariots and hinder cavalry charges. The defensive side of the city built these defenses. .

The Kangguo camp acted as a siege party to set up traps. Not only did they send a large number of manpower to dig traps, but they also dug them so far away from Shexing Pass. Whose cavalry were they going to use to hinder them?

To stop Kang's own chariots and cavalry?

The movement of the earth dragon turning over continued.

Liu Guan pressed his sore and swollen eyebrows.

Question: "How long, wide, and deep is the trap?"

Is Kang Guoying digging a trap or something else?

The scout said: "Three feet wide, two feet six deep, long... They are still digging over there. I don't know how long they want to dig."

Even though Liu Guan was mentally prepared—a big movement that could cause a movement comparable to that of an earth dragon turning over must not be a small project—she was still startled by the number and said in astonishment: "Three feet three wide, two feet six deep , are you planning to dig a moat?"

The moats in small places are not of this scale.

The scout hesitated to speak.

This data is still being monitored.

Looking at the posture of Kang Guo's soldiers and horses, they are obviously not satisfied with this level, and they are still digging deeper, widening to both sides, and continuing to extend. The same is true for the outpost of Shexing Pass, and the same is true for the rear. The excavated soil is transported elsewhere.

Yes, the mud was hauled away.

I don’t know what to do with all this mud.

After confirming that Kang Guo had no intention of sending troops to attack, Liu Guanxin lowered the city wall and presented the news to his lord Tude.

Brother Tude asked his ministers about the plan.

"What do you think Kang Guo is planning to do?"

Everyone had the same doubts as Liu Guan. The siege party could not dig traps all the way to prepare for the attack on Shexing Pass. The general who issued this order was seriously ill. To fight and siege a city, you need ladders, chariots, rams, and catapults.

This kind of useless trap is useless.

It can't stop the huge rocks thrown at it, nor can it stop the rain of arrows.

Not long after, someone joked in a weird way: "Is it possible that Kang Guo lost the Shexing Pass and was so angry that he just dug up the earth and gravel on the spot and started anew to build another city defense?"

Then someone responded: "Haha, how long will it take to build this?"

The three key passes that blocked the southward movement of the Northern Desert were the result of the joint efforts of the northwest countries, which sent dozens of brave warriors to supervise the work, and two to three hundred thousand hard laborers, which took thirty years and two generations. What's the difference between Kang Guo coming to build a city defense now and having snot dripping from his nose? There was a roar of wanton ridicule in the hall.

At first glance, Liu Guan felt that something was not right.

"How long?" Her mind was racing, she caught the fleeting flash of inspiration and asked hurriedly, "When did this movement start?"

How long has it been since the earth dragon turned over?

The laughter in the hall became smaller.

Someone replied: "More than an hour."

Liu Guan didn't know what he thought of, and his face turned pale: "How can you dig a trap that is three feet wide and two feet six deep in more than an hour? Judging from the smoke and dust raised, the length of the trap is considerable. Even if thousands of corvees die, It will work day and night, and optimistically it will take more than a month. It is comparable to the scale of a moat, can it be called a trap?"

Even a blind man can’t be fooled!

Who can this trap be used to trick?

"What could it be if it wasn't a trap?"

At first they looked down on this bitch, and only regarded Liu Guan as the woman next to Brother Tude, a woman who was a slave girl, and to put it bluntly, she was something that could be bought and sold with money. Later I discovered that this bitch has a good mind but a poisonous heart.

Gradually stop being frivolous and disdainful.

In other words, these emotions are well hidden.

"It can't be to block food and grass, right?"

It's not like they didn't expect Shen Tang to have his mind set on Liangcao. The battle is all about logistics. Whoever's food line collapses first will be unable to hold it back first. However, in their usual thinking, Kang State should send people to ambush and attack their grain-carrying troops. As long as they send strong and brave warriors and lead an elite division to escort them, they can ensure the safety of the grain line to the greatest extent.

The only way to fight a war is to take advantage of each other's tactics.

After the man finished speaking, the others burst into laughter.

Liu Guan said seriously: "It's not a bad idea."

Everyone laughed even harder. Others laughed so hard that they started hiccupping.

"Hahaha, just because they dug a circle, they want to cut off our supply of food and grass? Do you know how big the Shooting Star Pass is? They dug such a big circle." The man drew a very large circle with both hands. " Even hundreds of thousands of people can’t dig it all out!”

This guess is so funny!

Brother Tude looked at the group of subordinates slapping their thighs and couldn't help but raise his lips. What Liu Guan said was really a fantasy.


A loud thunder exploded.

The ground beneath my feet shook even more.

"Look, even God thinks it's ridiculous, and responds with thunder."

"Hundreds of thousands of ordinary corvees may not be able to do it, but what about the brave warriors in the army?" Liu Guan carefully studied the behavior of Shen Youli and her men, and did not know where Shen Youli dug out so many behaviors. A crazy and unruly lunatic.

Do what others dare not do, think what others dare not think.

Hollow out the area around Shexing Pass, these people can do it!

The laughter in the hall stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at Liu Guan with dull eyes.

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

Naturally, they had heard rumors that Kang Guo did not treat Wu Dan warriors as uncles, and basically all the work that could be done by corvee coolies was entrusted to Wu Dan warriors. When I first heard about this, I thought Shen Youli was looking for death. How could a brave warrior endure such humiliation?

I watched with cold eyes for several years.

The expected riot was nowhere to be seen.

The brave warriors of Kang accepted the status quo well.

They couldn't figure it out, and finally attributed the strangeness of the brave warrior to the influence of Shen Youli's vassal way. The man named Shen had been the leader of the country for so many years without exposing his lord's way. I guess there is something fishy about the way of the princes, so I hid it.

The smile on Brother Tude's face also stiffened.

“How big could this possibly be?”

Liu Guan looked directly at Brother Tude without saying a word.

Brother Tude saw the answer in his eyes.

He prepared for the worst in his mind: "How long will it take?"

Liu Guan estimated in his heart: "One ten to two ten days."

The Northern Desert general on one side had a cold look on his face, his big copper bell eyes bursting with murderous intent: "Ten or twenty days? Oh, the day lilies are already cold! These losers from Kang State still want to stop us? It's really ridiculous!"

"Let the soldiers rest for a day and recharge their batteries. We will go out tomorrow and pick off their heads to fill this ditch!"

As everyone knows, in addition to brave warriors, the construction team also has Mohists.

Grasp it with both hands, and make sure both ends are correct.

A courageous warrior needs to expend martial energy to dig. Even with the blessing of the military spirit, the body and mind must bear a considerable burden. There are three shifts a day, and you have to take a break from working for four hours.

The Mohist does not have these restrictions. All the tools created by others can be operated by others. They only need to inject a small amount of martial energy to exert terrifying effects, and it will not be tiring for twelve hours.

Beijiu dared to issue a military order to deliver the work in five days, which was certainly not without purpose. She had the confidence, and this confidence came from "Tiangong Kaiwu"! In the volume "Jiabing", there is a record of something called "firearms", along with a few simple drawings.

Although "general love" and "non-attack" are easy to use, they lack the most critical lethality. The lack of lethality means that Mohists cannot protect themselves like brave warriors and literary scholars.

Without force by his side, Beijiu would never feel safe.

Even though Yuanmou promised her several times, she was still uneasy.

Bei Jiu did not doubt Yun Ce's promise, but the promise could not turn Yun Ce's confidence into his own, so Bei Jiu could only find another way out. She didn't believe that Mo Zhe's potential was limited to this.

Finally, she saw hope in "Tiangong Kaiwu".


[Hongyi Pao...General...Second General? 】

[White-lettered cannons and landmines? 】

【Hong Kong Dragon? Ten thousand enemies? 】

Beijiu looked at the utensils described in "Tiangong Kaiwu" and was so fascinated that he had no idea about the time of the outside world. She locked herself in the government office for several months at a time. During this period, the materials mentioned in "Tiangong Kaiwu" were found, and the supervisor was thundered and exploded every day.

To her regret, the power she discovered was far less powerful than what "Tiangong Kaiwu" stated. Even the power described in "Tiangong Kaiwu" was still a little short of the courageous warrior with some strength. Not to mention those middle and high-level warriors.

The key is that these things are not stable yet.

Limited power, limited range.

Even Yun Ce, who helped with the test, was rarely venomous.

[These little toys you made are not very safe. 】

Bei Jiu gritted his teeth: […Don’t underestimate us Mohists! 】

Yun Ce looked at Bei Jiu who was suddenly in a state of shock. He didn't understand why her mood suddenly became so high, and he didn't say anything.

Beijiu began to retreat again.

If you don’t go out from the front door, you won’t take a step toward the second door.

The supervising officer's office thunders every day to report for repairs.

Yun Ce was on a rare vacation and couldn't find anyone to invite her out.

When he saw someone again, he could hardly recognize that the dark person in front of him was Bei Jiu. Only a small section of the smooth, black long hair was left, sticking up uninhibitedly, and the whole person became thinner. A group of Mohists copied "non-attack" and tried to physically persuade each other.

Bei Jiu is the most energetic among them.

[Zhoukou, instead of building a house with Taoist plans...] Yun Ce carefully observed the other Mohists, and when he saw that no one noticed him, he continued to persuade, [Why don't you ask a great sage for advice? 】

Hear what the pros have to say.

The most professional person among the Mohists is Juzi of the Mohists.

Beijiu went to the palace overnight to find his master.

Shen Tang: [……]

Good guy, she was talking about how the General Office of the Supervisory Office reported for repairs every day, and someone was doing this stuff inside. Fortunately, the General Office of the Supervisor was big enough, otherwise other departments would not have joined the General Supervisor.

Beijiu came to ask for advice on this matter...

Although she holds the title of Mo family's richest son, she can't keep up with Bei Jiu in terms of professional courtship. The firearms recorded in "Tiangong Kaiwu" were suitable for the previous human civilization, but now Yanling is in charge, and the use of the energy of heaven and earth is the mainstream, and the cost performance of firearms is too low.

Shen Tang rubbed his chin: [How about doing as the Romans do? 】

Beijiu was puzzled: [Juzi, what does "when in the country do as the Romans do" mean? 】

Shen Tang held up a volume of notes from "Tiangong Kaiwu" copied by Beijiu: "All gunpowder is mainly composed of dissipated stone and sulfur, supplemented by plant ash. The elimination nature is to yin, the sulfur nature is to yang, the two gods of yin and yang meet in a seamless space... the elimination nature is straight, the direct hit eliminates nine and sulfur one; the sulfur nature is horizontal, the critical strike eliminates seven and sulfur three … Wherever sulfur is mixed and eliminated, gunpowder becomes a sound…]

Beijiu has already memorized these contents by heart.

Shen Tang: [Do you see any problem? 】

Bei Jiu shook his head in confusion: [No, I am stupid. 】

Shen Tang slapped his thigh: [That's why it's 'as the Romans do as the Romans do'. Do you think any brave warrior fights with a sword forged by himself? These sabers are also worn as decorations, and they will be used by low-ranking soldiers and second-class superiors...]

In fact, there is no need for second-class education.

No matter how good the weapons forged from ordinary iron are, they are not as durable as those made from martial arts. Ordinary weapons are not as durable as weapons made from martial arts. When they are brought to the battlefield, their blades will curl up before the battle is over, and the blades will be pitted. troubled by these flaws.

After Shen Tang finished speaking, Bei Jiu was thoughtful.

[...From small weapons to large siege equipment, which one is not condensed with martial spirit or morale? In the same way, the firearms you forge, the liquefied stone, sulfur, and plant ash used are all foreign objects, not the energy of heaven and earth. 】

As soon as these words came out, Beijiu suddenly became enlightened.

[Yeah, yeah, why didn’t I think of this...] She described the production based on "Tiangong Kaiwu", but ignored the most important things and fell into a misunderstanding. No matter how good the weapons made by the forging master are, they cannot match the martial spirit of the brave warrior.

The raw materials of firearms naturally also need to be changed.

Bei Jiu murmured to himself: [This is good, this is good. 】

If you can use the energy of heaven and earth to forge firearms, you can also save a lot of purchasing budget, and there will be many places where you have to spend money.

The noise of the explosion at the General Office of the General Supervisor is getting louder and louder.

Shen Tang asked several times.

After finding that there were no casualties, we stopped watching.

In this world where words and spirits rule, it’s hard to say what effect firearms can have, so Sui Beijiu is left to wonder. However, she never expected that Bei Jiu would really bring her a big surprise.

The first version of the firearm was on the battlefield as soon as it was unveiled!

Although it is not used to hit enemies, and it is not yet known how lethal it is, the noise it makes when it explodes is really loud! Cooperating with the brave warriors, the excavation progress was three points faster than expected.

Shen Tang squatted on top of the giant excavator, clasping his hands and lost in thought: "I always feel that trenches will come in handy soon... Now I can dig more and sum up my excavation experience."

In today's war, cold weapons are still king.


The mythical destructive power of a courageous warrior also counts.

In cold weapon warfare, large-scale destruction and attrition still rely on hand-to-hand combat. White knives go in and red knives come out. The damage caused by catapults and bows and arrows is limited. However, with the advent of firearms, the logic of the entire war changed.

Explosive shell splash damage is quite shocking.

This is the main defense of trenches.

Shen Tang does not think that all the Mohists in the world belong to him.

Naturally, I am not the only one who owns firearms.

Maybe one day we will build trenches to protect against enemy firearms.

However, it is still too early to say this.

Beijiu hasn't figured out firearms yet, let alone the Mohists in other places who have low status, are not reused and have no access to "Tiangong Kaiwu"? Shen Tang gathered his thoughts and looked at the sky: "It's time to change the shift!"

Bai Su jumped up from below with blood all over his body.

"My lord, it's time to take medicine."

Her steps are as light as those of a raccoon slave. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you would think that she is a slender and agile assassin, but in fact, she is a military commander whose muscles are full of strength and beauty. She can crush the human and heaven's spirit cap with one hand. It can make people feel warm at the tip of their nose.

Shen Tang fell into the bowl regardless of the wind and sand nearby.

Lift your neck and drink it all in one gulp.

"Have all our soldiers and horses been exchanged?"

Bai Su said: "All of them have been arranged."

Shen Tang was thinking about Yun Ce and the two of them, and said silently: "Yuanmou Zigu, if you wait any longer, Shexing Pass will become purgatory!"


Alas, yesterday I suddenly tried on a horse-faced skirt and found that I couldn’t even wear it.

The key point is that it's still six meters long. I don't know what I thought a few years ago. Is the skirt so heavy that my waist doesn't hurt?

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