stand back, let me come

Chapter 1071 Chapter 1071: Mass grave [asking for monthly votes]

These four words are as powerful as a drop of water falling into a hot pan.

The difference is that in the latter, hot oil splashes in all directions, while in the former, you can hear the needle drop instantly! This kind of silence only lasted for a very short time, and then someone with a bad temper stepped forward: "What do you mean by the words of the Imperial Master? Are you mocking us, the rabble?"

There was a hint of threat in his words.

He also knew that this national master was evil and powerful, but that didn't mean that the other party could mock him and trample their dignity under his feet. If I remain silent today and endure the humiliation of "the mob", how can I have any dignity?

The man who is called the National Master is not afraid to laugh back.

"You don't even understand what 'rabble' means? Do you still need me to explain it to you personally?" The man's hair is silver, his voice is as old as an eighty-year-old man, but he has an extremely young face, which can't be judged by his appearance alone. Twenty-five six.

These words further aroused the other party's anger.

"Old, old man is bullying others too much!"

He was so angry that he trembled when he spoke.

Motivated by his anger, he drew out his sword, pointed the blade directly at the imperial master, and shouted with a livid face: "No matter who you are, only blood can wash away today's humiliation. Do you dare?"

After speaking, he looked around and glanced at Wu Xian.

Seeing that the master who had been loyal to him and his family for many years was just watching, with no intention to stop or comfort him, his heart suddenly sank to the bottom, like falling into an ice cellar, and felt so cold.

He suddenly felt sympathy for Zhao Feng and Qin Li back then.

I think they were also so chilled that day.

He suppressed his anger and asked again: "Do you dare?"

Only then did Wu Xian end the farce, stepped forward and knocked off his sword, but he only warned himself and did not say a harsh word to the Imperial Master. At this moment, a string in his mind seemed to snap. Not caring that Wu Xian was the king, he threw the scabbard of his sword in front of him.

He walked away directly.

The others looked at each other and resigned one after another.

Their dissatisfaction with Wu Xian has reached its peak, but they cannot break up with him directly. After all, they still hope that Wu Xian will send troops to fight back Tianhai and save the endangered ancestral graves. Someone who stood out took a stand for them, which was considered to have achieved their goal.

As for the huge conflict, why not simply surrender to Kang State?

"I didn't expect Wu Zhaode to be so chilling..."

"It's better to surrender Shen Youli!"

Mr. Zhao Feng couldn't have the nerve to touch their ancestral graves.

Someone said this out of the blue, but no one echoed it.

"Sink Youli? How? Not to mention that Zhao Feng and Qin Li have enmity with us, do people believe that even if they ignore the past grudges, we can leave the royal family and family members behind? With Wu Zhaode's current situation He is so generous and generous, and if our front foot falls, he will dare to kill people with his back foot to scare the monkeys!" This is also a major reason to contain them. Who doesn't have a big family behind him?

If they were all the bachelors under Shen Youli's tent, and they couldn't make a couple out of a bunch of people, they could just leave as soon as they said they wanted. But they are not alone. Not only are they not alone, but as the backbone of the family, they have to take into account the situation of their family members.

Didn't Qin Li and Zhao Feng endure it because they were old, weak, women and children? Only after everyone has been settled do you dare to spread your word?

A few words succeeded in dispelling their thoughts.

Before everyone could discuss the outcome, a piece of bad news came.

There was constant noise outside the tent, vague rumors about who committed suicide out of fear of crime.

"What's the noise outside?"

The confidant hurriedly stepped forward: "Parents, something serious has happened."

The man who had just had a conflict with the imperial master died. When the attendants went in to deliver water, they found blood dripping all over the floor. After hearing this, several people hurried over. When they arrived, many colleagues came over after hearing the news, and each could see the fear and anger in each other's eyes.

Why commit suicide out of fear of crime?

How could it be possible that he committed suicide out of fear of guilt?

How could anyone commit suicide out of fear of crime, with the sword thrust through his neck and pushed into the sword grid? From the expression fixed on the corpse, we can also infer that he did not commit suicide, but was killed! It's so obvious, but the conclusion is sealed with the fluffy words "commit suicide out of fear of crime"? Not convinced!

Their dissatisfaction was suppressed by Wu Xian.

The Imperial Master just sneered at this.

"It's very boring. These people today don't have the courage or the bloody spirit like we did back then. If they can endure such a shame and humiliation, they are destined not to be successful." In the tent, the national master sat alone in front of the chessboard and raised his head. With a hook of the finger, a white mist condensed on the fingertips, then solidified in the blink of an eye, turning into a "chess piece" as crystal clear as white jade. With a snap, it fell crisply.

The seat opposite the Imperial Master was empty.

What followed was an extremely strange scene.

A black mist suddenly appeared in the air on the opposite side, turning into sunspots and falling down. The black stone on the chessboard fell with the finishing touch, turning into a black dragon and strangling the white stone, menacingly. The Imperial Master was not at all anxious about this and dropped another one. Bai Zi, who was showing signs of decline, seemed to have been given a shot in the arm, his morale exploded, and Heizi launched a fierce confrontation against the overwhelming army, and the two dragons, black and white, fought endlessly.

As the chess pieces fell one by one, the two sides interacted with each other.

Until Heizi made a mistake, the rear suddenly fell into a deadlock.

The Imperial Master flicked his sleeves, and the black and white stones on the chessboard turned into the energy of heaven and earth and dispersed: "... If it had been back then, Wu Zhaode and his ilk would have been nothing more than rubble. It is a shame that the Lord was so cruel that he let these unworthy doves go to the human world in the future. Occupy the magpie's nest."

He stood there for a while to calm down.

He strode out of the tent.

There was no one in the tent.

Wu Xian invited Shen Tang to fight at an ancient battlefield near Wei Gorge.

"Weixia Ancient Battlefield?"

Shen Tang vaguely felt that this name sounded familiar.

After quickly looking through my memory, I remembered that I had seen this small place in a fragment of a travelogue. It is said that the vegetation here is dense and the terrain is rugged. The author of the travelogue passed by unexpectedly. That day it cleared up after a rain and the wonder of seven rainbows appeared in the mountains.

The author felt deeply strange, so he climbed mountains and waded in rivers.

I wrote down this volume of my experiences when I came back.


"Didn't they say that the terrain of Xuxia is rugged?" She saw the invitation post and thought Wu Xian was ambushing her there. As a result, she led her troops closer and the scouts reported back that there was a large area of ​​flat land near Xuxia. She said with great sorrow, "That travelogue is a lie!"

Gu Chi asked her: "When did you write the travel notes?"

How could Shen Tang know?

She accidentally bought that volume of travel notes.

Gu Chi said: "Weixia is called an ancient battlefield. Isn't it normal for the terrain to change? Before the war, the terrain was indeed rugged."

The travel notes were probably written before the war.

Shen Tang: "..."

She has forgotten that wars in this era can turn mountains and hills into great plains. Maps need to be updated every few years. How can any place remain unchanged? The land in Weixia is no exception.

I made the mistake of blaming the author of the travelogue.

The Wei Gorge area nominally belongs to the Gao Kingdom, but it has little population, and the Gao Kingdom barely cares about it. This is because the land here is severely barren, crops are extremely difficult to grow, and the yield is more than twice as low as other places. The taxes in Gaoguo are not light. A family's hard work for a year is not enough to pay taxes, let alone support them. Unable to survive in Weixia, most of the young people moved elsewhere.

There are only two to three thousand old and weak people left.

Shen Tang simply flipped through the investigation information.

"That's not right. The land in Wei Gorge is so barren. How can the travel notes be written about dense vegetation?" In this era of divided powers, frequent wars, and a large number of lost records, even the travel notes casually written by predecessors can be used as a reference.

"It is said that it was because of that battle." The battle that turned Wei Gorge into an ancient battlefield.

The time can be traced back to the Wu Kingdom period more than a hundred years ago.

In that battle, both sides dispatched a total of 150,000 soldiers and horses, chased and ambushed several times, and finally decided the winner near the Wei Gorge. The two sides fought fiercely, and every piece of land in the Wei Gorge was plowed a hundred and eighty times, and the mountains and hills were also leveled.

Shen Tang: "Then the land will not be so barren."

After fighting in most battlefields, the fertility of the land has increased instead of decreasing, making it extremely fertile. If you are lucky, you can even have good harvests for several years in a row. Just because too many people died, their bodies were buried in situ and fed the earth.

"My lord, don't be in a hurry, I haven't finished speaking yet."

The war was so violent that mass graves from unknown ages were dug up underground. According to the voices of local elderly people, when this mass grave appeared, countless strange black mist emerged from the ground and shot straight into the sky. There were countless innocent souls screaming in the black mist, which was horrifying to hear. What's even more strange is that the moon that day was so red that it could bleed.

These are passed down by word of mouth.

Although there are distortions and exaggerations, we can still get a glimpse of the chaos of that year.

The old people said that the battle released the evil spirits and disturbed their peace after death. Instead of offering sacrifices to appease them, the victor arrogantly threw the corpses into mass graves and brought soil to backfill them, pretending that nothing happened. Li Gui was dissatisfied with this, so he launched a revenge, causing that power to collapse in its heyday, and making the land of Wei Gorge barren and impoverished...

A blood moon loomed in the sky, filled with black mist.

The Wei Gorge is no longer suitable for ordinary people to live.

Oh, forgot to mention.

That short-lived force was called Wu Guo.

Shen Tang was interested in the contents of these gods and ghosts.

"The black mist is the resentment of the evil ghost?"

"This place is called Wei Gorge."

The first sentence was said by Shen Tang, and the second sentence came from the top of the tent. Gong Xiqiu, who was on the top of the tent, came down at some point.

"What's wrong?"

Gong Xiqiu said: "Something sounds familiar."

Shen Tang asked: "Which travel book have you heard of it from?"

She was joking, but Gong Xiqiu shook his head seriously: "No, the clan seems to have recorded this place, but I just can't remember it for a while. Brother, do you still remember it?"

Jimoqiu, who has always been quiet, lived up to his expectations.

"I remember that an ancestor once traveled and found the [Corpse Man Vine] in a deep mountain forest. The roots of the [Corpse Man Vine] were prosperous and took root in a mass grave. The pit was filled with bones. The ancestor took the [Corpse Man Vine] away. Vine], filled the hole again."

That place is called Wei Gorge.

As soon as Jimo Qiu said this, Gong Xiqiu remembered everything.

"Yes, this is the place."

It is speculated that the date of the mass graves is very likely to be the same period as the "Garden of Eden" and is a relic of the last human civilization.

Shen Tang was silent, and Shen Tang exploded.

Her focus was always different.

Shen Tang gritted his teeth: "Gong Xiqiu, didn't you say you didn't know the location of the mass grave? The notes left by your ancestors didn't record the detailed address. I sent people to look for it, and I also looked for Mojin School. I went to look it up, but there was no progress at all!"

Now he is saying that he is familiar with the place name Weixia?

Gong Xiqiu felt guilty after being sprayed by Shen Tang.

She said sarcastically: "Mama, you can't blame me. It's true that the notes left by our ancestors didn't mention it, but when the old priest told me stories, it seemed... he mentioned it. Didn't I forget? No, it's not like that. Don’t be angry if you deliberately conceal it.”

His smile was stiff and he was about to cry inside.

Didn't you see the look in your eldest brother's eyes that he wanted to kill his relatives for justice?

Shen Tang wasn't really angry either.

This matter is not an important matter, but Gong Xiqiu's bad memory has really tricked her several times. Wouldn't it be easy for her to speak out if she didn't express her anger? If this mass grave was formed in that era, wouldn’t the so-called black fog be...

radiation? ? ?

Radiation carrying zombie viruses? ? ?

Images of countless zombies running wild flashed through her mind: "How about saying hello to Wu Zhaode and fighting somewhere else? What if we dig out mass graves while fighting?"

Although humans in this era have evolved immunity, the black mist can also pollute the land and reduce crop yields, which has a serious impact. Why did Wu Zhaode set the battlefield here for nothing? The last one who won here ended badly.

Gu Chi: "..."

Give it a look and experience it for yourself.

They have all come. If they turn around and leave at this time, Wu Xian will go crazy with joy? Seize the opportunity of their unstable formation to launch a sneak attack, and you can definitely bite off a large piece of meat.

Shen Tang dropped his shoulders in frustration.

Now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Wu Xian wouldn't fight him even if he didn't fight.

Jimo Qiu seemed to know her inner worries: "Your Highness, don't worry, the scene you are worried about will not happen. Wu Zhaode set up the position here, probably because of the intention of the uncle and nephew. They were from the Kingdom of Wu, and many warriors are buried here. "The old country."

This seemingly fair war was not fair.

The place chosen by Wu Xian will naturally be beneficial to Gao Guo.

"Brother, isn't this an obvious loss?"

Gong Xiqiu crossed his arms in dissatisfaction.

He helps relatives but does not help, and does not want to see his own people suffer.

However, Mama stood by her eldest brother and did not support him, which made Gong Xiqiu very angry. Shen Tang explained to him: "There are a considerable number of old troops of the Wu Kingdom buried in the Wei Gorge, but as the defeated side, there will only be more enemies of the Wu Kingdom. We are only half a step ahead."

If you can’t compete with quality, can’t you compete with quantity?

From this perspective, there is no disadvantage in choosing here.

Maybe it can give Wu Xian a big surprise!

It's not just the other side that can kill people in a fight.

"Maybe we can even get the ancestors from thousands of years ago..." Shen Tang joked, and then thought of the young people of that era who were three years old at a young age. He twitched the corner of his mouth and muttered, "They are still Forget it, it might cause more trouble."

After thousands of years of death, there have been so many disasters, and the graves buried together have been dug and filled, and filled and dug again. How can we not be resentful?

Maybe those black mist are really their grievances.

This battle has quite a bit of the essence of Zhou etiquette.

Say hello before starting a fight and make an appointment for a time and place for the fight.

The two armies were prepared to greet each other in a serious manner. Before the fight began, they exchanged pleasant greetings and sent out the most scolding ones under the tent.


On the first day in Luyuan, I met the boss.

The weather was a bit dry, I had a nosebleed in the morning, and I missed the air in my hometown.

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