stand back, let me come

Chapter 140 140: He is raising pigs

Chapter 140 140: He is raising pigs

Zhai Huan is cold and introverted by nature, and he often smiles in front of outsiders, but he never smiles with his relatives, especially his cousin Zhai Le, whom he has grown up with, and he knows him best.

To put it vulgarly, Zhai Xiaofang pouted his ass, and he knew what shit was in this guy's stomach and what he was thinking.

Then he asked, "What is Xiaofang thinking?"

Zhai Huan smiled dangerously.

Zhai Le subconsciously straightened his back, and said in a timid voice, "I was just thinking...Brother, it seems...does this go well?"

"Of course, it's better to be messy."

The tax and silver issue may be a fuse.

Zhai Le suddenly looked up at his cousin, opened and closed his mouth to say something but didn't know where to start.He wiped the sweat from his palms on the top of his knees, and muttered: "It's fine somewhere... Brother, it's not like I didn't see the days of those common people..."

A stable situation is conducive to the people's recuperation.

Even small-scale armed fights between villages will affect the lives of the people, let alone large and medium-sized wars that cost tens of thousands.

Thinking about the scene along the way, Zhai Le still hopes that there will be no war if there is no war, so that the people can live a peaceful life for a few days.

How could brother not understand this truth?

"Hehe, Xiaofang's thinking is still too simple. The northwest is not a big place, but there are many people who make up their minds. Only by muddying up the water can we know who is restless."

Zhai Huan knows that chaos in the northwest of the mainland will happen sooner or later, and the current situation is just the calm before the storm.

With or without that fuse, the ending is not bad.

The situation in the northwest of the mainland can basically be described in one sentence - the temple is small and the demon is strong, and the pool is shallow and the king is more than eight.

What seems to be a situation in which various countries check and balance each other is actually a volcano that has enough energy and is waiting to erupt.

Zhai Le had no choice but to sigh.

Compared with the whole situation, the individual is too weak.

He couldn't help but slander—wasting time dealing with these things, it would be better to find brother Chen to drink and have fun, it's so refreshing!

Zhai Huan knew at a glance that his cousin couldn't sit still, and said amusedly: "You can go out to play, but you can't cause trouble in the near future. If there are strangers who want to make friends with you, you need to be more vigilant."

If the escort was really tax money—

Even if the sheriff hinted that it was a fake team to confuse the outside world, Zhai Huan did not dare to take it lightly.After all, those who are used to drilling camps, such as the sheriff, have a very low credibility. Who knows if what he said is true or false or tentative?

Even though he knew that his cousin was not a reckless man with no money, he was still worried that Zhai Le would be used unintentionally.

Zhai Le clasped his fists and pretended to accept the order.

Shen Sheng replied: "Brother, I dare not refuse to obey."

Zhai Huan shook his head with a smile.

While the two brothers were talking, the chessboard had already been cleared up, he said: "Xiao Fang, play two games with my brother."

"Okay, but after the game is over, brother also wants to have a drink or two with me." Shaking the wine jar he brought back from Shen Tang.

Zhai Huan said with a smile, "Okay, it's up to you."

Here is a good atmosphere of brothers and sisters respecting each other, but Shen Tang's side is not so good-this starts from the fact that she went down the mountain with Chu Yao to enter the city today.Chu Yao was busy with work, so he informed another cheap student by the way, lest the butcher's family think that he had an accident and ran away.

It was inconvenient for Shen Tang to follow along.

She made an appointment with Chu Yao to meet at a time and place, so she was bored and found a street corner, and started her old business - selling wine and paintings.

Yes, you read that right, there are also paintings for sale.

On-site painting and portraits are not cheap, equivalent to a jar of wine.People passing by were attracted by the aroma of the wine, and occasionally came to ask the price, but no one cared about the on-site painting package.Shen Tang was not in a hurry, wearing a rough reed hat, basking in the sun leisurely.


A slightly familiar incense penetrated into the tip of the nose.

Shen Tang raised the brim of his hat while asking who came.

"Mr. Gu, why is it you again?"

The young man felt amused: "This should be asked next time. It's been a while since I saw Shen Lang, how is Shen Lang doing?"

Shen Tang changed from the lazy sitting posture of being a fool without bones, subconsciously sat upright, and smiled on the surface: "I am very good."

There was a curse in my heart.

The person who came was Shen Tang's natural nemesis——

Gu Chi!

This person's literati way is simply a nightmare of chatterbox.

Xiaocheng said it was not big, but he said it was not small. He set up a stall anywhere, how could he always meet people like Gu Chi?
Gu Chi's mouth twitched slightly when he heard Shen Tang's heartbroken thoughts.

People who don't know this may think that Gu Chi is like a pervert who is squatting around Shen Tang, but they don't know that he just happened to pass by the next street.Under normal circumstances, the voices of ordinary people are chaotic, noisy and illogical. This young man is different. When he is bored, he can compose a storybook in his heart. There are vivid and colorful pictures, and he can't ignore it even if he wants to.

"Where is Qi Yuanliang? He didn't follow?"

"You mean Yuanliang? He stayed at home to take care of the piglets. Those piglets have just been castrated and need to be taken care of."

Shen Tang's words were astonishing.

Gu Chi: "...???"

take care of……

Piggy? ? ?

"Qi Yuanliang ran off to raise pigs?" He was stunned for a moment, almost suspecting that there was something wrong with his ears, and his expression was almost cracked——Qi Yuanliang, who was famous in the Northwest and had enemies everywhere, was mentioned by many forces, who was gnashing his teeth, and changed his career Became a pig breeder?
Seeing his reaction, Shen Tang burst into laughter: "Strictly speaking, it should be my pig, but I want to go out, so I ask Yuan Liang to help take care of it. Why do you have such an expression?"

Gu Chi: "...Really?"

Shen Tang: "It's absolutely true."

The bandits near Xiaocheng are not limited to the nest that Shen Tang and the others copied. There must always be a few capable guards in the lair, and Gong Shuwu or Shen Tang must always stay.Chu Yao lost his literary heart and had to follow others, so Shen Tang volunteered to follow.

Before she left, she urged Qishan to treat her pigs kindly. They were "castrated" and seriously injured, and they needed to be taken care of carefully.It's not just a litter of piglets, it's her braised pork ribs, braised pig's trotters, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, braised pork with pickled vegetables in the second half of the year...

Qi Shan's face was ugly, but he still agreed.

Rounding off, praying that there is nothing wrong with raising pigs on the mountain.

Gu Chi smiled meaningfully: "I want to see it with my own eyes."

If he can eat a bite of the pig raised by Qishan, hehe, even if the pork is so smelly and hard to swallow, he can still eat two bowls!
Shen Tang said: "What's so interesting about that?"

Gu Chi shook his head secretly.

He has seen a lot of weird things in the world, but he has never seen praying for good and raising pigs, and he can't imagine that scene.

Never seen before, so rare, so good-looking.

Gu Chi seemed to be chatting or probing something: "Qi Yuanliang has nothing serious to do besides raising pigs recently?"

Shen Tang was dissatisfied and retorted: "Why is raising pigs unethical?"

People eat for food.

Anything that has anything to do with eating is serious!

Gu Chi knew that Shen Tang was on guard against him, and he didn't want to play around with useless topics: "It's going to be rough these days."

If you don't believe in prayer, you don't know this.

In order to pray for a good temper, it is impossible to raise pigs in a peaceful nest.

(End of this chapter)

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