stand back, let me come

Chapter 144: Action

Chapter 144 144: Action ([-]) [Seek a monthly ticket]

"Bei it so miserable???"

Chu Yao's words really shocked Shen Tang.

As we all know, Beimo and Shiwu are both nomadic alien races. The difference between the two is that the terrain of Shiwu is higher and flatter, high cold and dry, and there is little rain all year round; the altitude of Beimo is not different from other places, and there are many deserts. There are many Gobi deserts and rich pastures.

Due to natural reasons, in order to adapt to the unfriendly climatic conditions, the people living on these two lands lived by the water, roamed and grazed. Have a fixed residence.

Even so, life is stressful.

When the population of the entire ethnic group is small, this way of life can still survive. Once the population grows slowly to a certain critical point, the pressure of survival will suddenly increase, which will lead to increased environmental damage, shortage of supplies, food shortages, and then worse. cycle.

Until simple grazing and hunting can no longer make a living.

Looting places with richer resources has become one of the ways to ease this contradiction.Beimo and Shiwu both have superior conditions for domesticating war horses. The average person is skilled in bowing horses, and the cavalry is highly mobile. They often escape quickly after a wave of robbery.

The unlucky ghost who was robbed realized that he could only eat ashes, gnashing his teeth angrily at the smoke and dust raised by others, and had no choice.

At least in Shen Tang's perception.

She saw a set of data in Qishan's writings earlier, and the groups of Beimo and Shiwu were not small, so they were supposed to be a threat.

But listening to what Chu Yao meant——

Is the Northern Desert still a fierce nomad?

It has completely become an experience package for gaining reputation and qualifications.

Chu Yao didn't quite understand: "What does Mr. Lang mean by 'miserable'?"

Shen Tang was puzzled: "There are also many horse farms in Beimo, right?"

Chu Yao understood, and explained with a smile: "There are many racecourses in Beimo, but this is not an advantage."

The corner of Shen Tang's mouth twitched slightly.


Not an advantage? ? ?
Chu Yao said: "Before the heavens descended from the stars, there were few cavalry in the mainland countries. Because of the lack of war horses and not many pastures, foreign races such as Shiwubeimo exchanged a lot of money for this, plus trade and interest exchanges. After a long time of operation, it is already It is a force that should not be underestimated. In order to guard against them, a large number of garrisons must be dispatched across the border... If so, there is rarely a time of stability."

However, all these things were reversed after the thief star fell from the sky.

Shen Tang asked curiously: "Reversed? Could it be said that Wenxin Wudan is so smart that he can not only distinguish between male and female, but also distinguish between the own race and the foreign race? Then what about the mixed blood of the two races???"

With the father or with the mother?

With the family or with the foreign race?

Or is it a fight between parents' genes, whoever has the upper hand will fight with whom?
Shen Tang was distracted for a moment, his thoughts diverged far away.

Chu Yao said: "How is this possible? Naturally, the people of other races in Beimo Shiwu have the possibility of cohesive literary heart and courage, which is no different from us. There are two reasons for saying that the thief star descended from the sky is reversed. First, the thief star where it landed."

Shen Tang: "..."

She was speechless for a moment.

Needless to say, Chu Yao already knew what was going on.

The Thieves Meteorite landed in the center of the continent, and the fragments were naturally divided among the vassal states in the center and made into various national seals.

Those princes are eager to eat alone, and they are not enough for themselves, so how can they bring foreigners to play?So - those alien races who are at the edge of the continent are out of luck.

Shen Tang clicked his tongue, feeling: "That's really unlucky, eating [shit] can't keep up with the hot ones, what's the other reason?"

Chu Yao was silent, and reminded: "Goro?"

Shen Tang: "Huh?"

Chu Yao said: "Civilization."

According to his own Wulang's statement, Beimo Shiwu and other alien races can't keep up with the heat, so what are the princes who got the meteorite fragments?Happiness eats hot shit? ? ?
Shen Tang: "Cough cough's not important, it's not important!"

Chu Yao skipped this section, and then said the second reason, which is related to the literary mind and bravery. In the military formation, the literary mind and speech spirit can strengthen the military formation and change the shape of the army. It has infinite uses and changes. Infinity, Wudanyanling is relatively monotonous, and most of them serve the army, and can transform soldiers, armor, and horses!
That is to say-

Chu Yao said with a delicate expression: "There is no shortage of horses."

Without the restriction on war horses, plus they have more people, even if horse battles are not as good as the cavalry of nomads like Beimo Shiwu, but with the blessing of civil and martial arts, they can achieve the level of cavalry per capita under ideal conditions.There is still a very subtle consensus among the various princes.

Everyone's civil war is a civil war, and foreign races don't want to intervene.

As a result, every time the foreign races on the eight borders sent troops to invade, the bordering vassal states would tacitly cease fighting, and those who sent troops and those who sent food would send a few words of support from a distance if they couldn't afford it.Wars can be fought at any time, but they must not be allowed to take advantage of other races.

There is an interesting example in history.

More than a hundred years ago, there were two small vassal states in the northwest of the mainland, a country A and a country B.The difference in strength is not that big, and the fight turned into a cross-eyed fight. Seeing that a certain country B has the upper hand, they must concentrate their forces to fight a wave. Unexpectedly, at this time, several large tribes in the northern desert area joined forces to steal a certain country A's hometown and take down the national seal.

A certain country A and a certain country B stopped fighting immediately, and a certain country B sent tens of thousands of elite support to help a certain country A take back the territory occupied by foreign races. The two countries also joined forces to raise the ashes of tens of thousands of people.

Solve the external turmoil and continue to fight.

Because of the respite, a certain country A made an extreme comeback.

There are many similar examples.

Because of this, the foreign races have always been restricted to their respective territories. They did not pose too much threat for more than two hundred years, but instead became a bag of experience for the neighboring vassal states to earn their reputation and qualifications.

After listening to Chu Yao's narration, Shen Tang was about to laugh, but suddenly thought of something, his face darkened silently.She said: "If that's the case...then Zheng Qiao's approach..."

No wonder Qi Bushan hates Zheng Qiao so much—this person cooperates with Shi Wu in order to conquer Xin State, and makes Shi Wu secretly send troops to harass the mountain border, further weakening the troops that Xin State can mobilize, and taking advantage of the situation to capture Xin State, which is suffering from internal and external troubles and is precarious.

Chu Yao naturally knew about this.

He is in Xiaocheng, but the news is not blocked.

Chu Yao: "He was clever but was misled by his cleverness. He thought that there was a mountainous border blocking the ten crows, and the ten crows would not be a threat. He planned to turn his face after using it, and swallowed wolves and drove tigers away. But he is not the only smart person in the world. Shi Wu is not stupid. Besides, Zheng Qiao has lost the support of the people, and the border barrier on the other side of the mountain... I don't know how long it can stop Shi Wu..."

The little chubby dun'er who had been quiet all this time asked, "But teacher, whether it's Shiwu or Beimo, aren't they very weak?"

He was born and raised in Sibao County, and coupled with the underdeveloped information in this era, the world he knew was very small. Even the existence of alien races such as Shiwu and Beimo was taught to him by his teacher.In his opinion, his own teacher is the most powerful.

Chu Yao pinched Tu Rong's fleshy face in a funny and helpless way: "A Rong, who told you that they are weak? They should be beaten!"

 1. In the last chapter, a reader said that the word "horse" is also very dirty, very dirty.

  Mazi, the utensil for defecation.

  I accidentally saw it when I checked the information before. It is said that it was a tiger at the beginning, Li Guang, the parachutist in "Feng Tang Yi Lao, Li Guang Can't Seal", "Dark Forest and Scary Wind", hunted and killed a tiger , and cast a bronze statue of it as a urinal, which is a urinal.Later, to avoid the taboo, it was changed to a horse... the horse of a thin horse is also the same, so, the so-called bubble horse of Young and Dangerous is emmm...

  2. Nomads in the normal world are more threatening, but in this article, based on the logic of the basic setting, innate development suffers, but they have developed for 200 years, and now they are actually very strong.

  It was not easy for Chu Yao and the others to fight Beimo.

  PS: The first item is what I found in the information. If there is any objection, it is because the shiitake mushrooms have a bad memory and are misremembered. It is for reference only.

(End of this chapter)

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