stand back, let me come

Chapter 146: Action

Chapter 146 146: Action ([-]) [Seeking a monthly ticket]

Shen Tang: "..."

She really didn't want to answer the question about drinking.

Can she say she can't do it?


This involves dignity and principle!
She said bluntly, "I said I won't get drunk after a thousand cups, do you believe me?"

Qi Shan's eyes were shining brightly with the words "You are dreaming".

"Qi Yuanliang, pin your hopes on this, no."

Chu Yao understood the intention of praying for goodness as soon as he heard it. Shen Tang was indeed a different person after he was drunk, and he was more lethal than when he was sober. Goro is a literary scholar!
This cannot be ignored just because it is too good at playing.

Strategy is the pursuit of literary scholars.

What is it like to charge directly in the front line!

This made Chu Yao a little unhappy, but Shen Tang reacted faster than him: "Oh, I know you don't believe it, why don't you test your drinking capacity?"

She thought praying for good will give her a step up.

Who knows-

Qi Shan said: "Well, give it a try."

Shen Tang: "..."

Soon she felt what "humiliation" was!
"Qi Yuanliang, what do you mean???" She almost slapped the table and stood up, pointing at the pair of wooden chopsticks he took out, with the words "Are you looking down on me" written all over her face.

Why such an accusation?

Because of Qishan, he dipped some wine with those wooden chopsticks.

Is this TM feeding mosquitoes?

Qishan said: "Step by step."

Shen Tang: "...You are ruthless! Okay, wait!"

She snatched the pair of wooden chopsticks almost with a dark face, Chu Yao reached out to try to stop, but Shen Tang had already opened his mouth and squeezed the tip of the chopsticks, sucked, and slapped the wooden chopsticks on the table.

Chu Yao scolded Qi Shan in a low voice: "You are too much!"

No matter how bad the drinking capacity is, can it be so bad?
How can I have a cup?

In the next breath, Goro himself dismantled his platform.

There was hardly any sign, before Shen Tang even had time to close his eyes, his upper body leaned forward and his head hit the table.

Fortunately, Qi Shan had quick eyes and hands, and reached out to help block it, so that her forehead didn't come into close contact with the table.

Chu Yao stared blankly.

"This, this... Goro, this is..."

A pair of wooden chopsticks stained with alcohol? ? ?

Qi Shan also twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly, and couldn't bear to look directly at her forehead: "Obviously, I'm drunk. It's really..."

Is this still a normal drinking capacity?
There is no need to proceed step by step, the beginning is the end.

"Goro? Goro? Goro? Wake up!"

Chu Yao gently pushed Shen Tang's shoulders, and the latter sat up with his fingers propped on his forehead, his sitting posture changed from squatting to cross-legged, with one hand propping his knees, his fair cheeks seemed to be brushed with a light blush.

Taking a closer look at this face, it is indeed a very female face.

"What's wrong?" Shen Tang looked at him following the sound.

"Is this three fingers or four fingers?"

Chu Yao stretched out his index finger and middle finger at Shen Tang.

Shen Tang paused for a moment, watching those two fingers sink into some kind of weird thought, restraining the eyebrows that were about to twitch: "This..."

For several breaths no answer was given.

Chu Yao: "..."

Goro's drinking capacity is really disappointing!
Can't count on two fingers.

Qishan asked: "Youli is drunk?"

Shen Tang rested his chin, still stubborn as a dead duck.

"No, I will never get drunk!"

The answer is straightforward and decisive, and it is indeed not like a drunkard.


Qishan sneered and showed his "killer trump card": "Can the treasures that were 'stolen' in half a step be returned?"

Shen Tang: "..."

All of a sudden, he was stabbed in the dead spot.

She pursed her lips, with a sense of grievance and anger between her brows, and she gritted her teeth: "Not yet, but it will be sooner or later!"

Chu Yao and the two looked at each other.

Qishan put on an expression of sympathy.

"Shan has received a message in the past few days, saying that some forces want to steal the 'treasure' in Banbu's hands, can Mr. Shen Xiaolang fight?"

"Zhan Zhan Zhan! Why can't we fight!" Shen Tang's eyes widened when he heard that, and he was furious immediately. His whole body was like an extremely violent beast pacing back and forth in the room, his footsteps were so heavy that he seemed to trample the enemy to death, "Anyone wants to steal My stuff, bastard!"

After a while, he suddenly said loudly: "His ancestors, the whole family is tired! I want to collect their ashes, and there will be no one left!"

Chu Yao asked for good with his eyes.

What is Goro's stolen treasure?
Qishan's only answer was to shrug and roll his eyes.

How does he know?It's just a trial, and don't you think it's very funny to discuss logic and reality with a drunk?

From the current point of view, Goro's drunkenness is not completely "out of control".

Fortunately in misfortune.

Probably because she didn't drink much, but she woke up within a quarter of an hour, her head was dazed, something seemed to be blocked in her chest, and she almost couldn't breathe.

She rubbed her bloated chest, looked up at Qi Shan and Chu Yao with subtle expressions, and couldn't hold back anymore: "Am I drunk again?"

Qi Shan nodded.

Shen Tang looked around, it was still the same small room, the simple wooden furniture was in good condition in the distance, it was exactly the same as before she drank the piece, it seemed that she was not crazy about alcohol, and the wine quality was acceptable.

Chu Yao patted her on the shoulder and said earnestly: "If it is not necessary in the future, it is best for Goro not to drink at all."

Shen Tang: "..."

Qishan added a knife, telling the truth is tantamount to public execution: "You can get drunk by sipping chopsticks, Mr. Shen Xiaolang calls this 'a thousand cups of non-drunk'? But after you are drunk, you have your own logic. This time Tax bank momentum comes in handy."

Not afraid of drunks getting drunk, but afraid of drunks unable to communicate.

Shen Tang: "..."

Poor drinking...

This is definitely the pot of this body!

She vaguely remembered that she was really good at drinking, and before crossing over, she was drinking with a very familiar person, blowing a whole bottle in one breath without breathing, and after the fight, she was still slightly drunk to catch up on the drawing... It's just that these contents are not always easy to explain to the two of them.

Shen Tang opened his mouth helplessly, swallowed the words back, and suffered from being dumb this time - the capacity for alcohol can be exercised, and one day she will prove with facts that she really "doesn't get drunk after a thousand cups"!
As the date approached, the atmosphere in the village became a little strange.

Chu Yao caught the chubby dun'er with his homework for two days, and then sent him and Lin Feng to Xiaocheng—prepared for the worst in everything, if they missed, it would be too dangerous for the two children to stay in the mountains.

Lin Feng was clever and vaguely aware of something.

Before being sent away, he grabbed Shen Tang's sleeve and refused to let go.

Shen Tang had no choice but to reassure again and again that she was fine and would definitely pick her up at the appointed time. Lin Feng hesitated a few times before letting go of his fingers.

Her eyes were slightly red, and she endured a certain anxiety and cried: "Mr. Lang and the teacher must come... sooner..."

Chu Yao nodded, and his eyes fell on the chubby pier.


Little Fatty: "Teacher."

Chu Yao patted him on the head, and solemnly entrusted: "When the teacher is away for a few days, remember to take good care of your junior sister, understand?"

The little chubby dun'er almost patted his chest in response: "Teacher, don't worry and get busy with business. The students will take good care of the younger sister."

He wouldn't bully Junior Sister Lin Feng.

This junior sister is younger than him and born weaker than him, but she is smarter than him, she has read more books, and her handwriting is also good. He still wants to ask for advice, so that he can surprise the teacher in two days.

Chu Yao squeezed out a slight smile: "That's very good."

Goro's family fortune is just that little.

On the contrary, money is second, and it is these few people who are important.

Gong Shuwu also found an excuse to temporarily entrust the nearly [-] trainees to Li Li's care to maintain the daily training plan.

Half of these people came from bandits and gangsters, and the other half were bought.If something goes wrong with the tax and bank plan, there is no doubt that they will be the first to fight back!
Gong Shuwu secretly told Lili to tell him——

Whoever makes a change, when necessary, kill chickens and monkeys!
Li Li didn't know what Shen Tang and the others were doing, but his intuition also made him smell something unusual, and he frowned to confirm with Gong Shuwu.

"Can it be killed?"

Uncle Gong said: "Yes!"

Li Li asked: "If half of the people have abnormal movements..."

Gong Shuwu was categorical: "Then kill half of them."

Lili asked again: "If it's all..."

Gong Shuwu: "If you have the ability, you can kill them all."

Li Li didn't show it on the surface, but he gasped inwardly.

He realized that the matter might be more serious than he imagined, so he couldn't help looking at Shen Tang, trying to find the answer—something must have happened!

If not, where is such an order issued?
Shen Tang hesitated and said, "Kill them all? I'm afraid it will be difficult."

After all, two fists are no match for four hands, and Lili has no courage.

Gong Shuwu thought about it, and was about to change his mind. If the situation was not good, Lili could play by ear and give priority to saving himself.

Then I heard Shen Tang say: "If you find that everyone has signs of rebellion, don't say anything. There is a box of cash in my room."

If you are not capable of fighting, then outsmart.

Gong Shuwu: "..."

Fox power: "..."

After a while, he couldn't help but lowered his head and smiled, and asked Shen Tang: "How can Mr. Lang decide that I am not one of them?"

He didn't know what these people were going to do, but just listening to the arrangements they made - it didn't seem like they were going out temporarily, but rather like they were going to do something extremely dangerous and life-threatening. There is no return.

Why is it assumed that he will not "rebel"?
Fox power puzzled.

Shen Tang asked him back: "Aren't you loyal to me?"

Lili was choked up by her question.

That's what he planned, for his own future - even if he was in the mud, he still wanted to work hard for the bright moon, he didn't want to pick the moon, he just wanted to get closer.

It's just that people's hearts are separated from their belly.

This Shen Lang is too gullible to trust others.But Shen Tang didn't think so, she said very naturally: "Even if you really become one of them, it doesn't matter, I will clean up the house when I come back. If you are confident that you can escape, you can try it, and that's all for now."

Although she was smiling, her eyes were shining brightly to warn Li Li - she only has one life, so please take care of it, don't be careless.

Li Li subconsciously avoided Shen Tang's eyes, as if this could alleviate the invisible power: "Why don't you bring us?"

After all, I have practiced for a while, so it will come in handy, right?
Gong Shuwu: "There's no need to bring it with you. It's too weak to follow my instructions perfectly. It'll just drag you down..."

The private trilogy with which he is connected has long since dispersed, and now he is not used to these crooked melons and dates that are barely made up.

Shen Tang nodded in agreement.

The opponent is the elite garrison of Sibao County.

What are these people doing up here?
Sending heads and warmth to the enemy?

Fox power: "..."

  The next chapter will start to do things.

(End of this chapter)

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