stand back, let me come

Chapter 155: Action

Chapter 155: Action (155) [Seeking a monthly ticket]

"I thought our disguise was unnecessary."

Relying on Qi Bushan's necessary camouflage means of traveling at home, killing people and seizing treasures, Shen Tang and him changed from "grandfather and grandson" into two big and three rough, rough-looking and unrestrained, bold and unrestrained, strong men and bandits at first glance , she felt that she was deceiving her ears.

Qi Shan asked her, "Why is it unnecessary?"

Shen Tang touched the fluffy and thick beard on his face, and the melancholy look flashed away on Scar's face, and sighed: "It's not that your disguise is bad, it's just that when my sword shines, unless Xiaofang is Blind man, otherwise it is impossible not to recognize it."

Who would have thought that the sheriff would invite the two of them?
Qi Shan said: "Are you worried that the two brothers will leak the secret?"

Shen Tang shook his head: "I'm not worried about this. The most inseparable relationship in this world needs 'interests' as the hinge. Brother Zhai Huan is neither a subordinate of the county guard, nor does he need to obey him or be sent by him. How many benefits can I get in exchange for going up? I'm just worried, I owe Xiaofang a huge amount of money, and if I owe another favor, I will really be in debt..."

Qi Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the next sentence showed his true nature: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang is worried about this? This matter is not difficult to solve, kill them all."

Shen Tang: "..."

If you kill brother Zhai Huan, you don't have to pay back the IOU you wrote to Zhai Le, and you won't owe favors. Is this the logic of praying?
Zhai Le died with regret.

She twitched the corner of her mouth: "It's not like that."

If her little friend Zhai Le knew that she killed him for such a reason, she would not be able to make friends in the future.

Pray for bad ideas.

Shen Tang hesitated for a while, then said: "Forget it, let Xiaofang take half a step... I'll deal with that Captain..."

Qishan said: "The tenth class Zuoshu elder, can you do it?"

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

He has a good grasp of the general situation in Sibao County, Yang Duwei is the warrior with the highest level of courage in the garrison of Sibao County——

The tenth class is the head of the left concubine.

Yes, you read that right, tenth class Zuo Shuchang.

It is one level higher than Gong Shuwu's ninth-rank and fifth-rank doctors.

This person has a lot of experience. When he was young, he fought with the army in all directions, and he had a relationship with the current head of the county guard, and fought together.It's just that he is indecisive, has a violent temper, and has mediocre talents. He has a high self-esteem and offends many robes.

Later, he was punished by the seat owner for delaying the fighter plane, punished with military sticks, and degraded. In addition, he offended many people, so he was transferred to the garrison command of Sibao County.Since he was transferred to Sibao County, he has also been depressed, he has been slack in cultivation and has no great talent, and he has lost the opportunity to make meritorious service on the battlefield. It is conceivable that the speed at which martial arts accumulate.

In his thirties, he was promoted to ninth-rank and fifth-rank doctor, and 15 years later, he was only tenth-rank Zuo Shuchang... It can be said that he has made almost no progress.

Estimating the person Captain Yang hated most in his heart, the chairperson topped the list, followed by his political opponents who suppressed him back then.

Even so-

But the tenth-rank Zuo Shuzhang is the tenth-rank Zuo Shuzhang after all.

A veteran's sword is not old.

There are only so few people on our side.

It still feels a little empty.

Shen Tang frowned: "You say I can't do it???"

Just about to have a seizure, Qishan took out the wine bag that had been prepared. It was definitely strong wine, or a good medicinal wine soaked in various tonics. With the amount of alcohol that his own Shen Xiaolang would be guilty of even dipping in chopsticks, this wine bag was guaranteed. Drink strong wine and get drunk all night.

Shen Tang: "..."

Qi Bushan is really a ruthless person.

Shen Tang took the wine bag.She was originally in the same group as Chu Yao, but Qi Bushan used the excuse of "Wu Hui can't stop feeding Xiaolang Shen to drink" as an excuse, so she changed the group.Hehe, Chu Wuhui is reluctant to part with her and doesn't know, but Qi Bushan is really willing to part with it!
Eyes closed, heart swayed, head raised and gurgling.

The mellow wine slid down her throat and became spicy and irritating. The scalding heat rushed to her cheeks in an instant, and Shen Tang slammed her forehead against the tree with a bang.After a second of drunkenness and a second of awakening, I heard praying in my ears: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang, do you still remember that gang of treasure-thieves?"

Shen Tang narrowed his moist eyes.

Dangerously said: "Remember, where is it?"

Qishan pointed to the big dark shadow in the distance ahead: "The convenience is, we will find out the news, this group of thieves are planning to set up troops here to intercept the 'treasure' of Gong Shuwu. I risk my life Tell Shen Lang, what does Shen Lang intend to do?"

When he said a word, Shen Tang's face turned dark.

She clenched her teeth, and the soft flesh of her cheeks tightened with anger: "It's not too much to kill such shameless gangsters!"

Qi Shan said: "It doesn't need to be like this."

Shen Tang looked at him coldly: "How do you say that?"

Qi Shan calmly flicked Shen Drunk Tang: "Shoot people first, shoot horses, and capture thieves first, and capture the king first. The tenth-rank left concubine who is the leader will be punished, and the rest of the remnants will be nothing to fear when they lose. Do the work of a dog and a horse, and give a helping hand."

Shen Tang thought about it: "You are allowed to kill the enemy with me!"

Qishan looks like a dog leg on the surface, but he can't help laughing in his heart.

He didn't know that when Shen Xiaolang was drunk, he would have the air of a fierce general in the local dialects, and he would talk in a different way.If he knew that there was a word called "Second Second Disease", he would probably understand it.

The night is dark and windy, the night of murder.

Zhai Le is meditating and running his martial arts to adjust his state. He seems to be taking a nap with his eyes closed, but in fact he is secretly perceiving the energy of heaven and earth. The same is true for Zhai Huan on one side.Almost at a certain moment, the two opened their eyes at the same time.Zhai Huan leaped back and waved his right hand, the black and white literary spirit several feet high rolled up and rose from the edge of the temporary camp.

Zhai Le's left hand turned into a bow, his right hand turned into an arrow, and the bow string was full of the moon in an instant, shooting a special arrow towards the sky. When it was lifted into the air, it made an extremely ear-piercing sound of the arrow, which spread throughout the camp.The arrows transformed from Wu Qi rose to the highest point and exploded in all directions.

The dazzling white light appeared and disappeared in an instant.

This is the sentry arrow!

Captain Yang opened his eyes suddenly. He was wondering about the source of the sentry arrow, which came from the edge of the camp, causing the ground to shake, and the strong wind swept across. .

After only one meeting, Zhai Huan's expression changed suddenly - he knew that the visitor was not kind, but he never thought that the visitor could be so unkind!
That Literary Scholar is by no means inferior to him.

The two culture walls collided, and his side cracked first.

However, the tentative move also bought time.

It was enough for Zhai Le to shoot arrows to warn the whole battalion.As everyone knows, this arrow not only warned the whole battalion, but also warned another group of enemies.

Gong Shuwu was shocked.

good guy-

If it drags on for a while, he will fall asleep!
Shaking the muscles and bones of the whole body, running the gallbladder,

The black martial energy spread upward from the feet, covering the whole body.

It has a black tiger head and a bunch of red tassels on the top of its head. The armor is all made of black "mountain" armor pieces connected in series, and its defensive power is amazing.

Shoulders are draped over shoulders, armguards with tiger head pattern are worn on both wrists, a breastplate covers the entire upper body, a skirt is as long as the calf, a majestic tiger head waistband is worn on the front of the waist, and black soap boots are worn on the feet.

Holding a Yanyue long-handled knife half a head longer than his body!

He was full of joy waiting for his partner's words and deeds.


Chu Yao: "Sink into the fire, kill yourself!"

Gong Shuwu: "..."


  Chu Yao is Qi Bushan's more aggressive all-offensive player...

  Gong Shuwu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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