stand back, let me come

Chapter 159: Action

Chapter 159: Action (Seventeen)

Looking at the golden flames that rapidly enlarged in front of his eyes.

Shen Tang held the sword across his body with a cold face, and whispered numbers.

"Three cups of promise, the five mountains are lighter."

The battle situation here attracted several eyes on the battlefield.

Chu Yao and Qishan even clenched their fists secretly, staring at it for a moment, not daring to be distracted in the slightest, waiting for the final result.

Where the golden flames passed, there was a piece of scorched earth under their feet, and even the surrounding air was burned and distorted, reflecting Yang Duwei's distorted face distorted by anger and murderous intent and his bloodshot eyes.

With a bang all the way, he slashed at Shen Tang's chest with a knife.It seemed like a one-hit kill, as if a huge wave swallowed everything, making everyone who saw this scene powerless and desperate.Captain Yang even saw the future where Shen Tang was cut in half and his body was left on the spot.


The transparent sword aura faced the golden saber aura with an indomitable momentum, and the slender and bright sword body firmly blocked the blade several times its own size.

The saber air that was split from it passed over Shen Tang, and pulled out two gullies several feet long and three feet deep on the ground behind her. The smoke and dust rose with the air waves, which made people dumbfounded.

At the moment of confrontation, Duwei Yang's face changed drastically.

This blow didn't seem to hit the blade of the sword, but it seemed to collide with an unshakable mountain.He was like a kite with a broken string, being sent flying several feet away by the huge force of the rebound.The soldiers on the path were also knocked into the air one by one, and fell to the ground with a thud, vomiting a big mouthful of dirty blood.

The Wenxin scribes who participated in the battle had the foresight to activate the protective measures almost immediately to protect their fragile ears.

Others weren't so lucky.

The loud noise from the confrontation and collision shook people's ears, and they couldn't hear any sound other than humming for a few breaths. Some people even had a splitting headache and vomited endlessly.The fish in the pond that were a little closer were also unlucky. They rolled and crawled under the impact of the air waves, or were blinded by the blowing, their hair scarves were messy, and they were forced to eat a mouthful of dirt.

Praying: "..."

Chu Yao: "..."

Even those who were squatting twenty feet away from the camp were greatly affected. One can imagine what will happen in the center of the battlefield...

Seeing this situation, the corners of Qishan's mouth twitched uncontrollably—even though he was wearing a thick filter, he was too shocked by this scene to say anything else, what should he say?
Who can believe it?

A Literary Scholar!With only one person and one sword, he was able to resist the full-strength attack of the next tenth-rank Zuo Shuchang head-on-you must know that this blow can even split the walls of ordinary small cities, and even smash a huge boulder the height of a person.So what about the strength of the people who resisted this blow?

Just looking at the heroic, heroic and violent action just now, Qi Shan dared to pat his chest and say that it is far better than [-]% of men in the world.How can they believe what Mr. Shen Xiaolang said?Which blind person would believe what this guy said?Believe that "he" is a female Jiao'e?
Both Qishan and Qishan have countless complaints in their hearts, but it is obviously not the time to be serious about whether Shen Tang is a man or a woman, because——

Lieutenant Yang was shaken by the huge force so that his viscera seemed to be displaced, and Shen Tang didn't feel very well either.

The figure did not move, but most of the calf was forced into the ground.

The clothes on his upper body couldn't bear it, and they were broken into holes.

The exposed skin was covered with blood stains, and the blood from the wound soaked the cloth in just a few breaths.There is no need to make up for this embarrassed look, just take out a broken bowl and go to the street, it is definitely a freshly baked beggar.

Well, it is still at the level of the elder or leader of the beggar gang.


The blood in the chest and abdomen was surging, and the smell of iron surged into the throat. I endured and endured, and finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and a double image appeared in front of my eyes.

As soon as the words "Three cups of utter promises, the five mountains are light" came out, the Danfu, which was originally full of literary energy, was instantly emptied.

If Qishan hadn't borrowed a lot of literary energy from the special Wenxinyanling before going into battle, she wouldn't even be able to activate the sayinglingling, and would faint like the previous two times.

Shen Tang tightened his fingers holding the "Loving Mother Sword", spat out the residual blood foam with a bah, raised his eyelids, his black and white pupils were cold and ruthless, as if they could reflect the death of Captain Yang.Sensitively noticing that Shen Tang's situation is not good, the two of them, Qi Shan, made a move.

Praying for goodness: "Wild fires are endless, and spring breeze blows and regenerates!"

Chu Yao spoke later and said that Ling came first.

"Airification is popular, endless life!"

After the two words came to his senses, Shen Tang's pale complexion gradually turned a little rosy, and even his aching chest felt much relieved.She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and stood up with her sword in hand, exerting force on her feet, and once again charged at Captain Yang!Jump high and fall down.

"Little thief, it's just in time!" Yang Duwei widened his big copper bell eyes, shouted, dragged the knife with his right hand, charged his feet, and his burly body greeted him like a small cannonball, with a roar like a beast coming out of his throat shouted, "Come on! Is I afraid of you?"

The weapons collided and clanked!

Where the two of them killed, countless afterimages of swords and swords were left behind.The soldiers at the camp site did not dare to approach, and the subordinate officers of Captain Yang were even more helpless, and they were forced to stay away when they couldn't help.Zhai Huan was able to pull it up from time to time, and the situation was deadlocked.

Several people couldn't help shouting in their hearts.


Really brutal!

The makeshift camp was nearly plowed by the onslaught of the duo clashing.The ordinary soldiers who were accidentally affected set foot on the road of Yan Luodian's report before they even had time to scream.

Don't rest your eyes!

Several people had the same idea in their hearts——

Who is that strong bandit man?
Why haven't I heard any rumors before?
Confronting the tenth-rank Zuo Shuzhang head-on without wearing half a piece of armor, is this confidence that he can take all the attacks without missing, or is he confident that he will not get hurt?
Either way, it's terrifying!

This question can deeply trouble several subordinate officials, but it can't trouble Zhai Le, because he knows very well—how can Brother Shen be conceited?

He has no armor at all, so how can he transform it?

Because he is a literary scholar!

If everyone, especially Captain Yang realizes this, they might vomit blood.Zhai Le secretly thought with pleasure.However, he didn't know if Captain Yang would vomit blood, but he knew he was going to vomit blood.

Under Gong Shuwu's pressing step by step, a slight crack appeared in the weapon at this moment, and Gong Shuwu's next blow was still at the same position!This time, the crack further expanded, spreading to the entire blade like a spider web.

Zhai Le circulated his martial energy to repair the crack.

But the speed of repair is far less than the speed of enemy destruction.


After a crackling sound, the weapon was completely scrapped.

Gong Shuwu's broadsword slashed at his right shoulder.

The blade collided with the armor on the surface of the shoulder armor, causing a series of intense sparks, and Zhai Le was directly sent flying, biting his teeth, swallowing blood foam, and clutching his shoulders.Under the palm, the cracked armor was slowly repaired under the entanglement of martial energy.

Zhai Le's breathing became more and more heavy.

My arm hurts so bad I can barely lift it.

It's not that he has never fought with ninth-class and fifth-class doctors, let alone those who are far away, and only talk about those who are close. He had sparred with Gong Shuwu several times in the bandit village before, but at that time it was just a friendly sparring and nothing serious.

The gap between just two ranks is so big...


  1. Three cups of spitting promises, the five mountains are light: Needless to say, Li Bai's poem.

  2. Evaporation is popular and endless → that is, endless life.

(End of this chapter)

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