stand back, let me come

Chapter 179 179: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 179: Chaos in Xiaocheng City (179) 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Hey, look at that fiery red sun is a biscuit..."

"It's flat and round..."

Shen Tang is a person who can't keep his mouth shut.

When she is in the mood, she will hum a few tunes that are unfamiliar to her.The song can't be tuned, the tune can't be tuned, and there is a bad habit of changing the lyrics blindly, and humming vaguely when you can't sing.

The tone is outrageous and ugly.

But she had fun singing.

The only unhappy thing is probably praying for good.

"...Hey, you are like the rain in spring, the wind in summer, the apples in autumn, and the fire in winter, burning my heart, hey - baby burning my heart!" The boy of eleven or twelve, his voice was clearer and brighter, clean and clear, Much sharper than boys of the same age.

Not loud, but very penetrating.

Praying: "..."

Every time Mr. Shen Xiaolang sang, he complained that his hearing was too good, and Wenxin was good for the five senses, which made him and Shen Tang six or seven feet away and could clearly hear what she sang.It was impossible for him to run away completely, so he could only grit his teeth and endure being tortured.

It's not that he didn't try to silence Shen Tang.

Shen Tang backhanded revenge, doubly silenced, double sang out of tune, the lyrics became more vulgar and straightforward, passionate and unrestrained.

Nakedly hurt each other.

Prayer for killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating two thousand: "..."

Let it go, he admits defeat, it's just a show, it's a show.

Shen Tang sang more and more vigorously.

Is it important to be happy or not to pray for goodness?

It doesn't matter, what matters is that she is happy.

In the end, she was overwhelmed with joy...

Not long after going down the mountain, I met a group of about a thousand people escorting food and grass.Although the scale is small, it is obviously a group of elites. The soldiers are full of blood, and the soldiers on both sides are always vigilant about the surrounding situation, and their eyes are shining brightly from time to time.

Each of the baggage carts is fully loaded.

Shen Tang's heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his eyelids, ready to flash to the side of the road with Qi Shan and make way for the road.

Just two steps away, someone came on horseback.Judging by his attire, he probably has a moderate position in the army.It may not be enough to put it in the military camp, but it is enough to strike hard at ordinary people, boss them around, and put on a soldier's air.

Shen Tang had no choice but to stop.

The man was riding on a horse, with his whip curled up, while raising his brows sideways, looking sideways at Shen Tang.

"Little lady, were you the one who sang loudly just now?"

Shen Tang has removed the disguise of a strong man with a scarred face and restored his original appearance.The sky is slightly dark, and the Wenxin monogram is transparent, so it is easy to be ignored.So she became a "little lady" again.

Shen Tang was silent, and replied: "It's me."

Seeing this, Qi Shan stepped forward to block Shen Tang.

Unexpectedly, the soldier pointed his whip at Qishan's nose, and said impatiently and arrogantly: "Get out of the way! What does it have to do with you, a poor and poor scholar, talking to this little lady?"

Praying for Poor and Poor Scholar Shan: "..."

Shen Tang burst out laughing.

Bingtou said: "Please also ask the little lady to come with me."

Shen Tang thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

It's okay if she doesn't agree.

Xiaocheng was surrounded by rebels, and it was obviously impossible to escape to escort some food and supplies.The soldier in front of him is dressed in the same style as the rebels who went up the mountain to search the Yancheng County Guard, and their identity and position are ready to be revealed.If you refuse rashly, I'm afraid it will end badly.

However, she has one condition.

Shen Tang timidly grabbed Qishan's sleeve, shrunk his shoulders, and said softly: "Master Bing, can I come over too?"

Praying for goodness is like being struck by lightning, in a trance.

Shen Tang purposefully squeezed his throat to speak, which was a little less clear and hearty, and a little more Wu Nong's soft-spoken flavor.If you close your eyes and don't look at people, you will really think that the person who is speaking is a symbolic girl.But it was this thought that shocked him so much.

Bingtou glanced at him and prayed for good.

With a wave of his hand: "Okay, let's go."

For the sake of caution, both of them secretly put away the Wenxin Monogram, as long as they restrained their literary spirit, they looked like ordinary people.

They were brought by the soldiers to the immediate superior who was in charge of escorting food and grass.At first, Shen Tang thought that he would see a greasy middle-aged man with a fat head and big ears or a monkey cheek with a sharp mouth. Only when he saw the young man sitting on the baggage cart did he realize that he was thinking too much.

Although this world is very chaotic, it is really a paradise for Yangou, especially scholars with a literary heart and brave warriors. The people Shen Tang has seen so far have good facial features and a temperament—even if they are tall Ordinary, but definitely not ugly.

The youth in front of me has nothing to do with this word.

The young man was dressed in dark clothes, and his long hair was tied into many small braids, which were gathered together and then tied with a crown.Shen Tang moved his gaze upwards—probably young people seldom stay up late, their hair is not tied tightly, their long hair is thick and black, and the hairline does not look dangerous.

The style of dress is not like the adherents of the Xin Kingdom, but it has a somewhat foreign style.The sleeves were narrowed, and he was wearing a pair of iron armor wristbands with a ferocious snake pattern, a shoulder armor on one shoulder, and a skirt hanging on his waist. The other armor parts went to nowhere.

At this time, he was lazily sitting on the piles of grain and grass, with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth, and stretched his neck to look in the direction Shen Tang came from.He grows tall and sits tall.Bingtou stepped forward and replied: "Boss, the man brought it here, what do you think of it?"

Shen Tang: "..."

Isn't it, singing is also against the law?

Qi Shan secretly rolled his eyes——

Look, the rebels can't bear the torment of Mr. Shen Xiaolang's demonic voice, and are ready to "administer justice".

The young man's elegant words had a strong accent, and he was not very proficient in speaking, so he asked Shen Tang: "It was you who sang the song just now?"

Shen Tang said: "Yes."

Qishan was about to hear the young man go crazy, but who knew that the young man played the cards unreasonably, his black eyes suddenly lit up, and he sincerely praised: "Tian Lai! Mama, you sing really well!"

Praying: "..."

Shen Mama Xidangma Tang: "..."

This is her, a big son who fell from the sky?

People called her mother when they met each other. Even though Shen Tang likes to be a father, he felt a little embarrassed and helpless at the moment.

She smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Where is it... the singing is so-so, so-so. You can praise me, you don't need to call 'Mom' so enthusiastic..."

The corner of Qishan's mouth twitched: "...People call you little lady."

It's not like you recognize your mother when you meet for the first time.

When he was young, he traveled all over the world with his friends.

The two traveled together, climbing mountains and wading everywhere.

If you recognize it correctly, young people should be a special group near the border of Geng country.It is said that hundreds of years ago, the ancestors were tired of war and led the tribe into the mountains to live in seclusion.Living in isolation for hundreds of years, their living customs are quite different from those of the outside world.

"Mama" is equal to "little lady", and it is called a little girl.

As for singing aesthetics——


It's not unusual for this family to have problems.

Shen Tang: "...Oh."

The young man warmly invited Shen Tang to go with him so that he could communicate and learn about singing skills. An official next to him was hesitant to speak, and seemed to step forward to persuade the young man not to let strangers approach the supply and food team, but he didn't know what to fear, so he took back his steps .

The young man enthusiastically pointed to the baggage cart next door.

"Mama, sit here."


  There is only one update, and I will make it up tomorrow (I have not finished updating the 30-word investment node for [-] consecutive days since I opened the book, I am really sorry for the trust of investors)
  Tangmei's lyrics are adapted from "Song of Love".

  【Following yesterday's chatter】

  The character descriptions of "Tui Zhen" and "The Empress" are different. "The Empress" can use the perspective of the audience in the live broadcast room to give appropriate keywords to remind readers of the information of the characters who appear after a long time interval, so the information of each character can be fragmented and interspersed in different positions, and it is not afraid of being out of the scene for a long time. Readers forget the plot of the characters, because the barrage will remind (it has to be admitted that it is also a reasonable way of hydrology).

  But "Tui Zhen" is different. The perspective is a normal third perspective, and there is no commentary reminder from the salted fish audience.In a serial article that is bound to be long and has many characters, the character information is too fragmentary and will not appear for a long time. The characters can be remembered by readers, but Shiitake is obviously not this kind of player. The fullness of the characters can only be achieved through the improvement of the background plot. Looking back now, the barrage live broadcast is actually quite flattering).

  Because of these considerations, Shiitake fumbled to change the narrative method, so it was inevitable to slow down the rhythm at Qishan's home court, trying to perfect his background story.At present, it seems that it is not very successful (thank you for the support of the readers of the previous chapter, but the rhythm is indeed a problem, and the number of chapters in each chapter can explain the problem).

  I'll try to accommodate adjustments.

(End of this chapter)

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