stand back, let me come

Chapter 184 184: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 184 Chapter 184: Chaos in Xiaocheng City (24) 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

In just a short period of time, Qishan has doubted himself several times.

Mr. Shen Xiaolang is in the same tune as the young man, and he seems out of place in it, which frequently provokes the two people to question with their eyes "Can you do it?"He has never been wronged like this!

The more Qishan thought about it, the more angry he became, and he wished he could drop Yuxiao.

The most annoying thing is——

After the song was over, the young man put down the drumsticks, looked at Shen Tang sincerely, and sighed with emotion: "A daughter is easy to get, but a bosom friend is hard to find..."

Sure enough, there is only one confidant who can directly touch his heart, and the others (especially referring to the very discordant prayers mixed in) are vulgar!

Qi Shan who understood the young man's words: "..."

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

He still really hates this family.

As mentioned earlier, when Qishan was young, he traveled with his friends all over the world, including the youth's hometown——

A peaceful Taoyuan Township that is secluded and isolated from the world.

Although this family hides from the world and rarely communicates with the outside world, their folk customs are not conservative and closed, on the contrary, they are quite sturdy, enthusiastic, cheerful, and fiery...

The same is true for women in the clan.

Qishan stayed with her friends for a few days, and was blocked by several girls from the clan singing songs, such as "tonight my son is going to my slave's house", "you won't stay at the bed after a fierce battle at midnight", "the rooster crows and you leave before you leave" ...It really scared him and his friends when they were young.

The scariest thing is——

In the middle of the night, a girl really climbed through their window!

This incident left a great scar on his young heart. The girl who came to "Night Raid" saw him looking for clothes in a hurry, and laughed with her belly in her arms. The laughter also attracted other people.

They all looked at him jokingly.

[Whispering is still young, so I definitely don't understand it yet. 】

Praying for goodness: […]

He had no idea what was so funny about such a thing.

I just feel terrible.

However, considering that this is a custom of others, it is not easy to attack.

It's okay for a girl to attack at night, but if it's a man... Just thinking about it makes his face darken several degrees.

A few days later, his butt fled like a fire.

Afterwards, you have to avoid that land when you travel, so as not to suffer.

In addition to this custom, they can sing and dance anytime and anywhere, which is also unbearable.Those vulgar, straightforward, passionate lyrics and tunes that can be sung as much as you want... Qishan has a little understanding of music theory, and has some unknown "cleanliness".

The young people are sincerely kind to their bosom friends, and even their prayers for goodness are also benefited. The "meeting friends with joy" ended, and people settled their residence for tonight.The youth sent them off in person. The tent is located very close to the rear of the camp, so it is very safe and will not be disturbed by others.

Shen Tang keenly smelled the arrogance of cattle and sheep in the air.

Youth: "Mama and I hit it off right away. Would you like to go with me to the capital of Geng Kingdom? It will be more fun there."

Although the young man warmly invited him, Shen Tang still shook his head and declined politely: "I can't leave for the time being, there are still many things to deal with at hand."

"What's the matter? I also have some contacts. If Mama doesn't dislike it, you can tell me and let me find someone to help you solve it."

Shen Tang pointed to Xiaocheng's location.

Said: "My relatives are all there."

The young man asked, "Is Mama from Xiaocheng?"

Shen Tang responded frankly: "Yes."

The young man's eyes moved, and he asked Shen Tang what those relatives looked like and where they lived, and he turned his head to let the soldiers and horses under the tent pay attention.

Hearing what he said, Shen Tang was very "grateful" on his face.

Turning his head, he revealed the features of the so-called "relatives", Chu Yao, Gong Shuwu, Lin Feng, Tu Rong...

One does not fall.

The young man was afraid that his memory was not very good, so he would invite the officials to record it, so Shen Tang was troubled to say it again, and it took a while to get it done.

Sending the two of Shen Tang to the camp where they stayed, he reluctantly said: "If Mama can't sleep at night..."

Qi Shan instantly remembered the customs of their clan, his nerves were touched, and he hurriedly said: "No, she always sleeps to death."

I can't wake up even when thunder strikes!

Don't try to make any bad ideas, kid!

Reluctantly, the young man turned his head and said goodbye to Shen Tang in three steps.

From time to time, he looked at Qishan with condemning eyes, as if he was the unkind queen mother in a fairy tale.

Feeling outrageous praying for good: "..."

After entering the camp, I prayed for a small "Dharma not to be passed on to the six ears" to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.After finishing these things, he sat down and asked Shen Tang while pouring water for himself: "How does Mr. Shen Xiaolang feel about this young man? I think he..."

Qishan is now afraid of hearing the word "confidante" pop out of Shen Tang's mouth, and really thinks that young people are simple, silly and sweet.

Shen Tang: "He is very interesting."

He was choked by the words before he finished praying.


"I feel that he and the rebels don't seem to be of the same mind, but there is no basis for this guess. Also, is this person really stupid or fake?" Shen Tang pointed to the tent under his feet and said, "He actually settled us here... ..."

The smell of cattle and sheep can be smelled here.

It can be seen that the supplies and food should be not far away.

It goes without saying how important these things are to an army.Once there is a problem with the food and grass, the million-strong army will have to return home, because the soldiers will not be able to fight when they are hungry.

Qishan: "Maybe it's to lure the snake out of the hole..."

Deliberately give them convenience, and then catch another current situation.

Shen Tang frowned and thought: "Should we contact Xiaofang first? It's impossible for the two of them to sneak into the rebel army without planning."

Maybe they can cooperate with Brother Zhai Le.

Qi Shan said: "Too risky."

He didn't trust Brother Zhai Le very much.

Previously, the case of tax robbery was life-and-death, and the two sides had conflicts. How could they cooperate without any grievances now?
They don't trust Brother Zhai Le, and Brother Zhai Le won't trust them either.Furthermore, the goal is small if there are few people, and the goal is big if there are many people.

Once exposed, it may be taken over by a pot.

"Think carefully and act independently."

Because Xiaocheng has not yet been breached by the rebels, it is not worthwhile for Qishan to infiltrate Xiaocheng overnight in a hurry.If it can cause trouble for the rebels externally and help Xiaocheng relieve the pressure of defending the city in disguise, it will also buy more time for Chu Yao and Gong Shuwu.

"Then we're going to stay like this?"

Shen Tang clasped his hands behind his head, lay on his back on the animal skin blanket and raised his legs, staring at the top of the tent.

After she was free, she was bored again, and said: "Xiaofang and the others are obviously going to make trouble. If something goes wrong in the rebel camp but the culprit is not caught, then the two of us will be the most suspected... We must be blamed! So Yuanliang, Shall we strike first?"

Qishan looked at the expression on Shen Tang's face with great interest, and asked, "What kind of 'strike first' is Mr. Shen going to do?"

Shen Tang said: "Create a big mess! This place is so close to the supplies and supplies, it's a pity not to make a fuss about it..."

Qishan: "Aren't you afraid this is a trap?"

Shen Tang: "I'm afraid, so I want to 'borrow a knife to kill someone'!"

"Borrow the 'knife' from brothers Zhai Xiaofang and Zhai Yuewen?"

Shen Tang shook his head again and again: "No, no, I have better 'knives', as long as I cooperate with them, maybe it will really make a big news!"

Qi Shan: "They?"

He pondered the word carefully.

A sly smile suddenly appeared.

"No, it's them, very good!"


  I feel like I have been cheated. Why do many people say that the jelly blue axis is the green axis...

(End of this chapter)

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