stand back, let me come

Chapter 186 186: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 186 Chapter 186: Chaos in Xiaocheng City (26) 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Brother Shen—"

Zhai Le called Shen Tang loudly again.

Shen Tang's reaction made his heart sink gradually.Could it be that brother is right, brother Shen has already joined this group of rebels?
He didn't dare to think about the consequences.

Just a young man has made him stretched.

If there is another brother Shen whose strength has not yet bottomed out...

Hearing Zhai Le's address to Shen Tang, there was no change on the young man's face, but his smile gradually deepened, and those beautiful eyes deepened a little.He looked at Shen Tang: "So what if you know each other? Mama Shen is on my side, right, Mama?"

Shen Tang also did not respond to the youth.

The young man smiled flamboyantly, stood on the spot and twirled the long knife twice to play, facing Zhai Le without any urgency.He seemed to shake his head regretfully: "You are not bad. If I were the same age as me, I probably wouldn't be able to keep you, but it's a pity—"

His voice suddenly cooled down.

"Who made you a few years late!"

With a kick, the blade headed straight towards Zhai Le.

In terms of personal talent, he and Zhai Le should be on par, but he is several years older than Zhai Le, and his strength is also in a period of rapid growth.The gap between the two cannot be made up by external force at all.It's the same even if Zhai Le is assisted by literary scholars!

The speed of the young man's figure was more than twice as fast as before. Looking at the sharply enlarged blade in front of his eyes, Zhai Le gritted his teeth and stood up.Unexpectedly, the young man was forced to stop more than ten feet in front of him.A not-so-tall figure stood in the way of the young man's charge.

Accompanied by the sizzling sound that made the eardrums uncomfortable and the roots of the teeth sore, the orange sparks from the clash of weapons lit up for a moment.

Blink back to darkness.

Zhai Le was surprised: "Brother Shen?"

The young man said, "Mama, will you help him?"

After asking, he paused again: "You set the fire."

Although it was a question, it was a statement of certainty.

The fire that turned the rear camp upside down and burned most of the food and grass, was planned by this short and thin young man in front of him.The key point is - the young man looked down at the scene of the confrontation between the two, and pursed his lips.

He was just about to kill Zhai Le with one blow.

Although he didn't use all his strength, he didn't show mercy either.

This knife can not kill Zhai Le, it can also destroy him.


He was actually caught by the confidant in front of him.

Really unexpected!
"So what? Isn't that what you want to see?"

Shen Tang smiled suddenly, and lowered his voice. On the surface, he looked calm, but when he looked closely, he found that the situation was not very good. The tiger's mouth was slightly cracked and overflowed with blood, his wrists were trembling, and even his forehead was bruised due to excessive force. A little sweat broke out.

Even so, she still has the leisure to tease the young man.

"Also, I don't mind if you call me Daddy."

The young man increased his strength in his hands, and lifted Shen Tang away with a single blow.

Seeing that Zhai Le was not feeling well, he stepped forward to protect him.

But before receiving anyone, Shen Tang plunged his sword into the soil with his backhand, and the sword edge drew six or seven feet long marks on the ground before he stabilized his body.Seeing Zhai Le's skirt from the corner of her eye, she snorted and wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth with her thumb.

Said: "Together!"

Zhai Le was startled, and shouted: "Okay!"

When the young man heard that he was no longer negligent, his smile suddenly turned cold.

Step forward with your right foot.With just one small step, the dense martial energy surging around him wrapped him up, forming a complete pair of martial arts in the blink of an eye.

The young man is lean and thin, although he is not as tall and strong as a hill like Gong Shuwu, but the overall altitude is not low.

After transforming into a martial armor, it adds a bit of unspeakable mystery.

Invisibly bring people great psychological oppression!

Different from the "mountain" character armor of Gongshuwu's armor, the youth's armor is almost impenetrable snake scale armor.

Wearing snake-patterned wristbands on both hands, draped shoulder pads, and a waist guard that looks like a snake connected from mouth to tail, with a pair of frightening snake eyes, skirt armor that reaches to the calf, and a pair of black soap boots on the feet.

He moved his wrist: "Okay, let's play."

The weapon in his hand hung down, and it turned out to be a long whip with a strange shape, the thickness of a woman's arm, and sharp barbs all over her body.The shape of the head of the long whip resembles that of a snake, with sharp teeth in its mouth.If this thing is hit, even if it does not die, it will be scraped off a layer of flesh!

Shen Tang tightened the hilt of the sword in his hand, weighed it in his heart, and said to Zhai Le: "Xiao Fang, I will block him, you shoot the arrow."

Zhai Le was slightly startled: "Brother Shen, but—"

Let Brother Shen, a literary scholar, confront the youth head-on?

Zhai Le didn't think so.

Shen Tang: "Four against one, it's nothing!"

She thought that Zhai Le's fight should be fair and just.

Can't help complaining in my heart——

Brother, my life is about to die!

Talk about the way of a gentleman!Just fuck him and it's over!
Zhai Le: "...OK."

He really didn't think it was shameless to bully the few with more, soldiers never tire of cheating, and those who were shameless in wars and fights would have died long ago.If you want to talk about embarrassment, if you can't get away with four strikes and one, then it is embarrassing.It's just that now is not the time to explain this...

Seeing Zhai Le step back slightly, the young man finally showed surprise.

Looking at Shen Tang with heavy eyes, he said, "Mama, your eyes are not very good. If you choose such a person, you should choose me."

At least, it is impossible for him to let others stand in front of him.

The corner of Shen Tang's mouth twitched: "Now is the time to chat?"

But he knew clearly in his heart that the youth was delaying time.

If the enemy does not move, I will move first.

The initiative is in your own hands!
Xueliang's long sword pierced the night sky, and Shen Tang killed the young man without saying a word.The young man flicked his wrist, and the long whip hanging on the ground was like a flexible and cunning poisonous snake, swallowing the snake letter and crushing the sword energy.Attacking Shen Tang unabated, at this moment, three arrows came.

ding ding ding-

Arrows hit with precision.

Shen Tang ignored the arrow's trajectory and almost passed it, quickly pulled into the distance, and approached the young man, wielding his long sword like an arm.

As a throat sealer who likes to rub people's necks, Shen Tang's first goal is also young people's necks.

This guy's snake scale armor is comparable to a turtle shell.

The blade of the sword slashed upwards, and sparks flew everywhere, leaving no traces. The only weak point was the neck—this guy didn't wear a pocket guard, and there was no protection for his head and neck.With her sword moves pressing her at every step, and Zhai Le's arrows to help her, the pressure was not too great for a while.

Oh, and the support of Zhai Huan and Qishan's writing, words and spirit is also included.The intertwined black and white literary spirit is like soaring vines everywhere, turning into a prison to bind the feet of young people tightly, which is a prayer for goodness.Zhai Huan suppressed the emotions of young people with his words.

The foundation of warriors is courage.

The stronger the courage, the stronger the potential!
Young people are harassed by multiple parties, but they are still able to handle it with ease.

The long whip weapon in the hand is either blocked or whipped or wrapped.

There was a loud bang, Shen Tang sent the long whip flying with the long sword, and the barbs on it fell to the ground.With a tearing sound, several inches of ground could be lifted easily, and the dust flew up, making Shen Tang's eyelids twitch.

"Brother Shen, be careful!"

Zhai Le's reminder came from behind.

Shen Tang didn't turn his head back, a gust of cold wind hit his vest.

She rolled sideways to dodge, and out of the corner of her eye she saw a snake attacking her vest from the end of a long whip in a blind spot behind her.Once stabbed by this thing——Shen Tang's eyelids twitched uncontrollably.I can't help but think of the gravel that was crushed by it not long ago...

Shen Tang didn't think his body was harder than a rock.

In just a few breaths, the young man had fought dozens of moves with Shen Tang, and his martial energy was still solid and abundant, showing no sign of being weak in the future.He looked at Shen Tang, and asked quickly: "I'm a little curious, how did Mama set the fire on?"

Shen Tang was shaken by the huge force so that his body flew upside down for several steps.

Gritting his teeth, he swallowed the blood froth that was trying to rise from his throat.

He asked coldly, "Are you curious about what this is for?"

Youth: "Curiosity is curiosity, do you need a reason?"

Shen Tang's eyes dimmed, and he silently calculated how much literary energy he still had to waste.Using only physical strength and a simple addition of literary energy, there is almost no chance of winning against a warrior who is possessed by a martial armor.Oddly enough, the attitude of the youth is quite ambiguous.

She can be sure that this guy has not yet given birth to killing intent.

Yes, no killing intent.

Is his heart too big, or is there another conspiracy?

Just to stall for time?

Watching him dance the long whip tightly, and Zhai Le's dozens of tricky arrows raining arrows could do nothing for him, Shen Tang felt very solemn.

He said, "Tell you, is there a reward?"

The young man lowered his long whip with his right hand, and caught Zhai Le with his left hand, and fired three arrows at a time. With a little force, the arrows were broken and shattered into powder.

Wronged: "With the relationship between you and me as a bosom friend, do you still want to be paid?"

Shen Tang secretly gestured to Qishan.

He said, "Naturally, you will be paid for everything you do."

The young man asked her, "What reward does Mama want?"

Shen Tang opened his mouth loudly: "How about letting us go?"

The young man shook his head, and glanced at Zhai Le who had lost most of his martial energy and his face was slightly green, Zhai Huan who cared about his cousin, and Zhai Huan who was expressionless and lowered his eyes.He thought for a while: "This is not possible."

He explained: "If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles."

Pointing to Zhai Le, he said: "This man can't beat me now, but when he is about the same age as me, I may not be able to beat the two brothers by myself. Mama's request is really difficult. Besides——you still have to fight?" Burned my food and grass..."

That was the food and grass he had raised for a long time.

The fire was so big that it was unknown how much could be saved.

With so many soldiers in the camp, the food and grass they eat every day is a huge number. Without food and grass supply, the morale of the army will naturally be slackened.Not to mention attacking Xiaocheng, it would be good if you don't get confused.

Shen Tang interrupted him coldly.

"Isn't that exactly what you wanted to see?"

The young man flatly rejected it: "Impossible, it's impossible, I'm fine, what do I want to see my army defeated?"

His cold eyes swept over Shen Tang's neck: "Oh, Mama reminded me. Now many people have seen Mama and these two gangs, and I brought you in again. If you don't chop off your head, It's hard to explain to my righteous brother, and I will be dealt with by military law..."

Shen Tang felt a very faint but extremely cold murderous aura, and it rushed towards her with the night wind, which aroused countless goosebumps.

She regretfully said: "It seems that the conversation has collapsed."

After speaking, the momentum suddenly changed.

He shouted: "Zhai Huan, help me!"

As for Qi Yuanliang, there is no need to remind him at all.

Zhai Huan was puzzled at the beginning, but when he saw Qishan's lips move slightly from a distance, he knew what the words were from the movement of his lips, and he followed without thinking.As for those doubts in my heart?Don't worry about it for the time being - because their brother and Shen Tang are already grasshoppers tied to the same rope.
Praying for goodness: "Wild fires are endless, and spring breeze blows and regenerates!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhai Huan's speech spirit also fell.

Shen Tang's Dan Mansion's cultural energy, which was about to bottom out, instantly filled to the point of overflowing, she said: "Three cups of utter promises, five mountains are light!"

clang clang-

Bullying forward, he slashed dozens of swords in the blink of an eye.

Feeling the huge force as heavy as a mountain, even a young man had to avoid the edge for a while, and the head of the long whip attacked Shen Tang's vitals, using the method of encircling Wei and saving Zhao, forcing Shen Tang to switch from attack to defense.He took the opportunity to pull out his feet that were stuck in the mud, and retreated quickly.

Before standing still, the dense sword force struck again.

Between swords and swords, he saw Shen Tang's astonishingly bright eyes looking straight at him, and a word uttered from his red lips.She said, "Don't you really want to know how I set the fire?"

The heavy food and grass are afraid of fire attack.

But Huogong is not something you can use whenever you want.

The speed must be fast, the fire must be fierce, and the enemy should not be given a chance to rescue.

The Zhai Le brothers are useless because they lack tools, and the oil and firewood used to light the fire are not easy to get, let alone close to the rear camp to transport food and grass, and the enemy's eyes are not for display.Or if the wind direction is not calculated well, the enemy will not be burned to death but will pay for itself.

The young man had no choice but to use his real skills to resist Shen Tang's heavier attacks every time, and there were constant clanks and sparks flying all over the place.

Shen Tang suddenly charged up, and the majestic sword energy sent the young man flying several feet away.

At this time, she felt that Dan's mansion was almost full of culture.

Suddenly pointing the sword to the sky.

Chant softly: "Dongfeng puts flowers and thousands of trees at night..."

With a bang, the ground under his feet began to tremble slightly.

The turbulent black and white literary energy is like a waking dragon, restless, with air waves rushing in all directions, and sand and stones flying.

call out--

The black and white style goes straight to the sky along the edge of the sword.

Feeling the rapidly descending and disappearing literary energy, Shen Tang endured waves of intense dizziness, and struggled to utter the second half of his words.

"More blown down..."

"The stars are like rain."

The black-and-white cultural atmosphere that climbed to the peak exploded above the rebel camp, and the dazzling colors took away the darkness for a moment.

The five-color rays of light circulated and illuminated the sky.

For a moment, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but raise their heads.


The soldiers holding up the water basin to put out the fire were stunned, and the chaotic back camp seemed to be silenced by a mysterious force.

The world is quiet!

In the next instant, countless fist-sized sparks fell from the sky.

The place that was just extinguished not long ago has been burned again.

Some soldiers were unlucky enough to be burned by sparks.

The fire spread to the whole body in an instant.

The severe pain made him scream and run around, bringing the fire to more places.


He was beheaded by a bearded man.

A strong column of blood spurted out from the large wound in the bowl.

The soldier fell down, kicking up dust and splashing on the feet of other soldiers nearby. Warm blood splashed half of his face, and Fang woke up like a dream.

The main camp resumed its hustle and bustle.

Those who put out fires, save people, kill sheep, kill cattle...

Unnoticed, most of the sparks rushed towards the same target.

Shen Tang didn't even look at the young man's direction, he knelt down on one knee with all his strength, and with his sword and pestle, he barely supported himself from falling down.

The hot sweat kept dripping down, and the foreground was flickering.

Used twice, the consumption of energy is too great.

For the first time with the support of praying for good, Shen Tang also deliberately controlled the power of Wen Xinyan Ling, so that he retained most of his combat power.

The second time, two Wenxin scribes helped each other with all their strength.

"Xiaofang, withdraw!"

Zhai Le had expected it a long time ago, and stepped forward to grab her arm and pulled her up on his shoulders. Zhai Huan glanced at Qi Shan, who had a strange expression on his face, and helped him share the pressure.

The four of them took advantage of the darkness and chaos, oiled the soles of their feet, and withdrew!

 (ω) hey
  Also two chapters in one.

  There were many problems in the first draft of the codeword before, and it has been revised.

  The answer to the last no-prize quiz was Xin Qiji's Sapphire Case·Yuanxi——Eastern wind puts flowers and trees on a night, blows them down, and stars are like rain.Some friends guessed it right.

(End of this chapter)

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