stand back, let me come

Chapter 188: Chapter 188: Chaos in Xiaocheng [2 in 1]

Chapter 188 Chapter 188: Xiaocheng Chaos (28) [Two in One]

Shen Tang woke up smelling the smell of food.

Open your eyes, a big leaf is covering your head.

What is this?

Shen Tang froze for a moment, then raised his hand to brush it away.Without the obstruction of the leaves, the gorgeous golden light hanging above her head shone on her, making it hard to open her eyes.Shen Tang stood up with one arm on the ground, only to realize later that his arms were weak, and his stomach was rumbling and singing empty plans.

At this time, a familiar man's voice came from above his head, faintly revealing some joy and relief: "Mr. Shen Xiaolang is definitely awake."

Zhai Le laughed and joked: "I'm right, cook a pot of fragrant and thick minced meat, Brother Shen will wake up naturally when he's hungry."

Shen Tang: "..."

Hearing this name, you don't need to look up to know who it is.

Sitting up halfway, he asked, "Where are we now?"

When she woke up, she was still a little confused.

"Still outside Xiaocheng."

Shen Tang asked: "Is there any news about them?

"Not yet." Qishan shook his head regretfully, and then said in relief, "But Chu Wuhui and Gongshu are both veterans in the battlefield, and if they work together, even the brave warrior from last night can't keep him, Shen Xiaolang Don't worry about their safety."

Shen Tang had no choice but to temporarily suppress his worries.

"Are you hungry?"

With a pale face, Shen Tang seemed to be lacking in energy, and said weakly, "Hungry, I'm starving to death, I don't have much energy."

Qishan turned around and filled a bowl of meat porridge with a rough wooden bowl.

He took the bowl of meat porridge, and was about to put it to his mouth to drink it up, when the scene of yesterday's rebel camp suddenly appeared in his mind, and all he could see was the chaotic scene.The cattle and sheep wrapped in flames ran wild in the rear camp, and the rebel soldiers tried their best to fight the fire but lost their lives.

The shrill screams rose to the sky amidst the swaying flames, and the air was filled with the strange smell of burning wood and fat.

Thinking of the smell, Shen Tang instantly lost his appetite to feast, and held the moderately warm meat porridge in both hands without saying a word.

Qishan asked: "But it's not to your liking?"

If it doesn't suit your appetite, you can only make do with it. His cooking skills are at this level. If you want to eat what you like, you can only wait for Chu Yao to come back.

Shen Tang replied: "Suddenly I have no appetite."

Seeing her put the wooden bowl aside, Qi Shan didn't force her to drink it, but she couldn't help but complain in her heart—of course, she wasn't complaining about Shen Tang, but about Chu Yao.In the past, Mr. Shen Xiaolang could eat anything, but when Chu Yao came, he learned to be picky eaters!

This is all Chu Yao's fault!
Although Shen Tang didn't know what was going on in his mind, he didn't want to cause any misunderstanding: "I suddenly remembered last night, and I don't want to touch meat for the time being."

After I finished speaking, I felt a little hypocritical.Under the current conditions, a mouthful of food is a luxury that ordinary people can't ask for, let alone a big bowl of meat porridge.The temperature is just right, most likely it was specially warmed by Qishan, so that she can taste it when she wakes up.

"That's the case, it's because I didn't think carefully."

The meat porridge was not wasted, and it ended up in Zhai Le's stomach.

At this time, Shen Tang had the time to observe the surrounding situation.

A group of people are in a hidden mountain depression, with cliffs on three sides, and a stream running across the only exit, which is a good hiding place.Busy soldiers can be seen not far away, and the clothes of these soldiers are still very familiar...

Shen Tang suddenly remembered something.

At this time, Captain Yang's loud voice rang in his ears.

"The martyr finally woke up."

Shen Tang suppressed the twitching corners of his mouth.

A little unnaturally said: "This soldier is good..."

She remembered it.

I was exhausted last night, coupled with the injuries from the battle, I was extremely exhausted, and fell asleep as soon as I got to a safe place, sleeping without dreams until dawn.The person who responded to them was the unlucky guy who was robbed of tax money by her——Lieutenant Yang, the garrison of Xiaocheng!

"I don't dare to be a soldier or something. Just call me 'Old Yang' for a righteous man. I have heard about the heroic deeds of a righteous man from Mr. Zhai, and I admire him very much. He really is a hero born out of a boy."

Yang Duwei has a Chinese character face, beard, thick eyebrows, majestic black eyes, the pupils are leaning upwards, looking a bit inhuman and arrogant.An outsider looked at him and thought he was stubborn and fierce, but at this moment he forcibly squeezed out a bit of kindness.

Who didn't say anything awkward after reading it?
Shen Tang: "..."

Let her comment, this smile can scare a class of children to tears.Scary is scary, and horrifying is horrifying, but Shen Tang still got the kindness released by others.Putting on the expression of a humble and obedient baby, he said: "Don't dare to be, don't be."

Yang Duwei's impression of Shen Tang was greatly improved!

It is rare to see such a young man who is capable, upright, serving the people rather than profiting, young but not proud, humble and polite!

In particular, when Shen Tang asked him about Xiaocheng and the situation of the rebel army, and whether the rebel army would withdraw after the food and supplies were burned, Captain Yang admired Shen Tang even more.

Trying to squeeze out a kind smile, stroking his beard: "I have sent people to investigate, and if there is any intention to withdraw troops, I will immediately send a message to the garrison in the city, and then attack from inside and outside!"

In fact, Yang Duwei wanted to send troops to attack at night last night.

Considering that the number of our own side is too small, the situation of the rebel camp is unknown, and the risk of a surprise attack is too great, we give up under Zhai Huan's persuasion.

Shen Tang: "Attack from inside and outside? But I think that the top priority should be to transfer the people as soon as possible, with the style of rebels, wait for them to calm down, and wait for the people to retaliate."

Yang Duwei also has this concern.Just as he was about to speak, he heard the sound of horseshoes approaching quickly. It turned out that the scouts he had sent had rushed back.Seeing the scout's pale face, he rarely calmed down: "Don't worry, just speak slowly."

In Yang Duwei's view, even if it wasn't good news, it wouldn't be bad news, and there was always a relaxed smile on the corner of his lips.

Who knows-

The intelligence of the scouts was like a bolt from the blue.

Hacked him until his head went blank.

More than two hours ago, the rebels increased their troops by [-]!
Yang Duwei stood up abruptly, breaking out in anxiety.

"An increase of [-] troops? Where did the [-] troops come from?"

However, the scouts were afraid of revealing their identities, so they didn't dare to inquire too much. At this time, they asked questions and didn't know what to do. They were so anxious that their foreheads were sweating, for fear that Captain Yang would suddenly violently kill people.Qishan, Shen Tang, Zhai Le, and Zhai Huan who just approached, all of them turned pale instantly.

I thought that after the night attack and burned the rebel camp, the food and grass would be exchanged for respite, and no matter how bad it was, I could squeeze out a few days and take the opportunity to transfer the people of Xiaocheng.Just at this juncture, [-] additional soldiers appeared. Did the [-] soldiers and horses fall from the sky? ? ?

Captain Yang knew the weight of the [-] troops better than anyone else, and he was so flustered that his hands and feet were cold, he murmured: "There has been no movement until now..."

Zhai Huan: "The situation in the battle is changing rapidly. If all the news is under control, the rebels will not be in the current climate."

Shen Tang was worried about the people in the city.

"What do we... what should we do now?"

Even a blind man could tell that Xiaocheng couldn't defend the current lineup of the rebel army.Be optimistic and break the city tomorrow; be pessimistic and break the city in the afternoon. Anyway, it will only be two days.

Now I can only hope that the Lord General is not some bloodthirsty person.


Sometimes whether to slaughter a city or not to slaughter a city, the will of the general is not important, what is important is the will of the general's immediate superior.If someone wants to "kill chickens to scare monkeys", no matter how merciful the lord general is, he will have to give the order.Think about the psychosis of Zheng Qiao's family...the hope is slim.

Back then, Zheng Qiao used extremely bloody means to capture Sibao County, and now it is the turn of the two ruthless brothers who have been tortured by him for many years—ah, there is a generation gap in the brain circuits between normal people and neuropathy, and it is extremely difficult for the former to predict the latter What shameful things will be done.

For a time, a sad and dignified atmosphere enveloped everyone.

Can the common people really only seek their own blessings?

Yang Duwei clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "If Xiaocheng is doomed, I swear to the death to fight the rebels to the last drop of blood!"

He has made up his mind to die.

Zhai Le's expression moved slightly, and he wanted to persuade Yang Duwei to think again, but Yang Duwei's relatives and family members were all in the city, so it was useless to say anything at the moment, so he simply silenced and kept silent.

Shen Tang hinted: "How about sneaking into the city to save people?"

Captain Yang knew what she meant.

With the strength of his tenth-rank left concubine, no matter whether he chooses to surrender to save his family or sneak into the city to save others, theoretically, he has a great probability of saving the blood of his relatives. …


He glanced at the tired and desperate faces of the soldiers around him, and he hesitated in grief, but still shook his head firmly.

Yang Duwei said: "This is not feasible."

Shen Tang asked: "Why?"

Yang Duwei smiled wryly: "One person's strength is limited. He can save three or five people but not three to five thousand. The soldiers chose me, and they did not choose to flee after suffering all the way. They not only worried about their families but also trusted me. They believed in me, how could I save them?" Can you turn your back on them?"

Shen Tang was stunned.

Whether it's Captain Yang's eyes or his expression, it clearly shows that he is ready to give up his life.

Seeing that everyone was unhappy, Zhai Le said, "Don't be so pessimistic! Maybe, maybe there won't be a massacre of the city? Such bloody and brutal things don't happen often..."

When the two sides are at war, if one side wins and attacks the powerless civilians, it will be spurned and arouse public outrage.

As long as the victor still has face, he generally won't do this.

at the same time--

The head of the rebel battalion has changed owners.

The bearded man who was arrogant before sat obediently on the lower left, and the barbarian he didn't like sat on the lower right opposite him.

On the head of the main tent sits what he calls an "old thing".

That is his own father.

It's just that this father has been sullen since he came here, his eyes are not his eyes, his nose is not his nose, and he was arrested and reprimanded for half an hour in front of all the generals.The content of the reprimand includes but is not limited to last night's fire attack...

Oh, and there's also old accounts.

Just as the bearded man had guessed, all the blame was thrown on him. The real culprit was fine, and he was still playing with a few round pearls in his hands.

Seeing his son's face full of discontent, the old general threw a string of Buddhist beads at the bearded man: "Did you understand?"

The bearded man said perfunctorily, "Understood."

As for what the old thing scolded?

He didn't remember at all.

It must be the content of changing the soup without changing the medicine.

When he got down, he saw a strange and cold mocking smile on the barbarian's face, and he was instantly angry.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, it's just a pity for my brother-in-law's beautiful family."

The bearded man almost exploded when he heard that.

He scolded: "Beast, you actually covet your brother and sister-in-law?"

The other generals in the main tent showed weird expressions, and the old general was so angry that he grabbed something and threw it at the bearded man: "You are a beast! How can you talk to your brother-in-law if you are not filial? Ah Nian has always respected himself, he can Fancy your Yingying Yanyan?"

The bearded man was not happy when he heard it.

What does it mean that the barbarian respects himself and loves himself?
In other words, is he dissolute and frivolous?
What happened to his Yingying Yanyan?
Which man doesn't have three or five women in his backyard?

Youth: "Father."

There was a bit of pleading in his eyes.

Although the people present were either the old general's private subordinates, subordinate officials, or trusted confidantes, all of them were from his own family, but it is not a good thing to praise for revealing family scandals.

When the old general saw the young man, his anger immediately dropped by half.

He waved his hand tiredly: "Okay, for the sake of Ah Nian's pleading, don't quarrel with your unfilial son, take it down!"

Seeing his father's confidant walking towards him, the bearded man's face was livid: "Don't catch me, this general can walk by himself!"

He thought he was warned by the old man to ground him.

Unexpectedly, he was taken to an open space.

There were still black marks left by the burning of last night on the clearing, where the soldiers set up a pile of firewood and placed a super-large pottery urn.

He didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd.

"What's this?"

After a while, he knew.

His beloved concubine was dragged here like a chicken being caught by two little soldiers. The concubine had never seen this battle before, her face paled with fright, and she kept calling for help from him.The man with the beard was anxious and angry, and scolded: "Let her go! Are you desperate?"

Dare to touch his woman?

It's just that no one pays attention to him.

He wanted to step forward to kick the soldiers away, but he was caught by the shoulders of the old man's henchmen on the left and right, and he couldn't move at once.

The match was lit, and the pottery urn was filled with clean water.

The bearded man looked dumbfounded and his head went blank.

Vaguely, he realized something, turned his head suddenly to look in the direction of the main tent, and shouted loudly, the voice was successfully transmitted to the main tent, but no one responded.After a while, I heard the woman's high-pitched and sharp begging for mercy, as well as the sound of splashing in the water.

As time passed, the voice became more and more horrific.

I don't know how long it has passed, the voice gradually lowered until it disappeared.

The young man always sits upright at the lower right.

It's just that no one noticed, his hands hanging on his knees slowly, slowly clenched into fists, the veins on the back of his hands stretched out, his nails dug into the soft flesh of his palms, pinching out drops of blood.

The others also listened quietly.

Not long after, the bearded man was brought in.

His face was pale, and his brow was sweating profusely.

The whole person seemed to have all the bones taken away from him, and he sat on the ground weakly, with his head down, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, he murmured to his father, "Why?"

From the outside, the old general is a kind-looking middle-aged man.Although he is very old, he is still burly, and he does not look stony and thin like this old man should have: "Because that is the spy sent by Xiaocheng's thieves to lurk by your side."

The bearded man subconsciously retorted.

"she is not!"

That concubine is obviously his eldest daughter!

The family background is so innocent that it cannot be more innocent, people from the Geng Kingdom!
It has nothing to do with Xiaocheng!

  PS: By the way, I would like to recommend the new book "Help!I really can't take it anymore" (Qiaoqiu, please help me to update it), you can invest if you haven't signed a contract yet, although the title of the book is stretched, but Thorn is also an old author, the content will not disappoint everyone.


(End of this chapter)

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