stand back, let me come

Chapter 192: Chapter 192: Chaos in Xiaocheng [2 in 1]

Chapter 192 Chapter 192: Xiaocheng Chaos (32) [Two in One]

Qi Shan flatly rejected it: "No way!"

Shen Tang was stunned, and asked, "Why not?"

She didn't expect that Qishan would be the first to stand up and object.

Shen Tang thought his method was okay.

Although we can't pinch the weakness of the rebels, it's the same if we can pinch Zheng Qiao's weakness. As long as Zheng Qiao and King Pig can bite the dog, both will suffer, or one of them will be wiped out!No matter how hard life is for the common people, it is better to live under their hands.

Anyway, the situation is irreparable, it is better to completely mess it up!

Qishan was so suffocated by her "innocent and innocent" rhetorical question that she couldn't speak, and she endured it again and again, until her whole face flushed red.

What should he say?
In the end, he only choked out a sentence: "The national seal is of great importance!"

Shen Tang was depressed: "It's just spreading rumors, as long as Zheng Qiao believes that Guoxi is in Xiaocheng, it's not true."

Qishan suddenly showed an indescribable expression.

What can he say? ? ?

Is Xin Guo Guoxi really in Xiaocheng? ? ?
This is not digging a hole for the rebel Zheng Qiao, but digging a hole for herself, or taking the initiative to prepare a coffin to lie in and rest in peace.

Qishan had no choice but to hint desperately: "If Zheng Qiao believed the rumors and really sent troops over, other forces in the territory would also be moved by the news. At that time, it would not be as simple as Zheng Qiao's brothers fighting each other, but maybe a few or more than a dozen forces fighting... "

Shen Tang pinched his chin and thought.

"Yuanliang's words make sense."

Qishan thought that she had given up her mind, and was about to let out a sigh of relief, but in the middle of the relief, she heard Shen Xiaolang-jun's words startlingly: "However--you can fish when the water is muddy. If it really takes several or ten roads to fight, instead Is it a good thing?"

Qishan: " said something good?"

Shen Tang said: "It is indeed a good thing."

If you want to say what Xiaocheng and his party gave her the biggest impression, it’s about just now—a real awareness of her own weakness and powerlessness.Because she has no power, no strength, no horses, no right to speak, and no backing, she can only be slaughtered in troubled times.

But what if she has?
As long as it is what she wants to protect, who dares to move!
Strength is the foundation!

"Reasonable" with Zheng Qiao, Wang Zhi and his ilk, and condemnation from the moral high ground will not hurt a single hair of others!

Only when they have the power to threaten their lives, and then pinch their lifeblood, will they listen carefully and reflect sincerely.

Shen Tang's expression became a little more unshakable.

She said: "Wealth and wealth are in danger."

Although these words were said with a smile, Qi Shan could tell that Mr. Shen Xiaolang was not joking, she was very, very serious!

Qi Shan opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word for a while.

After waiting for a while but still not receiving a response, Shen Tang looked away, looked around again, and suggested, "Why don't you vote?"

Zhai Le was about to make a statement when Qi Shan grabbed his hand.

The strength of the latter is astonishing.

He was puzzled and whispered: "Mr. Qi???"

Praying for goodness: "Mr. Zhai Xiaolang don't talk yet."

Shen Tang also noticed Qi Shan's strangeness, and looked over.

Qishan took a deep breath, trying to hide the distorted expression on his face: "Did Mr. Shen forget something?"

Shen Tang was puzzled: "What did I forget?"

She has forgotten a lot of things - such as the memory before time travel, but this cannot be said, and Qi's unkind expression obviously does not refer to this memory.Shen Tang frowned and thought for a while, but he didn't think that he had forgotten anything, so he shook his head: "I didn't forget anything—"

Etc., etc--

She seems to have forgotten something important.

Shen Tang's complexion suddenly changed.

Taking care of Xin Guo Guoxi, she forgot that she also has a "Guo Xi" that she doesn't belong to.Although she didn't know why she had the "National Seal" at all, and she didn't know where it was, the "National Seal" did exist, and Lin Feng's ability to store the "Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi" as a woman is one of the iron proofs.

As a bound orange artifact that can only be dropped by death, the charm of the Imperial Seal is unquestionable. There are countless forces coveting it. If it is not operated well, it may cost itself.

Counting herself, Xiaocheng really has a national seal! ! !

Seeing that she remembered, Qishan couldn't laugh or cry.

With such an important thing as the national seal, which king doesn't carry it with him?I can't wait to take it out and wipe it three times a day.However, Mr. Shen Xiaolang is different, he doesn't remember having this thing at all.

Zhai Huan brothers and Yang Duwei were confused.

But this is a family secret.

They did not take the initiative to confess, and they were not easy to spy on.

Seeing the subtle expression changes between Qishan and Shen Tang, Duwei Yang knew that Shen Yishi's previous proposal of "strengthening with strength" was not going to work, and the cluster of hope that had ignited in his heart was extinguished again.

Who knows that Shen Tang still insists on his own opinion.

Her heart was beating like a drum, she licked her dry lips, and said: "Well, I forgot about that, but it's not important, I feel that the method just now can still be tried, and it will definitely solve Xiaocheng's danger!"

"Youli, you—" Qi Shan was really in a hurry this time.

Shen Tang raised his hand to signal him not to speak.

Reverse question: "Apart from what I said, is there any more effective way at present? I know whether it is Yuanliang or Wuhui, you are all well-known scribes for a long time, and you must be more thoughtful than me when looking at the situation. But you have to know—— coincidence It’s hard for a woman to cook without rice! No matter how powerful a literary scholar is, no matter how tyrannical a warrior is, in the face of tens of thousands of troops, there is only one way to die.”

Shen Tang tries to persuade Qishan to let him take the risk.

"Our purpose is to save the people in Xiaocheng! If we can borrow soldiers to save Xiaocheng, we will borrow it! The problem is that we can't borrow it now, and we don't know where to borrow it! Far water can't solve near fire! We are short of people , lack of time, but Zheng Qiao is not lacking."

Qishan: "Even pay yourself out?"

Shen Tang: "If I were a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death, I should stay far away now, and take my people and my family with me. Anyway, the people in Xiaocheng City have no blood relationship with me. Pears have nothing to do with money!"

Praying: "..."

Shen Tang said: "Yuanliang...I don't want to put the cart before the horse."

If it is only for self-protection, she can live in seclusion in the mountains alone, and she will not starve to death even if she is not engaged in production, farming or labor.Whether Zheng Qiao or King Zhu, how they fought against each other, how they killed countless people, and how the people under their rule were treated...she couldn't even see it!

Since her original intention is to try her best to save the tragedy she saw, it is worth taking some risks.

Praying: "..."

For the first time, Shen Tang was not overwhelmed.

A hunch told him that this wouldn't be the last time either.

"It's too risky, Youli."

"There is nothing in this world that is risk-free. If you are unlucky, you will clog your teeth if you drink cold water, and you will choke to death after eating."

Good luck, justice from heaven, 42 beats [-]!

Qishan could only let out a long sigh, smiled and shook his head.

"Okay, as you say."

Shen Tang's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really?"

She thought it would take a while.

Qishan said: "Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, and it is right to take risks—anyway, I won't let you die in front of me..."

Shen Tang swept away the gloom with a smile, and said teasingly: "It's amazing, Yuanliang is quite provocative when he talks about people..." You must know that Qishan sells teammates really easily, she has been betrayed more than once!
If the favorability can be digitized, she would have raised the favorability value of this "guiding NPC" to over [-]!
The three Duwei Yang who failed to join the group chat: "..."

Shen Tang came back to his senses, realized that there were outsiders here, with an awkward expression on his face for a moment, trying to pretend to be stupid and fool what happened just now.Fortunately, the three of them didn't get to the bottom of it.

Qishan lightly diverted everyone's attention: "It is true that Youli's method is good, but have you ever thought about how you will pass the news to Zheng Qiao? There is not much time left for us."

Xiaocheng won't be able to last long, so he has to lure Zheng Qiao's troops over before Xiaocheng is finished, or there may be a glimmer of life!
On the contrary, all plans are meaningless.

Shen Tang asked: "How do you usually spread the urgent military report?"

After all, it is an unscientific world, and there is no shortage of unscientific means. It is impossible to "honestly" rush eight hundred miles, right?

Zhai Le said: "Messenger, Wolf Smoke."

Shen Tang: "..."

Honestly surprising.

If you want to send a messenger, first of all, you must be strong enough to withstand the rush for days and nights, and secondly, you must have some identity, otherwise the news will not reach Zheng Qiao's ears.The only person present who met the requirements was Duwei Yang, and everyone looked at him tacitly.

Yang Duwei was startled, and then he came to his senses.

He said: "In that case, then I—"

Zhai Huan shook his head: "You can't."

The status requirements are satisfied, but Yang Duwei, as the only tenth-rank left concubine, is also the backbone of hundreds of soldiers, Dinghaishenzhen, if he leaves, the already low morale of the soldiers will continue to decline, and finally turn into a mess.

No matter whether it is their brother or Shen brother, they can't convince the public, Yang Duwei's subordinates seem unreliable...

Zhai Huan also expressed his worries: "Furthermore, even if Captain Yang goes, Zheng Qiao will definitely meet him and trust him?"

People don't even pay attention to Sibao County.

Not to mention the warriors stationed in Sibao County.

The tenth class Zuoshu elder is not very attractive to Zheng Qiao.

Zhai Le: "Then use wolf smoke?"

Zhai Huan asked again: "Is Wolf Smoke so easy to borrow?"

Before spreading the news through the wolf smoke, he first exposed himself and attracted the rebels to encircle and suppress them. This way will not work.

Another impasse.

When he was at a loss, Qi Shan said: "I have a way."

Everyone immediately turned their attention to him.

Qishan didn't say it clearly, but said: "You must enter the city first."

Go into town and find someone!

Gong Shuwu!
The last hope may be in him.

When Qishan and the others were discussing who would stay and who would enter the city, Chu Yao and Gong Shuwu went straight to the county mansion.

The county guard Yancheng fled, but the county mansion was not abandoned.

At night, it is still brightly lit.

Outside the city, the rebel army besieged the city, but some people still lived as usual without being greatly affected.For example, Si Yan, who guards the gate of the county government.It was cold in front of the door, and no one passed by for a long time.

He felt sleepy and yawned in boredom.

Just as I was about to find a place to cat for a while, I vaguely heard footsteps approaching, and the figure blocked the candlelight reflected by the lantern.

Si Yan looked up and found that it was two men who came.One has gray hair, a thin body, and a very standard scribe's attire, while the other is tall and strong, with tight muscles, like a trainer.

Si Yan asked, "What are you doing here?"

Chu Yao: "Looking for someone."

Si Yan waved his hand bluntly: "There is no one you are looking for here, don't approach here if you have nothing to do, be careful to lose your life."

Chu Yao was not at all displeased with such an offense, and said with a smile: "I have a plan to defend the city and save my life, and I will find someone to offer it to you. Brother, do you think there is really no one I want to find in the house?"

When Si Yan heard this, his sleepiness suddenly scattered.

He woke up with a jerk.

Hastily said: "Wait - you said you want to offer advice?"

Chu Yao: "Yes."

Si Yan was dubious, and said: "Do you have evidence? You two, don't feel that the villain is making things difficult. It is because the county government has changed its master. If you have no real skills, you just want to fool people and seek some benefits. Once you step into this threshold , my life is not guaranteed.”

I can't please myself who put them in.

Si Yan didn't dare to take risks.

Chu Yao smiled.

He took off the Wenxin monogram hanging from his waist, and deliberately showed the rank on it.Si Yan of the county mansion also knew a few words. When the four big characters "Second Grade Shangzhong" came into view, it caused a great visual impact on him, and his legs were almost weak and he couldn't stand on his feet.

He stammered, wishing he could grab the hand of his savior.

"Two, two wait a moment, the villain will go in and communicate."

Wenxin scribes, he has seen many.

But this is the first time in my life that I have "Second Grade High School"!
Gong Shuwu, who was about to take out the Bravery Talisman: "..."

He laughed and said, "Mr.'s is still easy to use." Compared with the second-rank and upper-middle doctor, the ninth-rank fifth doctor is still rarer.

Chu Yao slowly hung the Wenxin monogram back.

He smiled and said, "Ordinary people don't understand."

The strength of Wenxin scribes does not depend on the rank of Wenxin.

"Second grade upper middle school" just fools the layman.

Gong Shuwu: "Sir, there is no need to be so humble."

After a few words, he heard a rush of chaotic footsteps approaching them.Just now Si Yan led the way, leading a young man with an extremely serious expression out.The moment he saw the boy's appearance clearly, Gong Shuwu froze in place.

The tiger's eyes were wide open, and the hand hanging by the side trembled and clenched involuntarily. Only in this way can the sudden eruption of strong emotions be suppressed. Naturally, these changes cannot be concealed from Chu Yao: "Half step?"

After shouting twice, Gong Shuwu, who was distracted, was called back.

"I, I'm fine..."

Gong Shuwu barely suppressed the strange feeling in his heart.

Fortunately, his vision was dim at this time, otherwise Chu Yao would have seen that Gong Shuwu's eye sockets had been misted, red threads spread, and his emotions were very wrong, and his eyes were all glued to the young man, not for a moment, for fear that he would blink In a blink of an eye, the boy disappeared.

nothing? ? ?

How could he be fine! ! !

He never dreamed that he would still have the opportunity to see members of the Gong clan, who were still his close blood relatives!Yes, the young man walking in front of him is the son of Brother Gong Shuwu——

Gong Cheng!

Gong Yunchi!
Gong Shuwu looked at Gong Cheng carefully.

Secretly said: This kid Yun Chi has lost a lot of weight.

When his eyes touched the tattoo representing the exiled prisoner on the young man's face, his heart ached even more unbearably - Yun Chi should have been the most dazzling and promising member of Gong's generation, but...

Unspeakable bitterness spread in his heart.

Gong Cheng, but no one came out. The tall and strong warrior in front of him was his second uncle Gong Wen, and his whole heart was on Chu Yao.Just now when he heard Si Yan's reply, he was so startled that he directly overturned the tea, and rushed out to greet him without thinking about anything else.

He slowed down his shortness of breath, calmed down his excitement, greeted Chu Yao, and asked, "Which righteous man offered advice?"

Chu Yao: "It's me."

  1, more than 1 fight more than 42, the battle of Kunyang, the ultimate head-off between the son of the plane and the traverser.

  PS: I don’t know if it’s because the Word document has more than 700 pages, the code word is super stuck, and the copying is also stuck. I’m wondering whether to open a new document.At that time, the empress was fine with three or four thousand pages. Could it be that the computer can be replaced after three or four years of service?

(End of this chapter)

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