stand back, let me come

Chapter 194 194: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 194 Chapter 194: Chaos in Xiaocheng City (34) 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Gong Shuwu: "???"

Gong Cheng shouted loudly: "Who is hiding outside and listening!"

After all, he jumped to the side of the rockery with a quick run-up, jumped over the courtyard wall with his toes, and stabbed out the long sword mercilessly.Gong Shuwu was worried that Gong Cheng would be injured, so he jumped over.As soon as he landed, he saw his nephew wrestling with a masked man.

Although a lot of swordsmanship has been wasted, Gong Cheng's skill is not something that ordinary thieves can resist.Who knows how many brushes that little thief has, his body is as flexible as a loach, and his hands are not slippery.He didn't hit him a few times, and the latter's position was always beyond his judgment.

At this moment, Uncle Gong shouted: "Stop!"

Gong Cheng subconsciously followed his orders.

The masked thief also stopped.

It was only then that he realized that the masked thief was probably not a thief, but a partner of the Gongshu warrior.Gong Cheng only hesitated for a moment, and retracted the long sword into its scabbard.The masked thief also smiled and pulled down his veil, revealing a face he didn't expect.

"Half step!"

Shen Tang smiled and walked towards Gong Shuwu.

Gong Shuwu shook his head helplessly, and said: "Goro, next time you can't do such a misleading thing—"

Mr. Shen Xiaolang actually learns how to sing like a cuckoo.

Poorly learned, not at all like!

"So it's my brother-in-law!"

Gong Cheng's words shocked the sky!

Gong Shuwu was also so shocked by his words that he forgot what he was going to say, and the tall and burly man was petrified in place.

Shen Tang: "...ha, haha, brother Yunchi, how are you?"

Why does the eldest brother still remember the title "wife brother"?

Still shouting this in front of Gong Shuwu, Shen Tang suddenly had a sense of death, showing an awkward yet polite smirk.

Ai Ai during the period of Uncle Wu.

"Wife, wife, what brother???"

At this time, his expression can only be accurately described by the black question mark face.His gaze swiveled back and forth between Shen Tang and Gong Cheng, and his heart was already in turmoil.If there is nothing wrong with his ears, his eldest nephew seems to call Mr. Shen Xiaolang—wife brother? ? ?
Gong Shuwu blinked blankly.

Many questions surrounded him.

When did his nephew get married and have a wife and brother?
When did Shen Xiaolang-jun become Yunchi's brother-in-law?
He couldn't help asking Shen Tang, one of the parties, with his eyes. Shen Tang instantly understood the doubts his eyes wanted to convey, and covered his face with a bit of shame and said: "This matter is really... It's a long story..."

Since it's a long story, let's stop talking about it.

Just know that there is such a strange waistcoat.

Gong Cheng didn't notice the "undercurrent" between Gong Shuwu and Shen Tang, and he was a little happy when he saw Shen Tang.Out of guilt for the Shen family, after Xiaocheng was besieged, he immediately sent someone to find Shen Tang's whereabouts, but unfortunately found nothing.

He could only comfort himself in private, his brother-in-law Shen Tang might have heard the news and left Xiaocheng with the fleeing people.

It never occurred to me that I could see people this time.

Surprised and worried.

Xiaocheng is a place of right and wrong.

Gong Shuwu looked at Mr. Shen Xiaolang quietly, and said calmly: "It's okay, we have plenty of time, so we can take our time."

Shen Tang: "..."

Gong Cheng didn't shy away from it, and simply talked about his relationship with Shen Tang.Hearing that his nephew married the daughter of the Shen family—even though the gift was not fulfilled and was taken into prison by people sent by Zheng Qiao, the way he looked at Shen Tang also changed subtly.

Mr. Shen Xiaolang is the last blood of his nephew Yue's family!
Shen Tang: "..."

If it weren't for the lack of height, she really wanted to jump up and grab Gong Shuwu's neck to calm him down. Your nephew believes everything, don't you ask for proof? ? ?
God probably thought the scene wasn't chaotic enough.

"Isn't this Shen Lang? What night wind brought you here?" There was a teasing sound with a smile on the courtyard wall, Shen Tang looked up and saw Gu Chi and Chu Yao standing on top of the wall.

Shen Tang: "..."

It's this talkative nemesis again, what a pity.

Shen Tang had no choice but to put away his mental activities.

"Wulang, where's Qi Yuanliang?" Chu Yao jumped off the wall, his clothes fluttering, and he landed gracefully and calmly. He stepped forward and looked at Shen Tang's left and right sides. He didn't see a familiar figure, and asked worriedly, "How can he Let Goro come out alone?"

Shen Tang said: "Of course Yuanliang also..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qi Shan who came out of the dark. He took off the black cloak and hood that covered most of his face, and said in a bad tone, "Why didn't Shan come? If I hadn't waited for a few days without you and Half-step news, why did Mr. Shen Xiaolang come here?"

Shen Tang: "..."

The atmosphere seemed more anxious than before.

Shen Tang, who was caught in the middle, was thinking about how to find a topic, when he heard something wriggling in Chu Yao's arms, making a slight meowing sound.She approached curiously, a fluffy head poked out from Chu Yao's skirt.

She looked happy: "Su Shang!"

Su Shang followed Lin Feng.

Mao Mao is here, Lin Feng must have been found too.

Hearing Su Shang, pray for goodness in three steps and take two steps forward.

Chu Yao said angrily, "Here you are."

Throw the sleepy vegetarian back to Qishan.

Leaving suddenly from the warm embrace, the kitten kept swaying toward the familiar scent, and Qi Shan secretly heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the intact and brightly colored Su Shang.Holding the lost and recovered cat in his arms, he looked at Chu Yao with a little more gentleness and kindness.

Shen Tang asked: "Wu Hui, where is Lin Feng?"

Chu Yao: "I haven't found it yet."

Shen Tang's heart that had just dropped was suspended again, and she said: "Haven't found it yet? But Su Shang isn't... Aren't they together?"

Gong Shuwu replied: "When we went there, we only found the vegetarian merchant in the firewood room of Tu Rong's home, and no trace of other people..."

Shen Tang: "That Lin Feng—"

Chu Yao said with relief: "As long as you haven't received bad news or seen the dead body, it's good news. Maybe you followed Tu Rong's family out of the city to escape. Goro, don't worry."

It was hard for Shen Tang not to be in a hurry.

She didn't get along with Lin Feng for long, but she felt pity and sympathy for this orphan girl who lost her blood relationship overnight, not to mention she promised to protect Lin Feng when he grew up.It's only been a long time, and he lost the person himself, and now Lin Feng's life and death are still uncertain!
Seeing that Shen Tang looked anxious, Gong Cheng offered to relieve his wife and brother's worries. He also has some manpower now, so he might be able to help find someone.

Shen Tang suppressed his anxiety.

She said: "Thank you Gong Langjun over there."

Gong Cheng smiled lightly: "It's easy to do. Can my wife and brother find a good place to stay? If you don't mind, you can stay in the county guard's mansion temporarily for two days."

Shen Tang did not refuse.

One of the purposes of her trip is to be Xiaocheng's current principal.

Because it was too late, before the extra guest house could be cleaned up to entertain Shen Tang and Qishan, they were wronged and Chu Yao squeezed together.Before Gu Chi left, he looked at Shen Tang meaningfully.When the outsiders were all gone, Chu Yao raised his hand and laid down the anti-eavesdropping spirit.

Chu Yao said: "What are you going to do at this moment!"

He took the lead in attacking Qishan.

Qishan held Su Shang in his arms, and followed the fur of the cat girl for a while, and he asked, "Why can't Wulang come?"

Chu Yao tapped on the low table with his fingers, signaling that Qishan could be more serious, and don't perfuse himself: "Do you know what the rebels want to do?"

Qi Shan said: "Guess some."

Chu Yao became even angrier when he heard that.

"Since they guessed it, why did they let Wulang in? The rebels' intention is the national seal! They know that the national seal is in Xiaocheng, so they want to create a plague, and deliberately arouse public resentment to consume the national fortune. Once the national fortune is exhausted, the position of the national seal will be completely exposed !"

Isn't this rushing to court death!
Qi Shan raised his eyebrows, looked at Shen Tang and said, "You have to ask Mr. Shen about this, or you can persuade Mr. Shen to leave overnight."

Shen Tang in the sitting posture of a good baby: "..."

No, why did the fire burn on her again?
Shen Tang bit the bullet and said: "I am also for the people of Xiaocheng. If I can save the lives of tens of thousands of people in the city, it is worth taking a little risk. I, I think, Wuhui will not hope that I am cold-hearted , People who regard the people as ants, right?"

Chu Yao: "This is not your people!"

Shen Tang grabbed the corner of his clothes with his fingers, and said "aggrieved": "I know it's not the case now, but it might not be the case in the future... right?"

Chu Yao: "..."

He didn't recover for a while.

Subconsciously looked at Qishan, asking what was going on.

Although he had countless plans drafted in his heart, he knew in his heart that Shen Tang didn't have much ambition, at least not the kind of ambition he wanted. Goro could be happy just riding a pig, walking a dog, and playing with mules. Half a day for little ones.

Determined not to say what he had just heard.

Qishan shrugged his shoulders, and said with a half-smile: "So, you know why I can't stop it? I can't stop it if I can."

Chu Yao: "..."

The atmosphere fell into a kind of eerie silence for a moment.

Shen Tang didn't understand what charades the two were playing, but Gong Shuwu on one side understood it somewhat.It's easy to say, just because no matter Qishan or Chu Yao, the two position themselves as "ministers" and hope to use the future "jun" to achieve their respective goals.

They don't need a puppet, and what Shen Tang needs is not instructions, nor does he need to sway his choice for the sake of "Goro".Within the scope of the two of them, the still immature Shen Xiaolang can try to learn how to be a wolf,
It's okay to take an adventure.

Maybe it won't be long before the two people's positioning of themselves will change.This made Gong Shuwu have to look at him with admiration.

It seems simple to see one's own position and identity, and do things that are equal to one's identity, but very few people do it, because people are fickle.They often have the illusion of power because of the distance from power.

Such as internal servants, such as foreign relatives, such as favorite ministers.

What's more, the current Shen Xiaolang is still poor and white.

The propriety of Qishan and Chu Yao is even more commendable.

One is already rare, but Shen Wulang met two.

What kind of luck is this? ? ?
Chu Yao asked, "What's Goro's plan?"

"At first I wanted to 'leverage strength', use the news of Guoxi to attract Zheng Qiao, and use his soldiers to restrain the rebels. Even if the crisis in Xiaocheng cannot be resolved, the people in the city will have plenty of time to escape. It became troublesome to pass the news, and then—" Shen Tang glanced at Qishan, and continued, "Yuan Liang said there is a way to do it, but first he has to go to the city..."

Chu Yao took advantage of the situation and looked towards Qishan.

Qishan looked at Gong Shuwu who stayed out of the matter.

Gong Shuwu: "...???"

He was slightly taken aback as he missed his nephew while watching a play.

Is there something else about him here?
Yes, praying for goodness is aimed at him.

Qi Shan said: "The rebels are obviously coming for the national seal on Ban Bu's body, right? Ban Bu can think about how to deal with this national seal?"

When Gong Shuwu heard this, the relief on his face disappeared.

His eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he said in a bad tone: "This matter has nothing to do with Yuanliang, right? Or, are you confident in getting this imperial seal from my servant? You don't need to think about it!"

Qishan: "Half a step to think that Xin Guo can restore the country?"

A fierce light flashed in Gongshu Wu's eyes, and he said with a murderous look: "I dare not have such extravagant hopes, but the king's salary is entrusted by the king, and Gong Wen will protect this imperial seal even if he dies. I hope that Yuan Liang will not make things difficult for him.”

A strong smell of gunpowder filled the air.

Shen Tang asked: "Did you think I wanted your imperial seal?"

Gong Shuwu's tensed back muscles relaxed slightly, but his whole body was still like a ferocious beast ready to go. Once Qi Shan had any malicious intentions, he would strike without hesitation—even if there was no chance of winning Completely let down the account of the old lord.

This has nothing to do with loyalty.

Just to be worthy of my own morality.

Uncle Gong said: "Shen Wulang won't."

It is not necessary to pray for two.

When Chu Yao exposed his identity, he was thinking about a question - both Qishan and Chu Yao knew his true identity and knew that he had the Xin Guo Guoxi, so why pretended not to know and helped him hide his identity for so long time?
The kindness of strangers is always contrived.

Before the two of them conspired, he didn't dare to rest assured.

Qishan sneered and said, "You can rest assured about this matter, I have no intention of obtaining the Xin Guoxie, but I do intend to borrow it."

Gong Shuwu frowned: "Borrow?"

Qishan: "Today's Sibao County belongs to Zheng Qiao, and it is also Zheng Qiao's territory. If the second national seal is activated on his territory, it will be the two countries for the national seal in Zheng Qiao's hand. provocation. This speed is much faster than any messenger."

As the holder of the national seal, Zheng Qiao will receive the induction immediately, and will naturally know the whereabouts of Xin Guoxi, who has been missing for a long time.

Gong Shuwu: "... You said borrow?"

He never thought about this operation.

You must know that this kind of example often occurs when the head of a country personally conquers another country, which is equivalent to the prelude to the war between the two countries.

Although the "Private Conquest" belongs to the special field of the Imperial Seal and can boost the momentum of the armed forces, but not many rulers have the courage to do so.

The most recent one is that Zheng Qiao led his troops to attack Xin Guo.

If you don't talk about the positions of the two countries and Zheng Qiao's unspeakable black history, Gong Shuwu can look at him differently with this courage alone.


Gong Shuwu hesitated.

It's not that he suspects that Qishan will never repay the loan - after all, the three people in front of him teamed up, there is a high probability that they can keep him, and Guoxi can naturally get it, so there is no need to use tricks -

He's just worried about one thing.

"Who can move Xin Guo's seal?"

Qishan smiled: "Isn't there a ready-made one here?"

Shen Tang, who was stared at by three pairs of eyes: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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