stand back, let me come

Chapter 196: Chapter 196: Chaos in Xiaocheng [2 in 1]

Chapter 196 Chapter 196: Xiaocheng Chaos (36) [Two in One]

This change was unexpected by the four present.

Shen Tang was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe, and stretched out his right hand fingers pitifully.This index finger was bitten by Xiao Qinglong, who had the willpower to "hold on to the green mountain and not let go", so stubborn!Then he was slapped by the violent golden dragon that suddenly appeared, unable to move.

The golden dragon breathes out breath, and the breath is full of luck and brilliance.

Compared with the little green dragon whose scales are impure, this golden dragon is not only several sizes larger, but also has a bright and translucent scale, like a beautiful object favored by the Creator.There are also mysterious dark lines visible to the naked eye on the dragon scales.

The dragon's body swam around, and the dragon's head approached the little green dragon under its claws.Although this scene was silent, it brought an invisible pressure to the three people present. The threat and malice of the golden dragon towards the little green dragon almost rushed towards their faces along with the turbulent air of heaven and earth around them.

Shen Tang looked at the golden dragon wrapped around her arm, inexplicably felt that these two strange creatures were having some kind of communication that only they could understand, and the Q version of the large golden dragon and the Q version of the small blue dragon appeared in his mind, and the chat between the two dragons Boxes are fighting language.

[Q version large golden dragon]: Let go of your mouth!
[Q version of the small blue dragon]: No!Who are you, talking to Ben Longlong like this, is it amazing that you are a circle bigger? ? ?
[Q Version Large Golden Dragon]: Looking for death(╰_╯)#!

[Q Version Small Blue Dragon]: If you don't let go, you don't let go!

The negotiation between the two dragons failed, and the golden dragon roared angrily, ready to slap the little motley green dragon to death.Xiao Qinglong is not to be outdone, everyone is a dragon, why should he listen to your golden dragon command?Ben Qinglong wants to fight your golden dragon for [-] rounds!
So the two dragons fought together.

You breathe fire, I spit water.

You are windy, I am raining.

In the end, it flew into the sky under the name of the name.

The two dragons returned to their original Dharma-like real bodies, and their hovering bodies were bigger than the entire Xiaocheng City. Seeing the two dragons fighting, the rebels outside the city raised their heads to watch the show, and forgot what they were supposed to do for a while.Battles can be fought at any time, but it is rare for two dragons to fight each other.


boom boom boom-

wow wow wow-

After a few breaths of effort, Shen Tang has already traveled far and wide, imagining several versions of the two dragons fighting.This gave her endless inspiration for painting, and she wished she could immediately get rid of the little green dragon that bit her finger, and pick up the brush to draw the earth-shattering scene!

If it is published, it must be the best-selling album in the market!
But the fact is——

A fierce look flashed across the violent golden dragon's eyes, and he slapped the little green dragon away impatiently.The dragon's tail circled and circled around Shen Tang's five fingers, the dragon's claws hugged the index finger, and the dragon's head rested on it.Several actions fully interpret the word "possessiveness".

The little green dragon was shot flying and rolled around on the table a few times, scaring it to sneak behind the seal of the imperial seal. After a while, seeing that the golden dragon was not chasing after him, it cautiously poked out the dragon's head.Seeing the golden dragon's movements, even the slightly upturned beard drooped down.

Chu Yao: "..."

Praying: "..."

Gong Shuwu: "..."

Why do they see the words "grievance" and "accusation" from the spirit of the seal of the country, as if they were really living dragons?
After a while, no one spoke.

"Who are you talking about? What's the situation now?" Shen Tang touched the empty location of the Dan Mansion and complained, "Thieves have been born for so many years, and the kings of all dynasties have not summarized a 'Guoxi Instruction Manual' Will things benefit future generations?"

She urgently needs a copy now, and she is asking for a lot of money!

Only then did Qishan wake up from a dream. In order to hide his embarrassment, he coughed lightly and said, "No need, the goal has been achieved..."

Still overfulfilled and even got into trouble.

Originally, they were just planning to "wake up" Xin Guo's seal. As long as the animal button on the seal, that is, the little green dragon "wakes up" and moves, the owner of the dragon veins in the land under his feet will receive the news.But never expected that Shen Tang's Guoxi would also "wake up"!

The matter has come to this point, no matter how regretful it is, it will not help.

He was even more puzzled by the other one—there was a competitive relationship between the national seals, and the whole process was very long. It was possible that the victorious country would be destroyed.

Shen Xiaolang-jun's Guoxi is very unfriendly to Xin Guoxi, but it doesn't mean to devour and merge, which is inconsistent with what he knows.

"Already done? That's great."

Shen Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he looked at the golden dragon in his hand with complicated eyes. According to the situation of Xiao Qinglong, he could know that the golden dragon was the so-called "Spirit of the National Seal".The golden dragon came out of that "Mother Sword", in other words - this sword is the Imperial Seal?

Or, the national seal is hidden in the body of the sword?

No wonder I couldn't find the Imperial Seal no matter how hard I looked.

Qi Shan said: "It can be taken back."

These words were not only addressed to Shen Tang, but also to Gong Shuwu - Guoxi is too hot to handle, so don't reveal it easily until you have a certain foundation.

Gong Shuwu nodded, and swung a wave of martial energy from his palm to re-wrap the national seal. The little green dragon reluctantly flew up to the seal, and resumed the hovering posture that everyone had seen before, and the dragon's eyes slowly closed.When the national seal is compatible with the martial spirit, it will be re-formed into the appearance of the martial arts tiger talisman.


Shen Tang also tried to withdraw his manner.

The golden dragon seemed to have sensed it, and slowly swam back to the hilt, compatible with a dragon engraved on the hilt.With Erlong's departure, the dense and suffocating air of heaven and earth in the room gradually thinned out and dissipated slowly, as if the "farce" just now was an illusion of everyone.

Pray for kindness and bow to Gong Shuwu.

Gong Shuwu pursed his slightly thick lips, and snorted in displeasure, but his brows stretched, and his expression was not angry. It was obvious that he had received an apology from Qishan.As for why the apology——

Ha ha ha.

If it's just to startle Zheng Qiao, the Imperial Seal in Shen Tang's hand can also do it, and it doesn't have to ask Gong Shuwu for help.But Qishan still does this, for nothing more than three purposes.

First, to test whether there is really a national seal on Gong Shuwu's body, Qishan's speculation is not as convincing as seeing it with his own eyes.

Second, transfer the risk.If unfortunately he misses, it is Gong Shuwu, not Shen Tang, who should be the first one to ensure Shen Tang's safety, but Qishan did not expect to expose the two seals once.

Third, test the bottom line of Gong Shuwu.

Today, he is willing to lend Xin Guo's seal for the people of Xiaocheng; in the future, he may donate the seal for similar reasons.Because Gong Shuwu has no ambition to forcibly occupy the national seal and establish his own family!Then it is reasonable to choose a master to assist in the future.

Qishan is testing how big this possibility is.

Gong Shuwu may not have expected to go so far, but his intuition tells him that scribes and conspirators know better than profiteers that "there is nothing to gain, and there is no profit".In any case, there is no disadvantage in being vigilant.

Shen Tang turned over and looked at his right hand.

Asked: "Zheng Qiao should have received the news by now."

Chu Yao smiled and said, "Almost."

As for when to send troops over...

These are completely out of their control.

It's just that Chu Yao still doesn't know that there is much more than that that is not under their control.The moment the golden dragon appeared, a giant dragon phantom condensed from the energy of heaven and earth appeared above Xiaocheng.The dragon shadow wandered among the clouds, disturbing the atmosphere of the nearby heaven and earth.

Literary scholars and warriors with a radius of hundreds of miles were alarmed, and either looked up at the sky, or walked out of the house, or pushed open the windows.No matter how far away or how close, you can clearly see the dragon shadow that seems to be thousands of feet away.The dragon scales are golden, and the dragon eyes are scarlet.

Looking at Longmu, an inexplicable chill and ferocity welled up in their hearts, deeply imprinted in the depths of their bodies, and they couldn't recover for a while.

When you come back to your senses and look again, there is nothing in the sky.

Oddly enough, ordinary people can't see it.

At this moment, the main tent of the rebel army was brightly lit with candles.

From time to time, the candle made a beeping sound.

The old general's expression was sombre, and his pair of copper bell tiger eyes glanced at the staff envoy who was closing his eyes and concentrating from time to time.This staff envoy is King Zhu's confidant. Even if he meets him who has been fighting in the South and North for many years, he will retreat from the place where he can shoot, and dare not compete with him.

At this time, the staff envoy's face was pale.

There was a wisp of scarlet hanging from the corner of his mouth, his clothes were also wet with blood, and his breath was weak like a candle in the wind, as if he would die in the next second.This scene has to start from just now - even the old general couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he thought of the aura of that golden dragon.

The moment Long Ying appeared, the two realized that this was not Xin Guo's seal, but an unknown and strange seal!

In addition to Xin Guo's imperial seal, it's a total of two yuan!

This recognition made the two of them beating like drums, unable to calm down!

The staff envoy launched the "Way of the Scholar" to find out, but who knew that the way was careless, and he was directly eaten back and vomited blood, and his complexion visibly deteriorated with the naked eye.The old general paced anxiously, he didn't want the envoy of his staff to die in his own territory.

If he can get two pieces of the national seal, King Zhu will naturally not pursue it, but if he doesn't get one, King Zhu's temper will definitely destroy his three clans to relieve their hatred!Fortunately, God seems to have heard his voice, and the staff envoy weakly opened his eyes.

Although he looked weak, his eyes were brighter than before, and they gleamed smoothly, and the laughter overflowing from his throat changed from weak to strong.Outside the tent, the young man who was about to report the news frowned.Turning around to leave, the adoptive father's call came from inside the tent.

"A Nian, come in!"


The young man met the old general and greeted the staff envoy.

The staff envoy came up and asked others how they were looking.

The young man's face was slightly green: "I'm still looking for it. The people around heard about the war, and they fled a long time ago. They ran away, and they couldn't get together for a while."

The staff envoy said: "This matter needs to be done as soon as possible!"

The young man looked at the envoy puzzledly: "The siege of Xiaocheng was not a three- to five-day effort. Our army has enough food and grass to fully afford it... It is too late to wait for three to five days. Please give the envoy some time, and the end will be as soon as possible." Urge your subordinates to find the common people..."

Staff Messenger: "Don't delay, as soon as possible."

The existence of Longying made him realize something was wrong.

Worried that Zheng Qiao would send troops, and also worried that other warlord forces who saw Longying would intervene.The national seal is the foundation of the founding of the country. Without the national seal, it means that the established power has no solid foundation and may be annexed by other countries at any time.

He knew that the young man was deliberately procrastinating and delaying time, so he wanted to hit him once or twice and apply some pressure.The young man was very upset inside, but on the surface he could only accept his orders.He held back his anger, and prepared to order hundreds of soldiers and horses, and go out to get some air.

I saw the proud brother-in-law head-on.

Brother Yi: "In the evening, where are you going to lead the troops?"

The young man said: "Look for someone for the messenger."

Brother Yi suddenly smiled triumphantly: "Such a trivial matter, you still need to make a special trip? In order to apologize to you, Brother Wei has already asked someone to do it for you. It's just that the people under him are not important, and I don't know how many people there are." It's alive... But, anyway, they don't live long, and they can be used whether they are dead or alive..."

Before the words were finished, the young man's expression changed suddenly, he tightened the reins and turned the horse's head.Being so neglected by the young man, the young righteous brother looked at the horse's ass going away, burst out laughing, and slapped his thigh with a smile.

Facing the officer next to him, he said: "Did you see that barbarian's expression? Hahaha! He didn't do less dirty and smelly things, he deserved to be skinned and sent to hell, and put it here to pretend to be a saint! Pooh!"

The young man ignored the arrogant laughter wafting in the wind.

He rode all the way to his camp.

Before he got close, he could smell the strong smell of blood wafting in the wind.

The young man got off his horse.

More than 200 people, old and young, men and women, were like livestock with a hemp rope tied around their necks and hands tied, curled up and sitting on the open space.The blood gathered into a scarlet "stream", which spread and crawled to his feet like a small snake.

Don't see with your eyes, just feel with your breath.

Half of the more than 200 people lost their breath.

Or mutilated limbs, or covered with welts.

The older ones have silvery white hair, and the younger ones are still in their swaddling clothes.

The charcoal fire in the camp glowed orange-red, and the scene in front of me seemed to gradually overlap with a scene in my memory. The phantom of the pottery urn appeared in the place that was empty before, and the red charcoal fire was burning under the pottery urn, and the soup was boiling. It's crying and groaning in pain.

The young man hugged his head in pain.

He took a step back and bumped into the concerned subordinate who came forward, and suddenly he came back to his senses, and the phantom of the clay pot with the fire disappeared.

The subordinate officer asked him in a low voice: "Lieutenant general, what should we do with these people?"

The young man stabilized his mind, tightened the muscles on his face, and said with a cold expression: "If you are alive, you will be detained in one place, and if you are dead, you will be sent to work."

The subordinate officials took the order with their hands clasped together.

No matter how sympathetic I feel to these people, there is only a sigh left.

I don't know what kind of abuse these people suffered when they were arrested, almost none of them were good, and there were heavy casualties.Judging by their attire, they should all be people fleeing from Xiaocheng or nearby villages.Leaving his hometown to seek a way of life, who knows that he will still be unable to escape death.

Knowing the major general's temper, the subordinate officials specifically told the soldiers to "be gentle" and not to offend the major general at this time.

The corpses were cleaned out one by one, blood dripping all the way.

Soon, it was the turn of a stocky and fat male corpse.

The soldier in charge of cleaning up grunted "surprise".

In today's world, most of the people are thin. It is normal to be so thin that only a handful of bones and skin are left. It is rare to have a stocky and strong man like that man.One person couldn't move it, so another one was called.

One raised his head and the other his feet, and was about to work hard together.


A burst of force came from around.

The soldier was pushed to the ground with an ouch.

The corpse fell to the ground.

"Don't touch him!" A hoarse scream like a small animal came from the mouth of the young man. He leaned on the male corpse, holding the male corpse in one hand, and kept waving the other hand to drive away the soldiers, shouting, "Get off—all off!" open ah!"

 _ (: 3 "∠) _
  Remember to refresh and watch again.

  The update of the card point today should have been done earlier, but it was too late after my mother came to chat for a long time.At the end of the chapter, it should stop at the place where the two soldiers moved the corpse, but because I missed a section when I copied it, I shook my hands and pressed it twice more when I added it (the red axis trigger is sensitive, and it tastes sour when paired with a lagging computer, fortunately It’s the last paragraph, if the full text is repeated three times, then I’ll have to edit it all night...), so the last paragraph is repeated, and I can only add the same number of words (broke my broken chapter, huh!)
  PS: The one who died was the butcher, and the boy was the chubby Tu Rong.

(End of this chapter)

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