stand back, let me come

Chapter 198 198: Chaos in Xiaocheng [Seeking Monthly Ticket]

Chapter 198 Chapter 198: Chaos in Xiaocheng City (38) 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Hey, he's still alive?"

The young man moved the torch closer to see the girl's appearance, and his expression was a little surprised—the girl's age and appearance completely matched Lin Feng who jumped off the cliff, and most likely she didn't run away.only--

He looked up at the position above the cliff.

Look thoughtful.

This cliff with a drop of more than ten feet is full of black shadows, like a fierce beast dormant here preparing to hibernate, opening its mouth wide, greedily waiting for its prey to fall in.After observing carefully for a while, he roughly understood how Lin Feng managed to save his own life.

There are many solid vines growing near the cliff here.

Thanks to the buffer of these vines, Lin Feng was saved from the fate of being smashed into meat paste.His life was still alive, but scratches, cuts, and bone fractures could not be avoided, so he was exhausted and hung on a tree.Without even thinking about it, the young man waved a dark green martial energy.

While the vines were being destroyed, the venomous snakes hovering on the vines and preparing to strike were also blown into balls of meat.

Without the thorny back that was being targeted by the poisonous snake, Lin Feng finally heaved a sigh of relief—she cried out every day, and the ground did not work, and hung on the tree for several hours.In addition, the wind and cold hadn't fully healed, his limbs were weak, his energy was low, and he could barely save himself.

However, it happened that the leak in the house happened to be raining all night, and out of nowhere crawled out a poisonous triangle-headed snake with thick fingers, long arms, and green all over its body!
She had to brace herself to confront the poisonous snake.

From dawn, to dark, to late night.

The poisonous snake steadfastly watched her by her side, Lin Feng's spirit was devastated, and his body was exhausted to the point of exhaustion, he was at the end of his strength.If the young man hadn't come in time, she might have been unable to hold on and passed out, and the end can be imagined.

Instead of falling to death, he was bitten to death by a poisonous snake!

She couldn't be reconciled just thinking about it!
"Thank you benefactor for saving me!"

When the crisis was over, Lin Feng's tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and he forced a weak smile to thank his savior.

The young man asked her, "Your name is Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng was hungry and thirsty at this time, his throat was so dry that he could almost smoke, he endured the discomfort and replied in a hoarse voice: "It's my slave."

"It seems that the wrong person was saved."

After speaking, the young man took a meaningful look at the vibrant vines on the cliff—only here, but not elsewhere; the trees that should have lost their leaves in this season are still flourishing—knowing that there is a problem, But now is not a good time to ask these questions.

He added: "Shen Tang asked me to save you."

These words seemed to inject Lin Feng with a booster plus, and the eyes that were closed when he was about to be tired suddenly opened, and the eyes were so bright that they reflected the bright moon in the sky. ? Did you ask the general to save me?"

The young man nodded: "Yes."

He wasn't lying either.

Mama did entrust him to pay attention to "relatives".

The young man said: "You fall asleep first, and I will take you up."

Going up is much easier than going down.

The young man directly activated the Warrior Talisman, holding Lin Feng with one hand, condensing the weapon with the free hand, and then throwing it lightly, sinking hard into the cliff.Then he did the same thing several times, and easily jumped up the cliff with the help of the weapon inserted into the cliff.

Lin Feng was still alive, and the happiest thing was Tu Rong.

The tears that had just stopped fell again.

"Junior Sister Lin Feng..."

The crystal clear snot and tears covered half of his face.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." I wish I could hug Lin Feng and cry.

And he did.

Lin Feng was also infected by his emotions.

She thought of her grandmother, mother-in-law, aunt, aunt, sisters, and a group of maids who had been murdered. They were also buried under the cold cliff at that time.Lin Feng escaped a catastrophe that time, but he didn't expect to encounter the same desperate situation after going around.

For a moment, I couldn't help feeling sad.

Crystal clear teardrops slid down her eyes like broken pearls, she couldn't hold back her crying, and the volume of her voice changed from weak to strong.

Seeing the two semi-old children crying miserably, as a member of the rebel army and one of the accomplices that detonated this war, the young man is not at all embarrassed.He folded his arms, stood on one side and watched them cry, counting the time in his mind, his mind wandering.

This child named Tu Rong looked like an unweaned wolf cub when his eyes were tearing apart, but now he looked like a fat and harmless piglet.But he was more interested in the little girl named Lin Feng in front of him.She is not an ordinary person, she is a bit like Mama.

Neither of the two children paid any attention to him.

The young man was bored, so he went down a few more times. The bottom of the cliff was full of corpses that had been smashed inside—if it wasn't covered by a whole piece of human skin, the broken internal organs and bones would probably flow all over the place.Tu Rong also recognized grandma and aunt from it, and the tears that had been slightly stopped broke down again. He wailed loudly while hugging the corpse, and his physical exertion was so great that he almost fainted on the way.

The youth waved to the soldiers to bury the other bodies on the spot.

Hearing Tu Rong wailing out of breath and hiccupping from time to time, the subordinate officer curled his lips and said, "The major general treated them very well."

Youth: "What are you fussing about with the two children?"

The official said: "These are not ordinary children. Once their identities are known by the general, they will come to embarrass you again."

The young man didn't care, and smiled casually: "Without these two children, Brother Yi won't make things difficult for me? He wants to make things difficult for me, and he can fabricate ten or eight for no reason. Just treat it as a ready-made reason to give Brother Yi , and saved him from racking his brains..."

After all, finding a reason also requires brains.

Brother Yi's brain...

Alas, it was really embarrassing for him.

When the subordinate officials heard the words, they stopped talking.

On the other side, Tu Rong and Lin Feng also cried and lost their strength, their faces were pale and pitiful.However, the negative emotions accumulated in my chest also vented out with the crying and tears, and my spirit was better than before.Lin Feng raised his sleeves and wiped away his tears.

He said in a muffled voice: "Let the benefactor see a joke."

"It's okay, it's human nature." Looking at Lin Feng's blood-stained face, the young man raised his hand and touched his waist, took out a bottle and threw it over, "Take it, the effect is good, so as not to leave scars."

Tears are salty, doesn't it hurt to cry like this?

He felt pain just looking at it.

Tu Rong's lips moved a few times, but he couldn't say a word of thanks.This elder brother indeed saved him, and also helped him collect the corpses of his grandma and mother, so as not to expose the corpses to the fate of being a lonely ghost in the wilderness, and returned his father's bones to him...


With a stubborn face, he swallowed back what he wanted to say.

Grace is grace, enmity is enmity.He won't feel hatred towards young people, but he really can't appreciate a rebel leader!Fortunately, the youth didn't care about it.After handling the matter well, the young man felt better, got on his horse and waved, and led his troops back to the camp.

Halfway through the journey, the morning sun is getting brighter.

The warm light fell on his face, and the young man looked in the direction of Daying, and the city wall of Xiaocheng with only a vague outline in the distance.


The sun rises and the moon sets, day and night alternate.

No matter how dark the night is, there is a time for light.

But the world is different here, and the night always shrouds people's hearts.

The young man sighed for a while facing the sun, smiled, and rode his horse back with a whip.Not surprisingly, at the gate of Daying ran into that eccentric foster brother again.The young man who opened his mouth went out in the middle of the night and got nothing, and the young man didn't even bother to give alms with the extra eyes.

Being so neglected, Brother Yi felt extremely unhappy.

Youth: "Brother Yi is so interested in this matter, why don't you go and talk to your father and the messenger, and let you handle the errand?"

Brother Yoshi's sinister eyes passed through the crowd and landed on Lin Feng and Tu Rong. To be precise, it was Lin Feng alone. He smiled meaningfully as he thought of something.This look made Lin Feng Rumang look at her back, giving her the feeling exactly like the poisonous snake staring at her.

Can't help shrinking his neck.

The brother-in-law was full of malice: "You led the soldiers out at night and came back at dawn, and you didn't return without success. Let me just say it for my brother, why do you always refuse to ask for the beautiful girl that your father rewarded you? So you like this kind of life Tender seedlings don't like older ones."

The young man's face darkened: "Brother Yi, be careful!"

The righteous brother is not afraid at all.

Still feel that young people are pretending to be arrogant.

"Clean and clean" is all pretense.

Once, in order to please the old man, the subordinates of the old man presented a pair of beautiful twin sisters at a banquet.The old man is getting older, and he is not keen on women's sex, but he is not indifferent either. If others offer it on his own initiative, he will not refuse it under normal circumstances.

What's more, those are rare and stunning twin sisters!
Physical appearance, dancing talent, everything is endless!

If you don't accept it yourself, you will accept the reward and give it to your confidants.

The old stuff is satisfied, and he likes it too.

Before he opened his mouth to ask for it, just because the barbarian raised his head and looked at the two women one more time, the old man generously rewarded both of them - of course, he was rejected by the barbarian in the end, and in exchange for a reward, if he didn't want a beauty, he would Reward countless gold, silver and jewels.

It was his turn to beg for it, but he was scolded vehemently, and watched the two girls become concubines in the backyard of old things.

The righteous brother was quite upset.

How old is the old thing?
With a lot of age and half of his body buried in the ground, he can still give him two or three younger brothers and sisters in a year!
"Speak carefully? You and my brother, what can't you say?" The young righteous brother laughed, "Since you like this, I will pay attention to you later. Look at the tender seedling you are looking for, with such a bruised face, Once the scars are gone, won't it look bad?"

The young man's face was sombre, and he heard the yin and yang of the brother-in-law.

After waiting for the latter to babble enough, the young man led his troops away with a sullen expression, and the soldiers and horses passed by the young righteous brother.

Vaguely, the brother-in-law felt the uncomfortable gaze.

Followed the intuition to look at the past, but missed the target.

The righteous brother snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and left.

Back in the tent, the young man said to Tu Rong: "You really impressed me, I thought you would rush up to fight him desperately. If that's the case, I can only give you a good time. It's Mama's side who is going to pursue it." It's hard to explain..."

Tu Rong endured the nausea and swallowed the bloody smell that filled his mouth.

Just now, in order to endure the revenge of destroying the family, he bit the tip of his tongue, relying on the pain to suppress the raging anger in his heart.Grinding his teeth hoarsely, "I will unscrew his head myself!"

The young man just smiled.

Commented: "This okay..."

Knowing that this is just the benefit of the tongue.

How easy is it to break the head of that righteous brother?
That foster father is still alive!
Only she, Tu Rong and the savior were left in the tent, and Lin Feng couldn't help asking: "Does the benefactor know where the master of the slave family is? If it is convenient, he may send us to meet him?"

The young man thought for a while and said, "No."

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat.

The young man said: "Mama is probably in Xiaocheng now, right? If I send troops to contact me, if I am caught and charged with 'collaborating with the enemy', it will not be enough for dozens of military sticks to get past me. Wait a minute Feel free to wait here..."

Lin Feng moved his lips.

Can't say willful words that are forced.

The soldiers in the barracks were all dressed up as rebels, so she knew that the benefactor who rescued them was the general of the rebel camp, and they were trapped in the lair of wolves, tigers and leopards, so they could only take one step at a time.Lin Feng was in a trance when a big round longan pearl rolled to her feet.

Lin Feng was quite puzzled.

Youth: "Can you play beads?"

Lin Feng said: "Yes."

A look of joy appeared on the young man's face: "It's just right, play with me."

Lin Feng wondered: "...My family still respects filial piety."

When the young man heard the words, he didn't know what to think, so he was no longer embarrassed.

He turned to go behind the screen and took out a box of things.

The box fell to the ground with a thud.

"I'll pass the time for you." After speaking, he looked at Tu Rong again, "Go to the school grounds, if you want to take revenge, don't waste this good quality."

It took Tu Rong a while to understand what the young man meant.

"You... why are you helping me like this?"

How could such a good person be in cahoots with the rebels?
The young man thought for a long time: "Maybe it's a sympathy for each other?"

His situation back then was much better than this little fat man, he had the ability to protect himself, but this little fat man had no talent but no time, once he left the asylum, his death was inevitable.

"Don't cause trouble for me, I don't mind saving your lives." There are some ugly things to say first, and he doesn't want to be mistaken for a kind and upright person by the two and a half older children, "Otherwise, I can only guarantee your death less pain before..."

At noon, the old general suddenly asked about Tu Rong and the two of them. He obviously knew what happened to Lin Feng and Tu Rong. He was worried that his adopted son was raising a tiger.It's fine for Lin Feng to be a girl, and it doesn't matter if his adopted son loves her and cherishes her jade, but it's different for Tu Rong.

A good seedling with talent in martial arts.

Still old enough to be a governor.

Who knows when he'll be stabbed in the back?

The young man curled his lips indifferently and said: "A mere child, can he still turn the world upside down? Let's keep it for fun, it doesn't matter if he has two minds, anyway, he can't hurt his son. If he really has this kind of temper, his son will instead Take a high look at him."

The old general stopped trying to persuade him.

By default.

The young man was satisfied, but the whistleblower was very dissatisfied, and secretly brewed several vats of vinegar.

The atmosphere in the rebel camp was tense and stormy.

The outside world also set off monstrous waves.

All forces big and small are ready to move.

The rumors that had previously cooled down were dug up again.

[Ziwei goes out to the northwest to protect the unification of the world]

Anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly that this rumor is someone who deliberately released it to promote themselves, and few people take it seriously.

But I never expected that the rumors would actually "come true"!
Xiaocheng is located in the northwest, and a huge dragon shadow appeared in the sky last night, arousing the vision of heaven and earth, which perfectly fits the prophecy!


  The limited exemption will start on November 11th. During the limited exemption period, it will be updated normally, and will be updated when the limited exemption ends (the editor has notified a long time in advance, alas, where are the saved manuscripts, I am so worried)
(End of this chapter)

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